Chapter 4 The Foreign Visitor.
Back at his lair Marius grinned in satisfaction, he loved being mysterious, and playing with people's emotions was also a favorite pastime. Having completed his goal he picked up his phone and decided to check on his guests.
He slowly entered the living room and watched them dance; Nick and Judy paid no notice of him as he sat down and observed them. The music played its marvelous tunes and notes of rising and falling crescendos, the pair appeared hypnotized by its influence. They held each other with their eyes closed and had a childlike smile on their faces. Judy giggled as Nick occasionally fumbled over the long sweater he was wearing; Marius too saw this and silently laughed. Eventually however he decided he had to wake them from their day dream, so he turned off the music and let the silence be master for but a short moment.
Nick and Judy looked back towards the music player and realized it had stopped, then looked back at each other and smiled.
"Huh music’s over." sighed Judy as she practically whispered to Nick.
He smiled back to her "Well, it didn’t last forever but, it was a beautiful moment that I spent with you Judy Hopps." he proclaimed as he kissed her on the forehead.
Judy giggled and squeezed him tightly,” And I love you too Nick Wilde”, she told him sweetly.
Marius began clapping slowly, they both looked at him surprised to see him there "Marvelous, marvelous. Ah but what it is to be young and in love, I could just cry. It was indeed like magic." he mentioned wiping his eyes and breathing deeply.
"How long have you been sitting there?" Judy asked him in a curious tone.
"Not long, I didn’t wish to disturb you.” Marius stood up from his chair and took a step closer to them “But I dare say you look wonderful in that dress Judy, just looking at it you would not believe its little more than a bead sheet a servant threw together in hurry." said Marius in a charming voice.
Judy smiled and covered her face in her paw "Aww, thank you." she replied in shy tone of voice.
Nick rolled his eyes "We were wondering where You were." he said in questioning voice.
"Well here I am, again sorry to spoil your tender moment, but I believe you cannot dance forever on an empty stomach. So please join me at the table and Walter will serve us the food in a few moments." Marius pointed to the table and invited his guests to sit.
He walked to his chair and sat down while Nick and Judy followed. Nick pulled a chair so that Judy could sit on it, Marius however stopped him as it was not where he had intended for Judy to sit."Uh Nick I think it would be better if Judy sat on the other chair closer to me, rather than..."
Nick cut him off abruptly "Oh really, and why exactly? Because I would prefer she be further from you." he asked in a slightly irritated tone.
Marius sighed "So that she doesn’t need to strain herself looking past you when we are all speaking at the table." he explained.
Judy looked back to Nick holding his hand "He does make a good point thought, you are much taller than me." she commented.
Nick sighed audibly, Marius however tried to ease his doubts "You will still be sat next to her, so don’t worry about it. And if you’re worried about me, you’re both still fairly far from me."
Nick was not happy, but he conceded the point and pulled the other chair, and helped Judy be seated. He sat her down gently enough, but as she moved a little to adjust her back pained her again and she groaned audibly "Ahh auuuu!" Both men looked to her with a worried look.
"I’m sorry for you pain Judy, does it bother you badly?" asked Marius considering to help her.
Judy nodded "Yeah, it’s pretty bad. Less worse than yesterday but still pretty bad." she breathed in and out deeply as she answered.
"This is exactly why she should have seen a Proper doctor." Nick said to Marius.
He didn’t like the remark but remained calm "Nick, please stop insulting me!" Marius told him.
"Ok! If you’re a doctor why did you not treat this yesterday?" the fox asked in an impertinent tone.
"Because sometimes rest is the best kind of treatment, I gave her medicine yesterday to prevent hypothermia and treat her fever." he reached out and lightly touched Judies forehead before withdrawing his hand. "And since she’s no longer feverish I will treat her other paint immediately. Now if you will be so kind Nick, please help her sit on couch." Marius mentioned and he rose from his seat.
“I am going to get some medical balm to relieve her pain and help her heal faster; I may as well also bandage her so she has more support on her upper back. I will be right back."
Marius walked out the room and Nick went ahead and helped Judy off the chair and onto the couch. As soon as she sat comfortably Judy looked at him a little irked, "Uh Nick do you mind coming a little closer?" she asked.
Nick looked at her a little confused but did as she asked " this ok Judy?"
She analyzed the distance between them and smiled when she was happy, "Yeah that's perfect" she then proceeded to throw a solid punch to his shoulder, which hurt him fairly well.
"AUU! What was that for?" He asked her with a pained and upset look.
She looked back gravely serious "For being a jerk!" she said to him.
"Oh lovely, this is what I get for being overly protective of you Fluff." he said to her as he made an upset frown.
She sighed but maintained her serious look "Nick, don’t think for one moment I don’t appreciate your carrying for me, it means more to me than you know. But your being stupid!" she took a small pause and crossed her arms" Now I’m not sure if I trust him either, but that man offered us a kindness, more than once. Also I can’t fight, we don’t have weapons, and we can’t call for backup!" she said as gave him a good poke to the chest putting special emphasis on the last part of her sentence.
He made another au sound at the poke landed home; he thought over her words but could tell she wasn’t done. "What? Did you look in the mirror this morning and think, oh I am going to be a lion today?" she asked him cynically.
Nick sighed "Ahh no, but I will fight like one if I have to, to keep you safe." he mentioned.
"Again thank you for caring," she held his arm, "But we are not the strongest animals in the world Nick, we need to be smart, not crazy brave." she said to him in a calmer more encouraging tone. "Imagine for one moment that he is a psycho, who’s actually trying to amend his ways, us insulting him would not be smart, it would be suicidal!" she explained hoping he understood her loud and clear. He looked away from her feeling guilty, she turned his head to look her straight in the eye "We need to be smart, and play it safe." she told him and exhaled loudly.
