January 5, 1981
12: 14 A.M (local time)
Somewhere over Siberia
"Davai! "
Hearing those words, Spetsnaz Team 12 filed into the Mi-14 .The chopper's rotors were already whirring as the Black ops operatives took their places in the aerial transport vehicle. One of the operatives, a 19 year old known as Kozodoy ( or Nighthawk), gazed out the window into the ebony sky dotted with various stars twinkling many different colors. He waited to hear the mission details from his superior officer.
"Poslushay ! Listen up!" The officer walked along the aisles as the Spetsnaz soldiers glanced at him. " This mission is top secret so I recommend that you stay under the radar. You are to hunt down a super weapon that has evaded our forces and recover it. Let me remind you that this weapon can tip the balance of power in our direction if we can retrieve it in one piece."
A super weapon, Kozodoy thought. That shouldn't be too hard. The only challenge we'll have is to pinpoint its location.
"I know what you are all thinking, comrades." The officer smiled as he continued his pacing. "This assignment will be a walk in the park and not require you to use your fancy weapons there." He glanced at the AK-74s in the operatives' hands. "However, you should be warned that a squad was sent before you many months ago on the same mission yet none returned alive. All I ask you all to is to remain vigilant and look out for each other." The officer took off his olive green hat and held it in his arms as his eyes darted across his soldiers.
A whole squad gone missing in action for a search and retrieve operation? Nighthawk wondered. What could possibly go wrong? This doesn't add up.
To pass time, Kozodoy fiddled with his weapons and checked his attire. All of it was black-his vest, his jacket, helmet, everything. He looked to his right and noticed his comrade Volk ( Wolf) doing the exact same thing. It seemed that everyone was anxious to finish this mission successfully. After all, that is what they were trained to do.
After about a half and hour, the squad leader stood up and took to the center of the aircraft. Like them, he was dressed in a black helmet, black balaclava , and combat attire.
" Vnimaniye, tovarisch! Attention, comrades!" he barked. "In about a few seconds, we will land in our LZ. It is an abandoned World War 2 military base which was where the target, Stroyyny Muzchina, was last reported to be seen. Gather your weapons and stand in order!"
The Spetsnaz did as they were told. No sooner had they stood that they felt the helicopter descend until it landed on hard ground.
" Before you head out to retrieve the target, I ask you this," the leader continued. "Try to refrain from shooting it as it is valuable to us alive and in one piece. If you are threatened to the point of an existential crisis for you or your squad mates, then you may shoot if there is no other alternative. Now move out!"
Kozodoy , Volk, and many others filed out of the MI-14 in two separate lines. They were greeted by an eerie sight. In the darkness of the night, the gray outline of what used to be a Soviet World War 2 base surrounded them. The buildings were a stark gray color and the windows were jet black due to no lights being on. The darkness of the Siberian forest around them gave Kozodoy the chills.
"Scared, comrade?" Rotor, the operative behind him, slapped his back playfully.
"No, just anxious about the mission," Kozodoy replied.
"Come on, admit it." Medved , or Bear, chuckled from across Rotor." A youngling such as you would crap himself in this setting.
Kozodoy just shook his head lightheartedly as they entered the forest. His eyes were greeted by pure darkness as he entered, his gun raised. It took a bit before his eyes adjusted. Next to him, a bright light flared into action, temporarily blinding the youth.
"In case you all didn't know, we have flashlights attached to the barrel of our rifles," Cossack, a fellow operative informed his comrades.
"Oh, I never noticed," Vodka replied sarcastically.
"Comrades !" Sobrat ,Brother, interjected. "Let's just shut up and find the weapon. The quicker we find it, the sooner we can head home. I really need a cigar."
They all replied in the affirmative. Their lights switched on as they trained their weapons toward the darkness, ever vigilant of the phantom threat.
"So, do we know what this Stroyyny Muzchina looks like?" Kozodoy asked.
" If I recall, it may be a really thin man who doesn't eat much," Volk jested. " I suggest we have a candy bar ready to lure him out."
The rest of the Spetsnaz roared in laughter.
"You are an idiot." Medved chuckled. He then turned to the rest. " Let's split in two teams to make this hunt go more quickly. Rotor, Sobrat, Vodka, and Cossack, you come with me and take the southside. The rest of you, take the northside."
