Chapter 24
Vander hated the rain. It had47Please respect copyright.PENANA6h3b15hfG8
rained ever since the first night he had fled into the Orange Fox after the47Please respect copyright.PENANADfS3cPf9LP
King had been assassinated by Peyton Cranton, but he had taken the fall. He had47Please respect copyright.PENANARffV1GXxl5
been forced into hiding like a rat while the person who had gotten away with47Please respect copyright.PENANAZmujFAhmDG
lived like a King, manipulating everything around him.
The council wasted no time dubbing47Please respect copyright.PENANAwXQGySIXFX
him a criminal and giving him a bounty of five hundred thousand gold coins for47Please respect copyright.PENANAXfZv47wvDS
his capture. Wanted posters had gone up on every corner and every house within47Please respect copyright.PENANAtCpiZpxn2e
the outer ring. He was a pariah in his own city. Within the first few days he47Please respect copyright.PENANAKDQlY72EbD
had decided that he would take matters into his own hands. He would act and47Please respect copyright.PENANAAz3EtFLWZu
gather the evidence he needed to clear his name then bring Peyton to justice.47Please respect copyright.PENANAHK6ug2gRmu
Weeks of careful investigation had brought him here, to a single story house47Please respect copyright.PENANAunKxW6PzB0
close to the Northern District.
Rain splashed47Please respect copyright.PENANAJTSbXrpGxO
down around him as lightning crackled above. The hairs on his arm rose due to47Please respect copyright.PENANA4ZUpKzmDPN
the static in the air. Any wrong move could draw attention to where he was47Please respect copyright.PENANASU7zKRerVG
hiding, and he did not want Rolous to see him. He held his breath while47Please respect copyright.PENANAwtljuazCxr
stilling his heartbeat hoping against all odds that he would stay unseen. He47Please respect copyright.PENANAzKst2YX33N
watched as people ran for cover, but his eyes were focused on one house where47Please respect copyright.PENANA2BlqGndZ2C
his intelligence told him a group of Green Serpents were hiding out. Over the47Please respect copyright.PENANAR54vAnvCFT
past several nights he made a mental note of how many people entered the house47Please respect copyright.PENANAKLXpxFBltm
as well as how many had left. Tonight, must have been a special night because47Please respect copyright.PENANAidYQNGgKSZ
ten people had gone into a house where only three would normally fit. It was47Please respect copyright.PENANAMg6TX45tZG
time to move.
The man dropped down from his47Please respect copyright.PENANABkM5DsoWpD
perch, the roof of the house opposite to his target, and landed on the ground47Please respect copyright.PENANAfBHof5KIVk
with barely a noise. The shadows clung to him as he crouched then ran his way47Please respect copyright.PENANAQLzmZS2JNG
across the street. Luckily it was dark, and no one would be out on the street47Please respect copyright.PENANA3V4RytEsTt
this late at night. He didn’t want to have to ruin some poor soul’s night47Please respect copyright.PENANAr3ZWTty5n6
because he was careless. He ran towards the door then placed his ear against47Please respect copyright.PENANASnS4vQrX6x
the hoping to hear what was being said.
“We have new orders from Fang,” a47Please respect copyright.PENANAace5WDyT09
woman whispered. She was a few floors down, but with his hearing he had no47Please respect copyright.PENANAnFR4CNvRkJ
problem making out what was being said. He had discovered Fang a couple of47Please respect copyright.PENANA8yqt60yV0w
weeks ago during his first raid, but he didn’t know who they were. However, it47Please respect copyright.PENANArX7kryhdlB
seemed as though they gave the orders to the Serpents in the city. They were47Please respect copyright.PENANATax2Aa7KWb
the ones he needed to reach to gain any information.
“What are they?” someone asked.
“Seems as though out benefactor47Please respect copyright.PENANAqutgZyakja
has told them that we need to capture the missing Blade, Vander, alive.” She47Please respect copyright.PENANA3nocsxXYJw
explained. “We only have a couple of weeks. What should we do?”
