The next day, hellbirds were chirping, which hurt everyone in the hotel who had hangovers. Alastor woke up first, he immediately turned off the music which was still blaring. "Uuuuuugh." Rosie woke up and found herself on the ceiling.
120Please respect copyright.PENANA4WJpm06LyF
She grumbled, "Oh not agaaaain..." She frowned.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAPOHGCACBB2
Alastor looked up. "How did you get up there?" He wondered.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAV9Dm7j7NbL
She shrugged, "I have NO idea, but I don't really like it."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAIMWvc6vgft
"Well at least I've never done something so embarrassing."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAbuUw9stPit
She laughed, "Okay, whatever you say, Alastor."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAjk8PniICg5
He side-eyed her, "What's that supposed to mean?"
120Please respect copyright.PENANAYoLBMzaHRT
She got down from the ceiling. "You've done things that would ruin your reputation, but luckily, that was back way before, plus no one noticed."
120Please respect copyright.PENANApPaY6YVOXO
"I prefer to say before I let anybody notice me." He fixed his messy hair.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAj6hI2Ns69g
"Well, I'm going to change and look presentable before I go out." She walked upstairs to her room.
120Please respect copyright.PENANASwcYpBlpaN
"Good idea." He teleported to his room
120Please respect copyright.PENANAbWjnerIs6A
She took a shower and puts on a fresh dress. "Time to go to the shop... bye Alastor, see you later!" She quickly left.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAZVcUlu53Nj
Alastor went and changed into the same stingy suit. "Bye Rosie, see you in the mere future."
120Please respect copyright.PENANA86SzG7Og0m
Lucifer broke into the hotel, disturbing the peace because he's the freaking king and he wants to see his daughter.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAnP0QaBwtD9
Alastor turned towards the commotion. "Oh of course it's you." he glared.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAPnEKyo7C9Z
"Yeah, hey Albert. Where's Charlie?" he asked and looked around.
120Please respect copyright.PENANA4TlUsHSqX2
"It's Alastor, and she's out with Vaggie right now." He walked over to Lucifer because of the height difference.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAh2EaSJTgAQ
He slapped his face. "Okay, Esther. Well, I was going to help her with this and move in! I have literally nothing else going on, so I decided to come and help my daughter."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAhktJ5PTeUj
There was a dramatic silence. "She doesn't really even need you here. You're a pathetic piece of hellish trash that Heaven threw down here."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAOj0UqR2sa6
Lucifer rolled his eyes, annoyed. "Aggard, you sound like Lilith. Always patronizing me over my height or how I do things, but you will NOT disrespect me in my house!"
120Please respect copyright.PENANAk9mOkyt7dv
"Isn't this your daughter's hotel? With all due respect that you don't have you hold no authority. Also, your stature makes you look like a balloon" Alastor tilted his head.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAXLuGK6n9Ux
"Yeah, "With all due respect" Alfred. I house these sinners and could wipe them all out. Also, your stature makes you look like a red giraffe." He did the kneecap breaking like how short people do.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAsmsDnEGTH7
Alastor's eye twitched. "You're as good as remembering names as good as you are keeping woman in your life."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAnAXOqLzIEl
"Sure Alvin." Lucifer crossed his arms. "At least I have had women besides my DEFINITELY lesbian best friend and my mother, who isn't even in the same realm as me."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAPRnR7z53VT
"ALASTOR." His eyes turned into radio dials. "Don't ever mention my mother ever again. I will tear you limb from limb and broadcast your screams for all of hell to hear."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAH4f9AQTqBv
"Oh! Your name is Alastor?" Lucifer paused "Well, that's nice. Anyways, I need to go and make duck- I mean... kingly things that kings do that are very king-like"
120Please respect copyright.PENANA8kYyXhbawn
He sat on the couch and started making ducks. "Don't watch me do my king stuff!"
120Please respect copyright.PENANAsLqxKrPlpV
"Like cry into your pillow?" Alastor's eyes went back to normal.
120Please respect copyright.PENANA3je5OONd3l
"You'll never have the glory of seeing my pillow!" Lucifer didn't realize how weird that sounded when he said it.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAn55WzMyoKe
"Thank God." He gave a BOMBASTIC SIDE-EYE. Lucifer kept making ducks. Alastor kept watching but the suddenly grabbed a duck.