Soon, they were on their way to carry out the mission. Kozodoy, Volk, Okhotnik ( huntsman), Molotok ( claw hammer), and Kosa ( scythe) walked in wary silence, their weapons raised. The bright white light gave the trees and vegetation an eerie look. Couple times, they had heard rustling in the bushes or even snapping of twigs, but they turned out to be harmless creatures like deer, rabbits, or squirrels. As the search drew out, the team started to grow weary.
Kozodoy had wandered ahead and trained his light at the dark trees when he thought he heard a rustling sound. He whirled around and his eyes darted from side to side, trying to discern where the sound came from. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed a vague shape of a pale white slender figure move through the trees. The boy's heart began to beat faster.
Is that.., he started to wonder when a hand landed on his shoulder.
Crying out in shock, he turned and aimed his gun at who turned to be Kosa.
"Woah there, comrade! "Kosa raised his arms."I just came to let you know we are to rendezvous with Medved's squad. "
The young operative sighed in relief." Ok. Hey Kosa, I think I just saw it!"
"Who?" The broad-shouldered Spetsnaz operative asked, his brown eyes widening.
"Stroyyny Muzchina!"Kozodoy exclaimed.
"Where?"The other special ops soldier glanced around.
Before Kozodoy could point it out, a bloodcurdling scream tore through the darkness followed by a staccato of gunfire. It lasted about five seconds before it fell silent again.
"What was that?" The young operative glanced at his comrade filled with terror.
" I don't know !"Kosa responded with a voice laced with fear.
They ran through the shrubs until they regrouped with Volk and the others.
"Did you hear screaming?"Okhotnik asked, his rifle slung over his shoulder.
"Indeed we had,"Kosa confirmed."Let's go check it out!"
Without further adieu, the northside squad made their way to the where the screaming was heard, their weapons raised. The silence that had followed was so thick that Kozodoy heard his heartbeat loud and clear.
"Chert! What happened here?"Volk asked.
The sight that greeted their eyes was really unsightly. The trees were stained with blood while a massive trail of the substance lead into a dark clearing. Fearing the worst, the team tore through bushes and shrubs to get into the clearing. The sight that greeted them was straight out of a slasher movie.
"What the hell happened?"Molotok asked what everyone else had on their mind.
" I don't know, but it is really grotesque!"Volk responded.
Each of them went to examine what remained of their teammates ,scattered about like broken toys. Kozodoy felt himself get nauseous he examined a disembodied arm in front of him.
What could have done this?
Hearing the twig snap, Kozodoy whipped his head around and spotted a tall, white figure wearing a black suit standing between the trees. His gaze lingered on it for a moment before he realized what he was looking at.
"Comrades! Look ahead! It's Stroyyny Muzchina! It is the one that committed this horrendous act to our brothers! Get him!"He shrieked and pointed.
"Have you had too much Vodka lately?"Kosa asked. "There is nothing there!"
"I'm not lying! It was just there a second ago!" the young operative protested.
"Let's worry about it later, "Volk butted in."For now, just try to contact the lead-"
Before he could finish that sentence, Volk was filled lead from behind. They turned to see Okhotnik aiming a his rifle at them, his eyes wild.
"Have you gone mad?"Molotok snapped as they aimed their weapons at their treacherous comrade.
"He is angry,"Okhotnik mumbled."He wants revenge. He needs revenge!"
As he raised his rifle, Kosa and Molotok's muzzles flashed, resulting in their former comrade falling into a bloody heap, Kozodoy and the remaining Spetsnaz rushed over to Volk's side.
"Get...out...now,"he rasped, blood leaking from his mouth before he closed his eyes and breathed his last breath.
"What was that all about?"Kosa demanded. "How did Okhotnik go must?"
"He has something to do with it!"Kozodoy snarled. "Stroyyny Muzchina! We must find it, but we can't keep it alive. It is too dangerous!"
"But the mission-"Molotok began.
"Screw it!"the young Spetsnaz member snapped. "All that matters is we get payback for our fallen comrades!"
As they were heading inside the dark forest, Molotok let out a shriek as he was pulled inside a cover of trees.
"What the-"Kosa was then impaled by a white tendrils through the stomach. Standing behind him was the faceless man in the black business suit.
