"Ai Jia, get your ass down bro," En Shuo shouted out loud.
"Language," Liang Sheng shouted back.
"Ze Liang!!! How to do this question," Lu Xia shouted, as she runs down from her room.
"How am I supposed to know," Ze Liang said, "I don't major in Law, neither did I take the Law course. You should be asking your brother." Lu Xia groaned. Jiao Huang walked down, witnessing the crazy commotion that is happening.
"What is happening?" Jiao Huang questioned.
"What is happening is not important. It is a daily thing that happens during the weekends," Rong Rong whispered, sitting down there, eating his chips.
"What do you want me to do bro. Call me down for what," Ai Jia groaned.
"Ai Jia just woke up. Time is 12.07.16pm. 7min and 16sec later than yesterday," Lu Xia said. Ai Jia glared at her.
"Seriously, you count this too?" En Shuo questioned as he pulled Ai Jia away from Lu Xia.
"Now I wonder something, are you studying law or are you studying Math because I doubt there is a need to know Math in law," Rong Rong questioned.
"Excuse me, I am asking whether why was there a need to call me down this early? I am having my beauty sleep," Ai Jia said. Lu Xia groaned.
"Seriously, early? Early? How is this early when it is currently 12.08.40pm," Lu Xia said, as she checked the digital clock again.
"Can someone bring this woman out of here? It is terribly noisy. I can't concentrate well enough," Ai Jia said as he went to the fridge to get ice coffee. Lu Xia glared at him before kicking his leg a little.
"Shut up," Lu Xia said. Ai Jia groaned in pain and Liang Sheng sighed. Jiao Huang looked at them blankly, not knowing what to do.
"Uhh, ok, ok. Lu Xia, can you go out with Jiao Huang to get his necessities? It will be very helpful. You can take En Shuo with you, I don't think he minds it all," Liang Sheng said.
"Huh? Why me? Ask Ai Jia to go. Why should it be me when I haven't even complete my assignment. This assignment needs to be handed up by tomorrow and I am screwed," Lu Xia whined.
"Because you are another capable person in talking Korean which will make it an easier life for En Shuo who seems to have completely forgotten how to talk in Korean recently," Rong Rong said, stating the obvious. Lu Xia looked at them before walking up to her room.
"Wait for a while. Let me get my bag," Lu Xia said, getting her bag upstairs, "Let's go." She walked off, leaving En Shuo and Jiao Huang behind. En Shuo quickly pulled Jiao Huang with him, running off together.
"Who is driving?" Lu Xia questions as she went to sit at the back. En Shuo look at Jiao Huang and Jiao Huang looked back at him before fighting for the front passenger seat. "The chemistry though." Lu Xia looked at the two.
"Shibal," Jiao Huang mutters as he took the driver seat.
"No cursing old man," Lu Xia mutters. Jiao Huang looked at her before looking back in the front. He used the GPS to go to the mall since well, he doesn't know the country well enough.
"Jiao Huang, tell me did our manager bribe you with money?" En Shuo asked. Jiao Huang looked at him in confusion. "그 사람이 당신을 우리 팀에 데려가려고 돈을 받았나요 (Did he get you money to get you to our team)?" Jiao Huang slowly nodded his head.
"Knew it. Hey, En Shuo, do you think we can change our manager? I really want a manager like ZGDX's one. Funny and kind," Lu Xia pouted, as she looked at her phone.
"Dream on," En Shuo scoffs.
"Is the manager that bad?" Jiao Huang asked slowly. Lu Xia and En Shuo nodded their head vigorously.
"He will force you to play till you injure your hand, just like what happened to Ai Jia. He played till he got into a stupid accident cause by the one and only manager. The manager purposely cause that accident to just have me to step up. He cares about popularity more than skills," Lu Xia scoffs.
"그렇다면 왜 변호사를 선임하지 않았나요? 아니면 회사에 신고할 수도 있고 (If that happens, why didn't you get a lawyer to do so? Or maybe report to the company)," Jiao Huang questions.
"Do you think it is that simple? Even though Lu Xia's parents are like one of the richest people in China, she has no power over this. Even if her brothers are Esports player too, she got no power. The manager will cover it, the company will cover it. When there is a scandal, they will take the person away in an instance. If you disrespect them, they will cut your pay. If it is something worser, they will... They will hit you," En Shuo explains. Lu Xia glared at him when he said the final line.
"They hit people?" Jiao Huang gasped out loud.
"What else? That is why I hope to quickly study finish my law course before quitting this job and go and be some lawyer," Lu Xia said as she looked outside. Jiao Huang wanted to say something when he suddenly remembered.
"What do you mean Lu Xia's brothers are Esports players?" Jiao Huang questions.
