“...So there he is, holding back a gallon of diarrhea as sweat drips down his face, but he refuses to relieve himself because of that lady traumatically giving her testimony.”
Joel stifled a laugh. “And you said it was going on for an hour?”
Victoria slapped her thigh and howled. “Not even, I remember it so clearly. We were one hour late to Gus’s happy hour. So, he had to have been holding it for a solid two hours. The lady was adrenaline-hyped, too, so she kept giving contradictory info while Huck kept correcting her. After she was dismissed, I’ve never seen Huck hobble so fast to the bathroom. Since that day, he refuses to drink apple juice.”
The idea of the stoic man hunched over on the toilet made Joel grin widely, and hearing Victoria’s wild laughter only added to the enjoyment. A minute passed of Victoria mocking the grunts and wheezes Huck supposedly made as he stumbled to the outhouse before her phone rang. As she pulled out her phone, her smile died nearly instantly as she checked the caller ID. She looked at her phone with a frown, and then looked up at Joel.
“Hey, sorry. I need to take this.”
He nodded, and Victoria stood up as she walked a few paces away from the hill. Though Joel couldn’t really hear the conversation, he could clearly see her face twist into a scowl as she snapped at whoever was on the other end of the phone. A few minutes passed before she flipped the phone shut as she headed over to Joel.
Though she wore a crisp smile, her eyes held notable anger. “Let’s drop you off at Huck’s, ok? I got some business to wrap up back at my place.”
Joel nodded as he got on his feet, dusting off his butt before picking up his belongings. With the plastic bags in hand, the pair proceeded to head to Huck’s home. Though Victoria made pleasant small talk and filled the air with giggles and laughter, Joel noticed that her eyes never seemed to let go of that anger that she held during the phone call.
“...so I made a deal with the school, and he should be able to take classes there.”
Huck closed his eyes as he leaned on the kitchen table. “...You signed him up for freshman classes.”
Victoria shrugged. “Hey, it was the only availability they had. All you said was to sign the kiddo up for classes, never specified what grade level.”
Huck looked back and glared at her. She responded with a smug smile as she wiggled her eyebrows. He sighed and downed the rest of his water cup. “Fine, whatever. The kid’s gonna be breezing through his classes, but it’s better than nothing I guess.”
Victoria pumped her arm in the air as Joel groaned. “But why? I thought you were just letting me stay here? What’s with all this schooling stuff?”
Huck turned to Joel and lightly jabbed his finger towards the teenager. “Letting you crash here has its own rules. If you want to leave, you’re still free to leave. However, if you want to stay, you have to at least go to school. Weak brain stimulation is better than no brain stimulation.”
Joel looked down at his shoes. Some time may have passed, but the whole “spa house” incident remained fresh in his mind. Victoria had helped him forget about it a bit with her wacky stories, but Joel was once again grounded in the reality of his situation. It was…difficult to pretend that he was fine.
He nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll go.”
Huck nodded in silence, his expression betraying no emotion. A few minutes of silence passed as the three parties avoided eye contact. Victoria coughed and gripped her jacket sleeves before speaking.
“Hey Huck, can I see you for a sec?”
Joel watched closely as Huck and Victoria locked eyes. Huck nodded, and the two of them left the kitchen into his bedroom. While they were talking, Joel tested out the kitchen’s electrical outlet to see if his phone would charge with the phone charger he had just bought. After his phone vibrated and indicated that the phone was indeed working, but empty, he placed it on the kitchen counter and walked to Huck’s laptop in the living room. After looking over his shoulder to ensure he wasn’t being watched, Joel turned his attention to the dimly lit screen. There was no real reason to snoop, but he was just naturally curious on what Huck was busy with earlier.
There were four windows open, with a dozen tabs on each. From the looks of it, each window had its own individual subject, with the tabs relating to the topic. One window seemed to be relating to emails to different county members about certain law practices. On another, emails about complaints and whatnot from different town folk. On the third, basic news and current events happening around the country and the state.
The last window seemed to be very scattered and focused on one of Huck’s cases. From the looks of the different searches and links, it seemed to involve a missing boy. Whether or not parents were involved seemed to be unknown, and much of the boy wasn’t known aside from basic physical descriptions. Upon switching tabs, Joel found one dedicated to boy’s jeans and clothing. Joel was confused for a few seconds as to why there was a clothing sale next to a missing person case, until it clicked.
