Wendi is the first one of her siblings, Cindy and Mindy, to walk into their new home for the next two years, their father works for a well-known company and part of his job is to move around and work in different places. Wendi puts her back down and looks around, the house is two stories, to her left is the kitchen and to her right is the living room, it’s at a good size, but only has a couch that can seat three people. While a chair was pushed right to it, trying to make the couch look just a little bit bigger. She walks up the stairs, to hear her two siblings walking, talking about some band they like;
“I’m telling you, his smile is amazing!” Said Mindy, jumping in front of Cindy, making them both stop in their path;
“But Mindy, look at this, look right here,” says Cindy, showing Mindy a picture that is open on her phone.
‘Weird Siblings,’ thought Windy as she turns her back to continue her hike up the stairs. Her sisters follow not long after.
When they reach the top, they see that there are three hallways; one, which has what looks, likes bedrooms down to the right, the straight head looks like it heads up to the attic while to their left is pitch black, off down more in the hallway they can see a light bulb in the wall. They press the Butten to turn it on, but it cannot do so;
“Wow, that isn’t creepy one bit” said Cindy still pressing the Butten;
“What should we do? Should we tell dad,” Asks Wendi who is keeping her eyes on the darkness;
“let’s go down there!” said Mindy, curious to do so.
Wendi and Cindy look at their oldest sibling, confused, but also concerted, they have known their whole life that she is weird, but not this weird;
“Mindy, I understand that we all here are blood-related, but you’re weird,” Said Cindy, putting her hand on Mindy’s shoulders;
“But you need help,” She said. Both of them played what looked like a game of don’t blink, it went on for an entire minute, until Cindy blinked;
She shouted and stamped her foot, making the entire floor and the dark hallway shake, her voice also echoing down the hall.
“Cindy, what did you do?” asked Wendi with one hand on the wall another hand on her sister, Mindy’s shoulder;
“How old is this house?” asks Cindy looking at the floor, seeing that she left an imprint of her shoe;
shouted Mindy, worried that their father might see it and get mad, It hasn’t even been 24 hours and Cindy still destroys the house.
“GIRLS! Everything okay?” Asked their father from the first floor;
“Yeah, we’re okay Dad” said Wendi and the three of them backed away from the hallway, the group of a sister went to the first floor to see their father looking at their bags just thrown all over the floor.
He looks up at them. Not pleased;
“Girls, do you mind picking up your bags?” He asked as the girls ran over and picked them up.
The girls moved their bags away from the door so no one would trip or fall over; now everyone has been wondering this question;
“Who gets what room?” Asks Mindy, clearly wanting a bed to sleep on, they were told one room is a primary suite, but they don’t know who gets it;
“Let’s go have a look at them, I have a slight idea on who gets what room” He said.
They all as a group, walk up the stairs, the girls get worried because he might see Cindy’s destruction. When they got to the top, Mindy and Cindy ran past him, blocking the way down the pitch-black hall, He looks at his two oldest daughters, confused;
“Why are the both of you over there? Did you fart?” He asked laughing;
“Yes, we farted,” Said Mindy with a convincing smile on her face, that is when they all could smell Mindy’s fart.
“MINDY WHAT DID YOU EAT?” shouted Cindy pitching her nose;
“WHAT DID YOU EAT?” shouted Mindy, doing the same.
“Let’s pick our rooms and go back down, follow me, girls,” He said and raced off, with them, following not far behind, when they got to the room hallway, their father allocated their rooms;
“Wendi this one is yours, Mindy, yours is right cross from Wendi’s and Cindy you’re next to Mindy, while I get the primary suite which is next to Wendi, but across from Mindy. It’s better this way, or you girls will end up fighting,” he said in a stone’s voice, leaving the girls to unpack their belongings. Wendi throws her bag on the bed and walks over to the window. She sees the front yard; One-half of the yard is dead while the other half is healthy and green, it really made her confused, why only one half of the yard and not both?
She jumps, coming back to her body, her phone telling her she has a text. She grabs it and sees that the text is from her male best friend, Tony
She smiles at the message, missing all of her friends dearly.
She hits send and put her phone in her pocket; she leaves her room and goes into Mindy’s room, Mindy has almost finished unpacking while Wendi hasn’t even started. Wendi opens the door into Cindy’s room once she has finished unpacking; “Mindy is finished along with Dad, and the both of us haven’t even started,” softly laughs Wendi;
“Well, they better expect our rooms to be unpacked by the end of next week”
Softly laughs Cindy sitting up on her bed and pulling out her phone. Cindy laughs a little;
“Hmm? What’s so funny.” Asks Wendi, walking over to her sister. Cindy shows her the phone.
Wendi softly laughs and gives the phone back; “I don’t get what you see in Noah,” Says Wendi taking in a breath of air through her nose.
“Some people may see him as a jerk, but he is a big loveable dork, and many people don’t see that,” She says with a smile on her face, looking at her phone.
