135Please respect copyright.PENANAL7gbyUFBaP
“The Darkness was the greatest135Please respect copyright.PENANACiu6ZLDOfG
evil humanity had ever faced. If she is released once again, I fear135Please respect copyright.PENANAycfuA3r68h
for us all.”
None remembered the beginning of the world, not135Please respect copyright.PENANAzfkvea5Wqv
even the Deities who formed it. Everything had taken on a form of its own and135Please respect copyright.PENANA3PuOCYlzRU
many believed the Deities to be myths and legends without fully understanding135Please respect copyright.PENANAGF0GpVaT8a
how much they still impacted the world around them. The Deities roamed freely135Please respect copyright.PENANA6E2SOVMcuL
interacting with their creations making sure to keep their memories alive even135Please respect copyright.PENANAAZ0BZ01OCj
if it’s only in their stories.
None of them loved humanity more than Imitae, the Lord135Please respect copyright.PENANA583PXgx3Nn
of the Light, husband to Veyar and the grandfather to humanity. He shunned his135Please respect copyright.PENANAMkA0t9LJsr
powers and walked freely among them, helping them with their problems, healing135Please respect copyright.PENANADPwUqyglUq
their ales and listening to their stories about his family. So, he didn’t think135Please respect copyright.PENANAPyo2CDVQJ4
twice about helping someone who needed it. He followed a beggar to their home135Please respect copyright.PENANA4sjoTUU2gs
because his family had fallen ill. Once there he was hit upside the head and135Please respect copyright.PENANAMy4m1A5Rtu
knocked unconscious. He felt himself being dragged on the ground then down a135Please respect copyright.PENANAxrEDAd2lHB
flight of stairs into the cold, dank darkness.
When he woke up again, he found himself in a dungeon135Please respect copyright.PENANAvAIrqEoeOz
chained to a wall. Water dripped down from the ceiling onto his pounding head.135Please respect copyright.PENANAUhOtwSgTVU
The room was damp and smelled of mildew. Rats skittered in the corner fighting135Please respect copyright.PENANAzBMx99GPj6
over a bone from the last person who died here. One walked over towards him135Please respect copyright.PENANAMDgtJQ1JWw
trying to take a bite, but he lashed out with his foot sending it flying into135Please respect copyright.PENANAjdKKO9PSr0
the wall where it lay still. Not willing to leave fresh meat lying around, the135Please respect copyright.PENANAwMCyApK0y0
rats tore into their friend leaving Imitae trying not to vomit. His granddaughter’s135Please respect copyright.PENANAcl1drmoCOp
creations were disgusting.
He tried to use his powers to free himself, but they were always just out of reach. No135Please respect copyright.PENANAfw8wg69PMq
matter how much he tried, no matter how much he struggled, the powers he135Please respect copyright.PENANARUhOM45EN1
controlled refused to answer him. So, he sat there, his hands held above his135Please respect copyright.PENANAtK5LC6SQi1
head with rope with nothing to eat or drink. He wasn’t sure how long he had135Please respect copyright.PENANAXK6Sqfdj8e
been down there, time had lost all meaning to him eons ago, but it was the135Please respect copyright.PENANAhM9bpyuQ52
boredom that threatened to make him go insane. Just when he thought he was135Please respect copyright.PENANA03vcFlNbqV
about to break, he heard the door on the other side of the room open.
135Please respect copyright.PENANADNuTuJIxge
Two men walked into the room. One of them was dressed in a long black robe with the hood pulled down low covering their face. In his hand was a thick, leather-bound book. The spine was cracked, the words were in a language that had been spoken for thousands of years. He recognized the book as the Darknomicon, the book his daughter had written that explained her cursed powers. This person was an acolyte of hers, he didn’t know how they escaped into the present day, they were supposed to have been hunted to extinction. However, it was the second man that garnered his attention the most.
This man wore a long white vest, but no shirt underneath to show off the muscles he obviously135Please respect copyright.PENANAefcqY2ACy9
spent a lot of time on. He wore loose fitting pants, but no shoes on his feet.135Please respect copyright.PENANA2iVAdHmbR5
His head was shaved bald while his light hazel eyes gleamed in the low light. There were no weapons that he could see, but135Please respect copyright.PENANA5bdXqEnU5M
based on his physique and the dangerous aura he exuded likely kept any would-be135Please respect copyright.PENANAcB0FsWFU2X
attacks away.
