They've shot their lying arrows at him, Lord, without cause. His family and all those who seek good have become targets. … Lord, injustice is hanging over this nation like a dark storm. Iowa state Rep. Brad Sherman leading a prayer from the stage of a Cedar Rapids auditorium supporting Donald Trump as 2024 presidential nominee
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‘Cept for Valentine’s Day, weddings, and divorce attorneys, there was no money in love—but there were big bucks in making people swoon with ignorant pride. Cupid, tired of wasting arrows on the hopelessly gullible for romance, set out to lower the bar on smarts by trading his quiver for an AR-15. The dimpled, rosy-cheeked cherub gone to hell, now swarmed about like a fly on #2, pestering mostly small towns ‘muricans because that was where most of the hopelessly gullible for bull#2 wasted away.
Once the formerly angelic sprite hit his XXX-sized targets huffing and puffing through Wal*Mart, their intelligence quotient leaked out like a tire on their house going flat. Once epitomizing roses and hearts and amore, the wee devil now caused an unhealthy obsession for Fox News and a pussy-grabbing charlatan for President.
The metamorphosis fit Cupid like a red ball cap. The money he fleeced from his extra large targets—easy pickings—took him from being the unwanted love-child of Venus and Mars to feeling like the King of Hearts. He shortened his name to honor the undercover patriot who exposed the guverment’s corrupt deep-state.
Cu, now rather than reciting lame greeting-card poetry to his dumbstruck victims, whispered sweet stupidity in their ears: the fake president Biden was drinking baby’s blood to stay alive, plus he threw the election, dontya know. Bill Gates put nanobots in the fake COVID vaccinations, dontya know. They're putting litter boxes in schools now for the kids who think they’re cats, dontya know.
Cu flitted around Christian churches that used to be grocery stores like a malaria-bearing mosquito, buckshotting the self-saintly parishioners with the message that agape is only meant for Jesus and his faithfully lamebrained. It was God’s will to distrust and despise all the other humans who were not white and in this church right now.
“Sinners all!”
The Enfant Terrible zipped about the pews like a hummingbird on (holy) sugar water, demonstrating his powers that surpassed those even of Kamadeva, the Hindu god of human love who the xenophobic little bastard splattered half way back to Nirvana in a hail of a hundred legal bullets.
“There’s only one true god and he ain’t no forner!”
Cu fed his MAGAts lies, ironically, like what a mama robin feeds her brood: up is down (if you’re standing on your head), dark is light (if you turn on the incandescents they outlawed), left is right (no, left is a bunch of woke Marxist cat ladies licking purple M & Ms, their minds programmed by George Soros’ nanobots). And rapid-fire repeat with a Gatling gun.
Cu was busy on January 6, 2021, buzzing around the US Capitol inciting the pussy-grabbing Charlatan’s frenzied crowd of traitors to overthrow democracy; after the intended coup, Republican party leaders and their propaganda organs were busy delivering early anti-valentines to their fans—it was Antifa and Black Lives Matter who really stormed the Capitol that day—no wait, Tucker Carlson looked back at the recordings: January 6th was just a walk in the marbled park. If there was #2 smeared on the walls and confederate flags flying, it was the thugs the Demoncrat lawbreakers hired who did it, not the quiet, respectful Republican tourists who dishonored the hallowed edifice.
“Afterwards, see, it was the senile tyrant and election-rigger who ordered these patriots be put in prison because even the ‘murican justice system is rigged—so rigged, that it filed 91 false criminal charges in four separate trials on our beloved and innocent and 4-D-chess-playing truly elected president—that’s ninety more than even Christ was falsely accused of! Jesus Two for President!’” The fluttering little devil cooed.
And so it goes. Cu traded his brand’s special day from February 14th to Election Day, November 5th, and set about shooting up his faithful suckers with stupidity—he could try that in a small town and be welcomed.
Vote Blue, Save Democracy.