I am here my friends to tell you to never adventure in the Russian woods alone. For I fear that there are remnants from the USSR that should be left alone.
It all started the night of a great snowfall in Moscow. We were 90 kilometers from our village of Dankov while on a night drive through the woods where Diemitre claimed a secret base is located..
We are walking along a path to "The Big Green" which lies within these woods. A base they conducted the superhuman tests on subjects. Or so Diemitre would like for me to believe.
If such a thing were true I would believe it. It was after the Cuban missile crisis after all and the USSR was in a Cold War with the Americans. The Soviets would do anything to stop the American Swine.
"We are getting close my brother, soon you will see what I saw." Diemitre tells me.
Had we not been arguing about his tales I would not be in this mess tonight.
I sigh and look around at the thick woods noticing a scent that is unfamiliar to me. It's sweet like honey suckle yet reeks of sour milk. That's when I catch a glimpse of white that should not be there, but when I turn my head to fully look at it it is gone.
"The place giving you spooks?" Diemitre jabs.
I chuckle under my breath. "You know what it was don't you" He gives me a curt smile and hurries along, I nearly have to jog to keep up with him. "Come on Diemitre quit fooling around." I shout at him to no avail.
A ghastly scream, meters ahead of me, frightens me to the very core. The thought of Diemitre in trouble has me worrying very much so. I run harder than I ever have ignoring my breathing pains.
I stumble upon my brother, silent and still as the dead. I follow my brothers gaze to find a decomposing body hanging from a tree. It would take a giant of a man with great strength, even with a ladder, to hang a man from that height.
I begin to look around the tree line and to my astonishment many more men were hung up in the same fashion. Most were decaying however some of them you could tell had just been hung up within the past week or so.
"Diemitre, where have you taken us?" I ask noticing the shaking in my voice.
He turns to me, moon light spills onto his ash white face. "Run" he whispers walking torwards me. "Run for the love of God." He screams frantically as he passes me starting to run as though he was possessed.
I hear a rustle of leaves coming from the trees above me racing torwards Diemitre's projected path. In an instant I see a white streak fall from the tree lining, falling atop of my brother.
Raising it's right claw in the air it slashes downward striking Diemitre. A dream and then the sudden shift of darkness echoes through the woods.
I run away from the beast torwards the supposed base. Run as though God himself was chasing me. Run as though that beast would strike me down. I know I must get out alive.
After a kilometer of dead space running I see the base before me. The gates are torn asunder not as though someone broke in, but broke out. I run through the gates noting the lack of trees for fifteen meters or so.
From the angle of attack on my brother and the dead in trees it likes to be up high. I have to find a low spot with protection to collect my thoughts and possibly retaliate.
Seeing a two story I run towards its main door. I don't stop even when I'm a yard close and hit the door with my shoulder slamming it open. I quickly shut the door behind me and take a look at my surroundings.
I must be in the main office of the base. Papers are scattered across the floor as though who ever was here didn't want someone to find something, or the reverse.
Picking up a couple of the papers and reading them I find out what this facilities true purpose was for. There was only one test, a super soldier. They operated while test subjects were still in the womb of there mothers in hopes of creating a subject that could stand any type of environment on land from the frigid tundra to the scalding desert.
A birth report frightens me the most -
"Only one subject has been born. The serum we used was useless, only the genealogy of a wolf spider and the kessler scorpion took. Neither the walrus or the lynx DNA survived.
Scientist Rhea has flagged this as a success. Saying it shows how human DNA manipulation can be successful. We have come to an understanding that the study should be stopped.
She will continue to nurture and care for her child until the age of eighteen where the government will claim rights on there new weapon. We warned her not to name the subject but she has named it Mordred. We call it the Yrpsosa Nyak behind her back. I will never understand the love she continues to have for it. Even if that creature is her son."
That monster I saw, that killed my brother, that killed all those people was bred here. I black out from fury screaming at the top of my lungs swiping the table clean before me before I bring my fist down upon it denting the metal frame.
Just then a click from one of the drawers rings in the room. I open it up and smile at my find, a gun. I pick it up and feel at home with it even though I've never held a gun in my life. I retrace my steps from the base to the edge of the woods and smile seeing the creature before me.
The Yrpsosa Nyak stands flexing itself before me showing his six lengthy arms adorned with scales. His has hands however he only has three digits all adorned with talon like claws. One hand still stained in fresh blood.
He steps forward uneasily and cocks his head to the side as if studying me with his horrifyingly large black eyes that shimmer in the moonlight. "Why not?" It asks pointing at my gun.
I loose my breath and fall backs as if hit by a rush of air. I begin to panic, my anger turns to horror and astonishment. I'm frozen in fear.
His tail whips around him showing a stinger dripping inooze and pus. In an instant I can feel my stomach burst in agony. And I collapse in the cold.
A breathe like that from a god awakens me and I'm staring at the Yrpsosa Nyak. "Forgive, please." He whispers. "I alone here."
He walks away leaving me to turn my head and watch him. My body is too numb to move. I believe I'm lying on a gurney since I'm in the laboratory.
"You died but not" he says as he scavenged for something. That's when I notice he is wearing a scientists robe that hems below his knees. "You alive for me"
He grabs something from the box he was scavenging through and brings it to me. It's a torn and ragged teddy bear. I try to talk but my saliva is too thick to talk through.
"You friend" he says to me smiling wide, showing teeth that can shred a man to death. "You no kill me. That good." He places the bear on my chest and walks torwards a chair.
His stride is odd, like that of an old man. He sits down on a chair and watches me, as if waiting. I look him over again and notice his claws have retreated. He seems much calmer now as to before, as though, somehow, he is happy.
A smile arises on his face as though he is thinking of something that makes him smile. "You nicer than others"
My thoughts go back to the dead hanging from the trees and it sends a shiver though my body. I can feel my body begin to lose the numbness and I can finally spit the saliva from my mouth. "What are you?" I ask.
He points torwards himself, "Mordred." He replies simply.
"You killed my brother." I reply angrily
He's taken aback by this. "I made you alone. I no better than them." He says pointing at the insignia on his lab coat.
Feeling his pain I sit up on the gurney and think of what to say next to get me out of here. "Mordred I'll be alone here if you leave me with you. I have a mother at home like you do. Her name isnt Rhea like hers was but I do have a mother." This apparently saddens him and sends him crying.
I made my escape right then. I picked up my brothers body on my way out of there and have never been back there since.