Chapter 39
That26Please respect copyright.PENANATIBWptE5M6
night they decided to set up camp on the outskirts of the forest. They had26Please respect copyright.PENANA3siLezbp8t
ridden at a steady pace for most of the day, only stopping so people could26Please respect copyright.PENANAt7bikwM3oR
relieve themselves, or to stretch for a few minutes. They had decided to go26Please respect copyright.PENANAHFg2pWtNlP
with a ruse in case they were stopped on the road or questioned in the village26Please respect copyright.PENANAZf80jG3xvj
they were heading towards. Eliza and Alex would play the role of a merchant26Please respect copyright.PENANAAcbbUmEBim
couple while Vander and the others were their protection detail. They didn’t go26Please respect copyright.PENANA4B0ChbV6mY
into too much detail because that was more to remember, and he didn’t want them26Please respect copyright.PENANAlCuq3iadVb
slipping if they ran into trouble. He still hadn’t told them what they were26Please respect copyright.PENANA5AdUWfVFA6
doing out, but that was a conversation he was going to have with them over26Please respect copyright.PENANA573uEF5r15
There26Please respect copyright.PENANAbvppJ1IpDv
would be no tents tonight, they would all sleep out in the open and have a26Please respect copyright.PENANAePbioYfyrl
rotating guard. Just because they were in Eluvia didn’t mean there weren’t26Please respect copyright.PENANAijdlDRwX1O
thieves or brigands roaming around looking to steal or kill to get what they26Please respect copyright.PENANA229JRxFAto
want. They decided to allow Eve, Briar, Chicken, and Eliza to use the cart to26Please respect copyright.PENANAvC1AV0OaHJ
sleep in just to give the illusion that it was occupied by the married couple26Please respect copyright.PENANASuCWaTLHTX
when Alex would sleep outside. Rooster and Forest were unhappy with those26Please respect copyright.PENANA1haqqzhww3
arrangements, but Vander wouldn’t move in his direction. The women, other than26Please respect copyright.PENANAvU2c5N91i7
Eve teased them about it relentlessly, but the two of them would get their26Please respect copyright.PENANAwEQMh7F55v
For26Please respect copyright.PENANATBqWarZyR0
the entire trip, Eliza wouldn’t talk to him or even look at him when he was26Please respect copyright.PENANAZ7Pa9QzEhE
talking. If they were going to work together, he had to figure out why and try26Please respect copyright.PENANAYGqfPc1POL
to fix it. The only thing he could think of was that she caught him sleeping26Please respect copyright.PENANAQIwKBWcLJH
with the Inn keeper’s daughter and had gotten jealous somehow, but they barely26Please respect copyright.PENANAIW9Z4ybUoM
knew each other. There was no way she had fallen for him that quickly. But he26Please respect copyright.PENANACgetAlCPLu
didn’t know what else it could have been.
As26Please respect copyright.PENANAPTlRMwvaGE
they dismounted, Forest and Rooster took the horses and brought them over to a26Please respect copyright.PENANAszyZ056cjM
tree to tie them up around. Their leads were loose enough that they could reach26Please respect copyright.PENANAT2GytoKLeR
plenty of grass to chew on. They removed the saddles and began to brush them26Please respect copyright.PENANARbdBTOkBHu
down. There was no stream near them, but they had allowed the horses to drink a26Please respect copyright.PENANA7vnLgHuX4j
couple hours ago. Next time they passed a stream they would drink again until26Please respect copyright.PENANAcwEllOWLGm
they were full.
Vander26Please respect copyright.PENANA4Pe93RZDr6
grabbed his bow and a quiver full of arrows to catch them some dinner and told26Please respect copyright.PENANAbWgP0za2nN
the others to set up the camp in their absence. Then with Shea following him,26Please respect copyright.PENANATvzBRo4Uec
he disappeared into the darkness.
Most26Please respect copyright.PENANA4FBj6kEvvU
people wouldn’t have been able to see in the low light, but with the curse from26Please respect copyright.PENANArzhoprGuVU
Unna, he could see in the low light. He could hear squirrels chittering to26Please respect copyright.PENANAOCdLRQt6rM
themselves as well as deer scampering through the bushes. Shea kept her head26Please respect copyright.PENANAkoTFTxNr92
down and nose to the ground as she crawled around to pick up a trail. If they26Please respect copyright.PENANAE73oVXamOe
were hunting and had the time, he would have gone for deer. They had a ton of26Please respect copyright.PENANAfq2XJu3SI6
meat on them while their skin and fur could be used for many different things,26Please respect copyright.PENANAlc6CqfFnTz
but there was no time. He had to go for small game that they could eat then26Please respect copyright.PENANAaHo313cosU
dispose of.
