My name is ______ and I am a ______ in ______. I am writing to you today to ask that you increase funding for Gavi, the organization which provides lifesaving vaccines to children in the Global South. I am very proud of how much Canada has financially supported Gavi, but we can and must do more.
There are over 14 million children worldwide who have not had a single one of the vaccines that they should’ve gotten by their age. That is horrific. Most of these children live in communities that do not have access to the vaccines they need. And many of these children will die due to preventable infections. Many other children will die due to preventable infections as well, because there are so many infectious diseases that the world’s children don’t have vaccine access against. Even if a child has had some vaccines, that does not mean they have had all the vaccines they desperately need. For example, only 45% of newborns got the Hepatitis B vaccine they needed after birth.
It is our responsibility as a member of this world and as a wealthy nation to help our fellow human beings, especially the children whose very survival is at risk. We all have a duty as human beings to make sure our all of our fellow human beings everywhere have everything they need to lead happy, healthy, long and dignified lives.
These children are young, sweet, beautiful human beings who have the rest of their lives in front of them. They deserve to be taken care of, to be given justice and compassion. These children are full of inherent worth and infinite sacredness. They have human rights to life, health, equity, equality, and safety. All children need and deserve to be vaccinated.
And we can do more to help make this happen. We can do more to help make sure more children get more of the vaccines that they need. We need to invest more money into Gavi, so that more vaccines get into the lives of more children, giving them lifelong protection from so many diseases.
Thank you for reading my letter and please take my concerns to heart.