Spider-Man speeds through the city toward an apartment complex. He goes through an open window and starts frantically searching for clothes to put on, he finds some and starts to put it on without taking off his suit. He gets all dressed and takes a leap out of his window.
Spider-Man swings around to a neighborhood in Queens, he lands outside of a nice, suburban house with a garden outside. Spider-Man looks around before taking off his mask, revealing the face of Peter Parker. He hides the mask in his pocket before walking up the stairs to the house. He knocks on the door twice before backing up a little.
“Coming!” The voice of an elderly woman calls out, Peter waits with a smile on his face. Soon, the door opens. “Peter!” The woman calls out in excitement and goes in for a hug.
“Happy birthday, Aunt May,” Peter returns the hug, “sorry I’m late.”
“Oh pish-posh, Peter, you haven’t been on time for anything in years.” Aunt May and Peter chuckle, “Well come inside!” Aunt May gestures to Peter inside the house. The two of them walk inside, Harry Osborn, Mary Jane Watson, and Anna Watson are inside. The atmosphere of the house is very homey, the walls are painted with roses that all have thorns.
“Hey, pal,” Harry says with his hands inside of his jean pockets, “how’s it been?”
“Same old, same old.” Peter responds, shrugging,
“Y’know, I’m sure my old man would be glad to offer up a position to you.”
“I’d love that, but it’s just not the right time. How’ve you been?” Peter changes the subject.
“It’s going good, I’m in charge of all non-weaponry projects at Oscorp so that’s cool. Anyways, catch up with someone else, why don’t you?” Harry ends the conversation.
“Hey, Pete.” Mary Jane starts.
“Hey MJ, how’ve you been?” Peter responds, with a slight wave.
“Pretty good, I’m working as a waitress at a joint by the big bank. Few photoshoots here and there, but y’know.”
“That’s not too bad.” Spider-Man’s spider-sense starts to go off, Peter looks around. Peter balls up his hand into a fist, but soon enough a kitchen timer rings.
“Oh, that must be the cake!” Anna speed walks over to the oven. Peter shakes his head slightly, he takes a seat on the comfortable couch.
“You okay, bud?” Harry sits down next to Peter tensely.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just feel bad for being late to everything.” Peter responds, looking at Aunt May in the distance.
“Don’t stress it, pal, I get that you have responsibilities and such. All that I wish is that you’d open up to me about them, but that’s your call.” Harry pats Peter on the shoulder and gets up.
“Peter, can you help with the cake?” Anna asks from the kitchen.
“Sure, Ms. Watson.” Peter gets off the couch and heads to the kitchen.
Later, Peter and Anna head out of the kitchen with a cake in Peter's hands. Peter, Harry, MJ, and Anna all sing Happy Birthday to Aunt May. Peter sets the cake on the coffee table.
“Go ahead, Aunt May, make a wish.” Peter gestures to the cake.
“Thank you all for all of this.” Aunt May blows out the candles. All of them sit around the table and MJ starts to cut the cake. Suddenly, Peter’s phone starts vibrating.
“Uh, I gotta go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” Peter gets up off the couch and starts walking down the hall. He reaches the bathroom and turns the sink on. He reaches into his pocket and grabs his phone. He unlocks it and opens his police scanner app. “Adrian Tooms escaping the R.A.F.T.” Peter whispers to himself. He turns the sink off and goes back to the living room. “I hate to do this, but I have to go. I’m so sorry everyone.” Peter says as he walks to the front door and opens it, “Enjoy the cake!” Peter closes the door and immediately looks around the area. He sees that, still, no one is around and yanks his Spider-Man mask out of his pocket and puts it on. He takes his clothes off, revealing the rest of the costume, and tucks it behind one of the bushes.
Spider-Man speeds through the bridge and to the city. He hears police sirens ringing around him. Spider-Man reaches the R.AF.T. and sees a guard on the ground. Spider-Man lands on the ground and walks toward the guard.
“Please don’t be dead.” The hero sees that the guard is still breathing and sighs with relief, “Oh thank god.” Spider-Man starts to walk away but hears static from the guards walkie-talkie.
“Suspect at Empire State,” someone says through the walkie-talkie in a tense voice, “I repeat, Tooms at the Empire State Building.”
“Empire State, huh? Peace of cake.” Spider-Man gets into position and shoots two webs at some street lights, he pulls back on them. Eventually, he lets go and goes flying above the river and back to the city. He swiftly swings through to the other side of the city, the wind rushing by the masked hero as he hurries to save the day. The lights of the buildings becoming blurs with the speed.
At the Empire State Building, a police helicopter hovers by the building. The helicopter shines its light on Adrian Tooms, also known as the Vulture, as he flies around the building. The Vulture flies toward the helicopter.
“Evasive maneuvers!” The helicopter pilot calls out and starts to move sporadically enough for the Vulture to miss.
“I bet you won’t see this coming.” The Vulture whispers as he grabs something on his side. He throws a grappling hook-like object at the helicopter's engine. It deeply stabs into the engine and disables the helicopter. It starts to fall.
“We’re going down!” The helicopter pilot yells as the helicopter spins out of control. In the nick of time, Spider-Man swings onto the scene. He opens one of the helicopter’s doors, grabs the pilot and copilot, swings toward a nearby building, and drops them off. Spider-Man turns his attention to the Vulture.
“Hey, Adrian,” Spider-Man starts in a light-hearted voice, “how’s three meals a day working out for you?” Vulture charges toward Spider-Man. The hero jumps in the air and starts to swing around the Empire State Building, the Vulture on the spider's tail.