Ah. This window is probably about me.
Upon hearing the door to Huck’s bedroom open, Joel quickly swapped windows to it’s previous setup and dove on the living room couch. Huck and Victoria returned to see Joel sprawled on the cushy seats.
Huck frowned. “Feeling comfortable, I’m guessing?”
Joel sat up, acting unaware and surprised. “Oh, kinda? My phone’s charging so I have nothing much to do.”
The man crossed his arms and huffed. “Seriously?”
Joel fiddled with his fingers. “I mean, realistically, what is there to do? I’m not too familiar with this place and there isn’t anything I can really do at the moment to pass the time. I guess I could go browse your computer, but I figured that you wouldn’t want me to go poking through your stuff, so here I am instead.”
Victoria clapped her hands and stiffly pointed at the door. “Soooooo I need to go pick up Ally. She gets off in twenty minutes, and it's a ten minute walk to her school. Is it cool if I head out now?”
Huck nodded. “Sure, go for it.”
She nodded and enthusiastically waved her goodbyes to Huck and Joel, receiving a wave from Joel and a nod from Huck. Once she closed the door, Huck turned to Joel. Normally, such a massive man would cause him to flinch, but he had to admit: that diarrhea story from Victoria did help in making the man seem less intimidating.
Huck simply stared at him. “If what you said is true about running to Blackerd, I’m honestly surprised you can stand. Aren’t your legs dead?”
Joel shook his head. “No, not really. I mean, I’m a bit sore and sleepy, but I could probably stay up for a few more hours.”
The sheriff rolled his eyes. “Kid, that’s your body saying it's exhausted. Go wash up and knock out. I promise you that your entire body is gonna ache to hell when you wake up.”
The teenager stifled a yawn. “I’m fine, really.”
Huck scoffed. “Like hell you are. Go brush your teeth. You can sleep in the bed tonight, I’ll crash on the couch and figure something out by tomorrow.”
Joel began to argue, but his shoulders slowly began to sink as his eyelids began to droop. He muttered some incomprehensible agreement before trudging towards the bathroom to brush his teeth. Though it felt weird as it felt to brush his teeth midday, it would feel weirder to knock out without doing the routine. After brushing up, he went back to the living room, where Huck was texting someone on his phone.
“So, where do I sleep again?”
Huck looked up from his phone and walked Joel over to what he had previously suspected to be Huck’s bedroom. His suspicions were proven correct as a musty smell filled his nostrils. He avoided making a face as the foreign smell invaded his nose as Huck gestured to the bed.
“Just take off your shoes before you lie down, alright?”
Joel obediently took his shoes off at the base of the bed and crawled under the sheets. Huck nodded once he saw Joel’s eyes begin to droop.
“Let me know if you need anything, now get some rest.”
The teenager nodded as Huck closed the door on him. Once enclosed in darkness, Joel’s eyes slowly shut as exhaustion carried him to the land of dreams once more.
When Joel woke up, the window showed a dying sun about to slumber. As he went to sit up, he immediately froze. Huck wasn’t wrong: Joel’s legs felt like they were heavily bruised. Surprisingly, his arms also felt sore, which he would be curious about if it didn’t hurt so much. Joel slowly lied back down again and contemplated trying to sleep again. Unfortunately, he did drink a bit of water before sleeping and had to use the bathroom.
So, Joel spent the next few minutes mustering the courage to move properly, before gritting his teeth and rolling out of bed with an agonizing “Auuughhhuehugh”.
After limping over to the bathroom and trying not to splatter his pee all over the toilet bowl, he washed his hands and hobbled out of the bathroom and into the living room. There he saw Huck at his desk, typing away at his laptop. Hearing the toilet flush, Huck turned to face Joel. Seeing how he walked stiffly, even the stoic sheriff had to softly smile.
“Sore, hm?”
Joel groaned. “It hurts to move. Did I move my body wrong or something?”
The man turned away from his laptop, chuckling as he shook his head. “Nah, but that shows you’ve never exercised before in your life. If you aren’t used to strenuous exercise, then your body aches like hell for a few days. So…better to get used to it.”
