It was midnight in the town of Backwoods Creek, home of the Earth Goddess. Some people in the town believed in the Goddess and her limitless powers, but others didn't. They didn't believe in the stories that spread around the small town and always took them in as fairy tales told by parents to their kids to make the Earth seem as special as it is, but it wasn't. It was a planet inhabited by good and bad human beings.
The town was nice at night and the thunderstorm that reigned over it made it even beautiful. It seemed as though everyone had the ability to sleep during the storm except one. On 44 street right behind the candy store, there was a neighborhood that resembled somewhat of a cul-de-sac with forest behind every backyard. One house still lit up on the street with the porch light and the garage light on. The side garage door opened up as a paleboy, the looks of an 18 year old, with round glasses walked out. His slimmed-black hair and green polo shirt we're wet from the rain. He'd been out all night with his binoculars looking up into the sky like he was waiting for something to happen.
He quickly ran to the back door and fumbled with his keys. The thunder got louder and louder with every key he tried. He finally found the right key and opened the door. He quickly stepped in and stomped his feet on the mat, leaving muddy footprints to soak in. The inside of the house was pretty old, but too nice to be ancient. He walked through the kitchen and threw his binoculars into his green-painted room. He walked into the living room, took off his shoes, and stared at a picture of a young caucasian woman with green eyes and blond hair. She wore an 1800s dark green blouse and a lime green skirt.
The boy sighed and went upstairs. The only room that was upstairs was a large book room with a sunroof for people who enjoyed reading during the evening and morning. He shifted his way over to a bookcase in particular that was located away from the others. It stood in the dark side of the room as he grabbed ahold of a book on the third shelf and pulled it out. The bookshelf made a creaking sound like a boat being moved by the water when it's anchored. The bookcase slowly opened up and revealed a bright portal. The boy slowly stepped in as he felt a small tingle going through his body.
The boy finally found himself in a dark tunnel with no bright light at the end. He began to walk as an invisible force field hit his body. Something in his left pocket glowed green as the force field made a clipping sound as it opened up. When the boy stepped through, he quickly covered his eyes as a bright light appeared at the end of the tunnel. While his eyes were covered, he continued to walk until he heard a bird chirping. He uncovered them and a bird landed on his left shoulder.
A big tree stood in the middle of a dome that resembled a big grotto. It reached all the way to the top with eagles and another winged animal that resembled a eagle and a peacock flying around the tree.In the tree was a gorilla, a monkey, and a gibbon. At the bottom of the tree were deers and a boar. To the left side of the entrance tunnel was a small hill with a water fall going down into a pond that went along the walls. A tiger, bull, wolf, tortoise, and lion were drinking the water and looked up to stare at the boy who stared back. The animals didn't care that he entered the dome as they went back to drinking. To the left of the tree was a crystalized alcove. Two colorful objects levitating in the alcove with rings hovering under them. One was red with fire growing around it and the other was blue with water going around it in circles.
To the right side of the tree was a large grass field where the grass was so pounded on that you could see the seeds that were just planted there. And finally behind the big tree were three old bookshelves stocked with ancient books and journals that had papers and notes sticking out of them.
"I'm here!!!" The boy shouted. He was waiting for an answer, but nothing happened until a green glow appeared hovering around the tree. It came down and hovered in front of the boy. "If you would just get out of that form, we have work to do." The glow responded and shunned. It disappeared and what stood in its place was a female being with green scales for her skin. Her eyes were green and the scales made her look like a humanoid dragon. She wore a black Victorian dress which made her look like she lived inthe 1900s. She stood with a staff and smiled.
"Blake...such a...what do they call it?" She placed her finger on her chin. "--A workaholic." Her voice was very heartwarming.
"I wouldn't call myself that. I'm more worried than anything else...." Blake said as he began to pat his jeans.
The woman narrowed her eyes. "You've been out all night and you seem on the edge, are you doing it again?"
The woman stared at Blake. "Mother Nature you may never know, they may be planning their arrival. What will we do when Vixx and his army arrives in our world?" He asked her. He took out the object that glowed in his left pants' pocket. It was the same as the objects that were the alcove except it was green.
"I'm gonna have to fight them all." He stared down at the object.
"Don't be silly, Blake. You are not a one-man army." Mother Nature walked over to the alcove. "These elemental scrolls will choose their warriors in due time, Blake." She said. "But right now...we must find the remaining eight scrolls and then we will come up with a plan."
Blake shook his head while he took out his phone. "Fine, I'm just hopping that they choose people who can actually hold their own because I can't protect everybody. "
Mother Nature smiled as she moved over to a tiger and began to pet it. "I can only imagine what it will be like once the fire element chooses its warrior. Will you respect your leader or will you disobey him?"
"Depends on the person." Blake's face turned grim. "Whoever he is, he better be the smartest and the most strongest person because we're gonna need a leader who can lead us to victory."
"WATCH OUT!!!!" A red streak on a skateboard zoomed past a mother and her baby as the sun now shined over the town and the townspeople were all out doing their own thing. The boy on the skateboard road down the Main Street that was filled with commercial stores and a park that sat in the middle. The boy was tall and had grey eyes and black curly hair. His skin was pale, but you could tell he was itailian of some sort. He wore a red and black hoodie with the superhero Human Torch on it with some beige shorts and red low top converse shoes. His red book bag moved from left to right as he tried his best to not run people down on the side walk.
