Spider-Man stands heroically at the top of the apartment complex. He leaps off with might and goes off swinging.
"Alright let's get things started!" He swings by a news helicopter, turns around, and waves, "Good morning, news person!" He swings high and low through the sunlit city, and the wind rushes past him. Spider-Man does tricks in the air with ease. The people look up excitedly, seeing the hero speed through their skyline. Spider-Man swings toward a News building with big neon letters writing out The Daily Bugle. Spider-Man finds a spot to change into Peter.
"Where's Parker!?" An angry, aggressive man calls out, "I need that kid over here or else we're gonna have to use an old man playing chess on page one!" Peter bursts through the office doors.
"Sorry, Jonah," Peter walks to Jonah's desk with a Malina folder in his hand, "traffic was terrible."
"It better have been!" Jonah swipes the folder from Peter's hand, he opens it, and sees a picture of Spider-Man standing over Kearney while he gets handcuffed outside of a store. Jonah looks at Peter with confusion
"I'd rather have the old man playing chess." Jonah shows Peter the photo, "Do you have a picture from the Vulture clash last night, any at all?"
"No, I was at my Aunt's birthday party," Peter responds, Jonah scoffs. Suddenly, a man in a 3 piece suit comes through the office doors.
"Jonah, do you have page one yet?" The man asks.
"No, not yet, Parker wasn't at the Vulture break out last night. So start scouring the internet, someone outta took one." Jonah responds, Robbie walks out of the doors. Jonah gets on his computer while Peter continues to stand in the office. "What do you want, a ghost check for your ghost photo? Get out of here." Peter sighs, grabs his folder, and walks out of the Daily Bugle. Once Peter is out of the Bugle he goes into an alleyway and puts his Spider-Man mask on. Suddenly, Peter's phone starts ringing, so he takes it out of his pocket and sees that it's from Harry. "Hello?" Peter answers.
"Hey buddy," Harry starts, "it was good to see you last night, for the five minutes you were there at least."
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that."
"Eh, what else is new? But anyways, I was thinking that you could come by Oscorp today and we could properly just hang out, like good ol' times.
"Sure sounds great, I'll swing by when I can."
"Good to hear it." Harry hangs up and Peter puts his phone away.
"But first," Peter climbs the wall next to him and prepares a slingshot for himself, "I should apologize to May." Peter speeds off toward Queens. Peter lands in front of May's house and makes sure no one else is around when he removes his mask. Peter cleans himself up a little bit before knocking on the door. After awkwardly waiting in silence, Aunt May opens the door.
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"Oh, Peter!" Aunt May starts, as if Peter hasn't done anything wrong, "What brings you over here?"
"I just wanted to apologize," Peter responds, "for last night. I really shouldn't have left you like that.
"Oh Peter," Aunt May interrupts, "I know you young people have things that you need to do, I just hope that they're responsible things."
"Are you sure you're okay?" Peter asks,
"I'm fine Peter." Aunt May reassures Peter.
"Okay, well, just call me if there's anything I can do to make it up to you."
"Will do." May jokes, they both know that phone call wouldn't be happening. Aunt May closes the door and Peter runs off, changing back into his Spider-Man suit.
"Okay," Spider-Man leaps onto the top of one of New York's comfy suburban houses, "Aunt May check, now to go see what Harry wants." Spider-Man pulls out his phone and calls Harry,
"Hello?" Harry asks after picking up the phone.
"Harry," Peter responds, "Hey, I'm in Queens right now and I'm heading over to Oscorp now."
"Alright, see you soon. Also, are you going to walk to Oscorp from Queens?" Harry asks with a bit of concern in his voice.
"Nah, I'll grab the train." Peter reassures.
"Okay, see you soon." Harry hangs up the phone.