Joel grit his teeth as he inched towards the kitchen countertop where his phone lay fully charged. Reaching it, he turned it on and checked his notifications. Seeing the screen light up, his heart sank. Three missed calls from Jordan. Two missed calls from the school. Eight missed calls from Mr. Giddles. Four voice messages.
He opened his voice messages and listened. The first one was from his school, saying something along the lines of how missing multiple days of school would put him behind his education. The second was from Jackson, asking where he was and asking him to call back when he had the chance. The third and fourth ones were from Mr. Giddles. His first message had a more shaken voice asking what happened and where Joel was. The second message, well…
“You…You…if I ever find you, I swear to Buddha that yo-”
Joel hung up from voicemail and took a shaky breath. The reality of his situation was slowly sinking in, and it was really hard to digest. He didn’t mean to. He didn’t mean to. He was just a kid, why didn’t anyone help him? What do-
Huck opened the fridge behind him, causing Joel to flinch. For such a big man, he was extremely quiet. Huck clicked his tongue before sighing. He closed the fridge and turned to Joel, who tried his hardest to hide how shaken he was from the voicemails.
“Hey kid, I know your legs must hurt to high hell, but you think you can move?”
Joel half lifted, half rolled himself out of the car that Huck muttered was named Carlos (he wondered if Victoria was the one who suggested that name) and looked up to their destination. They had arrived to a place called “The Bottlecap”, and if his memory of Victoria’s tour was correct, this was a bar. Joel scrunched his eyebrows and looked up at Huck.
“So…you’re here to get drunk?”
Huck frowned and looked down at the teenager. “Then who would drive us home? No, we’re here to meet up with Victoria and grab some food. We can go grocery shopping tomorrow…maybe.”
Joel looked at the blinking neon sign. “Food at a bar? Is bar food any good?”
Huck opened the door, and an aroma of cooking chicken and alcohol wafted out to greet the duo. “Well, why don’t we find out?”
As Joel stepped in, he was greeted with blaring music and the roar of intoxicated townsfolk laughing away. There was a female musician on a small elevated wooden stage, strumming a guitar and singing into a crunchy microphone. Behind the bar counter was a hispanic man with an impressive mustache. He wore an angry look in his eyes as he shouted at some drunkard who was dancing on a table. Huck sighed as he walked over to the drunkard, swiftly pulling him down and dragging him out the bar. The drunkard whined and pulled, but Huck’s size proved dominant as he seemingly felt no resistance. The drunkard’s friends laughed from a booth as the dancer was dragged outside. The singer didn’t even bat an eye, obviously used to the entire spectacle.
The bartender rolled his eyes at the entire display as a familiar lady sitting on a barstool laughed with a beer in her hand. The blond woman wore a black shirt and jeans. Though the ambient sound of the bar drowned out her voice, her joyful expression shone brightly among the other patrons. Her legs were crossed, her brown slip-on flopping loosely on her foot as she chatted up the barkeeper. During their first introduction, the woman wore a fuzzy denim jacket. However, this time the lady’s jean jacket was tied onto her waist instead of being worn, exposing a sleeve of tattoos on both arms. Surprised, Joel walked up behind the lady and tapped her shoulder.
Victoria turned around with a grin on her face to see who tapped her shoulder. Upon seeing Joel, her face went through a flurry of emotions: surprise, joy, shock, fear, shame, and composure. She quickly untied the jacket from her waist and slipped it onto her body. Without missing a beat, she grinned and slapped Joel’s shoulder.
“Hiya, champ! Surprised to see you here, ‘specially at these hours. Shoulda given me a heads up!”
Joel’s mind was still focused on the tattoos, but he responded coolly. “Honestly, I didn’t know I would be here, either. Huck brought me along because we ran out of food.”
“...and because I don’t trust you enough to leave you home alone.”
Huck took the barstool next to Victoria, prompting her to giggle and tip her beer bottle to the sheriff. “Hey, cutie! Here to buy me a drink?”
Huck looked at the few beer bottles lined up next to the mildly flushed girl. He turned to face the barkeep, who nodded respectfully. “How long was she here?”
The man thumbed the long scar above his left eyebrow as he glanced at the clock hanging above the front door entrance. “Eh…‘bout…twenty minutes?”
Huck sighed as he turned to her. “Seriously? You downed a few bottles in twenty minutes?”
Victoria took another swig of beer before letting her head ragdoll towards Huck. “I haddd to get my mind offa few things, and my mouth was bored.”