He pushed the back of his board to the left as he made a turn around the corner and instantly knocked a girl down. They both tumbled to the ground with the boy's skateboard hitting the light pole. The boy's eyes widen. "I am so sorry!!!"
The girl pushed the boy off of her as she quickly got up. She wore a blue water jacket with white shorts and light grey flip flops. She dressed as though she just went swimming. She turned and saw her small science project on the ground.
She turned back to the boy. "Nice going, Tyler." She made a grunting noise and picked up what remained of her "Fruit Power," project. "Now how am I get a good grade on the science project exam?" She asked as she placed her hand on her head and sighed. "I don't have time to fix this."
Tyler got up from the ground. "Like you need the grade, Sofia." He grabbed his board. "You already have an A in the class."
"Yeah and now I'm gonna have a B+ because of you." Sofia noticed Tyler about to take off. "Uh, where do you think you're going?!!"
"Um...school." He said. "Remember, the big green and biege building at the end of the street?" He pointed to the big building down the street with a smaller building on both sides. The building was green and helped the purple letters of the school name readable from a distance as it read, "Gaia Natura High School."
Sofia pursed her lips. "Yes I know where the school is!!"
"Well, then...see yeah!!" Tyler threw down his skateboard. He was about to put his left foot on it as Sofia quickly swiped it away. "What the---"
"You're gonna help me fix this."
"We're gonna be late for first period."
Sofia snickered. "Like you care."
Tyler's face turned grim. "I do now!!!" He shouted. "If I get another F this semester, my mom is gonna send me to live with my dad for two months."
Sofia raised an eyebrow. "And what's wrong with that?" She asked. She lowered her eyebrows as she gulped. "At least your dad is still around..."
Tyler stared away and back at Sofia. He knew what happened to Sofia's dad. It was on the news and everyone was talking about it. Her dad was a fisherman and one day went on a run to catch fish, but they went to the wrong place. He wanted to comfort her, but at the same time, he needed to get to school immediately. "Ok, I'll help you after school. Try to persuade Mr. Crookford to let you bring the project after school. I'm sure he'll let you since you're his favorite student." He smiled and yanked his skateboard out of Sofia's hands.
"I'll see you later!!" He threw down his skateboard and road away leaving Sofia at the corner standing in front of a donut shop.
Purple and black was everywhere. The skies were pitch black and there was no single cloud to be seen. Air was purple and it seemed as though the oxygen was replaced with toxic gas as one touch of the gas made a building crumble down, but this scene didn't take place on land. This was happening underwater and the toxic gas wasn't toxic gas it was the color of the sea. Old buildings stood underwater, desperately trying to stay grounded. It was an old city that had a strong resemblance to Atlantis except it was more evil and monstrous with pillars of faces surrounding the ruined civilization.
A building, the size of the White House, was located in the center of the city with spiky pillars surrounding it. A grotto was in the middle of it, it resembled the same grotto where Mother Nature and Blake were standing in. This grotto was not used to foster animals and have beautiful nature living inside of it. It was a colosseum and was used for fighting, killing, and other diabolical things that their master had time for.
Two swords clashed as two squid like monsters kicked each other in the chest. They both were now far apart as the audience around them began to cheer and roar. Half of the audience was cut off to make room for two rusty thrones that sat on top of the exit. A bulky and evil figure sat in the throne on the left with his elbow on the arm of the chair and the side of his head laying in the palm of his hand. A slim female creature with a seashell for a crown sat in the right throne. She wore violet shoulder armor and a sky blue clothing that looked like armor. She clapped at the sight of one of the squid monsters tripping the other and kicking it in the side. She turned to her right to see if the male figure would react the same way she didn't, but he didn't.
The fight went on for hours since the two monsters couldn't destroy the other and they were both leveled power wise. The male figure finally moved as the purplish light made it clear who it was. The man's head was like a dragon just like Mother Nature's except his whole body wasn't covered with scales. He had octopus tentacles coming out of his right shoulder and wore half of his armor like he'd lost the other half in a battle. A purple eyeball was locate at the center of his waist that placed terror into whoever looked at it.
"TOXIN!!!" The woman yelled as the dome went silent. Dark green gas appeared behind the woman's throne and came out of it was a figure with gold armor that resembled a seahorse. His face was as blue as a blueberry as he hesitated to bow down.
He sighed. "Yes, Mistress Abrus."
"Is it ready...are they ready?" Abrus asked.
"Yes, they---"
The male figure rose up from his throne as the two monsters stopped fighting. "And you are now just telling us this?" He asked with his back turned on Toxin. The monstrous figure's voice was deep and rough.
"Master Vixx....." His voice cracked. "I---"
"Do you know how important this?" Vixx slowly turned around with his eyes glowing purple in anger. Suddenly, Toxin began to grabbed ahold of his throat as Vixx was choking him. No one saw him move from his throne, but now he stood gazing into Toxin's eyes. He saw the fear in his eyes and seemed as though he was gaining power from that distressing emotion.
"I'm...sorry....master....." Toxin struggled to say. Vixx's eyes stopped glowing purple as he dropped Toxin.
"Lets go Abrus." He commanded as he jumped off of the balcony and exited the colosseum. Abrus followed as she pushed Toxin out of the way and proceeded to the exit.
Toxin got up and stared over the balcony as he saw the two monsters staring up at him. He bald his fist and reached behind his back. He pulled out a big long sword that was battle damaged as it had long cracks that went from the tip of the sword to the cross-guard. He raised it in the air with no problem and thrusted it downwards. The sword let out a gold slash that went for the two monsters. They both rolled out of the way as they were now separated by a line of deadly gas that went up to the top of the grotto. Toxin put the sword away as he puffed and left the coliseum.