At26Please respect copyright.PENANABGuILzaHNC
Shea’s signal, he knocked two arrows to his bow. She dove into the bush and out26Please respect copyright.PENANAOSyVr79t78
scampered a small family of rabbits. In rapid succession, he killed three of26Please respect copyright.PENANAj0bYoHMX9v
them with his arrows. Their bodies weren’t twitching when he went over to pick26Please respect copyright.PENANAuB5WbOxHEI
them up. He had pierced each one through the heart killing them automatically.26Please respect copyright.PENANAfdnORwHA7E
It was the least he could do to thank them for their sacrifice. He gathered a26Please respect copyright.PENANAnPYZ9UhyG6
couple more before returning to camp.
He26Please respect copyright.PENANANQyFvIHV9R
dropped the carcasses in front of Alex who was in the process of carving some26Please respect copyright.PENANA07Ze4AdCr4
spits for the rabbits to cook over the flames. The others had gone out to26Please respect copyright.PENANAgI7Z2I62Z2
gather some firewood from the surrounding brush. He could hear their excited26Please respect copyright.PENANAs16yWaBfah
chatter from here. He would have to remind them to keep it quiet.
“Now26Please respect copyright.PENANAZq9gU6VGxJ
that we have a moment,” Chicken said. “Can you tell us what’s been going on?”26Please respect copyright.PENANAtpnyVveFsf
Vander and Alex exchanged glances. While he could trust the recruits, he wasn’t26Please respect copyright.PENANAsbZVY3ODmJ
sure if they were ready to hear the truth about him, but they were about to26Please respect copyright.PENANAPtCVT5zA4v
place their lives on the line. He had to be honest with them.
“There26Please respect copyright.PENANAXzsOrB0v4w
are some powerful people after me.” Vander explained. “To get what they want26Please respect copyright.PENANADlkevfWYbD
they have tried to hunt me, think I betrayed my country and those I love, just26Please respect copyright.PENANA0bopX9Oidz
to get what they want. I left because if I hadn’t, I would have been killed. I26Please respect copyright.PENANAlhSCYlTUZx
had to find out the truth and hide from those who wanted to harm me.”
“Why?”26Please respect copyright.PENANAclVa7XQcjM
Briar asked. “What makes you so special?”
“Only26Please respect copyright.PENANAPwn1SyIFc5
a few people know this.” Vander sighed. “Alex included, but many years ago when26Please respect copyright.PENANAeoH21SNag1
I was a recruit something happened, I became the shard of Unna.”
“Why?”26Please respect copyright.PENANAPdhAPPvkJW
Rooster asked.
“Because26Please respect copyright.PENANA2rjRZgeNLb
it was the only way to save my friends.” He then told the small group the tale26Please respect copyright.PENANASHlTbMlvwl
of the Shadow Beast and how it almost slaughtered them all. If it hadn’t been26Please respect copyright.PENANACQHedQqbZS
for him, they all would have been killed. “Afterwards, I met Shea.” he said,26Please respect copyright.PENANAl1tyhgjDiO
rubbing the top of her head. “I made a promise to take care of her, so she26Please respect copyright.PENANA7UqC7RyNap
decided she would protect me as well.”
“Why26Please respect copyright.PENANAU3woJmsnd0
doesn’t more people know about this?” Forest asked.
“Because26Please respect copyright.PENANADUbbfir4Ef
if word got out, my life would be in danger.” He explained. “There is a stigma26Please respect copyright.PENANA4R8kDDx0SI
surrounding Unna and there are sometimes I have almost lost control. If it26Please respect copyright.PENANAzoh5Nv0ezo
hadn’t been for Shea or my friends, it would have happened a long time ago.”
“I’m26Please respect copyright.PENANApoyarvlWjl
glad you’re on our side then.” Rooster cheered. “Let’s get the Queen and26Please respect copyright.PENANAFkUmfCYUDK
Captain Eliza back and punish those Serpents for good.” A collective cheer went26Please respect copyright.PENANANbe3qC4Ivh
out. Vander let them have this moment of joy. There was a huge chance none of26Please respect copyright.PENANAHPM05X6uu6
them would make it out alive, so he let them enjoy it.
