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[Optional task: sit on the ground in a public place, such as a park or library, for at least ten minutes, while unable to see. You could paint the inside of sunglasses or put tape on the inside of the lenses. You could wear a sleep mask, or just keep your eyes shut the entire time. You may listen to audio as you do this. Imagine yourself as a blindfolded, obedient slave girl sitting on the floor. Now enjoy the story.]
Normally Katherine loved her job. It was well worth it to relocate from Switzerland to Hershey, Pennsylvania to be the manager of the hotel’s flagship location. A chocolate-themed hotel named Sweet Inn could seem silly, but she took her job very seriously and did it well.
Some days, however, her guests and employees made her feel like she was going absolutely cocoa.
Looking sternly at the young Asian woman in front of her, she said, “once again, Ness, here at Sweet Inn we don’t ask guests if they want a full suite, junior suite or studio-style room. Ask if they want suite, semi-suite or unsuite. And I don’t want to hear any Snickers when you say it! Understand?”
The ditzy girl nodded. Katherine handed over a shiny name tag saying “NESS LEE.” “You lost this on the floor. Remember that you must always wear your name tag. You may go.”
“Oh, did I drop that? I am totes such a Butterfinger!” Ness took the name tag and left, just before another front desk agent came in.
Katherine sighed. “Yes, Reese?”
The young man yawned and said, “Mr. Mars wants to see you. He has a question about his room”
“I’ll just bet he did.” Mr. Mars had been staying in the hotel for the past week, and every day he tried to hit on her. The attention would be flattering, and she wasn’t bothered by him being older, but he could not stop talking about himself - all while staring at her as if she were literally made of chocolate and he hadn’t eaten in a week. And he kept bragging about having 100 Grand in the bank, as if she were supposed to be impressed. And he kept calling her “my Dove” instead of by name. Ugh. “I don’t think Mr. Mars has a legitimate concern that only I can handle.”
Reese smirked. “No kidding. All he’s concerned with are your massive Mounds.”
“Reese! That is extremely inappropriate-”
Another young man pushed into the small office, past Reese. “Mrs. Fields insists there’s the ghost of a dead man in her room. I made up a story about a grisly murder from half a century ago and said I’d move her to a room guaranteed to have no ghosts. I just need your key card to authorize it.”
“Christopher, you can’t just-”
“It’s Kit,” Christopher said with a winning smile. “I just need the key card and I’ll take care of everything, Kat.”
“And you will call me Katherine-”
Then Ness tried to shove her way back into the room, but could hardly squeeze in between the two men. “Katherine! I got so distracted from you chewing me out that I, like, forgot! There’s some dude named Toby LeRone on hold on line 3 for you.”
Katherine shot to her feet. “Fudge! That’s the regional manager! You do NOT put him on hold! Listen up, you Three Musketeers. You,” she said, pointing at Reese, “handle any actual service issues Mr. Mars has. Tell him the hotel manager is unavailable. You,” she said, pointing at Christopher. “Stall her in the lobby. I’ll be out soon and will take care of her ‘ghost’ issues. Stop telling guests Whoppers about ghosts! You,” she said, pointing at Ness. “I’ll take the call right now. Get back to work, and for the love of all that’s Chips Ahoy, put on your name tag!”
She shooed them out of the office, shut the door and picked up the phone. “I’m so sorry about that delay, sir!”
She winced, receiving a stream of impatient verbal abuse. Then finally the profanity ebbed. Toby growled at her, “what are you doing over there, Katherine? It’s Crunch time! Your numbers haven’t been great.”
“Actually, sir, I just met with some conference organizers. They’ll be reserving a hundred rooms this summer.”
There was a slight pause. Then Toby muttered, “fine. But I expect s’more good news by the end of the quarter.” Then he hung up.
Katherine sighed. That was Toby calmed for a little while, until he felt like getting on her case again. Now to deal with these other emergencies.
Some time later, Katherine had put out all the current metaphorical fires, ensuring that guest issues were settled and her employees were behaving. She loved her job, but people could be difficult. Toby was a strict taskmaster, always expecting the most from her. Christopher did good work, volunteered for the night shifts nobody wanted, and had initiative, but frequently overstepped his authority. Katherine wasn’t sure if she’d end up firing him or making him assistant manager eventually. Reese wasn’t much of a rules follower, with a mouth that frequently got him into trouble. Ness kept playing up her bimbo persona far more than she needed to, even getting a boob job and dying her hair blonde, but it did make her quite popular with the male guests- and some of the female guests as well.