"Run!"Kosa croaked before he succumbed to his wounds.
In his blind rage, Kozodoy let loose a volley of bullets at the creature. However, it stood there unfazed by it. It threw his fallen comrade at the boy before melting into the shadows.
"Get back here!"Kozodoy shouted, aiming his AK-74 at the trees. He then realized that he was alone in utter darkness and had to get out of the danger zone ASAP. His heart pounding, the boy turned and sprinted to where he assumed the chopper was sitting. Every few seconds , he'd aim his flashlight behind him, half-expecting the creature to trail him. The darkness was fueling his anxiety as he fled. He saw the opening at the end of the forest which served as an entrance to the base. That was the only source of light in the shroud of darkness that was the forest.
I..must...get out!
Around him, he noticed some of the trees had some sort of marking. He couldn't discern what it was and he didn't care, but the trees closer to the entrance had sayings etched in them. Kozodoy noticed they ranged from He is coming for you to He watches to The Shape stalks.
Is this some sort of horror movie prank? he wondered. This is sure not funny.
The boy then felt the feeling that someone was right behind him. He had felt the feeling before many times throughout his life, but this time it felt really close. A chill slowly made his way up his spine like a serpent and it got more intense by the second. He whirled around to see the white, faceless being standing face to face with him.
"No!"he shrieked as he stumbled backward out the forest and into the cold, hard tarmac. He heard footsteps and saw the squad leader and the officer over him.
"Comrade, what is going on? Where are your squadmates?"the squad leader asked.
"He got them!"Kozodoy shrieked.
"Who?" the officer asked.
"Stroyyny Muzchina!"
"Are you sure?"the leader questioned.
There was a thumping sound and some liquid substance sprayed over them. All three turn to see a dismembered Spetsnaz operative, whom the young soldier validated as Molotok, spread out on the tarmac. It dawned on them that the unknown liquid was Molotok's blood!
"Ok, this is bad!" the officer muttered, visibly shaken. "Come to the helicopter now!"
All three made a dash to the Mi-14, it's red and gold coloring dulled in the weapon lights of the base. Once they made it pnboard, the officer ordered the pilot to take off immediately.
"This mission is a failure then," he grumbled. As soon as they took off, the helicopter then started to veer out of control.
"What the hell is happening ?" the squad leader shouted.
Kozodoy held onto a rung at the side for dear life and saw the other two do likewise.
"I think we clipped a rotor on a tree!" the pilot shouted. "Hang tight! We are going down!"
They held in as the Mi-14 veered downward and slammed into an abandoned fuel depot, getting everyone on board incinerated.
From the edge of the forest, a pale white figure watched the flaming wreckage intently. After all, it burned just like his vengeance which lit the night sky.
The Next Day
KGB Headquarters, Moscow
Time: 11:30 AM
Colonel Yuri Zaitsev of the KGB sat at his desk, reading the paper and smoking his cigarette. His door opened and his secretary Alyona walked in, her dark brown curls dangling on her shoulders. The colonel glanced up at her.
" Sir, General Leonidovich is here to see you," she informed him.
General Leonidovich? What is an officer of the Soviet military doing here now of all times?
"Let him in," he ordered.
Alyona nodded and left. Soon, the dark haired man bearing a mustache of the equal color entered the room.
" General Leonidovich?" Zaitsev asked as he stood up and saluted.
"I see you remember your manners." The general smirked as he took a seat across from the KGB director. "Anyhow, let's cut to the chase. I may be in dire need of one of your operatives for one of my operations."
"Oh? Which one of my operatives interests you so much?"the colonel was curious.
" That one." He pointed at one of the pictures of several KGB operatives on the wall.
"Oh? Why him?" Yuri frowned as he chomped on his cigar.
Leonidovich smiled. "I see potential in him for the job. You will grant me permission to borrow him unless you want me to enlist the help of Dragunov and the GRU instead."
"Oh, you may use him as you wish," the KGB colonel stated. No way was he going to let his GRU rivals get involved and outshine them yet again.
The general smirked, glad that his ruse had worked and the colonel had taken the bait. "Excellent! I knew you wouldn't let me down. Now, where can I find him?"
Well, that didn't work out. Also, who is the recruit the general wants?
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