It was a long walk to school, but it was worth it. Sofia had time to come up with a plan to reengineer the wires and change the two fruits, but the problem was that she didn't have any fruit at her disposal. The lunch ladies never served fruits as sides and they were always filled with fries or extra chicken nuggets so she knew that that was a dead beat. You would expect a town who honors a nature goddess and the school who is named after her to push for more fruits and vegetables than junk food and meat.
Sofia reached the school and without her even realizing it, bumped into the front doors as students giggled and laughed. Sofia smiled and rubbed it off as she opened the door and entered the main hall. She could always try the culinary major hall, but they were known for being too stingy and always get mad when someone interrupts them when they are cooking. Her best bet were vegetables, she had never tried them since they don't have a lot of sugar in them so it wouldn't power the light bulb.
She was having a hard time thinking and was so wrapped up in her mind that she accidentally bumped into a girl. "Oh, sorry Dianna."
"No worries." Dianna wore a sparkling silver and white shirt and a black skirt that magical circles on them. "Guessing you're in the thinking zone again?"
"Yeah, idiot Tyler accidentally rushed into me and knocked my science project out of my hand and it hit the ground." Sofia showed Dianna the messed up wires, the cracked lightbulb, and smashed open fruits which were two oranges.
"Oh that sucks. UH!, Tyler can be such an airhead sometimes." Dianna said.
"Wow, didn't think you would say." Sofia placed the destroyed project in her bag. "I thought you had a crush on him."
Dianna chuckled. "No, that was soooo sophomore year. Now, I'm into the boys who are silent on the outside...but strong and sexy in the inside."
Sofia shook her head as she noticed Dianna glaring at Blake who walked past them with a book in both hands and his green tablet bag at his side. He wore a green button up t-shirt, beige khakis, and green dress shoes. Blake didn't even bother to look in their direction and saw them as two underclass girls who stood at the school's entrance.
Sofia rolled her eyes. "Isn't he a senior?" She asked.
"Yeah, but being one year apart won't stop me." Dianna began to blush. She shook her head and turned her attention back to Sofia. "So what are you gonna do?"
Sofia shrugged her shoulders. "Hopefully I can find some fruit before school ends and if I don't....I'll just tell the teacher Tyler destroyed my project. I'm sure he'll believe me or over him."
"Heck yeah!!!" Sofia and Dianna high five as they began to walk to first period. "By the way, I gotta cancel lunch after school at Steak N' Juice. I have something to do."
"Does it involve going shopping at the mall secretly because you don't want me to comment on every single clothing you picked out?" Sofia asked.
Dianna looked away. "Yeah, sure. Let's go with that."
The halls were crowded than ever before and Tyler didn't even know where the heck he was going. He completely forgot where his first period was because he hasn't been to the class since before December's winter break and now it was February. Tyler knew the consequences of getting another F on his report card but lucky for him, he has a C after copying a guy named Blake who sat right next to him in the second row.
Now, all Tyler has to do is pass the science project exam. Wait, the science project exam?!! Tyler slapped his forehead. He totally forgot about the science project and bumping into Sofia,who had hers, didn't jog his memory and now he was stuck without having one, but he had an idea. If Sofia could corporate, maybe he could use her science project and get----
"What do we have here?" A pale boy with slim black hair stood in front of a boy who was less bulky than him. The pale boy wore a navy blue sleeveless t-shirt with a pair of ripped black jeans and dark blue Timberland boots. He was the size of a football player, but was shorter than the boys that stood beside him who were actual football players and the size of a regular defensive/offensive tackler.
"I say we have our first prey for today." Goon #1 said.
"And the first prey is always the funnest." Goon #2 said. "Cause you know...we haven't gotten into trouble yet."
The less bulky boy swallowed his fear. He wore an orange long sleeve shirt with beige skinny jeans and brown boots. "What do you guys want?"
"Nothing just entertainment." The three boys laughed as they grabbed the boy and picked him up. "Toilet?" One of the boys asked.
"Toilet." One of the boys answered.
"HEY!!!" Tyler yelled from down the hall.
The pale boy turned around and noticed Tyler as he placed on a blissful face. "If it isn't old Tyler Boy!!!" He shouted as everyone turned to stare at them both. "Come to fight again?"
"Let him go Jax." Tyler commanded.
Jax chuckled. "Nah, I think we won't do that. You see, Danny here is one of our comrades and we should always treat our comrades with respect and tradition. Right boys?"
The two goons nodded their heads as they stared at Tyler with violent looks on their faces. Tyler pursed his lips as he threw down his book bag and everyone began to mumble. "I guess you want to do this the hard way."
Jax glowered at Tyler as he gave a little nod to his buddies to drop Danny "You're not worth it." He puffed. "I can't be seen with you again anyways....."
The three boys turned their backs to Tyler and were about to walk down the hall when Tyler let the victory get the best of him. "Yeah, I knew you would learn from the last time I kick your butt."
Jax's body began to shake as he bald his hands into fists. He quickly turned around and ran straight towards Tyler. Jax reached him as he swung his left fist and Tyler dodged it and punched him in the stomach. Jax tried to come from it with another swing, but Tyler hop out of the way and pushed him back.