“I miss the dork so much,” She says, standing up and putting her phone in her back pocket.
“Have you finished unpacking? You don’t want dad getting mad,”
“not yet, but I’ll get to it later, right now I’m just checking out the house,” I say opening her door
“Alright, but remember to unpack before dad sees that you haven’t,” She says as I leave her room.
Wendi takes this time to explore the house more, the lounge room looked spooky. So she goes downstairs and turns into it. She sees a couch that still looks brand new, a stand for where the TV is going, and a window behind the couch. She looks out the window and sees many houses all lined up along the street.
“I wonder if our neighbours will come over and greet us?”
Wendi asks out loud as she finds it weird that half the grass is dead while the other half is alive and living. She turns to the cupboards on her left to feel an icy breeze coming from the gaps in it.
‘is someone else here?’ She goes to grab the handle to see it start to
She hesitantly touches the handle and throws the door open. A metal bucket with a mop falls out and lands on the floor with a loud ‘CLANG’. She is brought back as a knock is heard at the front door. She puts the mop and bucket back and opens the front door. A boy around Cindy’s age, dressed in black jeans, red shirt with a pizza logo, she knows she or her family didn’t order any pizza.
“Hi, my name is Corey, I live right next door, Mum sent me over to make friends. She made some welcome to the neighbourhood cookies,”
He says, passing Wendi a small box of them. She can smell they are freshly baked and by the warmth of the box they have not long come out of the oven. She moves to the side and holds her free hand out, Corey grabs it.
“Thank you, would you like to come inside?” She asks the boy, stepping to the side to let him in.
“I didn’t think this house was so big on the inside,” He says stepping inside;
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah, the house looks not this big from the outside,”
He looks at the lounge room and the kitchen just cross from it
“Weird, the last family that living her was 1 month ago. I don’t understand why it’s already so dirty,” Corey explained, confused
“Only a month?” Wendi asks
“Yeah, so I don’t understand why it looks so dirty, a cleaner even comes in and cleans it every day, used to. She should stop as of today because you lot moved in,”
“Who lived here before us?”
“A couple with a 4-year-old son. They had only been here for 2 weeks. During that time, their son started having nightmares and panic attacks after he went down a hallway, the son said he saw a ghost of his grandparents,” He explained looking around the lounge room.
He walks to the kitchen, grabbing a knife from the already packed drawer. He looks at Wendi with a slightly evil look in his eyes;
“The son explained that they were trying to murder him, every time they went to touch him, they vanished,” He continues.
He takes this gaze back to the knife;
“Doctors couldn’t explain what was wrong with him. One said he has schizophrenia, another said bipolar, a third one said post traumatic stress syndrome and also borderline personality disorder,”
He keeps his eyes glues to the knife, but this time the sharp edge of it;
“He was in and out of mental health wards many times,” He says
“After two weeks of living here, they moved away. Their son got worse. My mother said she got word that since they moved away he has slowly improved,” He looks at Wendi.
“Hopefully, you don’t turn out the same. It would be such a shame, a pretty girl like you to end up in the same place he did,” He says, putting the knife back in the drawer.
“Anyway, welcome to town. I live in the first house on the left, I am right next door if you need anything and if we’re lucky. We should be attending the same school,” He says with a warm smile as he leaves the property. Wendi shuts the door; glad Corey is gone. From what he said to his actions, she is convinced he was just trying to trick her, after all why would this house be haunted? The estate Agent said no one died here. Heck, even didn’t even say if the house was built on an old burial site… But a part of her would believe what he said, half of the grown dead, the strange hallway upstairs and the spookiness of the whole place. If mum was still alive, she would believe it, regardless how much dad would tell her he is just some stupid little teenager just trying to scare us because he has nothing else to do with his time. Wendi normally to always secretly agree with him… She looks back at the front door one more time, but today, she would pick her mother's side.
Throughout the whole day, she tries to push what Corey said to the back of her mind while staying as far away from that hallway as possible. She stays away from it, but her mind is constantly on edge. What if it is true? Will she see mum’s ghost? Or even Grandma and Grandpa? Will they try to scare her into having a heart attack or until she would go insane? She stops in her tracks as she hears a tapping sound behind her. She goes to step on a step on the stairs but stumbles back, almost falling over as a crash sound is heard, making her think a knife has been grabbed from the draw in a rush... She sees it’s one of her sisters, Mindy, who has just broken a box of plates that was originally sitting on a chair but is now open on the floor. Mindy whispers repeatedly ‘Sorry, Sorry, Sorry.’ as she picks up the broken plate pieces.
Wendi reassures her repeatedly and even tells her she will take the blame this one time as they both know how strict dad can be some days for punishments. When she puts the broken ones in the bin, she moves the unharmed ones to where she thinks dad will put them, a cupboard above the kettle. She then goes up stairs to find her father which she believes he should be in his room… As she gets to the top of the stairs a whistle sound can be heard, she takes a quick look at the hallway this time it is a wall which matching wallpaper over where she thought it was. She looks closer at it as the lights in the rooms go out. The wallpaper in front of her lights up as some type of red light down the hall appears.