They26Please respect copyright.PENANAO6GxZFe6g8
passed around the rabbits Vander had caught. While they were eating Vander told26Please respect copyright.PENANAQxbZeOv5fc
them that he would watch the entire night. There were some protests all around,26Please respect copyright.PENANAjravJZ2CdK
but he explained to them that it was better that they rest. He would have Shea26Please respect copyright.PENANA19uVtxuKrj
watching out for him so they would sleep in shifts. They argued for a little26Please respect copyright.PENANAeqEk6woaQJ
longer after that, but eventually they all relented to his wishes.
“There26Please respect copyright.PENANAiQYYGbCntN
is some rabbit left.” He got up from his26Please respect copyright.PENANApqQSXbbZKe
seat. “Eat then get some rest, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. I’ll26Please respect copyright.PENANAWrjrInBJar
take watch tonight.”
“Are26Please respect copyright.PENANAsAg4Gw23e8
you sure?” Alex asked. “We can take watch as well.”
“Shea26Please respect copyright.PENANAN7b2uNc2ma
and I can handle it.” Vander placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder and26Please respect copyright.PENANACxMZ3XqrKh
squeezed. “Go.” He found a spot up top of a boulder that would allow him to see26Please respect copyright.PENANAqOwmb7cBYC
in three directions. Shea took up position looking into the forest to cover his26Please respect copyright.PENANA0FsZtyUMdZ
back. He watched as they all withdrew into their sleeping areas after Alex26Please respect copyright.PENANAwldIY4w0sx
doused the fire. Dark settled over the camp as he wrapped his cloak around him26Please respect copyright.PENANAk3PPZa0AlX
to wait out the night.
The26Please respect copyright.PENANAFV81NjUOZJ
sunrise came quick, and Vander didn’t sleep a wink. Shea had fallen asleep26Please respect copyright.PENANAySGZzd2Y5i
halfway through their vigil, but all he could do was just watch as the fire26Please respect copyright.PENANAWkHrPLu1L9
disappeared to smoldering embers before being snuffed out altogether. Alex26Please respect copyright.PENANA5VCSWKc7sY
didn’t stir at all, he always slept like a rock while the others tossed and26Please respect copyright.PENANATexhCVYeCn
turned in their sleep. Rooster had gotten up in the middle of the night to26Please respect copyright.PENANAdbuT8cFBLm
console his sister as she began to whimper. The nerves were beginning to fray,26Please respect copyright.PENANAzuDeQDWF4o
you might be able to hide your fears while you were awake, but as you slept,26Please respect copyright.PENANA3e48Ou5bDg
they came to the forefront.
As26Please respect copyright.PENANA2e15I1D7Q5
the sun poked up above the tree line, Vander unwrapped himself out from under26Please respect copyright.PENANAzWIb2OxKdQ
his cloak and grimaced as he forced his stiff legs into movement. He slid down26Please respect copyright.PENANAQvrMJxOcXm
the rock before bracing himself on it until his legs didn’t hurt as he moved.26Please respect copyright.PENANAwNUaOkUXT1
He grabbed a few sticks, broke them over his knee and started a fire to chase26Please respect copyright.PENANAtELfUHNHhs
away the cold morning air. If Shea noticed, she didn’t stir, she was lost in26Please respect copyright.PENANAtBEyO53h4W
her dreams.
Alex26Please respect copyright.PENANAnarhwxL6wz
was the first to awaken. He never slept too late, on a mission his body and26Please respect copyright.PENANA5sBdiNXYmu
mind were always on alert. Today they would try to find those who had poisoned26Please respect copyright.PENANA0Edmhbvn5R
their King, so he was on alert. He sat down on the ground to begin sharpening26Please respect copyright.PENANAuTJ2EVatjv
his sword with the whetstone he carried with him. The two friends sat in26Please respect copyright.PENANAtHz7Rp73mz
silence as they waited for the others to wake up.
Briar26Please respect copyright.PENANA6WzJf0jQPl
and Forest were the first two awake. They crawled out from their bags red eyed26Please respect copyright.PENANArWHXeZcUzX
and groggy. They stumbled over to the fire pit, grabbed a piece of hard bread26Please respect copyright.PENANAKJDoxT4qVa
from their pack, and started to eat it. Rooster and Chicken were next, but26Please respect copyright.PENANAfTkY9At7CK
after a few minutes Eve still hadn’t emerged even though he could see that she26Please respect copyright.PENANAFr6nHsKiVO
was still sleeping.
