A tear down her face. Blue lights and sirens in the background. Everything to surreal to be true. “Why did it have to happen to me?” She thought “Why did god have to punish me?” She looked around once more... Her room. Still the same. Still without change. Still no soul in sight. She took a minute to take it all in. Her bed in the corner of the room. Her desk with her still open schoolbooks. Her stool in the middle of the room. Her closet with all the clothes she had... It still looked the same. With no change... Only one thing had changed. A rope was hanging from above. A rope with a loop to be exact. A loop large enough to fit a head... A rope she herself hung to the roof. A rope looking so ordinary and conventional. Yet somehow still being able to convey such an unimaginable degree of despair and hopelessness. A rope that she would never have thought about hanging up, a couple of months ago... A rope with her stool beneath it. She was standing on that stool, rope around her neck. She could once again hear the police in the background. Their footsteps approaching. The sirens of their police cars. And with a last tear dropping on the ground, she pushed the stool away.
Her feet shall never touch the ground again.