She watches a figure of a female in a long dress that drags across the floor, walks around the corner down the hallway, she sees that she goes grabs something off the wall. She can’t tell what until the female turns to face Wendy and hold up the object—A knife—She grabbed a knife. Wendi takes a step back as the female walks towards the wallpaper faster and faster, soon she is almost at running speed. She steps back and falls over as the female stabs the knife into the wallpaper, the tip of the knife poking out on Wendi’s end. She looks around as the key light turns on above her, the red light and the lady gone, the wallpaper now having a small tear in it showing the wooden wall behind it.
“What are you doing on the floor?”
Her dad asks as she stands up surprised, even a little scared at what just happened. She looks at the wall one more time before turning back to her dad who is confused and still waiting for an answer of some type to his question.
“I tripped”
Is all she can come up with. Her dad just shrugs, knowing that Wendi can be just a little bit clumsy some days.
“Have you finished unpacking yet? And we seem to miss some plates, do you know which boxes they were packed in?”
He starts with the questions. She quickly stands up, remembering why she was up here.
“About the plates, I broke some of them and I’m so sorry. I will use my money to buy new ones I swear it."
She tells him, hoping that he won’t be as strict with her when she said she will buy new ones with her own money. His silence fills the very hallway as he continues to think. After what she thinks is a good five minutes he finally reacts. He rubs his nasal bridge and sighs, visibly annoyed by what she has just told him.
“Its fine, just replace them when you can” — He tells Wendi walking to his room. Wendi sighs relieved that it wasn't worse. She looks to her right and see Mindy holding up a sign that says: ‘Thank you, I owe you big time.’
She just ignores it and goes straight for her room. The rest of the day she tries to stay as far away of that wall? hallway? As much as she can. Throughout the night, she stays in bed regardless of what her body is telling her and who she hears walking around. One moment she is hearing Mindy and her sleep walking, Cindy screaming as Mindy sleep walks into her room and her dad’s soring echo down the hall. The next she is hearing tapping on her bedroom window from what she can only think is a branch from a tree or some owl, the whisper of her name and the sound of wind blowing through Cindy’s bedroom window — She wants to race in and close it so bad but she knows Cindy will yell at her to get out — She pulls the blankets up to her chin as the tapping on her window starts again, this time sounding more angry.
By the time morning comes around, Wendi only got about 1 to 4 hours’ worth of sleep, her eyes open to birds cheerfully singing on the grown side of the lawn, she slowly moves out of bed to look out the window as the tapping is still heard, she sees its just some branch on the dead tree that looks like a hand. She opens the window, snaps the branch off, snaps it into three pieces and throws them in the fireplace in her room. She changes into her track pants and hoodie before going down stairs to the toilet. As she opens the door, walks in and closes it the wall opposite of the toilet is now yesterday’s red hallway. She stumbles backwards, sitting on the toilet lid as the red hallway with the female in a dress holding the knife is back.
She grabs for the door handle and throws the toilet door open as the women runs at her at a fast pace. Wendi runs out of the toilet and to the kitchen where Cindy and Mindy are making coffee and desperately trying their hardest to not burn the toast — They both look at her strange, confused, even a little worried — “What’s wrong?” Cindy asks as Mindy turns the toaster off at the PowerPoint as it smokes. She catches her breath before speaking: “Stay away from the toilet, there are women welding knife that appeared” She explains as she feels her legs are shaking. Normally she doesn’t believe in ghosts… so why now?
They both leave the kitchen and go to the toilet, wondering what Wendi is going on about. Wendi gets up and chases after them, telling them no and to not go in there. But when she gets there, she sees the wall behind the door, no hallway, no knife, and women. Just the toilet wall. She looks at it confused, sure of herself that the wall was replaced with that hallway from yesterday.
“Maybe you’re just tired, we all had horrible sleep last night… right?”
Mindy asks Cindy, with some doubt in her voice. Surely their bodies won’t cause hallucinations if they have a poor sleep. Right? Their dad didn’t sleep at all, but yet he is fine. Dad, dad, Dad… why is she feeling fear towards him? He is kind; she knows this, Mindy and Cindy know this, everyone knows that… So why is there fear bottled up inside her?
Cindy places a hand on Wendi’s back, rubbing it hoping to give her some reassurance. Even if it’s small it’s working, it’s helping Wendi… Slowly she starts to maybe think that the Corey guy is right, maybe there is something up with this house even if she and her sisters are just too stubborn to admit it. Maybe it’s just Corey playing a joke? Maybe another group of teens rigged the place. That MUST be it… right?
“Wendi… what’s wrong?”
Wendi looks at them for a little while not saying a single thing, trying to think of what to even say. She knows the chances of them being too stubborn to believe her, but they need to be told. They need to work out what’s going on and why it’s happening.
“I think that guy is right. There is something wrong with this place and I don’t like it”