A/n: alright when i wrote this series, i actually didn't know about the fact that the original creator of this series, the manga, has passed away. So the original series may never get a season 2 (as of 9/20/2024). So for this series, and any other series i might make based on Little Witch, then after season 1 is done, i'll have to come up with my own season 2 and beyond.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAMewwSRShpI
The Big Fall
The scene now opens to where we left off, the trio zipping through the green energy filled tunnel called the leylines. As they do so, Akko can be seen screaming her head off, saying 'i can't do this anymore' and 'i want off' repeatedly, while Lotte was doing her best to remain on course. However, Y/n can be seen laughing his ass off at the whole thing. As they fly through the green energy field, suddenly the boy felt some kind of strange pulse that coursed throughout his body. This caused him to look around in confusion, but then his chest began to hurt, which causing him to clinch his shirt. When the pain finally subsided, a strange purple colored energy can be seen at the center of his chest that then spread throughout his body in mere seconds. He then blinks a few times, revealing his eyes turning purple but then that to went away in seconds. However, this whole process was so fast that no one, not even Y/n, saw this. He was merely just confused by the sudden pain.
As they continued to fly, the camera then panned over to reveal an almost ghostly looking girl with a pale, grayish skin tone. She also had long mauve hair and red eyes with white pupils. She appeared to have a bore expression on her face as she read some kind of book while flying on her broom (remember kids, don't fly distracted. This message was brought to you by the DBV, the Department of Broom Vehicles) while she was flying, objects began to fall around her but she didn't notice. Until something eventually hit her right in the face.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAN7uiRW0KoD
Akko (off-screen): "oh, no! Our luggage!"
Y/n (off-screen): "i told you to hold onto them better!"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAeP9XqcuLLf
The camera quickly then pans back over to reveal a dazed Akko and Y/n doing his best to keep her from falling off, while also keeping himself on the broom. Lotte does her best to keep them steady but its clear she's struggling to do so.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAEPakiBPFMk
Lotte: "I've never experienced this turbulence before. It's weird!" she then turns to look behind her, "wait, do any of you have salt by any chance?"
Y/n & Akko: they then tilt their heads, "salt?"159Please respect copyright.PENANAisFmEFVuNd
Lotte: "yeah, the leyline doesn't like salt."
Y/n: "how can a mass of energy not like something? It's not alive."159Please respect copyright.PENANAtB9u0Y8Mai
Lotte: "i don't mean literally, salt disrupts the free flowing magic, causing it to have irregular patterns. At least that's the theory. Regardless, it makes it extremely unstable."
Y/n: "oooooh, i get it."
Akko: "wait, by salt, could you mean this?"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAfmlkQgX4AL
Right when she said that, Akko took out a strange looking brown jar with some kind of cloth on the top of it to act as a lid. It also seems to be leaking some kind of green substance.
159Please respect copyright.PENANA4nsOJ3paPR
Lotte: "wait, what is that?"159Please respect copyright.PENANAquN9G1Jg3y
Akko: "oh..... its pickled plums. Why?"
Lotte: then the turbulence starts to get worse, "throw it away!"159Please respect copyright.PENANAd9Z0ItXNCp
Akko: "nooo! i can't live without my pickled plums!"
Lotte: "just throw it away, please!"159Please respect copyright.PENANAQBU3v9xU6r
Akko: "b-but."
Y/n: "Akko!"
Akko: ".....o-okay."
159Please respect copyright.PENANAesJQTt5CnG
However, just before she could toss it away, the shaking got even worse. This causes her to take hold of Lotte, while Y/n does his best to not hold onto Akko too much. Suddenly, some kind of card shaped box flew past Akko, which caught her attention instantly. She did her best to look behind her and yell out.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAHchgi2ieDR
Akko: "noooo, my priced treasure!" she then tries to reach out, but it was too late.
Lotte: "wait, hey! Be careful!"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAxABI83IiGA
However, her loose grip causes her to fall off of the broom. Y/n managed to act fast enough to grab her hand, but his own grip on the broom weakened, then the sudden shaking caused him to lose his grip too. This causes the pair to fall off the broom and towards the mysterious girl. When the girl finally gets whatever it was off of her face, she is instantly met with a literal head on collision with Akkos head. This causes the mysterious girl to lose control over her broom, causing all 3 of them now to fall into the energy stream.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAjZgyynO6IQ
The Forest of Arcturus
[Location: Luna Nova]
159Please respect copyright.PENANAxqljJbyYg9
We now see into an odd but old looking room with a glass dome shaped room. As the camera pans down, we can see many different things within this room, such as books, potions, a lamp, a desk, a telescope and so on. We then also notice a bird looking creature sitting on its perch and a woman with a typical tall witches hat working on something at her desk.
Suddenly the bird starts to chirp loudly, this causes the woman to look at it confused.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAI8PyjMf8f7
???: "oh, what's wrong Alcol?"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAgpadcfOBjH
This strange woman then stands up, walks to near the center of the room and takes out her wand. She then flicks her wand a little, which causes the tip to begin to glow a bright green color. Then the floor begins to glow the same color before a strange metal acorn shaped object floats out from the floor. Once it gets high enough into the air, the top begins to glow and forms something in the air. It then takes on shapes and symbols that resemble an astral map. The woman looks up at it and notices a spot on this strange holographic map begins to glow. She looks at that spot with confusion on her face before her eyes widen.
