Lost. Alone. She was lost and alone.
She ran faster, trying not to look back. She must not look anywhere but straight.
A child like her should not be out alone in the cold forest. She had a few items, but not much. Before running away she had to sneak into her father's shed to grab his tools.
A flashlight, lighter, broken walkie talkie, and a rope.
Surround by snow, she made her way up the steep mountain. The darkness in the woods blinded her path. But still, she kept going.
Finally. She saw shelter. A old shed sat on top of the mountain. With her last bit of energy, she managed to climb up and go in. The shed had a fireplace but still was very cold.
Cold and empty. She layed herself onto the floor and fell asleep.
The next morning she looked around the shed for food. She found old water and some canned spinach. She finished all of it in a few minutes. Man, was she hungry.
The girl spent many days like this. Finding food in the shed. And trying to find a way for help.
But eventually, as luck does, her fate became sealed.
One day, she did not wake up. And the little old shed became barren and un taut.
Years later, her body was found. The body over Evercate. The mystery girl who went missing in 1553, aged 14.
No one knows how she ended up there. Maybe she was crazy. Maybe she wasn't. Or maybe, that's not thr true tale.