It had been quite an afternoon. Sometimes having to be in charge was exhausting. This was one of those days she just badly wanted to be grabbed, tied up, bent over, spanked and used hard. Katherine decided to Take 5 and check her personal emails. But as she was browsing on her phone, she saw something surprising in your email.
“Someone wants to meet you at Friday’s ‘Lock In Your Date for the Evening’ event! Will you volunteer to be locked up and paired up?”
Katherine read through the rest of the email, but she was already familiar with the other details. Women would volunteer to be in bondage, and dominants would be eager to find a match. The submissives would wear very little except for a collar with several padlocks hanging off it. The dominants would each get a key and would go around the room, testing the key in locks and striking up a conversation. If they had a match, they could use the padlock to add some bondage to the girl. Once all locks had been opened, each girl would be randomly matched with one of the people who had been able to open her locks. They would spend some time at the BDSM event after, doing kinky play and getting to know each other.
She had known for a while that this event was coming up. She just hadn’t planned on going. It sounded fun, but she hadn’t seriously considered it. Well, not much. She told herself that she had too many responsibilities.
The truth was, she was too shy. The idea of being tied up in public, even at a BDSM event… and being paired up with some random man… well, that was a lot.
But now she was intrigued. Someone had looked at her kink profile and explicitly invited her to the event. Someone that wanted to match with her. And he had to pay some cash to do it, so it wasn’t just someone idly inviting every female profile in the city.
Who was it?
She wasn’t active in the local BDSM community. She was quite curious, but had never worked up the nerve to go to any of the events. Her profile also didn’t have much on it. Was some stranger really that into her? Or was it someone she knew in real life? Did she have a secret admirer?
Katherine considered the implications, heart pounding.
Should she - no, it would be a terrible idea. But - what if - and who could it be?
Even if she accepted, it wouldn’t be a guarantee she would be matched with the person who invited her. Far from it. A lot of randomness was involved in these events, as far as she could understand it. She wasn’t sure if that made this easier or harder.
Should she… no. This was not something to rush into.
She set the phone down on the desk. She’d sleep on it.
She looked back at her computer, at the work waiting for her.
Then she abruptly picked up the phone and tapped the button to RSVP for the event - as one of the submissive dates.
She almost immediately regretted it and almost felt like she would throw up. No. It was going to be fine. Be brave, Katherine. You can do this. Have fun with it.
* * *
Katherine looked forward to the “Lock In Your Date for the Evening” event with dread and eager anticipation. And here she was now. In her best, sexiest lingerie, sitting on a cushion on the floor, with her special event collar and name tag on. It felt so embarrassing to sit there on the floor in her black lacy bra and panties, a piece of meat waiting to be claimed. Embarrassing, but strangely hot as well.
She examined her oversized badge again. It had multiple sections… checklists, really. She had marked the options she opted into. She could have used a check mark, but that was too boring. Many of the girls drew little hearts. She had chosen to draw little kiss marks in brown marker. Like little chocolate kisses. She felt a little silly about that. More silly about the pseudonym she had chosen to use tonight: Swiss Miss.
In the “What to call me,” section, she had checked, “by name,” “babygirl,” “princess,” “toy,” and “slut.” That was about all she felt she could handle. “Slave” was strangely tempting, but she didn’t feel up to that her first time. Other options, like “bitch” or “cunt” just seemed mean, but she had noticed plenty of other girls had opted in to those.
In the “Bind me with…” section, she had hesitated, then chosen to live on the wild side and check everything. She had done a little bondage play with past boyfriends, and didn’t see anything she would really object to. Cuffs, gags, blindfolds, armbinders, blah blah… it all sounded interesting and fun. She was excited to see what kind of restraints people would put on her.
The “On our date, do this to me” section was the hardest to fill out. She kept hesitating and second-guessing herself. How far did she want to go with someone who was matched with her essentially at random? She had a little bit of control over the process, but not much. Wasn’t it insane to think about anything other than conversation on what was supposedly a first date?
On the other hand, YOLO.
In the end, she opted into a lot. Groping, spanking, tickling, being teased and denied, service submission, bondage. She mostly left out the most intense or painful activities. Katherine decided the closest she would get to actual sex was providing oral sex, if her date wanted that. She had sucked off enough horny boys in college to get them out of her hair, so she could deal with doing that for her random date, but she didn’t want to go any farther than that without knowing who her date actually would be.
Mulling over her name tag and her decisions kept her occupied until she heard the emcee announcing rules to people in the next room over.