He took a seat next to her and put a hand on her thigh "Your right Carrots, I’m sorry." he said to her in a apologetic voice, "You didn’t need to go on a limb and over explain that."
He told her, but realized he was wrong when she stared back at him. "Sometimes I feel that I need to." she commented, they stood in silence a moment.
"You, aren’t going to ask me to apologize to him?" he asked her.
She just looked at him like he did miss the point, but sighed "Ah no, if you don’t want to. Just stop taunting him." she sat a moment and drew a deep breath "Also, there was something else we failed to notice when we had a look about the room. And it’s rather funny, because it should honestly have slapped us straight in the face!" she told him in a very serious tone.
He gave her a bit of scared look "Ahm what exactly?" Nick asked.
She pointed a finger to the other side of the room "THAT!”, Nick quickly turned his head to the direction of her finger, and felt like he just had a stroke. In the corner of the room opposite the doorway was hung a very dangerous looking firearm, it sat in a glass display case and was covered in dust, this alone however did not make them feel less uncomfortable.
A short moment later Walter entered the room, he was carrying a stainless cooking pot with rounded lid and set it on the table. "I’m sorry to be rather late" he said "But I needed to make sure the food was properly cooked" he explained.
"No no, that’s fine Walter. We were actually rather curios what we would eating." asked Judy in an innocent tone.
"Yeah what are we eating, exactly?" asked Nick basically repeating what Judy said.
"Cooked rice with mushrooms Madame, I hope that's not a problem." Walter asked as he took a few steps and stood in front of them.
"No, no, it’s fine, we don’t mind rice. Plus we are hungry so we won’t refuse you. Right Nick?" she asked him.
He nodded "Its fine, I... like rice." Nick replied simply.
“ If you wish miss Judy I can make you a bowl of noodle soup with carrots and tomatoes if you like, and perhaps something more consistent for Nicholas.” Walter mentioned.
"No its fine Walter. We don’t want to take advantage of your generosity." Judy said in an honest tone, "Right Nick?" she looked at him sternly as a mother to a disobedient child.
"Uh of course. Thank you for everything." he answered.
"Its honestly no trouble." said Walter taking a small pause and looking back towards the door. "I will be frank the master may seem like an overly prideful individual..." Walter was saying before Nick cut him off.
"Huh, isn’t that the truth" Judy glared at him, Nick saw this and nervously said for Walter to continue.
"Well he might not say it himself, but you have no idea how grateful he is to have you as his guests." he said and made sure they were listening intently, "When he saw you dancing, he came up to me crying tears of joy, it’s a long time since I have seen him do this. He’s been through quite a lot of trials and tribulations you see, he’s suffered quite a lot but he never lost sight of who he was or what he wanted to achieve."
Nick and Judy listened carefully but were unsure what to believe. Judy however thought Marius was far more of a complex person then she initially thought him to be. "This might not matter much to you since its coming from me, I am just a servant after all, but I would be very gratefully if you would help him. Heaven knows he could use some good friends who could be patient and forgive some of his missteps." he told them in a friendly and sincere voice.
Judy squeezed Nicks hand and they both smiled at the robot "Ah, sure. We will try Walter." said Judy in a positive voice.
Marius walked in shutting the door rather loudly, he grimaced at Walter as he came forward "Walter, how many times must I tell you not to leave the damn door wide open?" he said in a bit of a irritated tone waving one of his hands.
"Sorry sir." said Walter apologetically.
"And what have you been doing? Bad mouthing me in front of my guests, how dare you?" Marius commented in cynical tone of voice.
"Not at all sir." Walter replied.
The man only snickered "Oh you disloyal dog, I feel so betrayed." he said with a jovial voice.
"Please sir, spare me the sarcasm." said Walter unamused.
"Hah no humor in you today, fine then." said Marius as he put down a green first aid box on the coffee table. He took a seat and gave both Nick and Judy a smile "Well if you should wonder why I took so long, I went to check the washer. Your cloths are clean, they will be dry soon enough." he informed them and they both nodded.
Nick raised a hand however "Wait. Please tell me you found our phones?" he asked him.
"I am afraid they are beyond repair, too much water damage. Your backpack practically resembled a well." Marius told them.
Nick sighed audibly "Ahh damn it."
Marius continued "You can have them back later, and your keys and wallets. And if you need to make a call I will borrow you My phone." he nodded taking out some items from the medical box. He gave Nick an understanding look "Now, this will be a bit of an uncomfortable moment for you Nick." he told him.
Nick glanced at Judy then back to Marius "Why? I am not the patient." he said then realized what it meant as Judy pinched him.
"No. But I have to ask Judy to undress, and frankly I need to touch her." Marius said taking only a small pause to continue "Look I understand you’re a protective lover, I honest don’t blame you. If I had a girl like her there would the devil to pay if any one laid a finger on her. But I hope I don’t need to teach you how not to bite the hand that feeds." he said to him as honestly as he could.
Judy looked back to Nick and gave him the most “I told you so" look he had ever seen, he sighed and let go of her hand. "Ah, you may proceed." he worried this would happen; he quietly accepted it but was upset none the less.
"It’s ok Nick, just please don’t stare at my butt." She took of her dress and handed it to Walter.
Marius then gently picked her up and sat her down in a prone position. He asked her to rest her head on her arms and grit her teeth if need be as he slowly massaged her back "Sorry about the pain, sometimes you need embrace it in order to learn how to let it go." he told her in a soothing voice.
