Lenin's foot! What in the world am I watching?
Max sat back and watched the tape they had retrieved from the shambles of what used to be an important Soviet military station. According to the footage he had seen, a few masked individuals had annihilated scores of Soviet soldiers and took out an entire military base with only basic weapons like swords, needles, and axes.
Seriously, who use those weapons against an entire platoon?
None of this was adding up at all.He had considered this tape to be tampered with, but everyone else had confirmed its authenticity. Max initially assumed that he would have to take this all with a grain of salt, however, his doubts would change once he had seen what the maxed attackers were capable of. Still a bit dubious, the KGB operative whirled around to face his sidekick as well as two guards.
"How can something like this happen? Originally, I was expecting to see a large white man who had not seen the sun for decades and dressed in a tacky party outfit like a penguin spear those guys like fish, but instead I am greeted with the sight of three individuals who think we celebrate Halloween and spend it by desecrating one of our most important military bases. Is this even real? If its a prank. it's not a funny one. "
Danilenko stepped forward. "Sir, it is not fake. Can you see the static on the recording? "
"So what?"Max raised a brow. "All recordings get that sometimes."
"Well, there is also the time of day as well as the time the incident took place."
Max just chuckled. "Well, look at you. It is your first time in the field and you are sounding so formal like fat boy Zaitsev. Alright, I will take your word for it-for now,at least. "
Agent Danilenko tried to suppress a smile at the older spy's comical jabs.
"This brings us to the question: are these incidents related to the previous ones at all. If so, do they all point to this Stroynny Muzchina?" Max stood up and stretched. Despite having the evidence laid in front of him, Max was still having trouble incubating the existence of these supernatural creatures. Were they bioweapons gone wrong?If so, who was to blame? The Americans? The Soviets?
"I think we need to notify the director about our discovery," Danilenko suggested.
"You don't say?" Max chuckled as he strode toward the phone booth, encased in a yellowish brown booth. "Leave that to me. You should rest up for our trip back, kiddo."
Not waiting for a response from his young colleague, Maxim dialed the secret code for Lubyanka headquarters. "A pigeon needs to return to its nest."48Please respect copyright.PENANAM1sgm3G0Pd
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After uttering the code phrase, he heard the ringing tone in the background for several tense seconds before someone picked up. " You have reached the nest. What did you bring?"
"Alyona, it's me. Please bring Zaitsev on the phone. Granted, he hasn't passed out."
"Straight away!"
A few minutes later, the director's voice came through the speaker. "Zaitsev here, what did you bring to our nest?"
"Really? You couldn't have used a lamer code word for headquarters?"
"Max, get to the point!"
Fydorov just chuckled before he started to inform his superior about their discovery. "Now you are talking. Listen, I have some news for you, I have recovered the tape. "
Zaitsev coughed on the other line before responding. "Well, that's great. What did you learn from it?"
"I hope you realize we aren't inside a classroom." Max laughed. Once he had finished his jest, he informed his director about what he had discovered from watching the tapes.
There was a brief silence on the other end before his superior answered. "I believe those three ghouls are somehow related to Stroynny Muzchina. Leonidovich had told me of a tall white phantom in a black suit, but he failed to mention these three characters you had just described. Perhaps they were a part of a separate experiment he hadn't noticed before or they could be the American's response to our bioweapon. Either way, make sure the propaganda team covers this up with some utter horserot they can conjure before you and Danilenko return."
"Got it." Max nodded. "I will be frank with you. I have a very bad feeling about this."
"Good. At least I know you are human. Don't forget how we will be rewarded if we recover the prize."
"Yes, I am quite"-
Loud shouting from outside, followed by gunfire, reached everyone's ears.
"Listen, I need to check this out."
Max hung up before drawing his pistol. Danilenko and the two guards present in the room had their eyes wide in anxious anticipation.
"What is going on out there?" The young operative wondered out loud.
"There is only one way to find out." Max motioned for the others to follow as he ran to the windows. The gunfire and shouts had ceased as soon as they began. Frowning, Max glanced out the window, but saw nothing, but shrubs and dust everywhere. Taking a breath, he forced the door open and raised his pistol as he steadily made his way out. Behind him, the guards and Danilenko had their weapons at the ready, their eyes darting from side to side to scan for any threats.
"Bozhe moi!"
Hearing one of the guard's startled exclamation, Max glanced to his right to see two decapitated KGB patrollers lay on the blood-covered dirt. What really ensnared Maxim's attention was the drawing of a circle with two lines crossing through it on the wall of the building. Below it was a message written in blood that read : He Watches From The Shadows-ALWAYS.
"What could have done this?" Danilenko's blue eyes were wide in fear.
"I think we all know the answer to that."
Max glanced over to the high shrubs where a few sparse trees stood among the yellowish field. Under the trees, a cloaked figure with a skull-like mask was barely shrouded by what little shadows remained. Almost as quick as it had materialized, the figure had receded from sight.
"What the hell did I just see?" Max rubbed his knuckles on his forehead. "We all know I hadn't had a drink since last week. I mean, you all saw it as well, right?"
He turned to his three companions.
"Major Dragunov."
At his desk inside the GRU headquarters, Serj Dragunov whirled around to see his aide Svetlana walk inside. She stood at attention and saluted him.
"Well, has anyone recovered the tapes?"
"Well, yes, but-" Svetlana faltered.
"But what?" He motioned impatiently for her to continue.
"Two KGB agents posing as one of our own had taken the tape."
Groaning, Major Dragunov clenched his fist and whirled around.
How could this happen despite all security measures taken into account? Zaitsev must have a mole inside this establishment.
"So what is being done about it?" He turned back around to address his aide.
Svetlana smiled as she stretched her arms. " Agent Mikhail Plekhanov has volunteered to take the case."
She stood to the side to unveil a heavyset and wel-lbuilt man in his mid to late twenties standing at the entrance. He had short-cropped brown hair and distant hazel eyes. What unsettled Dragunov was the scar that had crossed from above the man's left eye to his left cheek.
"Sir!" Plekhanov saluted. "I will retrieve whatever you need. Also, my junior partner and I will liquidate anyone who dares interfere with the GRU's line of work. When should I get started?"
Dragunov smirked as he rose from his seat."How about now?"
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Well, is Max a believer now? Not only that, but they now have competition to deal with. How will this play out?
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