"What are you two waiting for?!!!" He shouted. They ran towards him at the same time and Tyler quickly did an uppercut on Goon #1 as he went tumbling backwards trying to grasp ahold of what just happened to him. The crowd began to cheer for Tyler as he began to smile. Out of nowhere, Goon #2 tackled Tyler to ground from the side of him. The Goon got on top of him and raised his fist.
"What is going on here?!!" A man made his way through the crowd and stood in the center of the event with his arms crossed. "The five of you...my office....now!!!"
The five of them sat side by side in chairs waiting for one of their names to be called by the principal. The two goons and Jax kept staring at Tyler and Danny with their devilish gaze.
"JAX!!!" The principal shouted. He was annoyed that this marks the tenth time that he's called his name into the office. Jax slowly got up and walked past Tyler and the boy.
Tyler tapped his feet repeatedly. While it was Jax's tenth time in the principal's office, it was Tyler's twentieth. He's been called into the office ever since freshmen year when the first trouble he got into was when his friends challenged him into breaking into the teacher's office and stealing some money and some answer sheets. Luckily, his supposedly friends took the money and the principal only caught him with some answer sheets. He got a two week suspension, but he thoroughly enjoyed it so he didn't care if he got into more trouble, but his mother did and there was nothing she could do about it then. Tyler never talked or hung out with those people ever again since the summer after his freshmen year ended, after what had happened during that frightful night.
"Hey Tyler." Tyler looked from the ground at the boy. "Thanks for stopping them."
"No problem Danny." Tyler continued to tap his feet. "Hey what did he mean when he said that you're 'one of his comrades'?" He asked as Danny glanced away with a horrific look on his face.
"Never mind..." Tyler decided to switched the conversation. "Knowing Jax, he's probably lying to the principal and telling him that I attacked him first."
Danny turned back to Tyler. "If it helps, I'll tell the principal the truth...that Jax started all of this."
Tyler grinned. "Thanks, but two truths against three lies..." He shook his head. "I'll just take the hit."
Danny shook his head. "No, you shouldn't take the downfall for doing a good deed."
"Don't worry." Tyler said. "I've gotten use to it." He looked away as he stopped tapping his feet. He begin to hear two teachers talking about the recent robberies that had been going in the town. How a person robbed two pawn shops first and then one jewelry store. There's never been that much crime in Backwoods Creek and as far as Tyler could tell from the looks on the teachers' faces, they were terrified.
A few minutes after the conversation stopped, Jax came out of the office with a smile on his face. "Get owned, Tyler Boy." He muttered as he walked past Tyler and Danny.
Tyler didn't know what he meant and just puffed as the principal called him next. "Good luck." Danny said as he gave a thumbs up. Tyler placed on a crooked smile and gave a thumbs up as well. He entered the principal's office as the first bell rung signaling that first period has started.
Sofia and Dianna took their seats right next to the window that showed an overlook view of the Main Street. The classroom was medium sized with lab utensils and necessary clothing wear hanging on the right side of the wall and the back wall. All the desks were replaced with black tables and everyone one of them had at least one sink. Blake arrived shortly after they took their seats. Dianna instantly turned her attention away from Sofia and to Blake who sat on the opposite side of the room. He sat at the left side of the table and the seat next to time remained empty even after everyone took their seats.
"OH, Blake's sitting alone. Maybe I should go talk to him." Dianna suggested.
Sofia now remembered that that was Tyler's seat so where was he. "Where's Tyler?"
"Hm?" Dianna wasn't paying attention to Sofia. "He must not be here." Dianna could careless if Tyler was in the class or not.
"No, he's here. I saw him this morning...remember?"
"Mhmm...." Dianna began to look over the notes she took last week.
Sofia rolled her eyes. "Never mind." She flipped open her white notebook and began to write the date and period as Mr.Crookford walked into the room with his dark brown bag at his side.
"Alright class, let's begin with attendance as usual." He placed his bag on his table and opened it and took out a white paper titled, "First Period" that had a list of names. "Alright, Addison!!"
Blake began to feel some sort of tingle in his body that he's never felt before. It was a bad tingle and it went from his head all the way down to his legs. It was a terrible feeling and to make matters worse, the inside of his book bag began to glow green. He shifted to Tyler's seat and placed the bag in the other chair. He covered the book bag so no one could see what he was doing and peaked inside. The green elemental scroll was glowing like crazy which made Blake smile with excitement.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you." Dianna looked up from her notes. "Tyler got into a fight this morning."
"What?!" Sofia slammed her pencil on her notebook.
"Yeah, but it's nothing bad. He just stood up for this kid who was getting bullied by Jax and his goons per usual." Dianna said.
Sofia sighed. "If Tyler gets detention then he won't be able to help me after school."
"If I were you I'll tell Mr. Crookford that Tyler did destroy your project." Dianna said as she took out hers which was a lie detector that she technically did not make. She completely forgot about the project and just grabbed a blood-pressure monitor and called it a lie detector. Other people followed her and took out their projects as well.
"Campbell!!" That was Tyler's last name and the whole room went silent as the teacher placed a check by his name and immediately proceeded. "Chase!!"
"Mr. Crookford!!!" Both Sofia and Blake yelled. They quickly glanced at each other as the teacher sighed.
"Yes Blake..."
"I just remembered that I left my project in the cafeteria, can I go get it?" He asked.
"Yes of course, but pray that it is not destroyed because I am not accepting any late projects."
Blake nodded his head repeatedly as he grabbed his book bag and zoomed out of the classroom. "Now you Mrs. Woods, what do you want?"
