~’I never imagined love could bring so much pain’~
The rain had fallen more than usual that day, making my head calm and empty as I listened to the pitter-patted against my window. Today felt better than always. Maybe I would leave my room without being yelled at and get to school without getting bullied, but I knew that would barely happen.
I stood up, shoving my chair back, and moved across my room to grab my backpack and jacket, my yellow jacket- it seemed to bring me luck, and my red backpack, so people would call me “Ketchup and Mustard,” ew.
I left my room and ran out, wanting to avoid my dad (that man). I left my house, instantly being drenched by the downpour. I got on my bike, which I stole about two years ago, and started racing to school.
The rain got so horrible I couldn’t see where I was going and suddenly crashed with someone else’s wheel.
“Fuck!” I yelled, my body propelling forward as I smacked my head into the ground and groaned. A boy my age with dirty blond hair smiled and sat up. Even though his whole body was dirty from falling, he had a smile on his face.
”It’s rainy outside, isn’t it?” He said. I looked up and hitched my breath as blood fell from my forehead. I nodded and sat up, suddenly laughing it off, raising my hand to shake his.
“Matthew Smith,” I said proudly, pretending I hadn’t shoved someone over.
(sorry it’s so bad I tried 😅)