“Sit down now.” Says my mother with a hard stare as I get up to leave, I throw her a glare before throwing my-self back into my seat “why am I even here.” I snarl my arms crossed and a angry pout on my face, I’m acting like a typical teen to be honest its perthitic even for me but she completely ignores me,
Hi, I’m Ruby Rodriguez I’m 17 years old and my life sucks completely and I’ll get to why in a bit, But right now my ‘perfect’ Twin sister should be arriving any second for her Celebration for achieving some stupid thing once again,
All of my family is gathered in the living room of our family home waiting patiently for my father and sister to arrive back at the house she has Just completed another one of her silly courses for cooking its not even that important.
You might be think wow she’s an ass but I don’t get celebrated for anything Me and her are twins right and our birthday was last week they gave her a massive party and she got to invite all her friends and she has loads everyone loves her I have a small friend group but I’m happy with that,
I wasn’t invited to my own birthday I had to leave the house and I didn’t get any gifts either, It’s been that way since we where 4, I remember every year on the 18th of November I was in the corner ignored like I was a shadow behind my sister I had nothing left but her she always tried to include me but I was still ignored,
As we grew up Her friends bullied me and my friends sometimes she would join in, so you see why I would be quite surprised when I got to see one of her celebrations but honestly I didn’t even want to be here.
I hear dads Porsche pull Into the Graveled drive I listen to the crunching of the tiers and I hear the doors slam shut and footsteps leading up to the door I hear the key in the lock and I watch the huge oak doors swing open and my sister float into the room in her dusty pink floor length gown and her flower headband she looked like she could be a goddess,
Mum always said she was the definition of beauty hence why she is called Grace I love my sister but I know she doesn’t love me none of them do,
My dad is trailing behind his precious princess Holding two bags filled with clothes she turns and sees everyone in the living room a soft smile creeps along her face I know its so fake so I roll my eyes “Hi Grace hunny you ok?” says my mother after hugging her,
She nods, her eyes sweeping the room till she finds me her smile fades “shes here?” she asked confused my mother turns to see who she means and her eyes land on me her smile also fades and a look of pure hate replaces it,
“your right she shouldn’t be here sorry hunny.” says my mother putting her glass of champagne on the table and grabbing my wrist taking me past my sister and dad and putting me outside like a dog before shutting the doors.
I turn and face the close doors “what the actual fuck.” I shout they all ignore me so I walk over to the woods its a 5 min walk from our house I go to my spot its a little camp me and grace made when we where tiny she doesn’t come here anymore,
So I take my friends here knowing grace and her friends wouldn’t set foot in the woods there too uptight for that now I mentality roll my eyes I sit down on one of the logs that are sat around the camp fire “why are you out here?” asked a mans voice I stand and turn around,
The man is tall maybe 6′2 His hair was a dark brown almost black color his eyes they where blood red but they quickly faded into a chocolate brown he wasn't pale but he wasn't tan either I felt butterfly's erupt in my stomach he was handsome almost devilish.
"I...I my sister and family are celebrating something they didn't want me there, what are you doing out here?" I asked back folding my arms,
"I've come for a walk I'm quite stressed at the moment." he says sitting down on the log opposite me I sit back down on the log I was on before he came,
"what's stressing you out maybe I can help?" I say I watch him tilt his head like he was trying to study me I smile softly the butterfly's becoming more and more hyper.
"Well there's my bosses although I don't like them much I have to follow there every command." he explains I sit patiently listening to the stranger,
"Now my bosses have sent me on lets call it a mission." he says I look down to the ground "what kind of mission?" I ask shyly I know I shouldn't be butting into his personal life but hey he is complaining to me,
He smiles and looks down rubbing the back of his head with his hand "There's two girl we need to talk to about something very important but we don't know how to approach them any advice?" he says looking into my eye my face softens and I smile.