Sofia gulped and slumped in her chair. "Never mind...."
Tension rose when Vixx and Abrus walked into the dimmed room that filled with old and cracked statues of creatures of all sorts. They were positioned in a circular manner, surrounding what looks like to be a magic circle that was glowing enormously when Vixx and Abrus entered. The glow was brimming the room as they had to cover their eyes immediately.
From the shadows in the back of the room, four female figures in violet robes with ancient symbols on them rose from the darkness and went around the magic circle. "My mistress..." one of them said as she bowed down to Abrus who was clapping in excitement.
"You have done well my sisters." Abrus said. "You have made up for your wrong doings in the past and now we finally have---"
"The chance to get my revenge!!" Vixx closed his left hand tightly into a fist.
"Ehm!!" Abrus cleared our throat.
"I meant to say....our revenge!!" Vixx said as the sisters slowly bowed their heads.
Abrus shook her head. "Have you tested the gate?" She asked.
"We have tested it with the Krakens, they teleported to the human world successfully....but...." One of them said.
Abrus titled her head. "But?"
"The teleportation has had some effects on the human world. What do the humans call it sisters?"
"A weather!!"
"No you idiot....it's called a Fudderstorm!!"
"No....its called....uh..a Thundercloud."
"Oh, I think you're getting there!!"
"You five are pathetic fools!!!" Vixx shouted as the room went quiet. Vixx sighed as he wiped his forehead. "Do you mean a thunderstorm?"
"That's right!!"
One of the sisters rubbed her chin. "No...I don't think that's it..."
"Then that's good news!!" Abrus placed her hands under Vixx's arm. "Oh honey, you know how I like to make an entrance."
"Abrus..." Vixx grabbed ahold of her shoulders. "Do you know what to do?" He asked.
"Make my way into the human world...find the scrolls, kill Mother Nature, and break the curse." She said. Vixx crooked smile showed his brownish teeth that were in a lanceolate shape and his rusty tongue that looked like it hasn't be scraped in years.
Toxin entered the room as the circle glowed enormously again. Vixx glanced back at him and back to Abrus. "And if you gets into any trouble, contact me or---" Vixx quickly turned around and raised his hand as his eyes glowed with darkness. Toxin felt his body become light as he looked down and saw his legs beginning to dissolve.
"Master, what are you doing?!" Vixx turned his hand as Toxin's body fully dissolved and what remained was only his essence.
"Abrus..." Abrus took out a potion jar placed his essence in. "Use his soul to recreate his scroll and summon him when you need to."
Abrus groaned and sighed. "That idiotic fool is so stupid, why would I need him?" She asked.
"I know you hate him and yes he is very pea-brained, but he is the best fighter in my army." Vixx said.
Abrus rolled her eyes. "LISTEN TO ME!!!" Vixx yelled.
Everyone turned their attention to Vixx who was still talking to Abrus. "If you fail me." His eyes began to glow purple again.
"Yes....of course..." Abrus never saw Vixx threaten her like this. She saw him threaten lower peasants who dared test his patience and strength, but he never did it to his wife. Vixx backed away from Abrus and stood at the entrance as the sisters took their positons around the circle waiting for Abrus to enter. Abrus slowly entered the magic circle and the circle let out a wave that pushed everyone back except Vixx who stood with a grin on his face.
"I will soon have my revenge on you...Mother Nature." He said as the room went dark.
"I'm surprised that the principal was easy on you." Danny said as him and Tyler walked out of the main office holding their book-bags by their handles.
"Yeah, it was like he was getting tired of me going into the principal's office." Tyler said as he placed his book-bag on.
Blake ran past Tyler as he almost knocked him down. "Watch it dude---" Tyler tried to keep his balance as he looked up from the ground. He saw Blake running down the hall.
"Yo Blake, where are you going....class is this way." Blake didn't bother to turn around as he took a left out of the main entrance and Tyler could've sworn that he saw something glowing in Blake's hand.
Tyler felt some sort of force in his body telling to follow Blake, but his mind was telling him to go to class like a good student would. "Hey uh...Danny, I'll catch you later." Tyler began jogging down the hall and following Blake out of the school.
Danny slowly waved his hand. "Ok....see yah."
Blake felt his body moving by itself as it led him to the forest right outside of the town. The forest expanded around the area and it was the town's only tourist spot. The name of the forest was "Jord" and was named after the Norse goddess of the Earth. Blake stopped in the middle of the forest as the elemental scroll began to shake.
Blake examined the scroll and looked around him. "Show yourself!!!" At first nothing happened until Blake lifted the scroll. Seven violet orbs of light appeared in front of him. They formed the squid like monsters that fought in the grotto and stood in front of Blake with swords in their hands.
Blake grinned. "I've been waiting for this day ever since I was five. It's morphing time!!!" He stood strong as he lifted his left hand to reveal a flashy green and gold ring that had an engraving going around. Blake formed a fist as the ring glowed and turned into a gold gauntlet with green accents. The gauntlet had a medium sized slot on top. He raised his scroll at the monsters. "Unleash the element!!!" He shouted as he slide the scroll into the slop and thrusted his fist upwards.