159Please respect copyright.PENANANhUGjjnMQ4
???: "oh no! The forest of Arcturus?"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAHQRoYKfzIv
As the camera slowly zooms towards the spot on the map, the scene then shifts to a dead looking forest. The sky is nothing but stormy looking clouds, ready to unleash their power. Then a twister shaped piece of the cloud begins to stretch towards the forest until a loud thud like sound can be heard. As we get a better look at the spot were the twister stopped, we can see Akko stuck in the branches of a tree. She then tries to break free from it, which she does manage to do but falls onto the ground and on top of something. As she lies on the ground, groaning in pain, her box of cards falls onto her chest. In pure joy, she grabs them and instantly sits up.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAbsdlNicYSZ
Akko: "oh my god! My priced treasure is safe!" she then rubs it against her face.
159Please respect copyright.PENANANtg0S0YThb
The girl then looks down and notices that fact she is sitting on the same mysterious girl from earlier. She then freaks out and instantly gets off of her.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAlUMfRLTdt1
Akko: "...... is...... is she dead?"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAqqfZqQnsI1
Akko then turns around puts her hands together, almost as if she's praying for the girl but then this same girl slowly starts to sit up in an almost zombie like fashion, causing Akkos eyes to shoot wide open in fear.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAyhfb0R1Rzh
???: "you're a pain in the ass, you know that."159Please respect copyright.PENANAmTGhv9hrRs
Akko: she puts her cards over her mouth while looking at the girl, "your alive?!"
???: "ugh, a witch cant die so easily."
159Please respect copyright.PENANA03ELVBpqTv
Akko then heard some kind of noise from behind the nearby trees, so she does the reasonable thing and........ goes to check it out. When she did, she saw Lotte hunched over.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAlMdo3uJoUT
Akko: "Lotte!" she then gets down towards her and places her hand on her shoulder, "are you okay? Are you hurt?"
Lotte: "im fine, but my broom is totally finished." she then puts out her broom to reveal how broken it is.159Please respect copyright.PENANA0S1mmfapzy
Akko: "looks like we arrived at our destination."
Lotte: "destination?"159Please respect copyright.PENANAcNMGORdxX1
Akko: she looks around with her eyes, "so this is Luna Nova? Hu, not what i was ex......." her eyes then slowly go wide as she looks around in a panic.
Lotte: "Akko?"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAC9xXF9pyIN
Akko then gets up quickly and begins to frantically look around. The mysterious girl and Lotte look at her in confusion and notice just how panicked she was.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAKl9UYHHtcV
Lotte: "Akko, what's wrong?"
Akko: "i can't..... i can't find him?"159Please respect copyright.PENANAoxh4j0fAB6
???: "who?"
Akko: quickly runs up to the girl and grabs her shoulders, "Y/n! He's not here...... i can't...... i can't...."
159Please respect copyright.PENANAaLjfeN7D2J
Akko then lets go of the mysterious girls shoulders and grabs her own shoulders, her eyes become shaky and her body begins to tremble. She begins to sweat profusely. Lotte sees this and walks up to her and gently places her hands on Akkos shoulders, which catches her attention.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAGDnZoK2YpU
Lotte: "hey, hey. We'll find him. I'm sure he's okay."
Akko: "y-you sure? i..... can't........ not again."159Please respect copyright.PENANApwOxgZq03J
Lotte: "wow, she's really shaken up about this. Is this the same hyperactive girl i met a moment ago?....wait."
Akko (flashback): "Oh, my name is Atsuko Kagari, but you can call me Akko." then points at the boy, "and this is Y/n L/n, he's my childhood friend, but we got separated from each other 10 years ago. I was so sad I cried for days, but now we're back together, so it's all good!"159Please respect copyright.PENANAZ4LSn1qb1I
Lotte: she then looks at Akko with a sympathetic expression on her face, "could it be...... could she have-"
??? Boy (distance): "Akko!...... Akko! Where are you?!"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAZN3GHqtM5H
Akkos personality pretty much did a 180 as she quickly turns around with her usual happy expression on her face as tears begin to run down her cheeks. She then rushes towards the sound of his voice, causing Lotte and the mysterious girl to follow right behind her.
We then see into a different part of this strange forest. In it, we can see a reality unscathed Y/n walking around. As he does, he looks around and calls out for Akko.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAba9ObOtIWr
Y/n: "Akko, Akko! Damn, where is she?" he then volts over a huge tree root and continues to look around, "where is this place? Could this really be Luna Nova? Kinda creepy and evil looking for a school but to each their own i guess."
???: "Y/NNNNNN!"
Y/n: he then freezes up and slowly turns around, "...... oh no."
159Please respect copyright.PENANAsa3BXc4VgW
When he fully turned around, we see Akko jumping towards him with her arms outstretched but this time, he was ready for her. He manages to catch her without falling down this time, but her velocity still causes him to skid back a bit. When he finally stops, he looks down at Akko, who's hugging his chest tightly.
159Please respect copyright.PENANA0c4bChMODe
Y/n: he begins to pet her head, "there you are Akko. You had me...... worried?" he looks down at her and notices her body tremble, "Akko, are you alright?"