She sighed "Sounds like you’re talking from experience." she asked him.
He breathed deeply and frowned "Honestly, have you seen my face, trust me I am". He put a generous amount of wound salve on her bruise, he knew where it was but looked through the tufts of her fur just to make certain.
Nick gave him a considerate look and decided to be inquisitive "Well, do you mind if we ask you some questions then?" he tried to be careful; he didn’t forget what Judy told him.
"No, not like I could avoid them forever. Besides I like conversing with you." came Marius's reply as he focused on his work, Judy was taking it fairly well the cream and Marius's surprisingly soft hands made her feel comfortable. Occasionally a small discomfort came over her as he pressed a bit harder, but the sensation was thankfully brief.
"Well then, please tell us what you are." continued Nick, and Marius began to explain.
"I am a mammal like yourselves, although as you could see I am very different in many ways. In the old tongue we called ourselves Homo sapiens...Humans! A species descended from apes." He told them.
Nick acted disinterested but was listening very carefully, "But, there are no apes in Zootopia." he said as he rolled up the sweaters long sleeves.
"Well then I am sure you can make an educated guess that I am possibly, Not from around here."
A light bulb went up in Nick's mind but he still needed to play it cool "Soo, you are an alien?"
This still made Judy upset "Ahh Nick" she said under her breath.
Marius sighed but remained calm "No, no. He’s right, I would be happier if you didn’t call me that tough. Offworlder or (foreign visitor) would sound a lot better to me." he said in a cool collected voice.
"Uhm and are you alone?" Nick asked.
Judy pretty much answered that question for him "Nick, think about it for a moment, if he wasn’t do you think he would hide them from us?" she told him in a sympathetic voice.
Nick let that idea sink in a moment, while Marius continued "I can tell you that I left my home-world with a fairly large company, we were a pretty merry bunch. Outcast nobles, scientists, soldiers, we were happy of our opportunity and boldly stepped forward into the unknown."
Judy breathed deeply and grimaced as a new pain came over her "And ahhh, were you their leader?" she asked after calming herself.
"No I was not, I occasionally helped out the medical team, but my main job was in the engineering department. And to be fair, any man picking up a dead kings crown with no one to rule over, will quickly realize the crown is worthless." he said visibly upset, he began having flashbacks but quickly shut them out.
"Sir please don’t fall into the trap of pitying yourself too much, I saw what it does to you. It doesn’t help." said Walter as he put a hand on his shoulder.
"If you don’t wish to tell us because it hurts you, then you don’t have to." Judy told him softly.
"Perhaps, one day I will. For now I will tell you that, with my crew lost to me, I drifted in space for many years. Until... I ended up here. hah" he mentioned, his last words spoken with a kind of golden hope.
"You were not there, otherwise you could never understand his joy when we finally made landfall." said Walter in an equally optimistic tone.
"Heh, I felt like Robin Hood kissing the shores of England when he returned from the crusades." he mentioned as he began bandaging Judies back.
"Robin Hood? You have him too?" Judy asked.
Marius gave her a curious look did they both have a version of the old folk hero, "Curious, well you could tell me later."
Nick was still quite curious however "Umh how long have you been in space?"
Judy thought he was intentionally trying to test Marius’s patience "Marius, Don’t answer that!" she sighed as she continued "Nick's social graces seem to be failing him today!"
Nick sighed and turned his gaze, he hoped his next question would not be overly awkward, it turned out worse then he thought however. "Well then I guess space isn’t quite as pretty, as we might have thought it to be."
Marius's shoulders slouched and his expression darkened, if he was half as a good man he would slapped him like parent would an impolite child. "NO Nicholas Wilde, Space is Not pretty! There is only one word I will use to describe it and that is HELLISH!" he let out a deep breath and calmed himself a little, "If any one offers you to go to space, refuse them and scratch them off as mad. Because that's exactly what you need to be to go there. Mad, or desperate." Nick gave himself a little bit more distance from Marius and sat quietly contemplating his words.
"Don’t fool yourself sir, it could have turned out far differently. Any place can terrible if you’re alone." The servant told him in a reassuring voice.
Marius did calm himself but his reply did have some bite to it. "Well it didn’t, and you know me Walter. I am a very sturdy fellow, but space nearly broke Me." he commented as he finished wrapping Judy’s wound.
He tightened the bandages making sure they were not too tight and helped Judy stand. He took the dress from Walter and helped her put it on.
She sat down relieved and gave him a sincere smile. "Thank you Marius. You didn’t say so previously but you’re very professional, and you have great hands." she said to him.
Marius looked at his hands briefly; he had another flashback and saw them covered in blood and blisters. He closed them and shut his eyes "I appreciate the compliment." he stood a moment looking away before he looked back to them and continued " I hope I can make a good home for myself here, I pray we can get along and you may forgive some of my shortcomings. No one is perfect after all." he told them in his charming voice.
"I am sure we can be good friends. Uh Nick?" Judy mentioned as she looked at her partner.
Nick stared back at her with a loving melancholic gaze. He realized just how much she meant to him and understood he should make amends "I am sorry, I need to apologize and I can’t thank you enough for what you've done." Marius looked back at him in satisfaction and nodded, Nick continued however "But do know this, if you betray our trust, or make a big misstep, I will be there to watch you fall, and fall HARD!"
Judy sighed and whispered "So much for playing it safe."
Marius held out a hand to her "No he’s right, and I would not see it any other way, it’s not like I am master here. If I want to be welcome I must respect the rules, pay my dues and obey the law.” He mentioned with a nod.
