Chapter 2 The Reunion
Nick bashed and beat on the iron door and it vibrated loudly, but still no one answered. He fell on his knees and winced as his scraped knee hurt him, but the pain didn’t matter, all he cared about was Judy. He got back up and continued knocking as loud as possible, finally the door swung open and an odd plastic figure looked down at him.
"Oh but what is this, a wet fox come to seek shelter from the rain?" said the robot.
Nick growled at him in irritation "Don’t mock me plastic face, what are you? Where’s Judy? Tell me or I will tear you apart!" he barked at him.
The robot raised its head a little and stared intently "What is this, first a rabbit, now a talking fox. My, my, but this is indeed an interesting day." said the robot, this made Nick even more angry.
"What! She is here, you take me to Judy this minute!" he shouted barely containing his anger.
"What do you want with our bunny?" asked the pale robot in a slightly irritated tone.
"YOUR BUNNY!" shouted Nick “If you so much hurt her in any way, I will, I will..." the robot cut him off as he made to turn away.
"Oh but the master will want to see this, come along then. “Said the robot as he gestured for Nick to enter.
Nick ran inside, he shook his fur a moment before asking the robot once more to show him to Judy, the robot closed the door and asked him to follow. They passed by a set of massive steel doors and walked down a corridor towards a door made of wood. Nick heard the crackling of embers on a fire and the vibrations of music playing from behind the door, he impatiently jumped up behind the robot trying to grab the door handle but could not reach. The robot opened the door but stood still in the doorway obstructing Nick from entering.
"Sir you have another guest!" Said the Robot
"What! Walter I should have told you not to welcome any one." replied a gruff sounding fellow.
Nick saw a curious looking mammal sitting in a chair next to the fireplace reading, he didn’t care however to be held back and dashed into the room. The stranger noticed him before he even passed the doorway and in one swift motion rose from his chair and was directly in front of him, he brought down a long sword and pointed it at his face.
"Well, well, what do we have here, a lost fox? How many animals do I have to entertain this evening?" said the tall stranger. Nick allowed himself to be fazed for only a moment at the fact he was threatened by a weapon, in his mind even death itself would be preferable to a life without Judy.
"How dare you! Where’s Judy!" he shouted demanding an answer, he didn’t wait for one and quickly scanned the room with his eyes, and saw her resting on a tall sofa. He took a step closer only to find the sword was now pointed at his neck, the stranger looked none the least bit amused by this move.
"What do you want with my bunny, fox?" he snarled at him with a wolf like stare, out of a corner came the shape of an actual wolf. Its coat was as dark as the stranger’s hair; it came up past its master and snarled at him. They practically resembled one another in their bearing, in the background a song played with wolves howling, while strange voices chanted. Nick stood his ground he would destroy both of them given half the chance.
"I will ask you one more time fox, what do you want with my bunny?" asked the stranger again.
"Your Bunny! She’s my partner!" Nick shouted in an angry tone and was about ready to pounce.
Judy stirred in her sleep and awoke slowly as she heard Nicks voice, "Ah Nick." she said before opening her eyes, she had only a moment to glimpse the scene before her and then screamed "MARIUS! What do you think you are doing?"
Marius glanced back at her shortly before replying "I am protecting you from this lying fox." this only made Nick even more furious, but Judy quickly interceded.
"Lying! You let him go right now!" she demanded not the least bit happy; Marius dropped his guard a moment.
"Are you certain about this?" Marius asked in a curious tone.
The song ended and all that could be heard was Judy's anger "You put the sword away and let him pass, right now!"
Marius looked back to her a moment and grumbled before sheathing the sword and pulling Brutus away "As you wish Lady Judy. But know that I am watching you Fox!"
Nick didn’t need any invitation, he ran forward and held her face in his paws and kissed her like only a love starved fool ever could. "I thought I lost you" he said with tears in his eyes.
"It’s ok, I am fine. I am so happy to see you." she replied in an emotional tone.
"I’m so sorry I should never have let this happen." Nick confessed.
Judy held his arm "Don’t apologize silly, it’s my fault. I feel in the deep end like an idiot." she replied as she kissed him back.
"Are you ok to stand, I need to get you out of here." he whispered to her softly failing to realize Marius was standing closely.
"My, my. But this indeed a touching moment! Curious, but touching all the same. Just what do you think you’re planning fox?" said Marius in a calm but demanding tone.
Nick only turned and snarled at him "I am planning to save her from you!" replied the fox.
