It was almost dark. I couldn’t find my way out of the woods and that's when I heard it. A snap like a tree branch. Rome started barking loudly, attracting whatever made that noise. I panicked, someone or something started moving faster like it was running, my first reaction was to run. I ran, ran as far as I could. Rome was behind me still barking. I wasn't paying attention, and I tripped over a tree stump and scraped my knee, the blood dripping down my ankles bleeding through my sock.
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I sobbed, knowing that this could be the end for me. Is this really how I'm gonna die? In the woods, alone with rome. I heard footsteps coming my way, the only thing I could do was crawl so I did. I crawled to the nearest tree I could find and hid behind it. And there she was, a girl, somewhat my age, she was wearing a light colored sweater, she had straight long hair the color of blonde/red, some freckles around her face some darker then others, gray blue eyes, it looked like she had acrylic nails pretty long she could easily scratch someone with, she was also pretty skinny like those models you would see on a cover of a magazine.
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She looked at me in a concerning way.. She asked me if it hurt to move. All I said was “yes” She answered with a soft tone “Here- let me carry you to my campsite, I have bandages to help the wound”.
“Thank you so much. Is it ok if Rome comes?”
She gave me a slight nod. I didn't know what to do but trust her. It's not like I had any other choice; she was my only hope. She helped me walk to the campsite and set me down on her bed. She warned me that one of her friends named Jeada might come in looking for her. “Wait!” I said quickly, “May I know your name?”
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She left the tent not saying anything else. I have to keep my guard up, like they say you shouldn't trust strangers, especially ones that were walking in the woods. Why was she walking in the woods in the first place? It's pretty late to be walking around. I looked over at Rome, he gave me a gentle stare. I keep telling myself everything is going to be ok even though in the back of my mind I know it's not. Something is out there in the woods and I should go warn Chrissy when she comes back. Rome has been my best friend since I was in 4th grade. I don't want anything bad happening to him.
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Out of nowhere I saw a shadow from the tent. I jumped from the bed, my heart racing rapidly. That must be Jeada, she looked kinda like Chrissy. She had red dye at the ends of her hair. Overall her hair was dark brown, kinda like mine. She had really nice blue eyes like the ocean. She was average height. I was a bit taller than her, maybe by an inch or two. Me and Jeada stared at each other for a couple of seconds. “Hi- Why is your leg bleeding..?” she said in a panic. She was fidgeting with her fingers. She must have been a bit scared looking at the blood on my leg. I took a few seconds to reply. In a low tone I said, “I was getting chased and..” I paused for a little bit, stuttering a bit on my words, “I-I tripped.” It was getting a bit awkward, after a while she said,
“Oh um.. Do you know where Chrissy is?”
“She went to get me some bandages.”
Someone was behind Jeada but I couldn't tell who she was, Jeada was in the way for me to get a glance. Then I heard a familiar voice say “Jeada move so I can get to her.” It was Chrissy, she must have come back with some bandages.
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Jeada did as she was told and moved out of the way. She walked up to me and put down a first aid kit. “Jeada, can you help me so I can bandage her leg properly.” I sat in silence while they were rapping my leg. I didn't know what to say. I wasn't the greatest at starting a conversation or even keeping it going. I was staring at their hands watching them bandage it until Chrissy asked,
“What is your name?”
“Oh my name is Zola- Zola Spirit.”
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It was dark so we went and settled in. I stayed in Chrissy's tent with her while Jeada was in another tent kinda close to ours. I didn't know if it was a good idea to split each other up since there's something out there, something they don't know about but I do. I didn’t wanna say anything though since Jeada was the scaredy cat type. We all fell asleep after a while. I heard Chrissy waking up but I decided to act like I was sleeping to see what Chrissy would be doing.
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Then I heard a voice, It was Jeada’s voice. “Chrissy, can I come inside your tent? I don't wanna be alone. I keep hearing noises outside.” I bolted up, “Jeada..” I took a deep pause. “What kind of noises were you hearing?”
“There were footsteps, crunching of branches and leaves.”-J
“It was probably another camper so calm down.”-C
“Chrissy I don't think that was another camper, remember when you found me in the woods?”-Z
“Yeah, why?”-C
“Well, I was in the woods because something was chasing me and rome. I don't know exactly what it was but it was fast. I wasn't looking and that's when I tripped and scraped my knee.”-Z
After I told them why I was in the woods everything was dead silent. I don't know if Chrissy was still trying to understand what I said, or trying to come up with an excuse to get it off her mind.
After Chrissy went and closed the tent. Seemed like she was scared about what I told her and wanted to shut it so nothing could come inside. “I think there is something outside but it might just be a wild animal.” Chrissy said. I know that had to be an excuse to feel better. Jeada gave a look like she was scared. That's probably why Chrissy made an excuse maybe to make her feel better even though her excuse wasn't true. “I'm going to take a peek outside to see if there's anything there.”
