A huge Chunk of the story is written out and needs to be typed out for you guys to read, I very much appreciate those consistent with reading my work. Trust me the story is only going to get interesting from this chapter onwards.
I Expect the chapter count of Volume 1 to have around 14 chapters, of course, there will be future changes depending on the audience's response.
A request from my side, Please like the chapters you are reading it only takes a mere second to do so but it gives me a dose of motivation to keep writing and get better, if you have read many novels written by experts you must have noticed that I am not qualified to be called an expert but I am consistently trying to improve on those aspects.
The story is full of versatile twists and turns, When I first wrote it it was for kids and teens from how I wrote it but since then I made some minor changes which led to a big overhaul of the story altogether, more minor changes to the story led to the third phase of the story's overhaul which you guys are reading now and hopefully it is a better version of its past forms.
I know the story is lacking in the descriptive department but I don't want to bombard you guys with the insane world-building that the world in which our protagonist is, Has. Leave me comments or message if you want to see more descriptions of world-building, character history, and character descriptions. Because if you like these things and want them to be more common in coming chapters then I may as well move the story to the 4th phase of editing.
Once again I extend my gratitude to the readers. I hope this story Ends up being one of the better stories you have read.
💗Click on the heart button and leave your comments. Any edit or suggestion is cherished and who knows, Maybe you can get a chance to make a change in the story.