Akko: looks up at him with tears in her eyes, "your here, i thought....... i thought."159Please respect copyright.PENANAHqqKfbSckj
Y/n: "hey, hey. I'm here, it's okay." he then hugs her close, which she leans into, "everything is alright. I'm not going anywhere. i promise."
Lotte: "so there you are!"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAGzddmfErQa
The boy looks up and sees Lotte doing her best to climb over a large tree root but falls on her butt while the other girl gets over it just fine. Lotte gets up and brushes herself off and walks over to them.
159Please respect copyright.PENANALs3dsYbjOh
Lotte: "I'm glad your okay. You had us worried."
Y/n: "well, I'm glad your okay too." this causes Lotte to blush for just a second, but she then shakes her head.159Please respect copyright.PENANAjb2A2UXFKd
???: "he's what the fuss is all about?......pfftah. He doesn't look like much. Okay at best.......... wait./ what is a boy doing here?"
Lotte: "oh, right. You wouldn't know. He was accepted into Luna Nova. I'm still processing it too."159Please respect copyright.PENANAjaVWZEmSV4
???: "wow......... that's shocking........ anyways."
Lotte: a sweat drop forms on her heat and slowly goes down, "she barely reacted to that."159Please respect copyright.PENANAFSYQWvXPTT
???: she then side eyes the boy, "I wonder how a boy will hold up against my experiments?" she then forms a small but creepy smile.
Y/n: "now where are we anyways?"
Akko: her eyes then shoot open before looking around, "oh yeah! i almost forgot!"
159Please respect copyright.PENANA58OheOobkc
Akko then notices that she was still hugging Y/n. Her face then slowly turns red before quickly jumping back. She then cuffs her heads together and begins to fidget a little while looking at the boy from time to time.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAstNojweCBP
Lotte: "well, i know the orientation isn't here. This is some kind of forest that i don't recognize."
???: basically spawns right between them, "The Forest of Arcturus."
Akko: she then tilts her head, "Arcturus?"
Y/n: "the forest of what now?"159Please respect copyright.PENANALGiTJ5CXOt
Lotte: "oh no! You mean the forbidden forest?!"
Akko: "aaaaand what's that?"
Y/n: "is it really that bad?"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAjv6KeJzLMw
We then see the small group walking through the forest of lost souls. In front was Lotte, who was lighting their way with her staff, behind her was Akko and Y/n, with Akko being pretty close to the boy, and behind them was the unnamed girl.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAe5twujiMRt
Lotte: "it's a legendary and ancient forest. A holy place that's protected by magical tree."
Y/n: he then looks around at all the dead trees, "doesn't seem so holy to me."159Please respect copyright.PENANAMxylywIOTf
???: "they say once you get lost here, even a witch will have a hard time getting out."
Akko: she then looks behind her and at the ghostly girl, "that's not good! We'll miss orientation!"159Please respect copyright.PENANARfyvtt3M9P
Y/n: "Akko........ uuuuh, i think we have more issues going on than that."
Akko: she then looks up at him and tilts her head, "like what?"159Please respect copyright.PENANAOHdqvZMHLB
Lotte: "we might never be able to leave this place."
Akko: "hey, don't scare me like that!"
159Please respect copyright.PENANANlgOjV2UEp
As they continued to walk on, Akko stops and looks towards her side. As she gets a better look, she notices some stuff lying around and rushes towards them.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAHrnpaQw0OT
Akko: "hey! It's our stuff!" she then reaches down, "i thought i lost it all."
159Please respect copyright.PENANA0HN2olmztS
Akko then looks up and notices one of her bags hanging on a strange large flower looking plant. When she does to get it-
159Please respect copyright.PENANAq1iuTM518S
Lotte: "Akko! Get away from that!" the unnamed girl just begins to snicker, "hurry!"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAUbCk7vsmc8
The plant then opens up its peddles to reveal a that It's lined with sharp teeth. Acting fast, Y/n rushes towards her, wraps his arm around her waist and rushes off. The plant tries to grab them with one of its vine like appendages, but he manages to kick one away before running as fast as he could. Once he gets close to the others, they decided to run away from that thing.
159Please respect copyright.PENANANDY0DZzn3O
Akko: still being carried by Y/n, "what is that thing?!"
???: "that was a mandrake. It's a human-eating plant."159Please respect copyright.PENANAuaRNvNaiqU
Y/n: "note to self, stay away from giant plant things!"
???: "this way."
Y/n: "got it"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAySE4vs2FLr
Battle With a Giant Chicken
As they continued to run, Y/n jumps over a branch, but he then trips over something. This causes him to fall and roll on the ground, but he made sure Akko didn't hit the ground. He finally comes to a stop when his back hit a large tree, with his arms still tightly wrapped around Akko.
159Please respect copyright.PENANA1gTzn9K2wL
Akko: "ow ow ow, that hurts. Huh." she then looks up at him, "Y/n are you alright?"
Y/n: "y-yeah, just a little sore that's all."
159Please respect copyright.PENANAV5LlMbU1as
The girl then gets off of the boy and begins to check out her childhood friend for any injures with a worried expression on her face then Lotte comes in from behind them.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAHgw3dzlV6g
Lotte: "are you 2 alright?"