Nick didn’t question that, after all Marius was alone, one wolf and a butler would not save him if he decided to go rogue. Before Nick could ask another question however Marius reached into his pocket, he pulled out a blocky looking cell phone and dialed a number.
“And of course I need to be responsible; I will have you know I called your police chief some time ago to tell him of your predicament, and that you are well. I will call him back so you may tell him yourselves.” Marius told them.
They smiled but Nick was still unsure, in a way he still believed Marius was trying to pull the wool over their eyes. But if he was actually calling Bogo then they could tell him were they were, they could have him send someone to help. Things would not play out how Nick would hope however.
Back at the ZPD Clawhauser was speaking to a mother Giraffe who was looking for her lost son when a call came in. “Sorry about that Madame, just one moment please” said Benjamin before he picked up the phone. “Hello you reached ZPD, this Clawhauser speaking, what is your emergency?” He announced and waited for a reply.
Marius let him wait a second before clearing his throat and addressing him. “Hello again Benjamin” he said to him.
Benjamin’s heart sank as he recognized the voice instantly, and while his tone was different he didn’t take a chance and activated the call tracking software. “Uhm mister Marius, what may I do for you?” he asked hoping he would actually mention what happened to Nick and Judy, his reply surprised him.
“First of all sorry I spoke a bit rudely to you previously. I have Nick and Judy here and they would like to speak to their captain. Would you be so kind to put Bogo on the phone please?” Marius asked him in a calm tone.
“Ah yeah, sure. Just one moment please.” Benjamin reached out and pressed a button on the intercom, “Chief Sir, Marius is calling again about Nick and Judy.” He said.
Bogo dropped what he was doing and quickly picked up the phone “Well put him on the line then!” he ordered to Benjamin. Bogo waited a second and heard the familiar ring as a call was connected “Well, well happy to hear you again.” He told him in a sarcastic voice.
“I don’t blame you for saying so Bogo. I feel we got off on the wrong foot, so I apologize for that. I am sure you’re a man of integrity with many responsibilities, you don’t need fools like me trying to ruin your day.” Said Marius, Bogo leaned into his chair and listened, was this really the same guy, “Ah but I digress, you have some fine officers here who wish to talk to you, so I will pass them the phone.” Said Marius.
Marius held out the phone to both Nick and Judy, but more closer to Judy then Nick. Nick tried to take the phone from him; Judy however slapped his hand and took it instead. “Hello sir, sorry for the worry.” She told him in an apologetic voice.
Bogo breathed a sigh of relief “Ah Judy good to hear you, how are you? That stranger said you nearly drowned.” Asked Bogo in a skeptical, but none the less concerned voice.
“We are fine sir, and he wasn’t lying we very nearly did, if nothing else he saved us.” She replied trying to reassure him.
Bogo was still not happy about the situation, he had a bad feeling about it, “Well, that’s good. I am sorry but he’s standing there isn’t he?”
Judy gave Marius a curious look “Uh well yes.” She answered, Bogo asked her if she could move away from him, just out of earshot. Judy lowered the phone “I am sorry but, may I speak to him in private please?”
Marius looked at her and raised an eye brow, what did her chief wish to tell her that he should not hear. He did not wish to stop her however “Well of course as you like. Walter, please show her to the terrace and close the door behind you.” Walter helped her get down and walked her to the terrace through a large sliding glass door.
“Ok chief I’m alone, what is it?” she asked him rather apprehensively.
“You should know your calling of an anonymous number, we have been trying to track it for a while now and no success.” He told her, Judy became nervous but tried to remain calm.
“Well that is uh concerning.” She answered, Bogo asked her where she was, she could not tell him as she wasn’t certain. She had a clue but something seamed to stop her from saying.
“Well just who is this guy?” Bogo asked her hoping his hunch was false.
“Well sir I can describe him to you, he’s fairly tall and muscular...” she began but Bogo cut her off.
“I am sorry but let me take a wild guess here. Is he possibly tall as a bear, hairless but for his scalp and around his face. What hair he’s got is jet black, dark brown eyes and two scars on his face?” Bogo asked.
Judy felt her heart skip a beat “That describes him perfectly sir, how did you know?” she asked him in a scared voice.
“Well he gave two pigs at Tall-tower Park by the Meadowlands a damn good scare. Am I to assume that’s where you are? I will ask you again just who IS this guy?” he inquired hoping she could tell him more.
Judy tried to remain calm as she looked back to Marius standing in the living room talking to Nick. “Sir, you probably won’t believe this, but he’s from another world!”
Bogo was completely taken back by that answer “From another world, Judy are you serious?” he asked her.
“Yes sir, he...” Judy looked away and then back to the forest; she raised her head a bit and was utterly dumbfounded by what she beheld. She stared at it, eyes wide and slack jawed in astonishment; all she could say was “wow”.
“Judy... Judy, JUDY?” asked Bogo as he though she left the call.
Judy shook herself and continued talking “Sorry sir, I’m still here... I was starring at his space ship.” She said in a surprised voice. Bogo simply asked her if she was dreaming, not that he questioned her but he was just as surprised by what he was hearing.
“Uha no lie, and it’s absolutely massive sir.” She told him with the same wonderstruck voice.
Bogo sat back in his chair “How big is it?” he inquired.
“Probably the size of a soccer stadium sir, that elephants could play on.”Judy explained as she described it briefly.
Bogo’s expression changed “That big? Well that’s interesting. How did he even land that thing, the entire Meadowlands is nothing but forest?” he took a small pause to clear his head “Well, good news is that thing should not be hard to spot.”