He listened as they began47Please respect copyright.PENANA45yjONgmnC
brainstorming all the way they could find Vander. Some of the ideas were crazy.47Please respect copyright.PENANAz07lCFrMGH
Someone suggested they go door to door and threaten the lives of everyone47Please respect copyright.PENANAjDuGU3LDc6
inside to see if they knew anything. Another mentioned going to visit Julianna47Please respect copyright.PENANAglTfATfOMF
since the two of them had been close, she might have an idea where he was47Please respect copyright.PENANAHjyWI25t9E
hiding out. A third mentioned going to Ross and paying him for the information.47Please respect copyright.PENANAGu5xFUNFQB
Unknown to all inside, that was the only way they would be able to find Vander,47Please respect copyright.PENANAE0igJoYjIr
but they would never get the chance to find out. He would deal with them right47Please respect copyright.PENANAPPPv5hekPh
He quickly looked through the47Please respect copyright.PENANAjISBVzrcvY
cracks to find two guards standing there with their backs to the door. Only47Please respect copyright.PENANAxlb5wcgETI
novices wouldn’t be outside to guard the door, even if they didn’t want to draw47Please respect copyright.PENANAkjtzpnSnKJ
attention to themselves. This was foolish, so he decided to teach them a47Please respect copyright.PENANAwJXIXSUQ7O
He carefully walked away from the47Please respect copyright.PENANAeF2xCDY0FW
door then steeled himself as he charged forward. He shoulders check the door47Please respect copyright.PENANAISQtoM0cgW
causing it to fly off its hinges. Normally people would have shattered their47Please respect copyright.PENANA5sVnljPu30
shoulders, but he wasn’t normal. He was blessed with the powers of Unna and the47Please respect copyright.PENANAKsOkwUlwFZ
demon inside craved blood.
“Intru…” One of the guards shouted47Please respect copyright.PENANAP2s4c6nNxz
out, but he didn’t get far. Vander shoved a dagger in his neck silencing him47Please respect copyright.PENANAu2IcmkLz0O
almost immediately. The other guard didn’t have time to draw their sword before47Please respect copyright.PENANAYCQMHW79Wm
Vander was upon him tearing out his neck with bare hands. As blood dripped down47Please respect copyright.PENANAjuXj2V0maw
from the cartilage, Vander threw it at the next person who came up the stairs47Please respect copyright.PENANAX09tMiygBP
that had been dug through the floor. They cried out as blood splattered their47Please respect copyright.PENANABJwkJiH0On
eyes, but they wouldn’t have the chance to wipe it off. Vander jumped, kicking47Please respect copyright.PENANApKOET9AD5B
him down the stairs, sending them both into the darkness below.
He landed on the blinded man’s47Please respect copyright.PENANAGtKOH9cNuJ
chest. He heard the satisfying crunch as bone shattered, breaking his back. Vander47Please respect copyright.PENANAPaQNltBQFG
heard the heart stop beating as the final breath left the man’s body. Vander47Please respect copyright.PENANAqYajw6sHq2
looked up at the Serpents who looked shocked, but it would wear sooner rather47Please respect copyright.PENANAFTfO0d0vXQ
than later. He was lucky that they had cornered themselves into a very small47Please respect copyright.PENANAbrUCiEDf7h
room or this would have gone badly.
“Damn it.” The female speaker drew47Please respect copyright.PENANAR0GhZz8PRQ
her sword. “It’s him. Don’t just stand there, kill him!”
Vander lunged forward grabbing the47Please respect copyright.PENANA0M9LoYnNDH
closest person’s face then slamming them against the wall. He quickly removed47Please respect copyright.PENANARVysNJKJYU
his dagger, gave three quick stabs in his chest, before tossing him into47Please respect copyright.PENANAd8MqyWqwgx
someone else. The two bodies collided then fell onto the ground. He ducked as47Please respect copyright.PENANAQfK6iU7ct5
the female swung her sword at his head. The sword collided with a wooden shelf,47Please respect copyright.PENANAsveYMX1Om2
but she pulled it out rather effortlessly. He jumped forward, but she was47Please respect copyright.PENANAtK8WQf1a8r
waiting for him. She dropped the sword then met him head on.