“I’m much happier now that I’m out here.” Vulture responds as he speeds up and tackles Spider-Man out of the air. Spider-Man struggles to get out of the villains grasp, Vulture speeds toward the top of the building and lets Spider-Man go. He then flies beneath the hero and uses the grappling hook to wrap around Spider-Man’s leg and pulls him to plummet towards the colorful New York streets. Spider-Man repositions himself in the air and shoots a web at a building to start a swing right before he hits the ground to gain some altitude. The Vulture uses his sharp wings to cut the web, sending Spider-Man onto the streets. Many cars are speeding through the streets and people running through the sidewalk. But the hero can only think about how he left his aunt on her birthday.
Spider-Man’s spider-sense rings through his head. Before he can look around, the Vulture gets the grappling hook around Spider-Man’s torso. The Vulture takes flight, weaving between buildings.
“This is not how I think either of us saw today going.” Spider-Man quips as he flies through the air, “What, so are you just not going to answer me, or something?” The Vulture grunts in anger.
“Would you just shut up!?” The Vulture comes to a stop and the grappling hook comes off of Spider-Man sending him flying through the air uncontrollably. The hero shoots a web but before it hits anything he breaks through a window into an apartment. A couple is eating dinner when Spider-Man bursts into the apartment and tumbles on the floor, the couple freak out.
“Yeah yeah, sorry.” Spider-Man gets up off the ground, “That wasn’t fun for me either.” He runs out through the hole the window was at Vulture. The two wrestle in the air. The Vulture accidentally starts to accelerate, leading to frantic flying as he attempts to hit Spider-Man. The adversaries eventually fly back to the Empire State Building. Vulture stops before hitting it and Spider-Man webs him in the eyes before jumping off. Spider-Man shoots a web at the top of the building and swings around it at a fast pace. Spider-Man makes it back around to the Vulture. Just as he gets the webbing off of his face, Spider-Man kicks Vulture’s chest. Spider-Man sticks to Vulture and they both start rotating around in the air. The Vulture actually manages to knock Spider-Man off but the hero grabs Vulture’s leg and pulls himself up. Spider-Man gets ready to punch Vulture, in defense Vulture tries to stab Spider-Man with his wings.
Spider-Man punches Vulture in the face and one of the wings slightly cuts him on his shoulder. Spider-Man flips over to Vulture’s back and starts punching at the flight pack, trying to disable it. The Vulture takes off at a high speed to try to shake the spider. Vulture lowers himself to be next to an upcoming building. The masked hero’s spider-sense intensely rings, causing him to stop punching the flight pack and look around. Once they arrive at the building, Vulture turns and shoves Spider-Man into the bricks of the building. “Yeah I should’ve seen that one coming.” Spider-Man quips with strain. He shoots a web at Vulture’s flight pack and gets dragged in the air by it.
Spider-Man starts to climb the web to try to get back to the flight pack. Vulture sees this and spins around, chopping off the web. Spider-Man starts to freefall but Vulture throws his grappling hook and it wraps around the hero’s leg. Vulture pulls Spider-Man in the air above the avian. Vulture pulls Spider-Man back down and he lands on Vulture’s back. Vulture returns the grappling hook to his side and, before Spider-Man can even breathe, shoots off at maximum speed. Vulture puts on an oxygen mask and pulls up toward the clouds.
“What are your thoughts about breathing, Spider-Man?” Vulture rhetorically asks Spider-Man.
“Y’know,” Spider-Man starts to punch the flight pack with all that he has, “I actually like it thank you very much.” Spider-Man damages the flight pack, turning it into a glorified glider.
“What have you done!?” Vulture yells out as Spider-Man starts to steer the wings. Spider-Man lines up with the roof of a building. He starts to pull the wings toward him to slow them down, bending them in the process.
“Tuck and roll, Adrian.” Spider-Man instructs as they approach the roof. Spider-Man jumps off and rolls on the roof. Vulture reclines the wings back into the flight pack before landing on the roof, unable to roll. Spider-Man and Vulture stand back up. Vulture pulls his grappling hook out and throws it at Spider-Man. He simply dodges it, grabs the chain, and breaks it. “And here I thought the fight was over.” Vulture pulls his wings out and runs at Spider-Man. He moves out of the way before Vulture hits him. The avian uses what’s left of the flight pack to try to take flight. Spider-Man is ready for another round of the fight when his spider-sense starts ringing louder than tornado sirens.
Spider-Man looks around in mystery, Vulture is just as confused. Suddenly, Vulture’s flight pack is disabled and he falls back onto the roof. Spider-Man chuckles and webs Vulture up for the police to take him away. Spider-Man thinks about leaving but his spider-sense continues to go off. He looks around, but suddenly a sniper shot is shot at the hero. Spider-Man dodges out of the way. Pistol shots are then fired at him 12 times, he dodges them just as easily. Spider-Man sees a figure in the window of a nearby, taller building. Spider-Man uses two webs to sling shot himself through the window. The figure starts to run to the halls of the building. Spider-Man runs into a wall, breaking a hole into it, and runs toward the figure. The two of them turn corners in this maze of a building, police sirens getting louder in the background.
Spider-Man reaches the end of the hall and sees an open door. He goes through the door into an abandoned apartment. He sees one of the windows open and looks outside, the figure has escaped. The hero’s spider-sense signals that the figure is not in the apartment. Spider-Man walks back to where he found the figure at first. He sees a table with a folder on it, he picks up the slim folder. The folder says Project - S6 on it. Spider-Man opens the folder and it only has one piece of paper on it that says You’ll have to look harder than that, Spider-Man. Spider-Man closes the folder and heads back out the window, starting a swing through the city.
Spider-Man goes through the window to his apartment and takes off his mask. He opens a desk drawer and puts the folder in it, he closes the drawer and lays down in bed. He tries to get some sleep after a long, long, day.
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