Opening his eyes, he could see Minna with wet hair wearing his old clothes.
"Finally awake, my sleeping beauty." Minna said.
Sitting up rubbing his eyes, Dara asked, "Your parents don't worry about you?"
Minna opening the curtains, "Yeah, they do, I had to do some apologizing for that, but they do know that I am at a friend's place already."
As Dara is brushing his teeth and Minna drying her hair, "I have something to tell you later."
Out from toilet, Dara is sitting on his chair, on the opposite side sit Minna on his bed.
"Can you promise me something before I tell you?"
"That you won't get mad about whatever I say."
"Why would I- Sure."
"I was asking about what you saving up for the other day? I am saving up for a cosmetic surgery to slim my waist."
"What? I am happy with you, everything you have!"
"I know, but others don't think so."
"You said yourself that we shouldn't take others words too seriously!"
"I lied, I care too much what others think of me... When you said you like curvy girls, are you saying the truth?"
"Where- No! It is just a joke!" Dara surprised at first, but realized she must had overheard the others talking back at the training session.
"I just- I just think that it is not worth it, you know the risk? You could be an actress by other means, I believe in you!"
Minna smiled bitterly, "Thank you, but we only have one shot at this, I don't want to miss any chances. Just let me stubborn for once, okay?"
Dara sighed after knowing there is no way of convincing her anymore, "You got enough money for that?"
"I will save up enough, I believe."
"I will give my money from my summer job to you too, good luck."
"Thank for the offer, but I can't take it, I think it is time for me to go to work, see you next time!"
Minna stand up and start walking away with her back facing Dara, he shouted, "Do you know why I love you?" Minna stops in her tracks.
"You remind me of rest between workouts! You let me breath in this frantic world."
Minna turned and smiled, "I will take it as a compliment, is running really the only thing on your mind?"
"We can do this together! You don't need to bear all of this alone!"
Minna turned around to walk away, Dara thought his speech failed, yet unbeknownst to him, tears are in Minna's eyes.