Judy shook herself from her stunned state “I am sorry sir, but it seems to be covered in some kind of camouflage liner with leaves and stuff. You probably could not see it from the air; you might just mistake it for another patch of forest.” She told him still a little apprehensively.
Bogo sighed “Well there goes that.” He told her but Judy snapped back and understood she had a job to do.
“Sir I understand this is a difficult situation, but I would honestly ask you to have faith in us. Let me find out as much as I can about this guy and I will call you back. I honestly believe he does not wish to harm us.” She told him in a reassuring voice.
Bogo was lost in thought but knew this was bad “Judy I honestly admire your bravery, but this is a bit much even for you, are you sure you don’t want me to send someone over there?” he asked her.
“Sir we have never let you down, and we don’t intend to start now. Marius appears to be a smart, reasonable person, and if he needs convincing of anything I will make sure he understands. I will call you soon ok.” She told him in a reassuring tone.
“Do please take care Judy.” Bogo told her, and closed the phone as soon as Judy mentioned she would.
While Judy was speaking on the phone Nick decided to question Marius a little while they waited. “Marius would you please tell me something?” Nick asked him.
Marius looked back to him and nodded “What do you want to know Nick?” he replied.
“Why did you give the phone to her and not me?” he asked giving him a serious look before struggling to keep the sweaters long sleeves from falling of his shoulders.
“I am sorry but I gave it to the both of you, she just grabbed it out of my hand.” Marius explained.
“Yes but you held it out closer to her.” Nick wondered.
Marius gave him a curious look but understood what he meant. “Sigh Nick I think you’re a great Fox, but I feel your letting your emotions control you more than your logic. I feel you’re a bit too zealous, and I would rather you didn’t paint a target on my back without me having done anything wrong.” He explained to him in an understanding voice.
Nick looked back at him with even more doubt “I need to be sure, I’d be happier being safe than sorry. Oh and on top of this you seem a bit too defensive for someone who says they have nothing to hide.” he told him crossing his arms.
Marius rubbed his nose, and breathed deeply “Nick I am aware that trust is very hard to build, and very easy to destroy. But I feel your mistrust of me is unwarranted, besides I only just arrived not too long ago, and I never even visited your city.” He informed him.
Nick was rather skeptical of this however.“So you never even been to Zootopia at all?” he asked him.
“Nope, and if I had don’t you think someone would have noticed? Being the only one of my kind to Ever set foot on your world; I would think I would stick out like a sore thumb. I imagine you do have media outlets, yes?” Marius asked him, to which Nick gave him a simple yes. He could tell he was using his logic, but Marius added one more detail that made even more sense “Also more to the point if I had caused any trouble, you of all people would have been among the first to know. After all you work in the police department.”
Nick nodded and could see he made perfect sense “Well you are right about that.” His mind was still full of doubt, and if Marius was a villain he was a very talented one. But he knew from experience and Judy taught him as well, that respect was a two way street, in order to get it you must first give it.
They waited a while for Judy to finish her call, finally she tapped the glass and Walter let her in. She handed Marius back his phone but gave him a slightly worried and upset look. He saw this and was a little nervous about it. “Judy you seem a little worried, am I in serious trouble?” he asked her sincerely.
“I don’t know you tell me? She asked him hinting he knew more than he was letting on.
“I see well I will be happy to explain whatever you wish to hear. But for now please, l am starved and I am certain you too must be hungry. So let’s eat before the food gets cold and we can speak more later.” He told them both.
Judy nodded, and as they made their way to the table, she closely whispered to Nick that Bogo knew where they were but they should still tread lightly. They sat down and ate their rice; both she and Nick seemed to have enjoyed it so they asked for a second helping. Nick looked back to Marius as he ate, he was drinking for an expensive looking silver cup, it worried him as he soon realized it depicted a scene of a human hunter shooting a stag with a bow. He knew he would have to ask him about it after the meal, and about the bearskin on his floor.
Back at the ZPD Bogo sat in his office pondering everything that had happened. This was likely the most difficult case in his entire career, he decided to summon Clawhauser to speak to him. Benjamin entered the office and took a seat as his Chief asked, Bogo stared out the window deep in thought before he spoke “I think you may like to hear Clawhauser that Nick and Judy are entertaining a visitor from another world.”
Benjamin was taken aback by this “Honestly sir?” he asked not sure whether this was actually the case.
Bogo turned to look at him and nodded “Yes, I just off the phone with Judy. She was starring at his space ship, said it was as large as a football stadium that elephants could play on.” he told him.
Benjamin’s jaw dropped all he could do was marvel at the idea “Wow! That’s so cool!” he said in his usual enthusiastic voice.
Bogo got irritated at this, he grabbed him by the shirt and tugged on him “This is absolutely serious business Benjamin!” he shouted at him.
He let him go and proceeded to punch his desk “I swear you’re a total airhead sometimes.” He told him in the same serious tone.
Benjamin calmed himself and apologized “I am sorry sir!” he said in an apologetic voice, he let his captain cool off before he continued. Bogo sat down in his chair and gave Benjamin a serious look “All due respect sir, but I don’t think we could have found better ambassadors for Zootopia then Nick and Judy, no matter how hard we tried.” Said Clawhauser as Bogo leaned in his chair and crossed his arms. “I mean Nick is well cocky and mischievous, but he’s got a good head on his shoulders and means well. And Judy is arguably the braves, smartest, most enthusiastic person to ever work on the force.” He commented.
Bogo rested his chin on his arms, “Well you’re right in this regard at least. If anyone else had landed themselves in this problem id send an entire squad in to sort this out.” He sighed deeply however as things were largely out of his control any way. “Judy didn’t even mention where they were, I only have a rough idea.” He told Benjamin.