The monsters glanced at each other as they expected something to happen. Blake began to feel the heat on his body reach a high temperature. He wiggled and shook the scroll. "Come on....why aren't you working." The monsters began to move closer and closer to him as Blake placed the scroll back into his pocket. "Fine, I'll just have to do it myself." Blake ran towards the group of monsters. Blake instantly grabbed one of them by the waist and did a wrestling moving that sent them tumbling down. One of the monsters poked Blake in the back with the back end of its sword and swept him off his feet. The monsters ganged up on him as he slammed his fist into the ground and the dirt underneath him moved him away from the monsters.
Blake got up and placed one of the monsters in to the ground. More formed around Blake as tried the scroll again, but nothing happened as the monsters begin to walk towards him. "Yahoo!!!" A red figure pushed a monster down as he zoomed past the others on his skateboard. The figure jumoed off, grabbed his board, and began to hit them one by one. One of the monsters cut the board in half as Tyler's eyes widened.
"That was my second favorite board!!" Tyler slammed the two half sides into the monster's head and immediately ran to Blake's side. "You alright?" He asked.
"You...." Blake narrowed his eyes. "What are you doing here?"
"I thought you could use some help. You were getting ganged up by these ugly bunch." He said.
Blake shoved Tyler. "I don't need your help."
"Hey...if it wasn't for me, you'd be lunch for these monsters." Tyler said.
Blake pursed his lips as one of the monsters got up. "What do we do?" Blake asked.
"Well, we keep fighting...we can't let them in the town. There's no telling what they would do." Tyler ran towards them with a yell of bravery as he kicked one of them in the chest.
"Wait, we can't defeat them!!" He shouted. "Not without the powers...."
"Hey!!!" Tyler shouted as he grabbed one of the monster's arm and swung them onto the around. "Are you gonna help me or what?"
Blake gulped and cracked his knuckles as he ran to help Tyler. He punched the monster repeatedly in the chest while Tyler was holding its arm as they did a final kick to the chest. "There's too many of them." Blake said.
Tyler smiled. "The more the better!!" They proceeded to another monster who swung its sword at them. Tyler and Blake hoped to the opposite side, dodging the sword that went into the ground. They grabbed the monster's legs and flipped it onto he ground. They both kicked him in the face as the monster made a groaning sound.
"We work well together." Tyler said.
Blake groped the back of his neck. "Eh...."
The five remaining monsters slowly backed away. "Yeah that's right, I hope you guys know better now."
"Shut up...look." The small monsters gathered together as purple mist began to come out of their bodies. The mist filled the forest as Tyler and Blake tried their best to see what was going on in front of them. A sudden grumbling noise mixed with a creaking sound came from the front of them.
"The heck was that noise?!" Tyler asked.
"I don't know." Blake answered.
Suddenly, the day now turned night as rain began to pour down on the small town. The sky was still purple and clouds were in the center of the sky. Tyler and Blake stared at each as though they didn't know what the heck was going on. The mist began to clear up as glowing dark eyes stared directly at the two.
"Um....." Both Tyler and Blake began to shudder as the mist finally went away to reveal an obsidian-like being in pitch black knight armor who was taller than Tyler and Blake. The comb of his helmet was purple as so was the smelly mist coming out of his mouth and nose.
"Alright, now I'm scared." Tyler muttered.
"Mortals." The Shadow Knight talked as its strident voice sent chills down Tyler and Blake's spines. "We have detected two elements. Give us the elemental scrolls, NOW." The Shadow Knight unholstered its sword from the scabbard. "Or face our wrath."
"Two...elements." Blake glanced at Tyler. "You've got to be kidding me."
"Sorry....uh King Arthur, but I don't know what the heck you're talking about." Tyler ran towards the knight and grabbed him by his waist.
"Foolish mortal.." The Shadow Knight grabbed Tyler by the back of his red hoodie.
"Tyler, what the hell are you doing?!" Blake asked. "I thought you were scared."
"Yeah well.." Tyler tried to get some words out while also trying to hold onto the knight. "Can't show fear in front of the enemy!!"
Blake began to remember what he told Mother Nature yesterday: Whoever he is, he better be the smartest and the most strongest person because we're gonna need a leader who can lead us to victory. Obviously, Tyler isn't a smart guy but he's brave and the strongest person when it comes to action-oriented and adapting to his surroundings.
"So, are you gonna help me?" Tyler asked. "Because this guy's pretty strong and heavy." Blake shook his head and raised his glasses as he grabbed the knight from the back.
Sofia stared out at the window while the forth student was presenting their project. She was so mad at Tyler for bailing first period and even angrier at the thought of him not keeping his word about the project, but no matter. Sofia had guessed that even if she asked Mr. Crookford if she could bring the project after school, he would shake his head "NO" repeatedly.
She shook her head and sighed as she noticed the sky turning purple and thought it was just her imagination controlling her mind until the clouds began to move in a circular manner. She tapped Dianna who was trying her best to avoid the teacher calling her out for listening to music while in class. "What?" She answered.
"Do you see the sky?" Sofia asked. "Is it purple to you?"
Dianna took off her earbuds and scooted over to Sofia. She narrowed her eyes and looked up at the sky. "Uh, probably."
"Probably?" Sofia took another look at the sky and the clouds were now centered in the air. "It's definitely purple and the clouds are weird."
"I wouldn't know, my eyes are still trying to adjust to the morning sun." Dianna said as she placed her earbuds back into her ear.
Sofia shook her head. "Something weird is going on."
"Foolish mortals." The Shadow Knight said as he threw Tyler and grabbed Blake by his throat. "You..." The voice changed to somewhat of a deep and penetrating tone. Blake's feet were kicking from the hand squeezing his throat.