Y/n: "more or less."159Please respect copyright.PENANA7lYVbErVZ7
???: "hey, can you 3 come over here for a second?"
Akko: "huh?"
???: "just stand over there."
159Please respect copyright.PENANAFySu3WHrJz
The trio then does as she asks and gets closer to her but then noticed a long rope on the ground. They look at it when confusion written all over their faces.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAP5oGrTj7Wx
???: "Juras Haras Haras."
159Please respect copyright.PENANA1eaG8CHWmC
Suddenly, the rope came alive and begins to rise up off the ground. The rope then splits into multiple smaller ropes until it formed a large ball-shaped cage around them.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAEaojcy9pFt
Akko: "uhhhhh, what's this?"159Please respect copyright.PENANAoEMmN9WBMt
Y/n: he then facepalms himself, "did we seriously fall for such a class trap?"
???: "now cast the spell."159Please respect copyright.PENANA67C3rNR7dn
Akko: "spell? What spell?"
Lotte: "would it allow us to find that path out of here?"159Please respect copyright.PENANA6x2GCbAmLV
???: "Kutchur Katela Flala."
Akko: "huuuuh, Kutchur Katela.....hura hura?"159Please respect copyright.PENANA08ICF2CiRt
???: she then gets closer to the cage with an annoyed expression on her face, "its Kutchur Katela Flala. Now speak it from your gut!"
Akko: while looking annoyed, she still says it with all of her gut, "KUTCHUR KATELA FLALA!!!!"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAbMOi8jwxzo
It was so loud that it echoed through the air but then nothing happened. The trio looked around in confusion until loud stomping sounds can be heard.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAjGe91I21EX
Akko: "what's that noise?"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAhhuNpijWjP
As they look around in confusion, a large shadow was cast over them. When the trio slowly turns around, to see a large chicken like creature standing over them. This creature then looks down at them and gets real close to the cage.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAoXcxwPBru0
Akko: she then nervously laughs, "aheheheheee, hello? Ummm, what is this thing and what was that last spell?"159Please respect copyright.PENANA9VOwkQzXJT
???: "oh, the spell said something along the lines of 'hey stupid! If you don't like it, then eat me!'." she then gets on her broom and floats up into the air, "it's a Cockatrice, a legendary bird that only exits in the Forest of Arcturus. It's said that their feathers contain a lethal poison within them. It's a rare item to have for poison collectors like myself. Now you have to draw its attention while I'll remove some of its feathers."
Akko: "wait." her expression turns to one of anger, "so we're the decoys?!"159Please respect copyright.PENANA9udr0bvy1J
???: "no, you're the sacrifices. Now cast that spell one more time."
Akko: "who would do that?!"159Please respect copyright.PENANAeidP6prlYf
???: "be careful. If that thing breathes on you, it'll turn you into stone. Good luck."
Y/n: he then looks at the large bird like creature, "i wonder how much fried chicken we can make out of it?"159Please respect copyright.PENANANgISJHgvjB
Lotte: "Y-Y/n, i don't think now is the time for food."
Y/n: "it's a genuine question. People eat stuff like puffer fish and snakes all the time, so I'm sure someone has way to make it safe to eat."159Please respect copyright.PENANAKVG7qmvGS1
Lotte: "your........ special aren't you?"
Y/n: he then shrugs his shoulders, "that's what people keep telling me."
159Please respect copyright.PENANAS8lx39osZx
The large bird like creature lets out a roar while cocking its head back. In anger, Akko grabs the cage and pulls down with all her strength. This causes the cage to break loose from the ground and begin to roll down the hill, causing the creature to miss them. Now with no control over its movement, the cage rolls down the hill at extreme speeds, with the bird like creature not far behind.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAJs75NZe4Ub
???: gets close to the creature and takes one of its feathers, "ahh, got one."
Akko: "wait wait wait! I can't stop this thing!"159Please respect copyright.PENANASF4fINZOfe
Y/n: "we need to move to the side and try to move this thing!"
Lotte: to late! Treeeeee!
Y/n, Lotte, Akko: "AAAAAAAAAAAA!!"
159Please respect copyright.PENANACpjDL2PsDQ
Without any control, the cage runs right into the tree. Thanks to this the cage breaks apart, but it launches the trio into different directions. Lotte and Akko roll towards a cliff and fall off but Akko was able to not only catch herself but Lotte as well. With all of the strength she can muster, she manages to pull Lotte up and onto land. With them now safe on land, Akko looks at Lotte and notices her bruised leg.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAa54jvOYx6y
Akko: "are you okay?"
Lotte: "y-yeah."
Akko: "we need to move quickly, we won't make it to orientation!....... wait, where's Y/n?"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAVK4kY6SE5u
When she gets up she notices said boy staring at the bird like creature as it tries to attack something. When she gets closer to him, she sees he has a blank expression on his face, almost like he's in a trance.
159Please respect copyright.PENANARAhaUdPfIX
Akko: "Y/n?"
Y/n: he then blinks a few times before looking towards Akko, "Akko? Wait, Lotte. What happened to your knee?"
Lotte: "no, i'm fine, but we need to get out of here fast."
159Please respect copyright.PENANAf449gbRCHl
The boy then looks at the pair before looking at Lottes hurt knee. He then looks at the large chicken like creature before clenching his fist. He then looks back at the pair with determination in his eyes.