Marius frowned and stared at him with an angry look before continuing "Save her? Your mad, I just pulled her out of the cold and you want put her right back in, you will kill her." came his reply, as he looked him over briefly he added "And looking at you, you will probably kill yourself as well if you go back out there."
Nick calmed down a little as a chill came about him, as his adrenaline started to drain he realized he was still dripping wet. A crack of thunder was heard in the distance, Nick turned his head to look out a window and saw that the small rain shower had become a furious storm. "If she’s sick, she needs a doctor." said Nick still irritated at the current situation.
Marius was quick to reply however "She's seen a doctor, you’re looking at him. All she needs now is rest, and you keeping her awake isn’t helping."
Judy raised her head and shouted at them both "Why don’t you both shut up! Nick, please just sit down." Nick looked back at her and sighed.
Marius did not remain silent however "Not before he dries himself of, Walter fetch one of my sweaters for him to wear." he removed the sleeved shirt he was wearing and offered it to Nick to wipe himself.
Nick was not in a forgiving mood however and slapped the shirt out of Marius's hand scratching him in the process "I don’t want to know where that’s been!" he protested.
Judy was none too happy of this "Nick, don’t be rude!" she said scolding him.
Marius looked at the scratch and simply said light Au, but looked completely unfazed. Judy asked him if he was fine, to which Marius replied he was "physically" unharmed suggesting he was morally upset, he picked the bottle of Alcohol he left on the table and dabbed a little on the scratch. "Nick please apologize, and do dry yourself off, you look cold." Judy demanded of him.
Nick looked defeated but Marius interrupted before walking off " He need not bother, I was not exactly the most welcoming of hosts. So I will consider that we are even." Nick looked back to Judy, she frowned at him but said nothing, she only bundled herself in her blanket before looking away.
Nick sat for a moment lost in thought; he finally picked up the shirt Marius dropped and wiped his fur on it. After some hard wipes he felt reasonably dry, Walter was already standing in front of him holding out a grey sweater.
Nick looked at it a little puzzled, "Is that wool?" he asked.
The robot nodded as it replied "Of course it is, what else would you make a sweater from? It’s a little old piece of clothing; the master has not worn it in years. But it’s in good condition and I recall cleaning it recently."
Nick took it and gave it a sniff, there was a lingering smell of detergent and it had no moth holes in it. It was much too big for him, but certainly preferable to being half naked, so he put it on and raised himself on the sofa to sit next to Judy. He looked at her with a saddened expression "Judy I am sorry, please say you’re not mad at me?" he asked her.
She sighed "I won’t stay mad at you Nick, I just wish you would have acted differently." came her reply.
Walter interceded however “I believe everyone was rather tense this evening, but thankfully the moment is past." he looked at them, and then back to his master.
Marius said nothing he simply shut his eyes and shook his head. Walter handed both Nick and Judy a glass of fresh water before walking towards Marius, they spoke something quietly after which the robot left the room. Marius stood there a short moment longer, then he rose up summoned Brutus and made to leave, Judy stopped him midstride however.
"Marius wait a minute." she spoke, Yes lady Judy? Came his reply, "Would you please play Eternal Flame one more time, please?" she asked him.
Nick looked a little curious at her, Marius simply smiled and nodded "But of course, as you wish." he pushed a button on his remote and searched for the song she requested, when he finally found it he let it play before leaving the room with his dog.
Judy and Nick were finally alone, as the music began playing Nick felt drowsy the song had a strange effect on him, he didn’t pay any mind to the music that had been playing the entire time since before he even entered the room. Now however the instruments and chanting voices influenced him in ways he never imagined, Judy crawled up closer and rested her head on his lap.
"I love this song." she said to him softly.
"I...I guess I like too, I, I feel odd." he felt like crying and it was heard in the tone of his voice, "What is it about this song, what is it doing to me?" Nick said trying to hold back the tears.
Judy giggled "You’re getting awful emotional. Good, I hoped you would, does it make you feel alive?" she asked him in a warm voice.
"Yes. It does." he replied simply, before kissing her on the cheek.
As the song ended another one came shortly after, this one was different but no less bewitching. A woman sang a wordless prayer accompanied by the sound of a piano, a harp and a violin. Each instrument took its turn to gladden their senses and in its majesty they finally dozed off.
Nick didn’t manage to save Judy, but knowing she was safely in his arms meant all the world to him. And for many moments after that's all there was, even as he dreamt all Nick envisioned was their warm embrace, her body pressed to his as they smiled the world around feel silent. Everything else was a white haze and if there was anything else around them it had no value, save for the music. It never stopped, each song, one after the other a marvel to enjoy. Even if it was a melancholic tune it made him happy like nothing he ever knew, but eventually the music did end and the vision passed from his mind as he opened his eyes.