Benjamin grew worried “Well, what did she say sir?” he asked.
“She said that the man honestly saved their lives and that she would gather as much information on him as she could. I honestly think she’s playing with fire and I worry she might get herself burned” came Bogo’s reply.
“So what shall we do sir?” Benjamin asked.
Bogo picked up a file with some papers and handed it to him. “I am not comfortable sitting and waiting Benjamin. Here’s file on what got on this issue, radio in and tell Fangmeyer and Wolfard to go to that park and search for clues. If they find anything tell them to radio in, and if they need to jump in and save Nick and Judy they will be close enough to do it.”
Bogo ordered Benjamin. He took the file and got up to do as he was asked “Certainly sir, playing safe is a good plan. Il make sure they will get on it immediately.” Said Benjamin as he left the Chiefs office.
Bogo sat in his chair examining other pending cases, all difficult crimes and emergencies in their own right, but he never expected two of his best officers would practically be detained by an alien.
Chapter 4 The Foreign Visitor. “Part 2”
Marius took a thoughtful look at both his guests as he ate his meal, a fox and a bunny in love, who on Terra would ever believe such a thing. Yet he admired them, he was starting to form an attachment to them; he knew it would be difficult almost impossible, he was a hungry wolf and in his eyes they looked like innocent sheep. But he could never imagine his previous life or choose to live it again, he had to make things right.
The truth is painful, but the truth will set you free he thought. He waited while they all finished their meal before telling them what he felt they needed to know. He took a drink of water and could not help but notice how Nick looked at him, still they ate quietly and after handing their plates to Walter made thanks for the good meal.
As Walter left to take away the dishes, Marius sat contemplating the state of things when Nick raised his attention “Ah Marius, that’s a very interesting drinking cup.” He told him.
Marius looked at the silver vessel knowing all too well what it meant, “Yes I suppose it is.” He said.
Judy looked at it only now, it was quite the artistic piece but as Marius fiddled with it she understood the theme and gave him a worried look. Marius heard Nick’s words loud and clear and understood now was the perfect time to explain himself.
“Yes I suppose I can tell you a little bit about it, but first there is something more important I need say.” He told them straight backed looking them directly in the eyes, he soon stood up but kept eye contact.
“Why are you standing up?” Nick asked him giving him a curious look.
“You will see in a moment.” He told them in a reassuring voice as Walter came back from the kitchen. Walter looked at him and was curious why he was standing, “Do you need something sir?”
Marius looked back to his servant as he lightly tapped the table with his first. “No Walter. There was just something I need to do. Something any good Christian would do if they were honest to their beliefs. Not that I ever subscribed to that religion, but it did teach me some valuable lessons.” He told him.
Both Nick and Judy gave him their full attention and were curious what he was about to say, Judy held Nick’s arms and squeezed it tightly. Marius sighed loudly before speaking “Nick I have a confession to make, it’s like a heavy rock on my chest and I need to be free of it. Besides I needed to apologize to Judy because I...” Marius said as he stared at them both compassionately, Judy however cut him off.
“Marius its fine I forgive you, Nick doesn’t need to know...” she sniveled as she said it realizing Nick was looking at them both rather angrily.
“What is it I am not supposed to know? What did say? What did he do?” Nick said growing ever more enraged.
Judy looked back at him in utter sadness “Nick, please calm down, its fine.” She told him.
But he refused to calm down “NO it’s not fine, I won’t hear this denial! Tell me right now!” he shouted bashing his fists on the table.
“Judy, please tell him, or I will. I don’t want there to be any lies between us. But I think it would be better if he heard it from you.”Marius told her in a forlorn voice hoping Nick would react with less furry.
“NO! She’s not the guilty party here, you are!” Nick shouted at him pointing all the blame on him “Don’t try to use my wife’s emotions to excuse yourself you coward!”
Marius sighed loudly as he wiped his face “I said I would be honest with you, understand I know what you went through to save your precious wife...” he said before Nick cut him off.
“Stop making excuses and tell me!” he shouted at him demanding to know.
Marius took a deep breath, Judy however refused to remain silent “When he took me in, before I woke up he said that if I had died, he would have cooked me.” She told him with tears in her eyes.
Nick stood there a moment a look of utter shook on his face “You did not!” he said with only a hint of denial in his voice.
“I am soo sorry, I understand your pain and your grief. If I had committed that crime it would have been unforgivable! I don’t expect you to forgive me; I just wanted you to know.” Marius told him looking him straight in the eyes hoping he would calm down, he didn’t however.
Nick threw his glass to the floor and as it crumbled in pieces he continued shouting his anger at him. “Forgive you, forgive you! I would never do such a thing. How can you dare to ask me to understand?” Nick was fuming.
Marius however remained calm trying his best to remedy the situation. “What do you want from me Nick, what do you want me to say or do?” he asked in a tall but despairing voice.
In Nick’s mind the answer was all too simple and he made it perfectly clear “I don’t care about what you have to say. I want you behind bars!” and that was the only calm thing he had said in the entire argument.
Judy stared in disbelief at what Nick was saying “Nick I can’t believe you right now, your damning an innocent man.” She raised her voice at him pleading him to compose himself.
“Innocent, he’s NOT innocent. Can’t you see how he’s manipulating you?” he asked her sincerely trying to open her eyes. He shook her arm “How do you think I would have felt after my ordeal only to find you served on his plate?” He shouted at her.
