“But- Ryujin unnie-“
“Hey, she’s friendly!” said Ryujin.
”She? Friendly? It’s ALIVE?! Does it.. talk?” Just then, Chae heard a squeaky sound. Her pulse went off the charts as she walked forwards to stand closer to Ryujin. “Hello…!” said the… whatever it was. Chae squealed and jumped back. “Hey, don’t be afraid….” it said
Chae screamed. “Calm down! I told you it’s friendly!” called Ryujin over Chae’s frantic squeals. “Do you not trust me?”
Chae stopped swatting at the ball of light, staring at it hesitatingly. “Hi! My name is Yeji, and I’m here to guide you! Let me-“ it turned back to the statue, then stopped. “Hang on.. it looks… different.”
Chae straightened up nervously and took a step closer. She could see Ryujin silently clapping and cheering out of the corner of her eye, but she’d deal with that later. “How old are you?” she asked. ‘That should be a good place to start..’ she thought. Then the thing-Yeji- responded. “I was made in… 4 I.C? I think!”
Chae and Ryujin both gasped. 4 I.C was before even their whole village had been made. The village was from 1 SO.NO.SO. That was years in the past… was Yeji… over 3 centuries old?