Someone was at the door.
Which wasn't usual for Gracie Lane's house. Someone is always at her door, asking for her mother. That's kind of what happens when your mother is the mayor.
People think that it's acceptable for them to come to her house and demand change, but in all honesty, it's just rude.
But Gracie's mother wasn't home. Which Gracie thought was weird, because it's early Saturday morning, and her mother doesn't go into the office on Saturdays.
Sighing, Gracie rose from the dining room table, and made her way to the door.
"Listen, I don't know what makes you think you have the right--," Gracie started as she opened the door, but was stopped in her tracks when she saw who was at the door.
It was Hanna Callahan, Gracie's best friend.
But that wasn't exactly what made her stop in her tracks. Rather, it was what Hanna was wearing.
Hanna was in black and pink armor, head to toe. She had on a long, pink cape, a black chest-plate, and a short, pink skirt. Under the skirt she had on black leggings and tall boots. A sword was resting in a holster on her hip. The entire outfit was finished with a black tiara and a pink eye mask.
Gracie fought back a snort, and met Hanna in the eyes.
"Please do not tell me that you left the house like that." Gracie said, breaking into a deep chuckle. Hanna was always, er, quirky, but this was definitely a new extreme for her.
"There's no time for your jokes, Grace," Hanna sighed, and pushed her way into Gracie's house, "I need your help."
"Like hell you do. Do you need a change of clothes? I'll go get you some." Gracie turned on her heel, meaning to run into her room. A tight grip rested on her wrist, though, and stopped her from being able to make her way upstairs.
"I'm being serious, Gracie Lane! Your family's lives depend on it!" Hanna urged, tugging on Gracie's wrist. Gracie whipped back around to face Hanna so fast that her long curls whipped into her face.
"Hanna Callahan, don't play with me. Where is my mother?" Gracie growled, glaring into Hanna's face. Gracie knew something was up with her mother being gone. And seeing as her mother was her only family, she did not play around.
"Your mother is safe. I'm talking about the Royal Family." Hanna said, her voice dropping an octave. Gracie's mouth pursed in anger, and she took a deep breath in order to calm herself down.
"Hanna, I have no idea what you're talking about." Gracie said slowly, enunciating each word in order to get her point across. Hanna looked into her eyes, seeming to search for something. Finally, after a couple tense seconds, Hanna sighed.
"This is not good. Not good at all. Listen, take this," Hanna said, pulling the sword out of it's holster. On the contrary to Hanna's get up, this sword was a striking white with purple outlines. "We have to go now, if you want to keep this realm safe." She said, as Gracie grabbed the sword in shaking hands. Gracie decided that it was best to not question her friend right now, and just go along with it until she thought it was going too far.
Hanna turned her back to Gracie, and seemed to have pulled something out her utility belt, and threw it at the ground. Hanna's grip tightened on Gracie's arm.
Gracie could hear what sounded like wildlife, and was about to ask her friend where it was coming from, but she was suddenly jerked forward as Hanna jumped into the ground.