"You have the essence of Mother Nature surrounding you. I expect that from the one who posses the Earth element." Blake grabbed ahold of himself, kicked off of the knight's chest plate, and landed in front of him. He quickly went to Tyler and helped him up.
"You alright?" Blake asked.
"Yeah, just a few bruises...nothing I can't handle." Tyler said.
The Shadow Knight looked up into the sky as a thunderstorm appeared over the town. The knight raised its arms and let out a large amount of purple mist. "You two mortals will feel the wrath of Abrus!!!"
"I'm growing tired of him calling us mortals." Tyler said. "The heck does that mean anyway?"
"It means humans." Blake answered.
"Come, I will bring my mistress gifts." The Shadow Knight waved his hands as Tyler and Blake's bodies glowed. The knight began to laugh as he disappeared and so did Tyler and Blake.
Now, everyone in the classroom began to notice what Sofia was seeing outside, but it was too late as a thunderstorm erupted from the sky. Everyone turned their attention away from Mr. Crookford and to the window as most of them began to mumble under their voices. A lightning bolt struck the Main Street as a car stopped dead in the middle of the street. Most of the people in the classroom and outside began to panic.
The citizens of the town ran as fast as they could into stores, their cars, and any other place that acted like a shelter for this dangerous thunderstorm. By seconds, every store on the street was filled with lots of people, but some were still outside trying to barge their way into the stores. Police cars arrived on the scene as they tried to help the people, but the people were too oblivious by the thunder to even notice them.
Sofia slowly arose from her chair as she saw people try their best to dodge the lightning bolts that were coming for them. "Those people, they're in danger!!"
"Luckily, we're in a building." Dianna said. She could careless about other people as long as she was safe, but she said those words too soon as a lightning bolt struck the front of the school. The windows shattered to pieces instantly.
"Back away from the windows!!" Mr. Crookford commanded and everyone did it immediately as they ran to the back of the room and laid on the ground. Mr. Crookford moved to the now shattered windows and tried to pull down the blinds.
"No Mr. Crookford, that's a bad idea!!!" Sofia shouted, but the teacher wasn't listening. Sofia felt her body move on its own as she got up and saw a lightning spawn in the middle of the town and began to race towards Mr. Crookford. "MR.CROOKFORD!!!" Sofia yelled as he turned around.
"What, Ms. Woods?!!" He shouted. Sofia saw the lightning bolt getting closer as she rushed towards him. Mr. Crookford didn't know why Sofia was running towards him until he heard a loud noise coming from behind him. He saw the lightning bolt coming for him, but he was too scared to move his body and jumped out the way. "AHHHHHH!!!" The lightning bolt reached the school and Sofia reached Mr. Crookford as she grabbed him by the waist and jumped to the left side. They went tumbling to the ground together as the lightning bolt struck the side wall and disappeared. Everyone screamed as Sofia took a look at Mr. Crookford.
She checked his pulse and he was alive, but unconscious. "Sofia!!" Dianna scooted over to Sofia and Mr. Crookford. She saw him laying on the ground. "Is he...."
"No, he's unconscious." Sofia said.
"Thank god." Sofia shifted to the windows and crouched. She saw the same people and more trying to find shelter from the storm. She wanted to help, but how could she? She wasn't a police officer or a Power Ranger so how could she help. She began to think about the old fisherman house that her dad use to take her to whenever it was "Take your kid to work," day and they would always spend their time making baits and then going on expeditions.
It was abandoned now after the accident, but it was still a good spot for a hangout place or a shelter. "Dianna, I'm going out."
Dianna's eyes widened. "What, are you crazy?!!" She asked.
"I have to, I know an abandoned building around here. I can lead the people there and be back in a jiffy." Sofia said.
"No, it's too dangerous." Dianna said. Sofia didn't care she got up as Dianna grabbed her leg. "I'm not letting you go out there."
"Dianna, I have to."
"No you don't. No ones forcing you to."
"I know, but I can't just sit around and do nothing." Sofia said. "My father didn't...."
Dianna stared up at Sofia with watery eyes. She slowly nodded her head and let go of Sofia's leg. Sofia flattened her lips, trying not cry as she left the now dark classroom.
The grotto dome was quiet. The animals were sleeping while Mother Nature were watering her plants and made sure the animals had enough food. She sighed as she looked over at the two scrolls and rings that hovered in the alcove, waiting patiently for someone to use them. Suddenly, the four objects began to glow as they disappeared into thin air. Mother Nature's eyes widened with shock and excitement. "They have finally chosen." She muttered.
Sofia didn't expect it to be this chaotic as she roamed the Main Street. The police officers had a hard time dodging the lightning bolts that struck their cars. Some of the people had the bright idea to hide under the signs of the stores even though a bolt could strike the sign and it would fall on them and crush them.
Sofia had to come up with an idea to get the townspeople attention and for them to hear here. She quickly hid under a sign as well as she examined the scene. Two cop cars with sirens and flashy red and blue lights. The cops were to busy trying to avoid death so they wouldn't mind if she took a couple of their things. Sofia acted quickly as she ran to the cop cars and grabbed the microphone and placed it under her arm. She then grabbed the flashy sirens off of the roofs of the cars and hopped on another car.