"While Peter maybe on a train," Spider-Man leaps to start swinging, "Spider-Man's gonna get in some action." Spider-Man spends the next little while stopping some of the usual petty crimes like thefts, drug deals, et cetera. "Alright, I suppose I should go by Oscorp now." Spider-Man wasn't too far away from the building. He swings to a nearby building where he puts his clothes on top, without taking off his Spider-Man suit he jumps down into an alleyway, takes off his mask, and places it in his pocket. He fixes his hair before approaching the Oscorp Tower, "Stupid static electricity." Peter annoyingly calls out to himself. He walks up the stairs that lead up to the tower and opens the doors. Before the door can even close he hears a familiar voice, similar to Harry's, call out to him.
"Peter Parker!" Peter looks up to see Norman Osborn, Harry's father and founder of Oscorp, in a 3 piece suit in a higher level than Peter. Peering off the balcony, "How the hell are you?"
"I'm pretty good," Peter responds, "just going through life." Norman walks over to the stairs and climbs down them.
"Here to see Harry, I presume?"
"Yeah, is he here?" Peter walks over to meet Norman at the stairs.
"Yes, he's in his office," Norman responds, motioning Peter to come up the stairs, "I'll take you there myself." Norman goes back up the stairs and Peter follows. Norman takes Peter to the balcony from earlier and takes Peter over to a nearby hallway that has an elevator. They get in the elevator and Norman presses a button to go up to floor 22.
"So," Peter starts to break the awkward silence, "how goes business?"
"It's been going good," Norman responds, "fantastic, actually." and then the elevator goes back into silence. Soon enough, the elevator finally reached its destination. The doors of the elevator open and Norman points to the right of the hallway, "Harry's office is at the end of the hallway," Peter walks out of the elevator and looks back at Norman, who steps backward and readjusts his tie, "I would like to come with you, but I have a meeting to attend." Just as the elevator doors start to automatically close, Norman presses another elevator button.
"What a strange guy," Peter remarks to himself and starts walking in the direction Norman had pointed to. At the end of the hallway, just as Norman said, was a fancy wooden door with a nameplate that has 'Harry Osborn' and below that in smaller text, 'science manager' Peter took a minute to read the nameplate before knocking on the door.
"It's open!" Harry calls out, Peter opens the door and enters the neatly decorated office.
"Hey, Harry." Peter goes over to Harry's desk, made out of the same material as the door. Harry stands up from his chair,
"Hey, Pete." Harry's face lights up, as if he wasn't expecting Peter to begin with.
"Sweet office." Peter looks around, amazed by how shiny everything is.
"Believe it or not," Harry starts, "this used to be a janitor's closet." Peter and Harry both share a chuckle.
"Why would you want us to meet up at Oscorp?"
"Well okay, I kind of lied," Harry answers, "I just wanted to show you around, so that you might take a job here." Peter looks stunned, "I mean I know you love science and that you probably need a job, I mean we would have to do a proper interview." Harry starts rambling, Peter is overwhelmed, he has a lot to think about. Eventually, Peter decides to interrupt Harry,
"This is great, it really is," Peter starts, "I would love to accept, but I have to think about it." Harry seems a little disappointed.
"Oh okay," Harry responds, "I get it. Well, think about it." There's a knock at the door, it's Norman.
"Hello, boys." Norman greets as he opens the door.
"Mr. Osborn," Peter responds, "I thought you had a meeting."
"It got rescheduled. Besides, I hear Harry wanted to give you a position here and I have something really interesting in production that I would like you to see."
“Oh?” Peter and Harry both ask. Norman gestures to them to follow him. The three of them walk out of the office and through the modern and sleek halls of Oscorp. They arrive at a restricted access door, Norman brings his badge out and swipes it to unlock the door. They go through the hall and Norman leads them to a lap. The lap has a vile with a blue glowing liquid in it. “What is this?” Peter asks, looking at the substance.
“Well, this is a sort of super soldier-like substance,” Norman starts, “once someone drinks it, it will cause rapid cell division that can cause superhuman strength and makes you around 25% bigger in size.”
“So it’s a weapon?” Harry asks, as he doesn’t even know about it.
“Yes and no. Your white blood cell count would increase significantly, and that combined with chemotherapy,”
“Could cure cancer.” Peter interrupts, looking at Norman.
“Exactly, and with your brains, we could make that a reality.” Norman grabs Peter’s shoulder, “So what do you say?” Before Peter can think about his decision, the fire alarms go off.