"Don't you know?" En Shuo gasped. Lu Xia looked at him and shook her head again and again, not wanting him to say what he was going to say. "Her brothers are from ZGDX." En Shuo blurted out. Jiao Huang's eyes widen.
"En Shuo, I swear, if you don't keep that mouth of yours shut, I will make sure I do," Lu Xia threatens.
"Who?" Jiao Huang asked.
"Who else shares the same surname as me," Lu Xia muttered. Jiao Huang's brain stopped working for like a moment.
"Lu Si Cheng?" Jiao Huang said as he tried to say the right pronunciation. En Shuo nodded as though he won a lucky draw or something. Jiao Huang looked in shocked.
"Don't need to not admit that you are actually in love with my own brother. He is after all I think in love with guys," Lu Xia mutters. En Shuo was holding onto his laughter till Jiao Huang hit his stomach to get him to be quiet which only resulted in being worser, making En Shuo cough like he was about to die.
"Nonsense," Jiao Huang said.
"Is it true that you and Cheng Ge are in love? Your ship is really insane, there is literally fanfictions about it," En Shuo said. Lu Xia snorted.
"I've read it all. Your fans somehow are very good in making all these stories," Lu Xia said as she got out of the car once Jiao Huang carefully parked the car. Jiao Huang stared at her, thinking that she was weird. 91Please respect copyright.PENANApghbYffi7s
"Jiao Huang, what do you need? Toothbrush? Clothes? Shoes? Hair conditioner," En Shuo started blabbering. Lu Xia didn't even know what he was talking about. All she knew was that he was just yapping too much. Jiao Huang on the other hand started to look very clueless, not knowing what to do. 91Please respect copyright.PENANAdwATymE7y9
"Tell you what, let's tall sensible things right now. Firstly, Jiao Huang needs his own mug, utensils, towels, slippers, toothbrush and all. The essentials first," Lu Xia said first as she directly walked to the second floor of the mall, "En Shuo, bring Jiao Huang to find those items first. Essential needs first. Also can you don't suddenly halfway find something and leave Jiao Huang alone. China is still too foreign for him." 91Please respect copyright.PENANAUpMDEQCyht
Lu Xia looked at Jiao Huang and En Shuo where he started nodding his head before starting to pull Jiao Huang to the different shelves. She walked away as she went to the different books that were at the bookstore. 91Please respect copyright.PENANAYho0wSvw99
"Ms Lu Xia is here at the bookstore? I thought she always spends time on the computer non-stop? How can she be here right now, and not read usually? How does she even have the time to read," A voice was heard. Lu Xia turned around, only to see Yixin and her friends there.
It wasn't that she didn't want to see them or anything. She despise them. They are always picking on her. They support e-sports but they only support ZGDX which was the opponents of YQCB. Their bias were mostly Cheng Ge who was Lu Xia's brother that was why they despise her. They didn't like how she was related to the guy they like. They assume that she only got into a 'noob' team because of her brothers.91Please respect copyright.PENANA4oF2bjUoZd
"I'm surprise to see you hear too. Didn't expect such high-class people to be here in the bookstore. I didn't even knew that all of you read," Lu Xia said as she continued to look at the books, picking one of the books.
Yixin scoffed. "Of course I read, unlike you. I am here to find some lawyer books. As you know I need to brush up my skills in lawyering skills to surpass the smart ass student who doesn't deserve to be top even," She said as she checked her nails. Her friends sniggered at her comment.
"Then go and buy then. I am not bothering y'all," Lu Xia said as she gripped the book tightly.
"Oh I was about to. It is just your existence here is bothering me that's the reason why. Oh well, the national championship is coming. I am hoping my ZGDX will rise to the top even though we lost the summer tournament we got second. Unlike some people who didn't even make it to the top 3," Yixin said.
"I think it is because you are the one playing. You know, if it was Ai Jia, the group would be so much better. It is even better if you weren't in the group even," Her friends added on.
"Too bad she wants to be the what, first and youngest player in the esports family as a female," The other said, shrugging.
"Can't say the same for you all. Hasn't achieve anything within this few years," Lu Xia said she walked away, "I am... So not looking forward in seeing you next week." She walked away, away from them. 91Please respect copyright.PENANAi3ZLXBNBpM
If you were to ask her whether their words hurt her, it would be a complete lie if she said it didn't hurt her. The words felt like glasses, piercing through her heart. They are one of the few reasons why half of the campus students hate her while the others still supports her.
If you ask her whether anyone in the group or her brothers know about it, it is a no. She don't want them to worry about her. Practicing his already a heavy load on them, she don't want to be a burden to them. She kept those incidents away from them, always coming back home with a smile instead of the frown she will place on whenever she is alone.
She was never happy. She probably will never be either.