“Is26Please respect copyright.PENANAHLVu78CKAP
she alright?” Vander slid down from the boulder and walked towards her bag. He26Please respect copyright.PENANALMm5xt9B0V
bent down to toss the blanket away, but there was nothing there, but some twigs26Please respect copyright.PENANAoF9lpwp9Bt
and leaves piled up to make it look like she was there. “Has anyone seen Eve?”26Please respect copyright.PENANA25iuHgEtWg
he asked.
“Vander,26Please respect copyright.PENANAMAIg2jkLA4
you need to look at this, it’s Shea.” Concerned, he ran over to where Alex was26Please respect copyright.PENANApfkyYjc5Dj
sitting over the still form of his companion. He was shocked to discover that26Please respect copyright.PENANASVziyPXwIV
he could barely hear her heart beating.
“She’s26Please respect copyright.PENANAilqapJ5MOX
been poisoned, but how?” Vander looked around. “I didn’t hear anything while26Please respect copyright.PENANAgFt5yCxswc
keeping watch.”
“It26Please respect copyright.PENANAbzUIdA2etZ
seems Eve isn’t who she appears to be.” Alex frowned. “What do you want to do?”
“We26Please respect copyright.PENANADQYBvtTR2F
should proceed with caution.” Vander explained. “If Eve betrayed us…”
“What26Please respect copyright.PENANAS555qFAola
do you mean ‘if she betrayed us’?” Rooster shouted. “She wouldn’t. We are her26Please respect copyright.PENANAIVAM2Bj4lq
“I26Please respect copyright.PENANAjZHYxcGk2o
want to believe she hadn’t and I’m willing to keep an open mind.” Vander said.26Please respect copyright.PENANAju3f07Fi5j
“However, Shea is out of commission, and she is missing. She pulled items in26Please respect copyright.PENANAGs1za2F2by
her bag to make us think she was here the whole time. That’s not something an26Please respect copyright.PENANAoZYOl4tJvj
innocent person would do.”
“No26Please respect copyright.PENANA7TehRAQxVz
‘buts’…” Vander shouted. “This mission got a lot more dangerous.” He turned to26Please respect copyright.PENANAzbEsNHHsyc
look at Alex. “Take Chicken, Rooster and Shea back to the city. Tell them we’ve26Please respect copyright.PENANAzy7K581yAV
been betrayed. I will go ahead with Forest and Briar. The three of us will26Please respect copyright.PENANAgQHtG3UtiB
gather what intelligence we can then come right back.”
“I26Please respect copyright.PENANAWn7UBAkkSP
want to stay.” Rooster demanded.
“You26Please respect copyright.PENANAnM9oz9QZnw
and Eve are too close.” Alex snapped. “You might not be able to kill her if it26Please respect copyright.PENANAFnwEZRQpLf
comes down to it. You will come with me. Now.” That tone left nothing to be26Please respect copyright.PENANAQO1StZeHdZ
argued. Dejected, Rooster’s shoulders slumped as he jumped onto the back of his26Please respect copyright.PENANAdgTAmbQ1lq
horse. Vander carefully picked Shea up then placed her in front of Rooster.
“Speed.”26Please respect copyright.PENANAPwTDbhIzyX
Vander and Alex clasped their forearms before the three of them raced off back26Please respect copyright.PENANAzz3IGI9Maj
towards the castle.
“Well,26Please respect copyright.PENANA434Zu5HCPj
here goes nothing.” Forest chuckled. Briar slapped him upside the head. Vander26Please respect copyright.PENANApmc2D3DSWu
told them they had to be quiet going forward. He gave them their orders, to be26Please respect copyright.PENANAuzxriRntY9
obeyed without complaint.
They26Please respect copyright.PENANAywfHViLHSV
wrapped their cloaks tight against them, making sure their swords were in easy26Please respect copyright.PENANAo2JAMSyvce
reach. They quickly said their goodbyes before heading into the woods. They had26Please respect copyright.PENANA3qXFvwgTtB
decided not to follow the path, it would be a good place for an ambush, but26Please respect copyright.PENANAzYrGvIKjFy
they still had to be careful in case their plans were figured out. The Serpents26Please respect copyright.PENANA5Qf6HE85qN
were devious, there was no telling what they were up to.