120Please respect copyright.PENANA5ZwpmDjxwy
"You're so nosy! Makes sense. All you nose-havers are all up in everyone's business." Poor nose-less Lucifer. He then realized Alastor had grabbed a duck. "PUT HER- I MEAN IT DOWN!"
120Please respect copyright.PENANAGQ3gTurvuv
Alastor squeezed the duck. "So it's she then? She doesn't look dainty." He spawned a dress on the duck "Ah much better."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAHa2bvuw5tL
"Women don't need a dress to be dainty! Lilith wore any sort of clothing and looked like the daintiest being in Hell or Earth!" He started daydreaming because he's a simp.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAM430m7SmUG
"Well yes but Maradith prefers to be fully dressed." He gave the duck a hat.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAPWoAUv613x
"Maradith? Who's that?" He stared at the hat.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAiWW4RXjd7Y
Alastor looked up, slightly embarrassed, "Nothing to worry about your royal shortness." He disappeared with the duck that just got named Maradith.
120Please respect copyright.PENANADInURiD68M
Lucifer laughed, "He likes ducks now and I made him like ducks." He did a little short person dance. Alastor was too busy in the radio tower dressing up Maradith to honestly listen but started blasting the duck song on repeat on all the secret radios hidden around the hotel as revenge.
120Please respect copyright.PENANA3v9QctHxhf
However, Lucifer enjoyed the song because he loves it. Alastor accidently started playing Cannibal then changes it quickly "Hah fuck."
120Please respect copyright.PENANADfFe9voFIH
"OHHHHH, HE LIKES KESHAAAA!!!!" Lucifer became an ecstatic Kesha fan "ALASTOR LIKES KESHAAAA FINALLYYYYYY!!!!"
120Please respect copyright.PENANAzG6TbAn18E
"SHUT UP YOU STEPPING STOOL." Alastor yelled through the radios.
120Please respect copyright.PENANATAbLU3RFSc
"YOU CAN STEP ON ME IF YOU PLAY KESHA AGAIN." Lucifer started laughing in short man.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAv1CMRTirwq
There was asexual silence, then he turned on American Horror Show. "Like you're the one to talk, King of Ducks." Then he started playing the Bambi soundtrack.
120Please respect copyright.PENANA7fjVW7EsG8
"Sure Bambi, whatever you need to say."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAaAAKQkD6BO
"Dwarf." keeps blasting Bambi music
120Please respect copyright.PENANAID9M9qYwzK
120Please respect copyright.PENANA2v9fVKI89p
He teleported in front of Lucifer with Maradith on his shoulder. "What?"
Lucifer held in laughter from Maradith. "Nothing, I just wanted to have a normal conversation and you're the only one here."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAPKFMciWtB5
"If you want a normal face to face conversation, you'll need a ladder." He tilted his head making sure not to knock Maradith off.
120Please respect copyright.PENANADB5YMene3n
"Pleeeease, I just want to have a better relationship with you, seeing how fond Charlie is of you."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAmLegRvtpLS
"Five minutes." He looked down, "You may have five minutes of my time."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAml07sioGP3
"Fine, well, can we at least sit down?"
120Please respect copyright.PENANAfNIck4CbOx
Alastor magically appeared at the bar. "Chère?"
120Please respect copyright.PENANAc2jeNId6on
"I don't speak French or whatever that was." He walked to the bar.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAk26E4aROTV
"It's very simple French, babies can understand it." He fiddles with Maradith's dress
120Please respect copyright.PENANAILZMuJ8ssI
"Sure, maybe French babies." Lucifer poured his whiskey.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAbwhzpcwJtD
Alastor asked, "Comment quelqu'un d'aussi âgé que vous ne comprend-il pas le français?" (How does someone as old as you not understand French?)
120Please respect copyright.PENANA98Nd6cwvWs
Lucifer shrugged, "I just never learned it. I learned a bunch of others, such as Latin and Spanish, but I never got around to learning French."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAohAx5LtQlU
"How did you-" He realized "Bâtard sournois." (Sneaky Bastard)
120Please respect copyright.PENANAi1tVRv6sJs
Lucifer fake gasped. "Whaaaat? What ever could I have done?"
120Please respect copyright.PENANAFHuOkaVrJk
Alastor flipped him off while he drank whiskey.