159Please respect copyright.PENANANAY131qkVF
Y/n: "you should go."
Akko & Lotte: "WHAT?!"159Please respect copyright.PENANApewRe8uInc
Akko: "w-w-w-what do you mean?"
Y/n: "its like i said, go. I'll distract that thing while you 2 get as far away as you can."159Please respect copyright.PENANArAyoM1e1f3
Lotte: "are you crazy? Its suicide! You can fight that thing! You don't even know how to use magic yet!"
Akko: "please, don't do this. We..... i..... i just got you back. We can think of something else."159Please respect copyright.PENANAfzHMIoogaj
Y/n: he then walks up to her and rubs her cheek, which she leans into as tears run down her cheeks, "i made you a promise and i intend to keep it. Besides, all i need to do is give that thing a target. With this forest, i can easily dodge it. All i need to do is buy you both some time. That's all. With Lottes knee, she can run all that fast. It will get her."
Akko: "but......but...."
Y/n: "sorry Akko but this is something i have to do. Don't worry, I'll see you at Luna Nova. I promise."
159Please respect copyright.PENANAjLxKfrkFfJ
The boy turns on his heel and rushes towards the creature. Leaving behind Akko and Lotte
159Please respect copyright.PENANA0OJpyQiJdb
Akko: she then out reaches her hand as tears rush down her cheeks, "Y/n, NOOOOOOO!!"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAbaghwkqlk2
With Y/n, we can see him running towards the creature. We can also see it trying to attack the mysterious girl, but it keeps missing her, but she doesn't appear to be able to keep doing this for much longer. The boy then stands before the creature and begins to question his own sanity, but he shakes his head and steels his resolve.
159Please respect copyright.PENANALGXGOtbH14
Y/n: "HEY!"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAOPMEMcBk34
The chicken like creature stops its attack and looks down at the boy. Its humongous figure towering over the boy, causing him to gulp but steels his resolve again.
159Please respect copyright.PENANA5yUSV5QmX9
Y/n: he then cockily smirks and sticks up his middle figure, "how about you try to hit me KFC!"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAuY0a8rxWJ6
On the chickens head, a large tick mark appears as its eye got blank. It then lets out a roar filled with rage and goes to attack the boy. Just before the attack lands, he jumps out of the way and rolls on the ground before stopping himself. The creature stops its attack by skidding on the ground and when it stops its movement, the creature looks at the boy. Its eyes still filled with rage as steam comes out of his mouth.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAae0kWrM1es
Y/n: "alright Y/n, you just pissed off a creature that's almost as big as a building....... now what?"
??? Woman (mind): "trust yourself."159Please respect copyright.PENANAROYAQrNIp7
Y/n: "what?" he then looks around but doesn't see anyone, well capable of speak that is, "who said that?"
??? Woman (mind): "focus on who you want to protect. Focus all of your might on her."159Please respect copyright.PENANAC0HD2zmNG7
Y/n: "Akko?"
??? Woman (mind): "don't let your mind be clouded with doubt. Focus on the enemy before you. Your fists are your weapon, your will to guide them and your mind to use them. Aim and stay true."
Y/n: "i don't know who you are weird voice in my head but........ fine. I'll play it your way."
159Please respect copyright.PENANAjt29DWc6PS
The boy then takes a deep breath before exhaling. He then slowly crouches down and gets into battle stance, with his right arm slowly being cocked back. The chicken like creature roars again before charging at him.
159Please respect copyright.PENANA3PSuqFzDQx
???: "what is he doing? He's going to be bird feed."
Y/n: he then slowly closes his eyes, "empty my find, focus on the enemy before me. Who i want to protect. Focus....... focus........ focus....."
159Please respect copyright.PENANArXiEOq3hHm
In Y/ns mind, everything slowly goes black. Nothing but a bitch black void can be seen. Then a single water droplet can be seen slowly lowering down before falling into nothing. When it hits the bottom of the screen, ripples in water can be seen taking over the screen. Then images of Akko with her usual bright and big smile crosses his mind. Y/n then quickly opens his eyes and just for a single moment, they began to glow a bright purple color. The creature was mere feet from the boy, before lowering his dead down and opening its mouth wide.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAhwVbt4Eb2u
* repeat if needed, 0:14
159Please respect copyright.PENANARtAAtBVtbz
The boy then fully cocks back his fist and when the creature was close enough. He punched the side of the creatures face with all of his might but what was most shocking of all. That cheek of the creature was caved in, its eyes so wide that they almost pop out of its eye sockets. Even its head was being pushed away from Y/ns fist. Then a powerful shockwave shot out in all directions, causing the girl to not only cover her face but steady her broom.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAxuxVrlMbf9
???: "the hell?!/ how..... how did he do that?"
Y/n: "what....... was that?"
159Please respect copyright.PENANARYDD1HhMUC
Suddenly Y/ns eyes rolled up for just a second before all of the strength left his body. This causes him to fall to his hands and knees. Doing his best to use his hands to keep himself from falling face-first into the dirt, but it was clear, just how weak he was right now. He begins to sweat and breath hard, as if he was struggling to catch his breath.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAFMG6yIdajR
Y/n: "it..... it feels like i just ran a marathon as full speed and without stopping. I..... I can't catch my breath."