"You get out," Peter's face goes from his normal expression to a more determined and serious look, "I'm going to see if anyone needs help." Before Harry or Norman can say anything Peter makes a break for it and eventually makes it to a room without anyone in it. He starts taking off his clothes to get into his Spider-Man outfit, he puts on his mask as well. He waits a while and bursts through the door to the room, seeing an empty hallway where no one could get suspicious.
"Stupid gas failure or something interrupting my time with Harry." Spider-Man starts running and makes it to a crowded stairwell to make it down to where people need help the most. Luckily, the people wouldn't be a problem for him as he jumps in the middle, as this was a stairway that was exclusively attached to the wall. He is able to hold on to his web and starts making his way down. Suddenly, his Spider-Sense starts to go off again, directing him toward the lobby. "Odd place to have a gas failure." Spider-Man mumbles to himself and starts making his way toward the lobby.
Spider-Man dashes through the door to the lobby and is shocked to see that this is not a fire at all. It is instead a group of criminals, who broke in via a truck that they were able to ram through the entrance.
"Well, this just got a lot better!" Spider-Man makes himself known and starts walking toward the criminals.
"Spider-Man!" One of the criminals calls out and starts shooting at Spider-Man. Spider-Man, unsurprisingly, dodges the bullets with ease. "You get the stuff and we'll keep him busy." A few members of the group make a break for another room. Well, I can't mess with these guys for too long, Spider-Man thinks. Suddenly, a multitude of the remaining criminals start shooting their weapons at Spider-Man. Spider-Man leaps and starts swinging around the Oscorp lobby. He does some flips in the air before landing on the ground beside the criminals. One of them is quick to act on this and points his gun at the masked hero. Spider-Man shoots a web and the gun and yanks it out of the Criminal's hand, the Criminal falls down because of the force. Spider-Man notices one of the criminals jump out of the truck with a rocket launcher. So, these guys mean business, Spider-Man thinks to himself as the criminal with the rocket launcher turns toward Spider-Man and pulls the trigger. Suddenly, a rocket comes blasting out of the launcher, creating a devastating noise and leaving Spider-Man's Spider-Sense to start going crazy.
"Woah!" Spider-Man yells out before leaping out of the way onto a nearby wall. Spider-Man turns to face the criminals, "So what do you guys even want, anyway?"
"None of your business, bug."
"Rude." Spider-Man realizes that the rocket actually blew up a pillar on its balcony. Spider-Man jumps to act as the balcony starts to fall and the people walking on it, trying to escape, start to fall with it. Spider-Man catches the balcony just in time and lifts it up so that the people in the room under don't get stuck and so the other people can escape.
A criminal decides to use this opportunity to shoot Spider-Man in the leg, causing him to kneel on his knee. Spider-Man screams from the pain and the excursion that the balcony is causing, but he has to keep going. The Criminal with the rocket launcher reloads the weapon and shoots a rocket toward the only pillar that was left for that section on the balcony that was falling. Suddenly, the screams went from average crisis screaming to absolute screams of terror as now Spider-Man is the only one holding up the balcony. Spider-Man shimneys himself toward the center of the balcony as more of the criminals go to help the others steal something. Spider-Man tilts the balcony over, letting the people slide down it.
"Alright, everyone off." He calls out, once everyone is off he tosses the balcony down and brings all his attention to his leg. Spider-Man's leg is unforgivably bleeding. One of the criminals sees that Spider-Man has taken care of the balcony and points his gun toward him. Spider-Man's Spider-Sense starts going off, and Spider-Man turns around and uses a web to pull himself toward the Criminal before he can do anything. Spider-Man kicks the Criminal, knocking him out. Spider-Man takes the Criminal's bandana and wraps it around his wound like a bandage. Suddenly, the group of criminals that were stealing something burst through the door. The only thing is, one of them has transformed into a giant, hulking brute. "Geez," Spider-Man starts, going into a fighting position, "so did you like steal a super soldier drug or something?" Spider-Man looks at the other criminals, who are holding carts that have high-tech viles with a substance in them. "Oh my god," the criminals start pushing the carts toward the truck, "that's exactly what it is." The Brute comes charging at Spider-Man who leaps out of the way, but the Brute grabs Spider-Man by the leg and throws him to the floor.