“NICK!” Marius raised his voice at him throwing all caution to the wind “If you’re angry at me don’t take it out on Judy! I know how this works, Love, True friendship it’s about giving someone the power to destroy you and trusting them not to do it.” He said as he removed his phone from his pocket and put it on the table in front of him. “Go ahead, destroy me if you hate me that much. Call your captain and tell him I am the most dangerous criminal you ever meet. But first, punish me yourself.” He said and stood beside him.
Nick only snarled at him, Marius bowed close to him like a prisoner would before his executioner. “Go ahead, hit me as hard as you can, and when you’re done with this cheek I will turn the other. Let go of your anger and hate.” He told him softly.
Judy looked back at both of them “Marius please stand up, NICK! Please don’t do this.” She implored him to be reasonable, but Nick wasn’t listening.
He balled his fist and smacked Marius straight in the cheek, Marius recoiled back from the pain he never expected the Fox would hit him that hard. “Ahhh! That was... pretty strong. I didn’t expect that.” Marius said with a wince.
“You will get another one in a second.” Nick replied still burning with anger.
Marius turned the other cheek as promised and told him to go ahead, Judy was appalled she pleaded Nick to stop, he simply said no. He punched Marius in the face again even harder than before, Marius however held his ground and took the blow like a man. He rubbed his cheeks in pain and sat back down on his chair, looking away defeated and ashamed.
Judy began to cry, she gave Nick a disappointed look and threw her table cloth at him “We were suppose to talk about this like responsible adults, but you turned it into a circus.” She told him.
Nick sighed; he thought perhaps maybe he was being irrational “You can’t tell me that you weren’t angry Judy?” He told her as he calmed a down a little.
Judy hit the table with her fists “Of course I was. I was furious and horrified. He even threatened me once after I mocked him.” She made a brief pause to clear he throat before continuing “But he apologized and made things right. He did the same with you. I saw it! He threatened to kill you because he was worried, but he let you go and apologized. And after that he’s been nothing but honest and kind, and your reward was to spit him in the face” she told him between her tears.
She wiped a few of them away and held her face in her palms. Marius stood up “I fear this discussion has become a bit too...heated. I shall step outside for a breath of air.” He said waving a hand to his butler “Walter would you kindly go make us some tea. We need something to calm our nerves”. Marius walked to the terrace and closed the door behind him.
Walter opened the door to leave for the kitchen but Judy stopped him “Walter wait, would you please come back as soon as you can?” she asked him in a soft tone.
The butler nodded “Certainly Lady Judy, I shall bring the tea maker here.” He told her then left.
For a few moments Nick and Judy stood in silence, Nick held the black phone and wondered what to do, he looked back at Judy with a sorrowful frown, she looked back at him a moment then quickly turned her gaze. Nick sighed audibly, and then just as the silence became unbearable the stereo began playing on its own again. Loud trumpets sounded accompanied by drum beats and beautiful voices sung their joyful prayers. Judy recognized the song but knew not its name. Walter entered the room carrying a device for boiling and blending tea; he placed it on the table and got to work preparing the hot brew.
“Walter what is the name of this song?” Judy asked him in a soft voice.
He looked back to her while he worked. “Homecoming, the master loves all the songs by this band. Sometime after I announced to him we had found your world, he began listening to this song quite frequently.” He took a pause, walked to a cupboard and brought out a few porcelain cups with plates. After setting them down on the table next to the tea machine he continued “He honestly thought we were returning home to Terra.” Walter told them.
Judy sighed and understood things all too clearly “His home-world” she said emphatically to Walter who gave her a courteous nod.
Judy held Marius’s drinking cup, she saw everything in a new light but needed to know more to be certain “Walter please help Me, if no one else to understand. The bear skin, this drinking cup, the painting, Marius’s wolf, humans were the only intelligent species on their planet.” She asked him.
“Yes, and as you may imagine they took full advantage of this. The master was however appalled, by his kin’s treatment of nature and its animals.” Judy paid close attention and tried to make sure Nick did so as well. “Of course the master had to sustain himself. While they can survive on plants; humans need meat in their diet. So they raised and breed a few animals in captivity for their consumption.” As Walter explained a new song began playing.
This one was clearly different from the rest, it was a bagpipe accompanied by a soft drum beat and a tambourine, but it was no less charming and magical.
“Would pigs have been among those animals?” asked Judy in an inquisitive tone.
Walter nodded “That was indeed the case, and the master does have quite the taste for them I am afraid.” He informed her.
Nick looked concerned at this “Why are you asking about pigs?” he asked her.
Judy gave him a hard look. “Because, Bogo mentioned that Marius scared a pair of them in the park.” She told him.
“Oh and I wonder why he did that?” Nick asked in a cynical voice.
“Probably because he was hungry and desperate, but he let them go all the same.” She answered him.
“Well then let’s ask him, since he IS basically his mouthpiece” Nick said pointing at Walter, Judy just slapped his hand and gave him an irked look.
“I will have you know Mister Nicholas that I not his mouthpiece, as you say. I am a sentient machine, and while restrained in a few areas I am capable of the same ideas and emotions as you are. As to your question I believe he did allow them to live, the same way he helped you.” Walter informed him.
Nick still wants sure, he needed more proof then that. “Tell me then has Marius killed any mammals?” Nick asked in an inquisitive tone.
Judy interceded however. “Why does it matter what he did in another time and another place Nick, his world is probably so far removed from ours you can’t even imagine it!” she told him hoping he would stop forcing the issue.
“It is relevant Judy, so please answer the question Walter.” Nick said hoping he would get the answers he needed.
“I will tell you. But I hope you will answer one or two questions of my own.” Walter told him.