159Please respect copyright.PENANAqiYOkSP853
The chicken like creature then recovers from the boys attack and roars at him. It then quickly spins its body around and aims at him with its tail. The boy sees this coming but all he can do was use his arms to form an X to try and block the attack. The attack does land, but his defense did little to block it as it sends him flying back. Thankfully, before he crashed into a tree, he lands on to something soft. Then comforting hands grip his shoulders. Y/n slowly and weakly looks behind him and sees a woman with a typical witches hat.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAqP0fS5MOlU
??? Woman: "are you alright?"159Please respect copyright.PENANAbYd36zu4es
Y/n: "y-yeah./ why does her voice sound so familiar?"
??? Woman: "i know you have a lot of question, but we don't have time right now. We got to get to the other 3 now before its to late."159Please respect copyright.PENANAybYuVsDuQ2
Y/n: "other 3?" he then hears a roar in the distance, followed by the voice of Akko screaming, "Akko!"
??? Woman: "now come on, let's go." causing the boy to weakly nod at her.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAdsHVDH0IA8
The woman then uses her broom to fly up and towards the direction of the screaming and crashing like noises. When they get close to it, they see that creature is now flying and heading towards the trio, who are all now on the mysterious girls broom.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAqJP8SIkDEm
Y/n: "we need to help them! Arghh." he tries to move, but then he starts to breathe hard again, "s-shit."159Please respect copyright.PENANA3U2YrkQBfl
??? Woman: "you can do it."
Y/n: "w-what? But-"159Please respect copyright.PENANA7bEk8iWcOt
??? Woman: "believe in yourself. You have all the strength you need, now you just need to use it."
Y/n: "lady, i don't know what your talking about and besides. Even if i did, im too weak right now. i can barely lift my arms."
??? Woman: "you don't need to. All you gotta do is fall."
159Please respect copyright.PENANAJ3FPiVaCUy
The woman then looks down, which causes him to do the same. When he does, he notices that they are right above the chicken like creature.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAKpEOdofiP7
??? Woman: "now trust yourself and focus on your fist. Let gravity do the rest."159Please respect copyright.PENANAB6BKRKQ6iB
Y/n: "okaaaaay........ but what about my landing?"
??? Woman: "don't worry about that, I'll handle that. Now go."
Y/n: "right." he then takes in a deep breath before looking down, "alright, let's do this. Not sure how this is going to play out but no turning back........ I've lost my mind."
159Please respect copyright.PENANAHV4N2m8SvT
He then takes in another deep breath before closing his eyes again. He then straightens up his back before crossing his arms close to his chest and allowing himself to fall. As he does, he manages to point his body right towards the creature. He then quickly opens his eyes and looks down at it. With his teeth gritted, he fully cocks back his fist as best as he could. Right when he gets close enough to the creature, he readies himself for the impending impact.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAlfnZqmIAIk
Y/n: "stay away from Akko you damn, FRIED CHICKEN!!!"
Akko: looks around, "Y/n?" she then looks up and sees him falling, "Y/N!!!"159Please respect copyright.PENANADfbBF7cBJD
Lotte: she then quickly looks up as well, "what is he doing?!"
???: "falling to his doom." this causes the pair to quickly look at her with an anger expression on their faces.
Y/n: "her goes nothing..... i lost my fucking mind./ FUCK..... YOU!!!!"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAXcM0OsTncb
The chicken like creature then looks up, but it was far to late, the boy was already mere inches from its back. Right when he goes close enough, he cocked his arm back as far as he could and punches it with all of his strength. When he made contact with his back, the force was so powerful that i caused a large shockwave, bigger than the last one, to shoot out in all directions. This causes the flying witches to violently shake in the air, almost resulting in them falling off of their brooms. Doing their best to not only not fall off but steadying their brooms. The impact of his fist was so great that the sounds of the creatures spine cracking could be heard. In almost comedic fashion, its eyes go white, a teardrop forms on its eye and its mouth opens wide. Unable to fly anymore, the creature begins its fall to the ground.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAS9brMkb4vr
Y/n: "i did it?......... I DID IT!! YEAHHHHHHH!! Oh wait, the ground is getting close. SHIT I'M STILL FALLING!!!"
??? Girl 2: "Y/NNNNNNN!!!"
159Please respect copyright.PENANA355HkgW7oI
Y/n then looks below him to see a determined looking Akko falling towards him at extreme speeds, with the others falling not far behind her. Before he could question her at all, she crashes into him and hugs him tight. She pulls him close to her chest, which does cause him to blush for a second. The force of her crash caused the pair to spin in the air before coming to a stop.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAtgMINxZbaZ
Y/n: "Akko, what are you doing here?"
Akko: "your always protecting me, now it's my turn to do the same."159Please respect copyright.PENANA3al68TZWVG
Y/n: "....... Akko..... that's sweet and all but how do you plan to get use out of this?" she then turns white before slowly looking away. This causes him to have a dead pan expression on his face, "you have no plan."
Akko: "aheheheheheee, i don't know what you mean. Of course i have a plan. I just haven't thought of it yet."159Please respect copyright.PENANA70ucT3kvEG
Y/n: he then lets out a sigh before smiling, "you never change, do you?"