"You've spun your last web." The Brute says while walking toward the injured hero.
"That is the most..." Spider-Man quips, "cartoon villain thing I've ever heard." The Brute picks Spider-Man up and punches him with enough force to send him through a nearby wall. Spider-Man finds himself in some lab that was below the balcony that he just saved. The Brute walks toward Spider-Man again, ready to finish the job.
"Leave him there," one of the others calls out, the Brute sighs and moves toward the truck. Once he's there, they take off.
Spider-Man, surrounded by rumble and covered in dust. He gets up and stumbles away.
The Semi-Truck speeds through the streets of New York, having made a successful heist, they're heading toward their base to celebrate. The Brute in the back looks around to see if the Webhead is following them, the Brute also has his balance broken by the Truck weaving between traffic. They make a right turn for a fairly open alleyway before slowing down. The Truck Driver hits a button in the truck that causes a nearby garage door to open, they turn left through the garage door and into their warehouse. The Truck slows down before coming to a complete halt.
"We did it, boys!" One of the criminals yells in celebration while jumping out of the back of the Truck. The other criminals also get out of the Truck, most of them without a care, causing the canisters to shake but luckily none of them fall. The Brute calls attention to this,
"Careful!" He demands, with the sternness of a Boot Camp Leader.
"Whatever you say, Kearney." Another criminal replies, but before he knows it he's above the ground, being held up by Kearney.
"What did I tell you about calling me that?"
"S-sorry!" The Criminal calls out as if to say 'uncle' at the preschool playground.
"That's what I thought." Kearney drops the Criminal without a care for his safety. Kearney walks over to a door and bursts through it, knocking it off its hinges. Soon he returns with bottles upon bottles of Champagne, "Alright, let's party!"
After a few hours of partying, drinking, arm wrestling, and whatnot, Kearney notices that one of the others is not having that good of a time. So he walks up to him, "What's going on, Sam?" Sam doesn't respond, "We just successfully pulled a heist on one of the most powerful companies in the country and you're just moping over here?" Again, no response, "Alright pal, you're testing my patience, so tell me what's going on with you now!" Kearney's voice seemed to reach the moon itself, the room had gone hushed. Suddenly, the gang hears sirens silently making their way toward them. "You..." Kearney started in a much quieter, still harsh, voice, "You snitched!" He cried out before grabbing Sam by the head, Kearney's palm being as big as Sam's head, and slams him into the ground. "Alright," Kearney walks toward the garage door, "you gotta go! I'll take care of the cops." He opens the door and steps out into the alleyway.
"You sure that drug makes you bulletproof?" Another criminal asks while running toward the back of the Truck.
"We are about to find out." Kearney walks toward the main road from the alleyway, ready to face any challenge that gets in his way. The rest of the crew get into the Truck. It starts to back out of the garage and takes off the opposite way of where Kearney is in the alleyway. Kearney sees the cops approaching in their vehicles. He steps out into the middle of the road and awaits one of the cops who frantically turns the steering wheel, trying to avoid hitting Kearney, but the car skids and slides toward Kearney anyway. Before the cop car can hit him, Kearney reaches and grabs the bottom of the car and throws it over him. The car spins in midair before landing on the ground and rolls on it before eventually stopping.
The other cop cars at this point have already avoided Kearney. The cops in those vehicles get out and point their weapons at him.
"Put your hands in the air!" One of the cops yells. Kearney starts to put his hands in the air, but in a quick action, he grabs another close car and throws it at the cops. The drug starts to wear off, and Kearney runs for the alleyway.
Kearney reaches the other side and realizes that the crew is waiting for him on the other side. Without thinking about it, Kearney hops inside the back and bangs on it to tell the driver to get moving. Kearney walks over and inspects one of the vials.
"These will be very helpful," he states.159Please respect copyright.PENANA4ydn1bj05v