She was stronger than she looked.47Please respect copyright.PENANA0eMBqCzIqx
She grabbed him by the shoulders and started to walk forward. He could feel his47Please respect copyright.PENANANZ5y7NqYh2
feet dragging backwards. She grinned at him, then taunted him by calling him47Please respect copyright.PENANAyCHTMJVXDE
weak and a pushover. The demon couldn’t stand being belittled so it whispered47Please respect copyright.PENANA5Gi54NgV7C
into Vander’s ear telling him to tear her throat out. He ignored the whisper.47Please respect copyright.PENANAEcv5D78RF2
Instead, he grabbed her then pulled her towards him knocking her off balance.47Please respect copyright.PENANAuyGX0A6meD
He fell backwards, bringing his foot up into her stomach, then threw her over47Please respect copyright.PENANAtyQDUecfvp
his head. She landed on the man Vander had previously knocked over.
“Bastard.” A sword swung down47Please respect copyright.PENANA6eXDI79l3H
aiming to split Vander in half. He brought his hands up clapping down on the47Please respect copyright.PENANAicrtsdKwKd
weapon. He felt the edge bite into the palms of his hand, but the gift he had47Please respect copyright.PENANAvhusXfHVJO
would heal them with minimal scaring. Vander’s leg lashed out at the fingers47Please respect copyright.PENANA2WSpqZlCLd
holding the sword. He heard a satisfying crunch followed by a scream as the man47Please respect copyright.PENANAJkMdTXpwpF
stumbled backwards holding his broken fingers.
Vander spun to his feet then swung47Please respect copyright.PENANAOYRnPnrYLX
the sword hilt into the man’s jaw. He involuntarily spun around as pieces of47Please respect copyright.PENANAxzRiPlRAHv
teeth flew from his mouth clattering onto the ground. He fell to his knees47Please respect copyright.PENANAikOmWv0iGo
clutching his mouth as blood flowed freely between his mangled fingers.
He quickly surveyed the scene47Please respect copyright.PENANAz17wC0fWNO
around him. Two were still trying to get to their feet, four had been killed,47Please respect copyright.PENANAqwCjcW30du
and one was out of commission for the time being. That left three unaccounted47Please respect copyright.PENANAB1PjubR3lJ
for. He could see them downstairs, but there was nowhere else they could have47Please respect copyright.PENANAsr7w2fGSto
gone unless there was another hidden path leading out of the house towards the47Please respect copyright.PENANA9aOeozOMg4
streets of Eluvia. He would have to see where the path led, but first he had to47Please respect copyright.PENANALDnx10O3P6
deal with the survivors.
Vander flipped the sword around47Please respect copyright.PENANAIw5nzSSiA8
catching it out of midair. The man with the broken jaw didn’t put up a fight as47Please respect copyright.PENANAXWk7B25Yi2
he shoved the tip through the man’s neck. Blood gurgled from his mouth as47Please respect copyright.PENANAsQ2g2p5ljM
saliva and blood blended. Vander kicked the sword free ignoring as his enemy47Please respect copyright.PENANARcypbDdPRl
drowned in his own blood.
The two made it to their feet, but47Please respect copyright.PENANA9C7CKn0juk
they looked nervously at each other as they looked over the carnage surrounding47Please respect copyright.PENANASbWIbV4K8s
them. He had only been down here for a few minutes, but five of them were47Please respect copyright.PENANA3AbTHosRBd
already dead. It didn’t bode well for them, but they would have been a disgrace47Please respect copyright.PENANAEaR10tltRd
to their reputation if they surrendered. The two of them exchanged glances47Please respect copyright.PENANAFi5efunYbq
before charging Vander.
He brought his sword up to block a47Please respect copyright.PENANAeSNmAXMhkf
strike then kicked the other person away from him. He lunged to the side making47Please respect copyright.PENANALcOhqjVX16
sure to keep both of his enemies either next to or in front of each other. They47Please respect copyright.PENANA1FWSJOLO7O
were hesitant to attack while their partner was on the way, which made his job47Please respect copyright.PENANAnmHyfWbgie
a lot easier. As he blocked another sword strike, he grabbed a dagger from his47Please respect copyright.PENANAUJW8DjSHQP
belt and shoved it through her wrists sticking them together. She dropped the47Please respect copyright.PENANArR1JVpcG40
sword as she screamed in pain. He removed the dagger then jammed it through the47Please respect copyright.PENANAznr0lepY4A
top of her head. Her eyes rolled back as she slumped over, dead.