Akko: she then forms a bright smile, "nope!" causing him to chuckle.159Please respect copyright.PENANAYWv6FuWa9C
??? Woman: "say the words!"
Akko: "huh?"
159Please respect copyright.PENANASc7ZhNgn7g
The pair then look down to see the same woman that save y/n flying towards them.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAqcu8o95Lxl
??? Woman: "cast the spell!"
Akko: she then looks at her wand and sees that It's now shining, "the wand?" she then closes her eyes.
Y/n: he then looks at the wand with his eyes going wide, "wait..... that's-"159Please respect copyright.PENANAR5e2Hkv5yv
??? Woman/Akko: "Noctu Orfei Aude Fraetor!"
Akko: "Shiny Arc!"
159Please respect copyright.PENANA9ovWWgW3aT
Right as she said that, the wand turns into a bow and arrow. Doing her best to still hold onto Y/n, he grabs the back of the arrow and pulls it back as far as she could.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAg3p2SFcHOt
Akko: "take this!"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAYe97viw53m
When she fires the arrow into the ground, a large green colored explosion forms before forming a wormhole. This causes everyone to get sucked into it. As they did, they noticed that the inside looked just like the leylines. As they continued to fall through the energy stream, the image of some kind of tower can be seen.
159Please respect copyright.PENANA9hd7t77yLb
Stop Music
Finaly at Luna Nova
[Location: Luna Nova]
159Please respect copyright.PENANAEyQSj6VRcd
We then see into a large stadium like room. The inside of it was filled with current students and future students. As the large stage, was a large number of what could be assumed to be the staff of the academy. As the camera continues to pan over, we can see a large number of different girls ready to learn. As it continues to pan some more, we can the see the teachers sanding or sitting at the front of the stage.
Then we see an older looking woman walk to the podium and leans onto it.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAKhUOQRcbTM
Holbrooke: "how did everyone spend their holidays? i hope you all enjoyed them. Now this school has a long-standing history of producing many great witches. This is where you must devote yourselves to the study of magic. With pride and grace, but you must never forget modesty. Training your mind is important but without breaks, you'll only hurt yourselves in the long run. Now, with that said. Let's begin-"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAihRSgxEk7W
Suddenly a beam of light formed from the middle of the room. The light slowly becomes more solid. When the light began to disappear, it revealed that Y/n, Akko, Lotte and the unknown girl now known as Sucy are on the floor. Akko gets up and shoots her arms into the air with her usual smile.
159Please respect copyright.PENANATdzioJZe5Y
Akko: "i did it! We made in time! Yaaaaay! Oh, wait. Y/n!"
159Please respect copyright.PENANAh8dZQ3LVUk
The girl then looks around and finally sees Y/n. She then practically forces him to sit up and gives him on big bear hug.
159Please respect copyright.PENANACDVIpwGuFJ
Y/n: "Akko........ breathe....... i can't breathe."
Akko: she begins to sniffle a bit, "you big dummy." she then looks up at the boy, "never do that again!" she then hugs him tightly again.159Please respect copyright.PENANAeBnAxoqqQ7
Y/n: he then smiles and begins to pet her head, "i can't promise you that Akko."
159Please respect copyright.PENANAc1SFsb3XI4
However, the room then fills with gasps and chatter. Akko and Y/n then look around in confusion
159Please respect copyright.PENANAL81L5kmOf2
??? Girl 1: "a boy?"
??? Girl 2: "what's a boy doing here?"159Please respect copyright.PENANAr7M0SKLfro
??? Girl 3: "how did he get in here?"
??? Girl 4: "i bet he tricked his way to get here."159Please respect copyright.PENANAxs3wpWridt
??? Girl 5: "you think he has evil motives?"
??? Girl 6: "i mean, probably."159Please respect copyright.PENANALlmR3PWew6
??? Girl 7: "it's not right to assume just because he's a boy. We're more civilized than the bird app."
??? Girl 8: "the what?"159Please respect copyright.PENANAVC6eoIdGgg
Holbrooke: "silence!" everyone then stops talking and looks at the elderly woman. "i know you all are confused by these boys presence here but let me assure you, it's no mistake. Boy, please stand up." Y/n then nods and does what she asks but Akko is now holding onto his arm tightly, "this here is Y/n L/n, and he will be joining us at this academy." this causes everyone to gasp and chatter again.
Finnelan: "you can't be serious principle Holbrooke. Letting a boy into an all-girls school! That's just preposterous!"
Holbrooke: "i know it must be strange, and i fully admit how odd this is, but these are...... special circumstances."
Finnelan: "and what could those possibly be? What could possibly excuse him being here? Is he from some special witch family, the last of his bloodline, some with a unique magical spell?"159Please respect copyright.PENANAqAxM5nJZD1
Holbrooke: "he is none of those."
Everyone: "WHAT?!"159Please respect copyright.PENANAMfExm8fgRx
Finnelan: "then what could possibly possess you to allow this boy to enter our school?!"
Holbrooke: "It's because...... he poses Prana."
159Please respect copyright.PENANA17msMvc3q2
This caused some confused chatter amongst the students, not knowing what that is. some asking each other what is it, others just shrugging their shoulders, while the rest just sit there confused. However, the camera then pans over and confuses on a young witch with pale skin, light blue eyes, and platinum blonde hair with tea-green highlights. Her eyes widen just for a moment before becoming more serious and stares at the boy.