She glanced at Joel, before clearing her throat and tipping her bottle to the third party. “But, really? Why bring him to a bar? Not that I’m complaining, but…didn’t think you were the type to bring a kid drinking.”
Huck nodded to the barkeep. “Gustavo, bring me two Colas and two dozen lemon pepper wings.”
Gustavo nodded, wrote something on a note and placed it on a window that appeared to be for the kitchen staff. Then, he went to a mini fridge under the counter and pulled out two glass bottles of Cola, placing them in front of Huck and Joel. Huck gestured to Joel and Gustavo.
“Kid, this is Gustavo. Gustavo, the kid’s name is Joel. I’m watching over him at the moment.”
Gustavo nodded and stuck his hand out. Joel met him in the middle and gave a firm handshake.
“Pleasure. If you ever want a drink, I’m willing to sell it to you for triple the price.”
Joel blinked. “Why would it cost me triple the price for a Cola?”
Gustavo chuckled, his mustache bobbing up and down. “Kid ain’t too bright, is he?”
Huck rolled his eyes. “Neither are you. I’m still a sheriff, you know. You can’t be selling alcohol to minors, Gus.”
The bartender waved him off with a bottle opener. “I don’t sell alcohol to minors! That’d be illegal, and heavens forbid I break the law!”
“Whatever, just don’t do it in front of me.”
Huck then stood up. “Gonna be right back.”
He proceeded to stride over to the bathroom. Joel took this opportunity to stare at Gustavo.
“Wait, so were you serious about selling me alcohol?”
Gustavo winked and held a finger to his lips. “Only a bottle or two. A man has to have standards, no?”
Victoria grinned and swung her arm over Joel, causing him to flinch and his shoulders to stiffen. “Gussssssssss I’ll buy him a drink. Bring o’er a bottle!”
Joel quickly backed away and grabbed the Cola bottle. “Uh, I’m good, thanks.” He then stared at the cap for a second. “How do I open this?”
Gustavo walked over and used his bottle opener on the Cola, releasing a hiss of carbonation. As Joel took a cautious sip, his lips were greeted with authentic fizzy goodness, instantly making him relax. He stared at Gustavo, who was chatting with another drunkard who was sobbing over a mug of beer. Joel then turned to Victoria, who was twirling an empty bottle on the counter, obviously contemplating another drink.
“So… tattoos, huh?”
She chewed her lips and closed her eyes. Sighing, she steadied the wobbling beer bottle and turned to Joel. The woman’s eyes pierced his mind as she suddenly sobered up.
“Yeah. What about them?”
He held his hands out as he took another swig of Cola. “Nothing wrong with it. Just curious as to why you would try to hide it…but I suppose you have your own reasons.”
Victoria stared at him thoughtfully, before turning back to the counter. “I know that tattoos carry certain… connotations. Still, I like them, and if someone is judging me based on my appearance then that already tells me a lot about them. It’s a win-win.”
Joel swirled some Cola in his mouth as he pondered her words. Right before he was about to respond, Huck rejoined them and grabbed his bottle of Cola. He waved at Gustavo, who nodded and promptly slid the bottle opener to him. Opening the bottle, he looked between Joel and Victoria. Huck frowned.
“Did you say something, Vic?”
She waved him off. “Ah, nun’ like that. Just wondering if I should get another drink. I don’t think Ally has anything tomorrow, but I can’t help but worry I’m forgetting sum, y’know?”
Gustavo brought the chicken wings out and placed the plate down in front of the party. Joel’s mouth began to water as he looked at Huck. He nodded in response, and the teenager immediately grabbed a wing and bit into its zesty flavoring. The sheriff then grabbed the plate and offered it to Victoria, who selected a wing that was closer to a chicken nugget. Grabbing one himself, Huck then placed the plate in front of Joel.
“If you’re worried that you’re forgetting something, chances are, you have. So, let’s stop making your situation worse and call it a night for you, yeah?”
Victoria sulked in her seat. It was clear that she saw the reasoning in Huck’s words, yet also wanted another drink. Joel finished his wing, and went for another. The skin was tangy, but didn’t overshadow the juices that dripped from in between the succulent meat. Honestly, if Joel had some money to spend, he would’ve probably ordered another box to take home.