“I won't stop you”-C
“Ok it will be quick.”-Z
I opened the tent just slightly so nothing could come in but enough so I could look outside. I looked out of the tent and there it was. Something huge. It wasn't human, it had very long skinny arms. The feet were curved in a way it looked like an animal was standing, kinda like a werewolf standing straight. The face was what scared me the most. It had no eyes. Like you were just looking at the void. Its teeth were so sharp it could cut through anything. And it was just standing there. In front of the tent. I think Jeada caught its attention when she went to our tent. I quickly backed away from the tent, shocked in fear, dread. I didn't know what to do and I didn't wanna scare Jeada but I had to tell them.
I stuttered a bit when I said “Th-there's something out there. It's not a per-pers-son and it's not an animal. It's something big like a were-werewolf. B-b-but worse.”
Rome started barking and poked his snout out the tent, opening it even more. Jeada was about to
hold Rome down so nothing bad happens to him but before she should we all paused confusion and fear. “There you are, Rome, I've been looking for you.” Whose voice was that? Wait, that was mine. But that doesn't make any sense. I didn't even say a word. I was stuck frozen. I couldn't do anything, my body kept me from moving, I felt paralyzed. Then very long fingers came into the tent, like slenderman fingers but much longer. Some skin was ripped off of it. It grabbed onto Rome's legs and quickly, faster than a blink of an eye Rome was gone.
I was finally able to move and with all my might I screamed. “ROME NO!” I couldn't see well. My eyes were tearing up, making everything blurry. The only thing I could do at this point was to close the tent. I tried to leap but I put too much pressure on my leg making me collapse to the ground face first. Jeada then thought fast, understood what I was trying to do and closed the tent. I was full of fear. My childhood best friend is gone.“Why did it have to be rome. Why couldn't it have been me." I murmured. I felt someone touch my shoulder. Chrissy was helping me up. It was silent, too silent. I didn't know what to do at this point. “Why was Zolas' voice outside when she was inside?” Jeada asked in a shaky voice.
“I don't know but whatever is out there is smarter than we think.”
I didn't know what to do. Rome has been my best friend since I was a child and now he's gone. Forever. My dad always studied different kinds of creatures. Mythical ones, he always believed they were real. I never talked to him about it, I just thought my dad was a bit crazy. But I guess he was always right. “Jeada come over here.” Chrissy said in a firm tone. I don't know what Chrissy needed but it must have been important, though she sounded really demanding. “Jeada pick up zola.” I was in shock. Why was Jeada gonna pick me up? Are we going to leave the tent? I felt Jeada softly pick me up. I didn't stop her. “Good. Now follow me.”
“What are you planning?” Jeada asked
“Jeada…now is not the time for questions.”
Chrissy walked to the tent door. I think I know what she's going to do. But is that really the best idea? I mean like what if that thing is still there? We would be dead if that happened. Me and Jeada just stared at Chrissy not knowing what's going on. Well atleast i don’t think Jeada knows, she can be a bit slow in situations like these.
I don't blame her, I mean it's not like Chrissy told us what she was doing. But at the same time we don't have the time. Chrissy turned her head toward Jeada and I. She waited for a few seconds then went back, took Jeada’s arm and dragged her to the tent door. Then out of nowhere she slowly started opening the tent, looked back and forth and said “Come on, we have to leave now.”
“Where are we going to go?” I asked. I mean we can't just run and hope for that thing. Doesn't chase us or even see us. “The car.” Chrissy said quickly. I nodded my head softly and gave Chrissy the que to go. Chrissy pulled Jeada and I out the tent and started running to the car. Jeada as quickly as she could opened the passenger door and threw me in. I hurried but struggled to put on my seat belt. I saw Chrissy look across from me, she was looking at Jeada so I turned and stared at Jeada. She was looking at something above the car, I don't know what it is but her expression says it all.
While Jeada was staring at the thing I saw something running at the car. I didn’t know what it was until it started barking. “ROME!!” I said, pointing at him. He jumps into the side door, rome's collar was shaking and rattling like crazy. The thing heard it and pounced quickly on Jeada scratching her chest. Jeada screamed, in horror I couldn't do anything but just watch and sit there as I watched from the car window. Jeada quickly kicked the thing with both her legs, giving her enough time to get in the car, she ran despite all the pain she was in. Jeada hoped in the car.
The first sound I heard in a while was Jeada yelling “GO!” After that Chrissy put the car in reverse and I could see the werewolf looking monster chasing us. It was like a scene from a horror movie where the protagonist is running away from a monster and they turn around to see it. Expert I was forced to look at it. I just stared at it until suddenly the car spun around. It was the main road. I started tearing up again because I was so happy to be out of danger