159Please respect copyright.PENANAzLOXw75A52
Finnelan: she then looks at the boy, "Prana?" she then looks back at the principle, "Prana hasn't been seen since the golden age of magic. It was lost to time centuries ago. It's impossible for him to have it."
Holbrooke: "i know how unlikely it may seem, but he has it. i know this for sure. i sure even you would agree that it would be a waste to allow it to fade away to time again."159Please respect copyright.PENANAqPZddsoZFi
Finnelan: she then looks back at the boy before going back to the principle, "you may be right about that. Such a thing would be a waste but-" she then lets out a sigh, "fine..... i will allow it."
Holbrooke: she then lets out a soft smile, "great, now-"159Please respect copyright.PENANA037vfPFV1e
Finnelan: "but i have some conditions." this causes the principle to look at her with a raised eyebrow, "first, he must promise to never hurt the girls no do anything....... unbecoming to them."
Holbrooke: "that's fair."159Please respect copyright.PENANAXnh0kIxUaP
Finnelan: "2, we can't trust the boy to have his own room and be unsupervised. So he must stay with Diana and her team." this causes the others to gasp while others seemed worried.
Akko: "what?!" her grip around Y/ns arm then tightens, "b-but...... we finally-"159Please respect copyright.PENANALftCpoCdZV
Finnelan: instantly looks at Akko with anger, "silence! If it were up to me, then i would kick you all out right here and now!" this causes Akko to slightly hide behind Y/n.
Holbrooke: "what's your reasoning? It feels pretty out of left field after what you just said a moment ago."159Please respect copyright.PENANAWdqdPIO4dr
Finnelan: "It's pretty simple really. He's a boy in an all-girls school, our trust must be earned and Diana is one of our top students. Someone of her level and discipline could easily keep an eye on the boy and keep him in check."
Akko: "but......... but...." she then looks up at the boy with a sad expression on her face.159Please respect copyright.PENANAM3ZkG2zfkH
Y/n: "It's alright Akko. I'm not going anywhere. If i have to stay with this Diana girl so i can't stay here with you, then so be it."
Akko: tears begin to form on the corner of her eyes, "b-but...."159Please respect copyright.PENANAEyLiUg0kwO
Y/n: he then pets her head but then looks at the trick teacher, "i accept your terms lady"
Finnelan: she then looks down at the boy, "i wasn't finished yet boy." this causes everyone to look at her confused, "i have another condition that must be met. The broom rally is coming up soon. What an excellent time to demonstrate this Prana that our principle claims you have. We have this annoying boulder problem, and it needs to get removed but its such a bother."159Please respect copyright.PENANAgttRn1SWBU
Holbrooke: "you can't be serious Finnelan. The boulder that your speaking of is nearly 2 stories tall."
Finnelan: "i know, what an excellent test to see this supposed Prana that you claim he has."159Please respect copyright.PENANAn7bccXtM1Y
Holbrooke: "that's too soon for him. Please be more reasonable. He doesn't even truly understand what he has yet."
Finnelan: "i think im being plenty reasonable here. If this were any other school, then the boy would've been thrown out instantly. At least im giving him a chance."159Please respect copyright.PENANA61UQhizyuP
Holbrooke: "a slim chance you mean."
Finnelan: "it's a chance nonetheless."159Please respect copyright.PENANA375olm3zUA
Y/n: "alright, what is it you want me to do?"
Holbrooke: "boy, please think about this."159Please respect copyright.PENANAkAR1RRUctM
Y/n: "i have a long time ago. Now tell me what is it i have to do."
Finnelan: "at least you're not backing down, good. Well, you must be able to destroy the boulder......... with a single punch."159Please respect copyright.PENANAktt82tknGs
Holbrooke: she then slams her hands on the able, "now see here!-"
Y/n: "i accept!" this then causes everyone to gasp at him.159Please respect copyright.PENANAql5GnJAqKu
Holbrooke: "Y/n. Please reconsider. If you fail this-"
Y/n: "i will be kicked out. I'm well aware of that." he then cockily smiles and looks at Finnelan, "but i won't fail." this weirdly causes a barely visible smile to form on her face, "so i accept your challenge. i Will destroy this oversized rock of yours and i WILL pass with flying colors."
Finnelan: "well then, let's see if you can follow through..... boy."
159Please respect copyright.PENANA90zecMv9CT
Now with the conditions set, will Y/n be able to overcome them, or will he falter? Can he match up to such high expectations, or will he fall short? Well, we won't know until the broom rally race now won't we.
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A/n: welp, that's it for this chapter, did you like it. Now did i give Akko separation anxiety? Yes, yes it did. Honestly it was purely on a whim. i thought it could be interesting and bring her more character development. Now, why did i put you in Dianas room? Well it was because this story was inspired by did the same thing, tho for different reasons. It was to bring up different plot elements and even tho Akko is a good girl, the school wouldn't trust her to look after you. It was also to have some drama. i did try to make it make sense for Finnelan to do but also plot. Now as you saw Prana is very powerful but as for what it is and more information, well. That will be revealed later on. Now that's all i can think of. So i'll see you...... in the next chapter.