“Make sure you have multiple copies of your owner’s mark! Everyone has their first key, right? Remember, the first key is free. Each successive key gets more expensive than the last, and you can only have one at a time. Everyone rented some bondage gear? Basic cuffs are very cheap, but why not splurge on some more interesting items? Remember NOT to play with the girls until your dates begin. Talk to them. Test your key against the locks on their collars. If there’s a match, remove the lock, put your owner’s mark on it, put one piece of bondage gear on the girl and close the lock. Then turn in your key and get a new one. That’s it.”
The emcee went on a little longer, making sure to address various aspects of safety and consent. Then it was finally time to begin. Katherine and the other girls around the room perked up. As the men came in, Katherine scrutinized each one carefully. She tried to guess who had invited her. She looked for ones looking at her, or people she knew, or trying to guess whose type she was.
The men spread out around the room, talking to the different women. A big man with a build like a lumberjack came over to Katherine. She tilted her head back to expose her neck, anxiously wondering if this was the one that had invited her. But he just stammered something too soft for her to hear and, with shaking hands, tested his key against the five locks attached to her collar. None fit, and he left, blushing under his bushy beard. It was actually comforting to know she wasn’t the only one that was nervous.
A guy in an expensive-looking suit struck up a conversation with her, but almost immediately started asking overly personal questions. No, she was not about to tell him where she worked, or even what her position was. He got upset with her evasiveness and left before even testing all of her locks.
A young guy - maybe a college freshman - came over. His name badge said MURRIE. Although the dominant badges were much simpler than those for submissives, they had an “address me as” section where various options could be checked. Murrie had marked “my name,” “sir,” and “master.” She decided to stick to calling him by name. She didn’t feel like she could handle using the other terms on someone younger than herself. But at least he was one of the nicer people to talk to. He told her about his plans to climb nearby Mt. Ghirardelli, and she told him about how she occasionally hiked through Keebler Forest. She was as surprised as he was when his key opened one of the locks under her chin. He was too young for her, but she would try to keep an open mind. He was going to give her her first restraint of the evening! She licked her lips, feeling both nervous and excited. She impatiently waited as he threaded his owner’s mark onto the shackle of the padlock. It was one of the free ones the event provided, a simple piece of plastic with MURRIE written on it in marker.
Then she groaned, seeing what he dangled in front of her. A blindfold! “Oh, come on! I won’t get to see any of my potential dates!”
Ignoring her protest, he put the blindfold on her, fastening the strap snugly behind her head and clicking the lock into place to keep it there. “Stop complaining, slut. You checked the box for blindfolds. Just think of it as a blind date… doesn’t that make it exciting? Besides, you don’t need to see anyone else, now that you’ve seen me.”
Katherine rolled her eyes at his playful egotism. But soon enough he was gone, and she had to wait there quietly, no longer able to see when someone would approach her. It wasn’t long before others came. Most weren’t great conversationalists.
Then a particularly annoying one came over. She didn’t like the way he wrapped his fingers around her collar before testing the different locks. Or his breath. “If you want to find a girlfriend tonight, I strongly recommend you get some breath mints, sir.”
“You’re a mouthy little toy, aren’t you, toy? I’ll be putting that mouth of yours to good use once I win you tonight.”
Katherine decided to stay silent and rely on the fact that his odds of matching with one of her four remaining locks weren’t great. Still, she breathed a sigh of relief when he had checked each lock.
“I’ll have to pay to get a different key. Hope that mouth of yours is worth it, toy!”
He left the blindfolded girl to sit quietly on her cushion in darkness. More guys came over. One engaged her in a surprisingly intelligent conversation on politics. He opened one of her locks and locked a padded cuff around one ankle, noting that someone else would need to lock it around the other ankle.
The bad breath guy returned with another key. Katherine’s heart sank when the very first lock he tried opened. He chortled with glee. “This won’t be the first time I say this tonight… but open up, slut!” He gripped her hair firmly with one hand. She reluctantly opened her mouth, allowing him to work a rubber ballgag into her mouth. He fastened it firmly behind her head and locked it shut. At least then he left her.
Great. She couldn’t see the men and couldn’t speak to them. That would seem to put a cramp in her mingling possibilities. Other than that she wasn’t even really restrained, what gives?
She nearly jumped out of her skin when someone said, “hey Kat! Or I should say, Swiss Miss - cute pseudonym, by the way. You’re looking good. Better than good, actually. You look absolutely delicious.”
Fudge. Fudge fudge fudge fudge fudge!
She could feel him touching her collar. Reaching to test her last two padlocks. She wasn’t even breathing as he continued, “I really hoped you would come tonight. That’s why I sent the invitation - hm. That didn’t work. Time to get another key.” He left.116Please respect copyright.PENANAsyG9Ol0Dc9
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