As Joel passionately made out with the wing, Victoria slammed her hands on the counter, causing him to immediately pull the wing from his mouth with shame. She held up the empty bottle to Gustavo, slurring out her next sentence.
“...fffhug it! Last bottle! One more, Gussy wussy!”
Gustavo lifted an eyebrow, and glanced at Huck. The sheriff sighed and nodded. The bartender shrugged, reached under the counter, and pulled out another bottle. He plopped the beer in front of Victoria, who grinned and blew Gustavo a kiss. Gustavo, in return, winked back at her. She proceeded to twist open the top and down the beer as Huck watched with mild concern and disappointment.
While she chugged, Joel decided to focus his attention on the stage, where the singer had finished the last song of the night, causing the audience to cheer in slurred speech. One particularly drunk man stumbled towards the stage, tipped a generous twenty dollar bill, shot flaccid finger guns at the singer, turned around on his heel, then promptly fell over, snoring away on the floor. Joel chewed his wing as the singer held out a limp finger with concern, unsure of what to do.
As the drunk man’s friends dragged him away to his seat, Victoria tipped the beer bottle back, draining the rest of the flaming nectar. Once it vanished down her gullet, she pulled the bottle from her mouth with a hiss, her ears flushed red. Huck patted her back as she giggled into his side, nestling deeper into his arm. Gustavo smiled as he nodded towards the beer bottles. “Cool if I clean those up, or should I leave them?”
Huck nodded, trying to avoid making sudden movements that might cause Victoria to slide off his shoulder. “She’s gone, she won’t mind. Go for it.”
Gustavo proceeded to clean up the bottles as the singer approached the barkeep, her guitar slung over her shoulder. She nodded to the bartender. “I’m done, so I’m heading out, ok?”
Gustavo gave a thumbs up. “Yeah, you did well tonight Bera. See you tomorrow.”
As she waved goodbye and headed out, Huck watched her leave. “She’s all grown up now, don’t you think?”
Gustavo chuckled. “You think so? I still see her as an immature brat. Thinks having a pretty voice allows her to flip off adults. Hasn’t grown up at all, if you ask me.”
The sheriff shrugged. “Eh, she’s gotten a gig. Personally, I think that's proof that she’s grown at least a bit.”
“And who helped her land that gig?”
Huck chewed his bottom lip as he brought the Cola bottle to his lips. Joel was quietly observing this conversation as he finished his sixth wing, sipping his own Cola here and there. As he placed the bones in a disposal plate, Huck turned to the wings in surprise. “Holy crap, kid. How many did you eat in five minutes?”
Joel looked back at Huck. “Two wings.”
Huck looked at all the discarded bones. “Mhm.”
“Hey, not my fault you were too busy talking to eat wings.”
Huck flicked his Cola bottle. “Touché.”
A man also sitting on a barstool called over Gustavo, asking for a beer. Gustavo promptly pulled out a mug and quickly filled it up, before walking over and placing the mug in front of the flushed man.
Once he returned, he leaned onto the counter and nodded to Joel. “So kid… how are the wings?”
Joel nibbled on a bone as he sucked off all the juices before discarding it into the bone plate. “Honestly? Genuinely one of the most delicious wings I’ve had. Like, I don’t enjoy sour things…but I could eat another plate of these.”
Gustavo grinned and tapped the bar counter with his bottle opener. “Damn good, isn’t it? Learned the recipe from my brother.”
“Oh, you have siblings?”
“Nah. He was someone in the army that I was very close to.”
Joel blinked. Guess that explained the scar. Still, he wasn’t sure what he was allowed to
ask. If this ‘brother’ was dead, then that would make things awkward, yet Joel didn’t know how to change topics without seeming rude. “Oh. Uh…”
Gustavo chuckled. “Oh, he’s dead. Wasn’t much of a fighter, but more of an army cook. Still, he didn’t like the idea of doing nothing while people around him suffered, so he did what he could and prepared meals with what little rations the army had. We didn’t get much meat: that was too expensive, so we usually settled on beans and hard rice. Still, he used what spices he had to turn the sludge into a somewhat edible meal.”
The bartender softly smiled as he gently placed down his rag as he reminisced. “One day, he ran into the kitchen covered in dirt and a dead chicken in his arms, screaming how he managed to catch one by diving into it. That day, he prepared that chicken with pride and handed out the final product to a few of his friends, myself being one of them. Of those friends, he gave a select few the recipe.”
