Kalaya's POV
After the meeting was adjured, I headed off toward my tent and sat down to sharpen my sword. As I headed off, I to a quick glance back at the main tent only to see that everyone but Abigail and Lord Jayce left.
I didn't think too much into it for I had more important things to worry about. I entered my tent and started looking around for anything that might be of need. So, I grabbed my satchel and placed in some rope, my dagger, a water skin, food, flint, and a few other things just in case of emergency but made sure it was within reason.
Then, I decided on one of three armor sets. The iron armer would help in a tough situation, however, it would reflect any light that happened to shine on or near it. I needed something durable but wouldn't cause attention. In the end I ended up with a chain meal top over a dark brown shirt with a medium sized cloak over it all. Plus, a belt for a small pack, and my sword.
With sunset only a few hours away and slowly approaching, I waited in my tent the remainder of the time with my gear set and ready. "Well, while we wait, I suppose introductions are in order. I already know who you are, and you shall come to know me as Kalaya, Abbys companion. However, I think you need further insight into how I managed to find myself in quite the predicament as of late."
At first, I had grown up in a small village called Sanait and as I got older, I wanted to become an apprentice blacksmith of my uncles who lived not too far off. In time, I soon learned about swordsmen ship at the age of thirteenth from the knights that would ride through and passed the village. I took an interest and started learning even though my mother wanted a different life for me. In the end she soon accepted it and allowed me to do so with a few conditions every so often.
One of which was to learn from a friend of her father’s who is a captain in Klemond. He was a very skilled swordsman and basic fighter, but was also kind, cunning, and sharp. Klemond was a safe distance away, and about an hours journey on horseback from Sanait but in just a few years I learned a lot. And soon, one day after I had finished training at perfecting my skills, I took part in the Ironbound Brawl in the city of Cliffbron where I met Abigail and soon Brynlie.
"Well, it seems that my story will have to end for now."
The sun's bright orange ray's then started shining through a crack in the tent, onto a metal piece of armor, right into my eyes. I then made my way through the entrance outside and as the sun started to set behind the mountain, I took my place next to Abbys side along with Brynlie and Holly. At the edge of the cliff we watched as the kingdom down below began to be swallowed by the mountains shadow as each and every torch was lit beside the castle walls.
"Please bring the people back safe," Lord Jayce counseled. Lord Jayce stood behind us when he spoke and then as Brynlie faced him, she said "I promise we will!" reassuring him.
After the last sliver of sunlight had passed the tip of the mountain, Abby, Holly, Brynlie, and I started descending the hill on which we were positioned. It was a little rocky every now and then as we quickly and quietly sneaked down toward the forest on the west side of the kingdom. Before we knew it, it had turned pitch black once we reached the tree line. Soon my eyes adjusted to the blanket of night that was shielding us from plain sight, and I started making sense of my surroundings.
As we got closer, I was not far behind Holly when I first saw the lights coming from the gates on the outer wall. However, the guards from a distance were not as easy to pinpoint but once we got closer Holly started informing us of where each station was and for how long. We stopped to rest for a moment, but it was only brief. Looking around I noticed Brynlie scouting out the area in a high tree and Holly with Abby near a bush at the edge of the forest looking in the direction of the gate. I then started making my way over in Abigails and Hollys direction sneaking through the bushes. With every step I took leaves would crack at my feet and branches would snag at my clothes and hair but never stick.
"So, how are we looking in terms of location?" I wondered and asked once I reached them. "Not too far from here, about another three and a half miles is the river I motioned," Holly explained. "However," she said with a sigh at the end. "However?" I Questioned. Before saying anything more we made our way back further into coverage. "Apparently there is a cut in the middle of the forest, meaning there’s no cover and we can easily be spotted if we're not vigilant." Abby continued. Suddenly there was some ruffling in the branches above and a small amount of leaves started to fall. Then came a small thud with Brynlie jumping down from the tree branch shortly after. "Well, there’s no other way but through the clearing," she verified. "We'll have to be cautious if we're to make it through. "Ok, then let’s put our cloaks fully on to insure we are not seen," I advised.
Once we made it to the start of the clearing, we scanned the area once more and made our way through. The large field's tall, yellowish grass brushed against our clothes and weapons as we sprint through. Abby was at the edge when a guard on the wall spotted some of the grass moving near Brynlie. "Quickly!" Holly whispered trying to warn us about the guard. He went to the edge of the wall to get a better look but by the time he did thankfully the rest of us made it into the trees. "Ok. That was close," I said trying to catch my breath. "Let’s not do that again," advised Abigail.