He was still in the same room, the fire little more than a pile of embers, and the only other light was a dim lamp in the corner of the room. Marius stood in front of him; he raised a hand from Nick's shoulder and gestured for him to be silent.
He then held out the other hand and offered him a cup of water, "You have a bit of a fever too Nick, here have this medicine with my apology." he said as he held the cup forward.
Nick was unsure, but he remembered passingly how people mistrusted him too however, so he begrudgingly took it and drank it down. It was bitter but he didn’t expect a cup of lemonade and handed Marius back the cup. He put it down on the table and took a seat on a nearby chair. He rested his chin on his hand and sat in silence.
"What do you want?" Nick asked in a whisper.
Marius looked at him with a neutral face "I am listening to the music, this song is called Men of Honor." the music was still there, although it was much softer then before "Few such men would ever live, their lives marked by sorrow as well as joy, all who would know them would count them as legends, and nations would weep at their loss." he said in a calm but serious tone.
"Yeah, it’s a nice song. I am sorry but really was there something else you wanted?" asked Nick rather curious.
"I thought you might like to ask me a personal question." came Marius's reply.
Nick thought a second but was not certain what he meant by that, so he asked the only thing that came to his mind "What are you?"
Marius gave him a roguish grin "That is not a personal question; I shall tell you both in the morning. Just so I do not have to repeat myself." he answered and led him to understand the question had to be a serious one.
"What is your purpose here?" said Nick after thinking a bit harder.
To this Marius crossed his arms and smiled "That IS a personal question. To which you will not get an answer today, or probably ever if you don’t look carefully." Nick gave him a quizzical look he didn’t like that answer one bit, but before he could comment Marius stood up as if he wanted to leave.
"I want to like you Nick, if Judy does I am certain I can try. I should warn you though I can be as caring as a matriarch, or more hateful then any lion you will ever meet. I can be a loyal friend, or hated enemy, and you would not want me as your enemy. But of course I won’t keep you from choosing your own destruction." he commented as he picked up a bottle and poured himself a drink.
Nick looked back at him with an angry frown, he was not about to let this sly stranger intimidate him "You realize your threatening a police officer, we both are. Don’t think I can’t trump up some charges and have you arrested!" he bit back trying his best not to disturb Judy.
Marius simply smiled, "Nick the fox and Judy the rabbit, police officers. Interesting, I could make some witty remark about the perfect crime" he made a brief pause "But I shall not, we started on the wrong foot so it would be foolish to continue down that path. I did apologize, so I hope we can try and be friendly." he replied pouring another drink, but instead of drinking it himself he handed it to Nick.
"Would you like to drink some spirits? It’s very good. A small amount won’t hurt you." he asked holding the glass forward. Nick didn’t trust it, If Finnick had offered him a cheap beer he would not have said no, he didn’t care if Marius offered him the most expensive drink he could find, he simply gave him a flat no.
If Marius was disappointed he didn’t show it, he set the glass down on the table "If you want to drink it later it will be there." he said softly.
Nick rolled his eyes "I am not going to wake Judy just so I can drink some alcohol." he said.
Marius shook his head "That's silly; I never said you should and later is very broad term. Anyway, we can talk in the morning, sleep well Nicholas." he replied softly.
Nick gave him a surprised look "Yeah this was an interesting, talk, I guess." he said in a low tone.
Marius walked away, he put a few more bits of wood on the fire and made a short reply "As I said I don’t like repeating myself, plus I am sure you will have plenty of questions to bombard me with come the morning. Now go back to sleep." He said as he sat in hit tall armchair and closed his eyes.
Nick looked at him even more surprised "And uh, you’re not going to sleep?" he asked.
Marius didn’t look back to him; he only made himself comfortable before answering "What does it look like I’m doing." came his reply.
"Uhhh, you don’t have a bed?" Nick asked only to feel stupid when he heard Marius's answer.
"I do. But you’re sleeping in it." Marius mentioned.
Nick looked at the sofa, on the right side there sat a pillow atop a folded blanket, it was a large sofa, but him and Judy sat smack in the middle. He suddenly felt guilty, he had acted like a rude guest who was never invited but treated nicely all the same. He sighed and closed his eyes, he fell asleep fairly quickly but unlike before he dreamt nothing.1150Please respect copyright.PENANAAHvUnK0P09