"Well I would start by going up to the girl's and introducing myself and anyone I'm with, then I would ask If we could talk some place more quiet and then tell them what you need to say." I say looking at the man,
He nods and smile "I think if I told them the real reason they would think me crazy." he says quietly I smile and look up at the sky it's getting dark,
"It was nice meeting you but I need to go home." I say standing he stands to "yes your right I should go home to it was very nice meeting you goodbye." he says shaking my hand "bye." I say before walking down the slope and out to the main road before walking home.
When I get there I see my family saying goodbye to the guests I walk past them all and into the house I take my shoes off putting them on the shoe rack and walking up stairs to my room,
I gently shut my door and grab my diary and pen I sit on my window seat I start writing about the man in the woods with a big smile,
Dear Diary,
Today was Crap as perusal, School started early today and I ended up being late so I was given a after school detention I was given so much homework as-well and we aren't allowed to do it in detention as its HOMEwork not SCHOOLwork,
Then I was forced to help set up a bunch of decorations because my sister was being celebrated for yet again another thing I was then made to wait 1hour and 30minutes sat in a chair in the Corner of the room waiting for her,
Then when she arrived she didn't want me to be there so I was kicked out of the house so I went for a walk I was in the woods again and A man appeared behind me,
He was really kind and it seemed like he was concerned for me he asked for advice on how to talk to someone so I told him what I would do we soon departed after that,
He made me feel different inside good different but I'm not sure how or why and it is confusing me maybe it was because he was good looking cuase I have never seen a man who looked better,
Now that I think about it I didn't give him my name and he didn't give me his either but he looked around 20/21 I'd be surprised if he was any older,
He had black eyes that had a red glow around them his hair was dark brown or brownly black he didn't have glasses and he was thin but muscular his black t-shirt clung to his muscles,
He was around 6'3 or 6'4 his skin was tanned perfectly it wasn't too much but he wasn't pale he had quite a few scars going up his arm as if someone had cut him with a knife repeatedly,
But to me he was really attractive and I have no clue what attracted me to him its like he's a magnet and I a piece of meatal I had better go and get ready for bed.
bye <3
I put my diary and pen down and look out my window I see a car drive past the roof is down and in the drivers seat I see the man he had put black glasses on and his hair was flowing in the wind I smile, I quickly stand and shut the curtains before walking into the bathroom,
I turn the shower on so the water will heat up a bit before I get into it I walk over to my walk in closet and grab my red silk PJ's and some red pants I grab my red towel and walk back into the bathroom,
I set my stuff on the marble counter top I take off my clothes and put them into the wash basket taking down my hair and taking my jewelry off I step into the shower.
I shampoo my hair twice then condition it and lastly washing my body I turn the hot tap off leaving the cold tap on and stand under the coldness for 5 minutes before turning it off and opening the glass door and grabbing my towel,
I wrap it around my body and grab my white towel wrapping it around my hair I walk over to my sink and wash my face and then moisturize my body after drying it I brush my teeth and dry my hair,
Brushing it out and putting them into two braids I put my underwear and PJ's on and turn out the light of my bathroom before walking into my bedroom closing my windows and turning out the light I slowly fall into a blissful asleep.
~ Dream ~
I'm walking through a flowery maze thought all the flowers are dead once I walk past them they spring up with life and a smile rests on my face,
As I'm walking I start to think the maze wont end I turn to my left and enter a clearing my sister appears shes wearing a white gown and that flowery head band she loves she takes one look at me and shakes her head,
I turn around to leave and Everyone in my family appears and they all shake there heads at me forming a circle around me they are all wearing white with flower headbands and yellow circle things above there head yelling slurs and unkind words a pain courses through my head and I fall to my knees gripping my head and screaming.
My vision blurs and I see my sisters eyes are white her hand is pointing at me and shes speaking in another language I don't understand,
Tears are streaming down my face due to the pain and just before I pass out there's a massive glow of red light and everyone disappears the man I saw in the woods kneels next to me "ruby are you alright?" he whispers Pulling me into his arms,
I rest my head against his chest something tells me I can trust him and Im following that instinct I guess he keeps walking and I pass out In his arms.