As the last Serpent screamed,47Please respect copyright.PENANAy281WKpGPC
Vander spun around and thrust the sword through the space between his arm and47Please respect copyright.PENANAVMwCdNdvPk
ribs skewering the Serpent on the Blade. Something wet and sticky hit Vander’s47Please respect copyright.PENANASPpS8kKpLF
back as the body fell into him. Sighing to himself, Vander removed the weapon47Please respect copyright.PENANALKpgR0tMUu
from his enemy’s chest and stepped out from underneath him. The body hit the47Please respect copyright.PENANAHQ3XUZlmEt
ground with a splat. Now that there was no one around him posing a threat to47Please respect copyright.PENANAGik8bWpJdV
his safety he decided to look around.
Stepping over the fresh bodies, he47Please respect copyright.PENANA6f8OtHzlyG
started his search at the table they were hovering around when he entered.47Please respect copyright.PENANAAV7wk3TyoQ
There was a smoothed out scroll lying there that seemed to have been undamaged47Please respect copyright.PENANAUmkyRDYs2y
despite all the blood and fighting. He carefully picked it up to read the47Please respect copyright.PENANAOAP3ozHypr
contents in the low light of the candles. He wasn’t surprised at all when the47Please respect copyright.PENANAPu1jA6Dgob
contents were just as he overheard. Someone wanted him brought to them alive.47Please respect copyright.PENANApcqjZmFTtG
He could only think of one person, by why alive? Why not dead? It would be47Please respect copyright.PENANAV3mONUpIru
easier for Peyton to control the narrative that way.
“You should strike first.”47Please respect copyright.PENANAUdgHvYfSW5
Vander ignored the chill traveling down his spine when the voice whispered in47Please respect copyright.PENANAVhLm1hwGGh
his ear. He could always feel the demon trying to take control, even through47Please respect copyright.PENANA3F3gQ9cJUP
all the mental barriers he had put up to protect himself, but it was only47Please respect copyright.PENANAX9lGSSC5EP
recently that he could hear him.
“No,” Vander growled. He rolled47Please respect copyright.PENANABCpR0Qhceb
the paper up before sticking it into the pocket inside of his jacket. “We can’t47Please respect copyright.PENANAyNAcm0zusz
kill him until I clear my name.”
“Let me take control.”47Please respect copyright.PENANARnIRf6v9xY
Vander saw the shadows ripple along the wall. Two dark red eyes looked back at47Please respect copyright.PENANAmssVXB0M3f
him. He turned away, suppressing his fear. He couldn’t give the demon any more47Please respect copyright.PENANAvcqfqaq5qq
power over him, he had already become so strong.
“Begone.” He swiped at the shadows47Please respect copyright.PENANAYLkoOhh0Yq
erasing the eyes from his mind. His head was filled with laughter that slowly47Please respect copyright.PENANApKNTNtzFH4
faded. It was a promise that the demon would return to take control. It was47Please respect copyright.PENANAfpr2SysK33
getting easier to feel tempted ever since he fled, but he had to stay strong47Please respect copyright.PENANAEZjA68PKVM
until he could figure out how to remove him completely.
He took a quick look around but47Please respect copyright.PENANApaTynBBbPj
didn’t see anything else worth grabbing. He went upstairs to check there, but47Please respect copyright.PENANAXtzdtNlcl5
he heard footsteps moving around. He froze as he recognized the sounds of heavy47Please respect copyright.PENANAIY8gmaMwVa
armor clanging on the wooden floor.
“What the hell happened here?” a47Please respect copyright.PENANA7UOl1WeWwv
guard asked.
“I don’t know, but go get help.”47Please respect copyright.PENANAMqxD8w0l7A
Another said. Vander heard him bent down to check the pulses of one of the47Please respect copyright.PENANAU42fnQZsjm
guards. “They’re dead. We will have to wait for backup.”
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“Understood.” One guard left while47Please respect copyright.PENANAoPITfIlAch
the other stayed behind. It wasn’t bravery, it was foolishness. You never knew47Please respect copyright.PENANArowMMq5wKb
if the culprit was still in the house. Someone who could kill at least two47Please respect copyright.PENANACHnn4O84Of
people was not someone you want to be alone with. The guard overestimated his47Please respect copyright.PENANASVp1YPJonh
abilities and part of Vander wanted to teach the man some hubris, but he wasn’t47Please respect copyright.PENANALtxEk0ZLeB
here for them. As quickly and as quietly as he could he stepped away from the47Please respect copyright.PENANAUc3sFkgpwK
stairs and down the tunnel.