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131Please respect copyright.PENANAMA870KF9H1
Luka's legs wobbled and his balance was tested heavily from the sudden shockwave and rumbling, it felt like the earth itself was shaking almost like an earthquake was happening right where he stood. Then suddenly his body was balanced but he still felt the reverberations running throughout his entire body.
131Please respect copyright.PENANAEk5aRF5Gp8
"What is happening?! Is something big coming for us?!"
131Please respect copyright.PENANArl0ZCaZdWl
"Hm? No, that's just Isaac and Valk warming up for battle."
131Please respect copyright.PENANAa0lAnVUOjc
"Oh okay then, for a moment I was worried that we'd- Whaaaaaa? Th-That's a warm up??"
131Please respect copyright.PENANArJ0FhaqaHe
"Come." Cassian escorted Luka over towards the landing zone of Isaac and Valk, looking over into the pit they'd end up seeing Valk & Isaac engaged in combat. Their fighting styles direct contrasts of speed and power.
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"Hakalanths Nikushimi to akui no ikimono(Creatures Of Hate And Spite), these are one of our many enemies, Luka."
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Luka examined the creatures below them, they looked like giant insects with various colorations, the smaller ones were completely white and the larger ones were gray with black accents. Isaac skipped around dodging the claws on the bugs before hitting one of them with a fierce reversed ax kick that caused its entire head to erupt from the pressure from the wind flowing behind his foot, launched the green blood away and melted the smaller insects rushing at him. A larger one jumped out and dove down to attack Isaac, however everyone looked up when the sun was blocked and watched a wheel of blue flames come rushing down and an eruption happened completely squishing the bug and covering Valk in guts.
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"Huh? Isaac didn't move?! How'd he not get hurt?"
131Please respect copyright.PENANAXYCnFAOVgg
"Awakening abilities are very helpful, seeing this should push you to work even harder. Maybe your awakening will drastically improve your capabilities."
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Cassian squatted down beside Luka, watching the fight below. Luka saw a shine of metal and looked towards Cassian, he saw two daggers with a blue handle and pink accents.
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"Anyway our objective is to survive here for a full week. All we've really gotta do is keep Luka alive for two days." Karli told Cassian their mission objective.
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"We get to leave early if we kill the Hakalanths Dragon."
131Please respect copyright.PENANAuJAwXxStXG
"Wait hold on hold on, why do I have to leave earlier?"
131Please respect copyright.PENANADg990jqMOR
"Because even though you're gonna be one of the bigger boys and girls sometime in the future, right now you're still just a young-"
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"Kid! Like I get it ma, it's not like I can just forget that ya know what I mean?" Standing up Kimiko would stand there and continue to ramble on and on, suddenly a creature would sneak behind her.
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A giant centipede rushed down at her but just as fast as it went down it fell dead even quicker, Kyron stood in front of her with his back towards her and his Kunai in hand. Standing up he'd turn and look at her with a smile.
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"I definitely understand what you mean, parents constantly teach us stuff and even if we learn it they treat us as if we never understood it in the first place."
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"Silence! You two have done more bickering than actual preparation, we're losing precious daylight and we need to get ourselves some manner of shelter. We also need food, thankfully someone was doing their job."
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Stepping aside, Nepthys would show Ciara with a basket full of fruits she'd gathered.
131Please respect copyright.PENANAiUHTSilZ9e
"The only one who has any right to slack off is Tyron since he can give us a nice source of fire to keep us warm if anything goes bad but you two-"
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"Oi oi hold on now! We're keeping us safe by fightin' that's gotta count for somethin' or another."
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"If we have anything trialing us, it would be bad and we could be attacked in our sleep."
131Please respect copyright.PENANAW2AddQN67L
"Allies comrades, let us not fight but instead focus. Thanks to the divine we have this nice harvest to take care of ourselves with, all we need to do is find some shelter and-"
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"Donate all those findings to the deserving, me."
131Please respect copyright.PENANArt0BGvYKqa
Looking over the group saw another student walking over to them with his hands in his pocket. His skin swarthy and his eyes a fiery orange, Tyron looked over at the student.
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Kimiko shouted running over and tackling him, Tyron fell over as a low whistle was heard flying past and then a hole was in the tree behind them. Tyron retaliated by firing a blast of fire in the direction of their new attackers.
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"Watch it!!"
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Sparks, the sound of blades connecting with one another. Kyron & Nepthys dove at their allies blocking the large great sword that came down on them, holding it up and shoving it back.
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Kimiko jumped down on all fours snarling and raising her tail which was fluffed from the adrenaline and to defend it, Tyron rolled and stayed beside his team as they focused on their blind spots.
131Please respect copyright.PENANAyMpfEoNusK
"There's a shooter west along with." Kimiko sniffed the air trying to discern what she was smelling.
131Please respect copyright.PENANAnv7CJD9iaC
"I can't tell what the last one is but I'll reckon it's a mutant."
131Please respect copyright.PENANAdy5Wd9sP5b
"Wow you're all just like helpless little pigs, cowering together and just hoping for the best. It's adorable." The guy laughed as he would look towards them and then clench his fist, black sparks emitting from them as he put on his gloves.
131Please respect copyright.PENANANwZpnpyTCo
"But you'll entertain us a bit won't you?"
"This isn't good, I suggest we just give them our supplies."
131Please respect copyright.PENANADTTP5J6u1q
"No. We submit to these cowards then we look more like livestock than actual warriors." Nepthys said as she unsheathed her sword and got ready to fight.
131Please respect copyright.PENANAUdH26IgXDO
"You want entertainment? Allow me!" Rushing at the assailant Nepthys slammed her blade down onto his gloves, a black spark emitting from his hand kept her blade from slicing through.
131Please respect copyright.PENANAFm6ifybkJX
Reaching his arm back he threw his fist forward with a hard and heavy hand ready to connect and it did. Black sparks erupting and crackling through the once calm winds. Nepthys grit her teeth but looking down she saw a small shield where his fist connected, looking behind Nepthys he'd see Ciara glowing a green aura.
131Please respect copyright.PENANA3ArMn1sVaD
"Spiritual Defense!" Ciara grit her teeth keeping her staff pointed at Nepthys, the sparks dissipated and in a moment his team rushed to handle everyone else.
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131Please respect copyright.PENANAkW20MLQdRn
A bullet flew at Tyron as he dodged out the way and rushed Nepthys and her attacker, flipping over him and putting his hand out as he fell from above mid flip landing on the side of him. His hand ignited slightly as he aimed his hand at his head.
131Please respect copyright.PENANAr0OEEFdpu1