As he walked closer, the pressure surrounding the captured god grew heavy. He could sense his daughter’s vile power coursing135Please respect copyright.PENANAljh8uxAiXT
through his veins, but unlike most, it didn’t show on his skin, but covering135Please respect copyright.PENANAz4rlm2FgRn
the body in black spots thickening their blood until it turned to mud. No, the135Please respect copyright.PENANAqAVaKvLeoK
only indication was his scent and the darkness swirling under the skin.
“This is him?” The man turned to the acolyte who hastily nodded their head. The man’s135Please respect copyright.PENANAznbtoCRoyN
heavy brown eyes studied him for a long time. It was hard to read this human’s135Please respect copyright.PENANABTzyxTsdTi
face, but the warning bells in his head kept ringing. This man was dangerous,135Please respect copyright.PENANABKu6cYo8oA
he should be killed before he brings doom upon them all. But he was useless135Please respect copyright.PENANALR0ocToJT8
currently, so there was nothing he could do.
“What is it you want from me?” Imitae found his voice, but it came out in a low135Please respect copyright.PENANAkAYBiK0so5
whisper. It was dry and cracked, he hadn’t had any water in ages. Not very135Please respect copyright.PENANAg5iZy1kbPw
dignified for a God, but dignity was in short supply these days for him. Anger135Please respect copyright.PENANAr1C4a1GOuU
flashed in the man’s eyes. He strode over, grabbed Imitae’s platinum blonde135Please respect copyright.PENANAsTZ6y3WsAI
hair, so blonde it was almost white, and yanked his head back to stare his135Please respect copyright.PENANA8ypKsbabdR
captor in the eye.
“You speak when you are spoke too, Imitae.” His voice came out like a hiss. “This is my135Please respect copyright.PENANAy2FdrKjkw4
domain, not yours.”
“Be careful who you speak too, mortal.” Imitae shot back. “You are nothing in my eyes,135Please respect copyright.PENANAoN8NqoKexS
just an insect who hasn’t learn their place.” The man reached back and135Please respect copyright.PENANAkwlyfUahpg
punched the god in the face. He was surprised when his head smashed backwards135Please respect copyright.PENANAV2Biohb2Y4
against the wall he was tied too. He tasted blood which was something he never135Please respect copyright.PENANAQDlzBR3hPZ
thought possible. He spat the golden liquid into his hand and just stared.
“You have no powers here.” The man grinned. “You are completely at my mercy.”
“What is it you want from me then?” Imitae asked. He was roughly shoved back to the ground135Please respect copyright.PENANAGqhyIMWl9Z
before the man stalked away.
“I need to find the Ma’akti, and you’re going to help me.” The man smiled. Imitae looked up135Please respect copyright.PENANAjcdZ0bIUCz
at him confused. The Ma’akti were the chosen of the Deities, why would this man135Please respect copyright.PENANABvRft3FkZQ
want them?
“Do you wish to be one yourself?” Imitae asked. “If you free me, I will give you, my135Please respect copyright.PENANAbk3GejttSl
“What do I need with your power when I already have it?” He laughed. A small ball of light135Please respect copyright.PENANA445ty2AteQ
flashed in his open palm as he grinned at Imitae. “No, I need you for135Please respect copyright.PENANA8rQFfGYg9W
another reason, one you don’t need to know about. You!” He snapped at the135Please respect copyright.PENANANOmHKsef1I
acolyte. “Get what you need from him, but make sure you keep him alive. We135Please respect copyright.PENANAmfhaZXypqE
will need him.”
“Yes Lord Whitesun.” The man bowed his head. “Your wish will be my command.” Imitae135Please respect copyright.PENANAD7le7gcWgK
watched with dismay as the man left the room, leaving him at the mercy of his135Please respect copyright.PENANAITOubXerl8
The acolyte placed the book down on the ground. As he stalked closer to the God, he removed135Please respect copyright.PENANAyuhPQJzAnb
a wicked looking, curved dagger from the inside of his sleeve. “Those135Please respect copyright.PENANAgVzROP0jcg
chains holding you down are made from part of a meteorite and quenched in the135Please respect copyright.PENANAesTRYbwLXL
water of light blessed by Humjir. They seal your power’s making you mortal. But135Please respect copyright.PENANAbo1FQQMzNQ
don’t worry Imitae, this will only hurt a lot.” He placed the dagger on the135Please respect copyright.PENANAhx5kxERLW0
God’s skin. “Tell me where the Ma’akti Unna’tun is.”
“No.” Imitae stuck out his chin in defiance. The acolyte didn’t ask again. With a large135Please respect copyright.PENANAgE3W4Wct0U
smile, he started to cut.
For the first time in the God’s long life, he screamed.