They26Please respect copyright.PENANAnoJdI9LtCm
split up, always making sure to keep each other in sight as they walked. Their26Please respect copyright.PENANAAF0KVjUAnH
cloaks were especially made to help them blend into the forest, but they could26Please respect copyright.PENANAry03EzwnLh
still be seen so they had to be careful and without Shea, they were down26Please respect copyright.PENANAoarJUb2bje
another layer of protection. He felt oddly naked without her, but he couldn’t26Please respect copyright.PENANAMXHXGfsBAH
focus on that, he had to keep focused on the mission ahead.
About26Please respect copyright.PENANAG2vCecB1ny
thirty minutes into their hike, he heard sticks breaking under foot. He held up26Please respect copyright.PENANAOeqNCmxvYf
his hand signaling them to stop. He bent down, placed his hand on the ground26Please respect copyright.PENANArmJBa91Vr6
and closed his eyes. Here he was in the element bestowed upon him by Unna. Even26Please respect copyright.PENANAQpq67pWnO6
without Shea, he was stronger here than he was anywhere else. He could smell26Please respect copyright.PENANAL6IKpZrlOr
their sweat, fear and anxiety coming from those around him. Farther ahead he26Please respect copyright.PENANACUdhTknmrc
could feel numerous footsteps heading in their direction. He heard a bow string26Please respect copyright.PENANAlVxWLfcE17
pulling back.
“Down!”26Please respect copyright.PENANAkQPstXlyN9
He shouted, but he was too late. An arrow slammed into Briar knocking her off26Please respect copyright.PENANAndDGRIjbSG
her feet, she was dead before she even hit the ground.
“No!”26Please respect copyright.PENANACVR5pnRszh
Forest shouted. Before Vander could stop him, Forest drew his sword and charged26Please respect copyright.PENANA5Pa5CiWgYe
blindly into the trees. Three arrows took him through the chest before he fell26Please respect copyright.PENANAE471ukN1yf
to his knees and died. Vander got up from the ground and headed towards a tree.26Please respect copyright.PENANAROsHatSV2i
More arrows thudded into the bark, but they wouldn’t be deep enough to push26Please respect copyright.PENANAHyaJXc2qBt
into the other side.
“Give26Please respect copyright.PENANANipHIG7Xkz
up and come quietly, Vander.” A voice shouted from deeper into the woods. “We26Please respect copyright.PENANAZRInRz76ZL
have you surrounded, so unless you want to end up like Forest and Briar there,26Please respect copyright.PENANA97bHgaU4JE
I suggest you lay down your weapons.” His enemy knowing their name solidified26Please respect copyright.PENANArysTUScakS
the proof in Vander’s mind that they had been betrayed by Eve. He didn’t know26Please respect copyright.PENANAtPQ4BNtidK
how deep this betrayal was, but by the end of this he would find out then kill26Please respect copyright.PENANAsbY5AreDor
her slowly.
“The26Please respect copyright.PENANAwWgwjjagsw
forest is still my element.” Vander whispered, clenching his fist. He bent down26Please respect copyright.PENANADqq2n9yA3l
and picked up a small flat rock.
“We26Please respect copyright.PENANAFDCulkLBNL
will have reinforcements soon.” He shouted back. “This will be your only chance26Please respect copyright.PENANAfL1fhhT6cY
to willingly return the Queen and Eliza.” He heard laughter coming from his26Please respect copyright.PENANAZQteoYCnfJ
enemies. He took mental notes on where each of them was before taking a deep26Please respect copyright.PENANAtGYrByCCjl
“You’re26Please respect copyright.PENANAYk9vBlt7I7
in no position to bargain, Blade.” Their leader sneered. “Come here before I…”26Please respect copyright.PENANA5k0Qx3C7Pu
Vander stepped out from behind the tree and launched the rock. With a26Please respect copyright.PENANAxT8QMogm4w
satisfying crunch, the rock hit the man in the mouth. A second later, he hit26Please respect copyright.PENANAqBtVdDT0uT
the ground. He quickly dove back behind the tree as several more arrows thudded26Please respect copyright.PENANAE2uy5UQ2z1
against the trunk. He took a deep breath, counted to three, then ran out from26Please respect copyright.PENANA4xj7UkGXyZ
behind the tree to rush his enemies.
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