120Please respect copyright.PENANA6JBONg1ZzC
Lucifer sipped whiskey. "Sorry, it's just fun to mess with people and I had no idea how to start a conversation with you."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAkOHEDeiouy
"Putain de serpent trompeur-" (Fucking deceitful snake-) Alastor drank more whiskey "Tu es tellement mignon- odieux." (You're so cute- obnoxious.)
120Please respect copyright.PENANAjpe9ErJYjE
Lucifer choked on his whiskey for a minute before getting his composure back. "Well, what would you like to talk about?"
120Please respect copyright.PENANA7vowvhajCq
"Oh, look at that my radio broadcast is going to start soon." Alastor stood up, "I best be leaving." He teleported away.
120Please respect copyright.PENANA32VdZIl2a5
"Oh... bye." Lucifer became a depressed man drinking whiskey while watching Alastor's shadow leave. He cried alone like a Disney princess.
120Please respect copyright.PENANABr007uuO92
"This isn't going to end well." He heard Lucifer crying like a Disney princess. "Well." He teleported back to Lucifer.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAGNk04OUPlj
Lucifer wiped his tears and hid all evidence of crying. "I thought you had a broadcast."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAy1TH1nuGgH
"And I thought you had a wife- I mean ahem." He sat down trying to figure out how to comfort him. "May I take back my earlier statement or is it too late for that?"
120Please respect copyright.PENANA0Eh6DmhpeI
He shrugged, "It doesn't matter. It's fine. Why did you come back here?" He sipped more whiskey.
120Please respect copyright.PENANA9y40TKyYfp
"Because your mascara is dripping." Alastor chugged a bottle of whiskey because only drunk Al has the power for what he's going to do next.
120Please respect copyright.PENANApaSowIAk2s
Lucifer hit his head on the table. "Whyyyyy?"
120Please respect copyright.PENANAoLZI6iZset
Al handed him waterproof mascara. "This'll help for next time."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAAmFDn3Llbl
Lucifer took it and put it in his pocket. "Thanks." He then spaced out.
120Please respect copyright.PENANA0zDCfCwHDP
"Lucifer?" Al was finally not sober after 8 bottles of whiskey. Lucifer has developed a high alcohol tolerance, so he's basically still sobered after 10 bottles.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAYN3ACkyq1y
"Yeah?" He was still spacing out and staring at the wall.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAD3xxAYgcZe
"You're cute." Silly drunk Al poked his cheek.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAQ9O1691NG7
His brain lagged, then he blushed and made the most confused face at Alastor. "Uh... oh. Uhm... you're cute too, Alastor." Half sober Lucifer poked his cheek back very awkwardly.
120Please respect copyright.PENANA5Udhb6AfF6
Al grabbed his hand and looks at his wedding ring. "Why'd you still have this Chéri?"
120Please respect copyright.PENANAizG0awRX3R
Luci pulled the hand away because he's awkward and makes a gay hand. "Uhmmmmmmm... unknown reasons. Sentiment at most. Not completely sure why."
120Please respect copyright.PENANA8jYUqq598Y
"Seems rather foolish of you, clinging onto what's lost." He did a gay demon hair flip."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAGWZsqIlCud
Luci did a single gay man stare. "Yeah... I hate it, but I feel like it would just hurt to get rid of it."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAVKuOcBm7r1
"It's just like a Band-Aid, the faster you rip it of the less pain you feel." Asexual thought process.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAKJKEl5ABfb
Lucifer pondered, "Well... perhaps..." He stared at the ring sadly.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAvBS5LFo8ZP
He grabbed another bottle of whiskey and downed it. "Marriages are weird. Why get together if you end up separated in the end?"
120Please respect copyright.PENANAi7HjdZ6rsl
Luci curled up. "Because you feel like that person will always stay with you. No matter what, you feel like they'll always stay by your side and love you all the same no matter what, but if you make one mistake or even if something happens that's out of your control, they could end up leaving and you'd be left heartbroken." He made a VERY sad face.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAeSDUPsQtEF
He patted his back. "That sounds... painful but when something gets loss you always find something new don't you?"
120Please respect copyright.PENANAtPjRsr9dnX
"I suppose so." Lucifer looked at the ceiling.