She looked up at the sky and no lightning bolt was striking her. She acted quickly and placed the microphone down as she waved the two flashy sirens and sure enough people turned to her. She grinned as she immediately grabbed the microphone. "I KNOW ALL OF YOU ARE SCARED, BUT IF YOU COULD JUST LISTEN TO ME!!!!" She yelled into the microphone. The townspeople slowly nodded their heads. "THERE'S AN ABANDONED BUILDING ON THE 30th STREET. IF WE COULD WORK TOGETHER TO GET THERE...THEN WE WILL ALL BE SAFE!!!" The townspeople nodded their heads again as they made their way off of the Main Street and to the 30th street, shifting their way to every cover from the sky.
Sofia hopped off of the car as she began to smile, but a lightning bolt quickly struck the car she was just on as the explosion made her jump into the air and land on the ground. Burns and bruises appeared on her legs and face and the water jacket was now covered with burnt holes. She was in so much pain that she didn't have enough strength to push her body up. She laid on the ground helplessly with no one in sight to help her.
Three bright lights appeared in front of her as they transformed into Tyler, Blake, and the Shadow Knight. With the thrust of its hand, the Shadow Knight pushed Tyler and Blake back. They landed right next to Sofia. "SOFIA!!!" Tyler helped Sofia up as she laid on Tyler shoulder.
"My...body...it hurts.." Sofia's pitched voice soon turned flat.
"Don't speak." Tyler said. He stared at the knight with an angry look on his face "You're gonna pay for this!!!"
The Shadow Knight didn't even bother glancing at Tyler. "My Mistress...Abrus!!!" The purple sky now turned back to normal like nothing had happened as the thunderstorm stopped. Something shimmered in the sky as it slammed into the middle of the street and caused a small contained explosion. Between the knight and the teenagers, a female figure arose from the ground. It was Abrus with her white hair dangling from the violet shell crown and her white eyes examining her surroundings.
"I'm finally here!!!" She shouted as the shop owners closed their blinds.
"My mistress!!" The Shadow Knight walked to her side. "I have discovered three elemental scrolls."
"Good Shadow Knight." She said in a high-pitched voice. "Where are they?"
The Shadow Knight pointed to Tyler, Blake, and Sofia. "They have them."
Abrus grinned and reached out her hand. "Give me the scrolls and I won't destroy you. Well, not yet anyways." She said.
Tyler slowly placed Sofia on Blake and began to walk towards Abrus. "Lady, I don't know what the hell your talking about, but someone is gonna pay for hurting her!!" Tyler raised his fists.
"Tyler, don't be stupid!!" Blake shouted. He took out his scroll and expected it to react to Abrus return, but nothing happened. He gripped the scroll, wanting it to work and react to her presence.
Tyler did a right hook, but Abrus dodged and kicked him in the leg. Tyler was now on his knees with Abrus's hands on his shoulders. She did an uppercut with her knee as Tyler went tumbling back. The Shadow Knight began to laugh as Abrus snapped her fingers and more squid-like monsters appeared by her side.
"If you won't give me the scrolls, I'm just gonna have to take them from you." Abrus said. "Kill them and give me the scrolls!!" She commanded. The monsters slowly walked towards Tyler and the other two. Tyler got in front of Blake and Sofia and extended his arms.
The monsters were getting closer as red and blue lights came out of the sky and pushed the monsters back and Blake's eyes widened.
The blue light went over to Sofia and healed her body. She opened her eyes and glanced at Blake and the monsters. "What the heck is going on?!!" She pushed off of Blake and stared at the monsters. The blue light appeared in front of her and the red light appeared in front of Tyler. The red light blazed into fire and formed the red elemental scroll while the blue light swirled into water and formed the blue elemental scroll.
"The elemental scrolls...." Abrus grunted. "Give them to me!!!"
Tyler slowly grabbed the fire scroll as he felt the power surge through his body and heard a loud ape sound and the sound of fire blazing coming from the scroll. Sofia slowly grabbed the water scroll as she felt the power surge through her. She then heard a loud shark sound and the sound of water surging through the ocean coming from the scroll. Blake's scroll finally reacted as it glowed green and let out a boar sound and the sound of the Earth shaking.
"What is happening?!!" Sofia asked.
"You two were chosen by the elemental scrolls to become Power Rangers." Blake explained.
Tyler tried not laugh. "Power Rangers, seriously?"
"Don't question it, its not the weirdest thing that you've heard of and are experiencing." Blake said. A red ring appeared around Tyler's middle finger and a blue ring appeared around Sofia's middle finger.
"Just follow my lead." Blake stood in the middle of Sofia and Tyler who glanced at each other behind his back with expressions of: What the hell is going on? Or Who in the hell does he think he is and why is his pants stuck up his butt?
"It's morphing time!!" Blake took out his scroll and held it in front of him. The others slowly did the same still wondering what the hell was going on. The three rings transformed into gold gauntlets and Sofia and Tyler were amazed by how real the gold looked.
Blake slid the scroll into the gauntlet as the stout glove read the object.
Tyler and Sofia looked at each and slowly did the same.
Dynamic Trio! Start!
The gauntlets began to play ancient music with an electronic spin.
"Unleash the element!!!" The three teens thrusted their hands into the air as the scrolls began to turn like crazy inside of the gauntlets. Colorful dust burst out of the gloves and filled the air.
Unchain the wild!! The colorful dust turned into three animals: an Ape, a Boar, and a Shark. The three animals slowly turned back into the colorful dust that they were.
"NO, STOP THEM!!!" Abrus yelled, but the krakens were too afraid to attacked the three. The dust spread rapidly as it surrounded the three teenagers and a wave of energy burst out of the scrolls as the morphing sequence began.
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