Gustavo looked at the bone plate with a melancholic smile. “I can’t seem to nail the flavor, though. I don’t know why: I follow the recipe to a ‘T’, yet the flavor is never there. Wish I could’ve had him taste it, maybe he would’ve known what I’m doing wrong.”
Joel peeked at Gustavo’s dry eyes. “If you don’t mind me asking, how did he…uh… I mean, he was a cook, right? So…”
Gustavo looked up at him with a small twinkle in his eye. “...So how did the cook die if he wasn’t on the frontlines?”
He hesitated, but nodded, completely ignoring the warning glare from Huck.
Gustavo sighed. “It was my birthday, so I guess he wanted to prepare a meal for me. Went out deep into the forest to see if he could find another chicken or something, and ended up stepping on a mine. We heard a boom, and well…”
His eyes glazed over. “We screamed for battle, and scrambled into formation. Hours went on by, and no attack came. We then sent out small search parties in a close radius of the camp, and my search party found his body and clothes stuck onto the trunk of a tree. His head was cracked open, and an eye popped out of the socket. His arm was bent the wrong way. A leg was missing. His foot was half gone. His-”
Huck quietly pulled out a harmonica from his pocket and blew into it, causing both the teenager and the bartender to flinch at the sound of the instrument’s ‘fweee’.
“Hey, I want another Cola. Get to it.” 68Please respect copyright.PENANABPPQAcnBk5
Gustavo looked back up at Huck and stared at him for a few seconds before swallowing hard. “Y-yeah. Gotcha.” 68Please respect copyright.PENANAd5prEdsKGP
He went into the prep kitchen, leaving the front bar unattended. Huck sighed and pocketed the harmonica. The sheriff turned to Joel, causing Victoria to lean into his ribcage and giggle some unintelligible words. 68Please respect copyright.PENANARs1oI5UavB
“Look, you aren’t a bad kid, but sometimes there are things better left unknown. Try to be more sensitive next time, alright?” 68Please respect copyright.PENANAeXTFmaCppU
Joel didn’t feel sick from the story, yet his stomach sank regardless. “...Sorry.” 68Please respect copyright.PENANAUM9KVXcfWD
Huck nodded, and ruffled Joel’s hair. “You did nothing wrong. It’s only wrong once you know all this, but choose to do it again.” 68Please respect copyright.PENANAzcxJ3frZd3
Gustavo returned from the back with a bottle of Cola, handing it to Huck. “Here, sorry for the wait. Couldn’t find it.”68Please respect copyright.PENANAsNGIm1Vi4k
Huck picked up the bottle calmly, and nodded. He mildly shook Victoria, who groaned and refused to wake up. “Hey, get up. We’re going.” 68Please respect copyright.PENANAHzPnYdg03w
She stayed in deep slumber. Huck pursed his lips and turned to Gustavo. “Sorry about the hassle tonight, how much do I owe you?” 68Please respect copyright.PENANAasrdTKWlD8
Gustavo waved him off. “Don’t worry about it.” 68Please respect copyright.PENANAdYhLuzroqQ
“...But-” 68Please respect copyright.PENANAK7XO3Tu76P
“Relax, I’m just not collecting it today: the cash register is full. I’ll just double your next tab, alright?” 68Please respect copyright.PENANASBnwDwbPtz
Huck silently stared at Gustavo, and then nodded. “I’m gonna hold you to that, you know that, right?” 68Please respect copyright.PENANAg00uqM4tDO
“Wouldn’t have it any other way. Not letting you rob me.” 68Please respect copyright.PENANAUXPRS9hBZ7
As Huck got up, Victoria groaned as her body shifted into Huck’s arms. He placed her arm over his shoulder and got up. Joel stared at Gustavo, hesitating before getting up. Before the nerve left him, he blurted out, “Sorry. About…that.” 68Please respect copyright.PENANAVupEffllwc
Gustavo smiled softly and nodded at him. “Nothing to apologize for, little man. But hey, if you’re really sorry, come buy more wings later, alright?” 68Please respect copyright.PENANABuHBSUft4p
Joel, Huck, and Victoria then left the bar and entered the cold night sky, with the crickets chirping to whoever would listen to their song.
68Please respect copyright.PENANAFIdBINoz2H