120Please respect copyright.PENANA5m1UEwg868
"J'ai perdu ma liberté, mais je suppose que j'ai gagné de nouveaux compagnons ou plutôt des amis. Et j'ai aussi gagné quelque chose de nouveau." (I lost my freedom, but I guess I gained new companions or rather friends. And I also gained something new.)
120Please respect copyright.PENANA1j7F2vvTMf
He blinked in French. "Well, I hope you can find freedom again, Al." He sipped more whiskey because alcohol tolerance.
120Please respect copyright.PENANA3VxaPcNMd7
Al blinked in gay. "Tu es tellement stupide parfois. (You're so stupid sometimes)." He facepalmed.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAb30S2VyaQA
Luci blinked in confused French gay. "Sorry? Please explain?" He was sort of hoping he caught on fire.
120Please respect copyright.PENANA8F5ElgtI4H
He blinked in the frenchiest gay. "Lucifer, je flirte avec toi. (Lucifer, I'm flirting with you.)" He just looked deadpanned.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAco4fHH15f9
Blink blinkity blink blink. "You were? OH. I'm so stupid." He hit his head on the table again.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAqz65l9uQqc
Alastor face palmed, "Was it really that bad?"
120Please respect copyright.PENANAXKRaw6eteM
Lucifer shook his head. "No, I'm just oblivious and very stupid and awkward."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAm339KYQnvi
"I'm just going to-" Alastor did an awkward drunk stand up and wobbled away from the bar.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAT4RZoivOpn
Lucifer blinked. "Well, I just ruined something." He walked up the stairs without any confidence left because he hated himself more.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAVzdlZp2MXN
Al walked halfway up the stairs before falling over. Lucifer held in his laughter. "Do you need help?" He asked.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAOQ1H6beVpa
"Maybe." Alastor's deer ears flopped. Lucifer held out his hand to help him up. He begrudgingly accepted and grabbed his hand to stand up. He held his hand totally not gay to help him get up the stairs. Al totally was not gayly leaning on him mostly since wHiSkeY.
120Please respect copyright.PENANABgnf5DAB4n
Alastor had a drunk hiccup. "Let me walk myself." He still walking like a baby deer because of the wHiSkeY. Lucifer let go of him and watched him walk. Al ended up falling again.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAEWz7fATJmh
"See, you need help." He held out hand and tilted his head.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAsg2Wlw0O1o
He managed to stand up. "No-" He made a radio screech and fell again. "Mimzy would be so disappointed right now."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAv7YOiS3xke
"Well, Mimzy doesn't need to know, does she?" He was still holding out a hand.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAOi1A99yVcb
Al took his hand again. "You're right, sadly."
120Please respect copyright.PENANArDsqLCDKTS
Lucifer pulled him up. "Thank you for being able to admit that." He booped him.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAIjsnGi6JaC
Blink blink blink. "Did you just-"
120Please respect copyright.PENANAq3NNFtj9jL
"Nope." He kept trying to lead him.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAGC7gEUgbZM
Al boops him back. "Revenge."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAPUU0cPrODB
Luci gaysped. "That's fair I suppose." He kept leading him.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAyue4ZbkzXu
Alastor booped him again with an evil grin. "I win."
120Please respect copyright.PENANACcKczRCsDV
Lucifer wrinkled where his nose should be "Hey! I only allow ONE boop." He booped Alastor.
120Please respect copyright.PENANASUu7ktM1wT
He booped him again. "Revenge is a dish best served cold."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAgBNvZjIPCE
Lucifer kept leading him. "Okay, we're not going to take all night trying to win a booping contest." He booped him.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAXksbOaHyRs
Al booped him. "Well, I refuse to yield."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAi3FuDRGACS
He booped Alastor while leading him. "I swear I will boop your nose until hell collapses."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAICeWzs57iC
He booped him. "Well until then I won't back down."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAWsiBMZVc0c
"Well, you need sleep and we're at your room, so I win." He booped Al.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAco8WwkyM6w
"Fine," he pouted, "but this isn't over."
120Please respect copyright.PENANAiOqaZdPh7h
Lucifer made the gay hand. "Good night, Alastor." He walked to the other room. Alastor flopped down on the bed and passed out.
120Please respect copyright.PENANAdX5qb2BjhV
Rosie walked into Alastor's room quietly. She softly whispered, "I was right about how easily you could ruin your reputatatiooooon." She patted his head. "Night, Al." She left peacefully.