Nick nodded “Fine I will”.
Walter explained Marius’s grandfather owned a farm, and that every year in winter he would be summoned to help him slaughter one or two pigs. “Whatever emotions he had about it were restrained, and if he was asked to put the knife to an animal’s throat, he would make it quick and painless. As I said he never liked to see animals suffer.” Walter added.
“Pardon me for saying that I’m not sure about that, nor does it make me any more comfortable.” Nick told him sincerely; to this Walter frowned slightly but asked if he may question him a bit.
“Fine, go ahead” answered Nick dismissively.
“Am I to assume that your society is perfect? That all mammals, predator and prey get along. And that those predators only ever eat fish and invertebrates, or the occasional bird perhaps?” said Walter in an uncharacteristically grim tone.
Nick scoffed at it “Yes! And we don’t eat each other.” Nick said, but Walter wasn’t convinced and Judy quickly confirmed his doubt.
“That is a lie Nick, and you know it! We would not have a job is that was true. And we had cases of predators that went out of their way to eat prey, and also plenty of prey animals who killed predators out of spite.” she told him in a serious tone.
He looked at her and sighed, he knew he could not deny it. He wiped his face and put the phone down on the table contemplating what he should do; Judy interrupted his train of thought however. “I have a question for you too Nick. In all our history together on the force, how many violent criminals have we interrogated, who caused terrible crimes without mercy, and later showed no pity or guilt? Are you honestly going to tell me you’re going to imprison a man who feels shame and guilt, for the thought NICK! The idea of a crime!” she told him as she punched him the shoulder.
Nick rubbed his shoulder and gave her a longing stare, he didn’t answer however. He stepped off his chair and walked to a nearby window while avoiding the broken glass on the floor. The stereo began playing a haunting piano with the sound of thunder and rain in the backdrop, he looked out the window and noticed the music matched the weather as dense rain drops fell to the earth. A patch of mist was rolling in from the mountains, but Nick noticed something strange outside and to his surprise realized it was Marius. He stood on his knees with his back to him; he held his hands together and stared at the sky.
Walter handed Judy a small cup of tea, she held it closely and gave it a long sniff. The aroma was mesmerizing, “Oh wow Walter, this tea smells divine” she gave it a taste and found its sweetness just as alluring. “What is this tea? It’s marvelous” she asked as she took it in enjoying its flavor.
“Its Rooisbos Lady Judy, a bush plant with yellow flowers from the continent of Africa. Its master’s favorite, I am afraid we only had one box left, I saved it for a special occasion.” Walter answered as he filled the cups.
“Ahh, Its perfect the best tea I have ever had. Thank you.” The bunny commented as she drank her brew.
“You are welcome, I should probably summon Marius to have some himself.” Walter said as he looked back to the terrace and noticed he was not there.
Nick pointed towards the large window opposite the table and simply said “He’s, standing right there.” He mentioned an amazed tone.
Judy quickly looked at him and realized he was pointing outside “Outside! In the Rain!” she put her cup down and jumped off her chair. Her back hurt her a little but she didn’t pay it any mind as she walked as quickly as she could to the window. She took a close look out the window seeing Marius getting himself drenched; she looked back to Nick with an angry frown.
Walter walked forward and stood behind them looking outside “You need not worry the master actually likes occasionally standing in the rain, although it’s curious why he’s sitting, that way.” Walter said punctuating the strange way Marius sat.
“But what is he doing?” Nick asked rather intrigued by the sight.
“Well Marius isn’t a religious person, although he does sometimes think there does exist a higher power. But I can tell you he’s praying.” Walter told them as he held his hands together.
Judy sighed and looked at the floor a moment before glaring at Nick “I will tell you why he’s praying Nick” he looked back at her with a somewhat nervous, scared look “He’s praying you do not destroy his trust in you. You have choice Nick, you can make a good friend who will forgive you, and hold your back no matter what. Or you can damn an innocent man, and I will never look at you with the same eyes again.” She said to him in a quiet but insistent tone.
Nick looked back at her the vision of sadness “Judy why are you doing this to me?” he asked in a defeated voice, she just pocked him in the gut. “Because you know I can’t stomach injustice.” She told him sharply.
Nick was sad, how could it come to this? Both choices were terrible, on one hand he could risk losing Judy, something he could never bring himself to accept, on the other hand he risked allowing a potentially dangerous predator to go free.
The choice however was painfully obvious “Sigh. I am going to call Bogo.” He told her finally.
Judy’s jaw dropped “No, you won’t.” She told him.
But he immediately reassured her “No, No. Judy just relax, Sigh I won’t tell him what you’re afraid I will.” He told her.
She looked at him full of anticipation “Then what will you tell him?” she asked in a scared voice.
“I will, ah. I will tell him the truth.” Nick told her in a low voice holding her hand, she smiled at him.
“Please just be careful, you know how he is. You say something wrong he will just worry.” She told him. He nodded, but she wasn’t done “And please, apologize to Marius when comes back in here.” She asked him a cool kind voice.
He smiled at her and said he would, “Because I asked you, or because it’s the right thing to do?” She asked him hopeful he learned his lesson.
“Both” he answered, Judy smiled and gave him a big hug “Thank you Nick.” She told him as she held him tightly. She let him go after a moment and addressed Walter “Walter please call Marius inside before he catches a cold” she asked him, Walter nodded and opened the window. “Sir would you please come inside, your guests are worrying for you. Also the tea is ready.” Walter shouted to his master, Marius replied he would come when he was ready and returned to his meditation.1896Please respect copyright.PENANAohrusw3WvA