We managed to make it but couldn't risk any other close calls. Too bad that wasn't going to be the only thing that went wrong tonight. After everyone caught a breather, we soon reached the northwest side of the outer wall. As I got closer, a faint whooshing sound not far off started to get louder and shortly after, we had reached the riverbed.
The rest of the way we creeped alongside the riverbed upstream towards the wall with the trees still shielding us until we had reached the edge of the forest. There were two guards placed on top of the wall near where the river water goes by and into a small sewer way.
"And now we wait." whispers Holly. "Theres no way for us to get in through the sewer way. See? There are bares blocking the entrance." I look over to see that there are indeed bares in the way. "I see them," I whisper. "Then how do we get in?" Asked Brynlie.
"My contact not only gave me information on the kingdoms layout," explained Holly, "but also told me of a passage that only members of a thieves guild knows about. I had to pay top coin for this info and yet it still might be wrong. However, everything that they have told me has been right onto this point." "So, where’s the passage?" Abigail asked. "They said it’s supposed to be a few feet away from the sewer entrance near some large rocks." "Ok then, it’s your call and let us know when to get ready," Abby acknowledged. I nodded then sat down under a tree and waited.
During this time, we each took different shifts until we had the all clear to move. Abby went first, and then Brynlie after the first two hours. My shift was last and then it’s back to Abby. Until then I made sure everyone got in a small nap to replenish our energy. "Ok, I'll take next watch," Holly stated as she made her way over.
"Ok," Brynlie answered then headed over to where the river water was.
While waiting, it seemed quieter than usual, besides the constant chirping that the many crickets made. At times, the wind would blow through the tree, rustling the leaves and leave a slight chill in the air. Brynlie was still by the water doing who knows what but hopefully got some sleep. A few minutes later Holly came out, "Ok, there about to switch," she urged us. I went to get Brynlie while Holly woke up Abby who was sleeping next to a tree a few feet in front of me.
Holly then gave a signal to huddle.
"Ok so, their patrol will be rotating in two minutes. I'll let you know when to move and as soon as I do, we need to be quick. If we don't make it this one, we'll have to wait another two hours before trying again," Holly explained. "Then let's get ready to pounce." responded Brynlie. I waited alongside the others when a guard started yawning. He then tapped the other guard's shoulder and walked into one of the nearby watch towers then vanished out of sight.
"Now!” Holly urged.
I raced to the part of the wall where the river rushed out and searched around the rocks. I looked at the others who didn't seem to have any luck. "Anything yet?" Abigail questioned. "Nothing," Holly answered. "Nothing over her- wait..." Brynlie paused. "I think I found something," she guessed. From what it seemed, she reached over to a part small crack between a large boulder and stuck her hand in it. "I think I found some kind of-
Suddenly a loud *click* came from the crack. Holly rushed over and pulled Brynlie's hand out. Abruptly, the large boulder started moving outward, grinding the floor as it slowly opened to reveal a hidden passage probably made by the bandits and thieves of the guild. I walked in front of the passage only to see nothing that was not but five feet in front of me. Then quickly came a sound from the top of the wall along with the small sound of talking followed by footsteps. Unaware if anyone else heard, I pushed everyone into the passage before we were spotted. "What the?" Abby said puzzled. "Shhhhh!" I shushed while pointing up in the direction of the sound. Once everyone was in, almost instantly the passage close itself with us stuck inside surrounded in darkness.
As I waited in the dark space, my heart raced as I wondered what had just happened. The boulder had moved, shutting the entrance behind us, and it seemed like we had somehow managed to evade the guards on the wall. But now, trapped in this pitch-black tunnel, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread creeping up on me. I reached out, feeling along the damp stone walls, hoping to find some sort of switch or mechanism that would allow us to see again. "Holly? Brynlie? Abigail? Are you guys, okay?" I whispered, trying not to sound too panicked. "I'm fine," Holly replied, her voice staying calm. "Are you sure there's nothing in here that can help us see?" "I can't find anything," Brynlie whispered back. "But I think I hear water?" "It sounds like it's coming from up ahead." Abigail's voice echoed.14Please respect copyright.PENANAh1QFum0qgj