Thank you all for reading, it really means a lot. This is a story I've been writing for close to 8 years and this is the farthest I've gotten. I have some notes and ideas to add for the third draft which I have already started to write. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask me. I also have a discord where I post all of my writings and ideas. If you want access to it ask, but I'm only going to invite readers to the server or those who offer constructive criticism as I do not want trolls in there. Please PM if you want to join.
Hopefully by the time all of the chapters are out, I'll be far enough a long to the third draft to begin posting it here as well.
I do apologize for Chapters 23-43 and the epilogue as it was the first time I wrote those chapters so there isn't as much detail as I would have liked. Come the next draft they will be more fleshed out. There are some other changes, but I'll let you read to find out.
Thank you again for taking the time to read. It's all very welcome.