It was as lonely as lonely could get. He sighed heavily as he paced his bedchamber yet again for what seemed to him to be the millionth time. The thoughts still playing heavily on his mind crushing him with the weight until it felt like he was drowning. His parents and elder brothers should have been back by now but they weren't. He looked over to his chamber maiden, a girl who had not had the change upon her just yet, and sighed again. The girl was nervously wringing her dress yet again.
As he studied the poor wolf girl before him, a loud howl pierced the silence of the den jerking him violently from his thoughts about nothing really. Biting out a curse he ran from the room his chamber maiden not far behind him. "In the gods name is going on here," he yelled before really taking in the sight before him. His eyes rounded. His father or what he saw was torn apart limb from bloody limb and the limbs that were attached were clawed and bitten. He turned his head as tears threatened and saw the mess that once was his mother but unlike his father she had been violated-raped- and then viciously killed. And last his brothers all dead multiple stab wounds. They had been tortured before their death. Akira let loose a howl the tears falling as he was told he was now the werewolf king.
As the new king stood over the bodies of his family he looked up at his half-sister, Selenea, who was also the beta of his pack. "I want you away from this place sister mine. I want you safe," he whispered so softly only they could hear it.
"Is that an order," Selenea asked her brother as she too cried over their fallen. She knew what her brother's answer would be and smiled faintly to herself even though this was not a time for amusement but one for sorrow.
"It is not," Akira said giving his darling half-sister the answer she wanted most and at the same time starting the wheel of fate which would change everything.
Alina stood head bowed as her mother and eldest brother spoke. It was a dark subject that much she could tell from their expressions. Her mother's usual smile was gone and her eyes were dead and full of tears. Her brothers face was somber his happy go lucky attitude was gone. It disturbed her to no end. She looked up and tuned back into the conversation and regretted it instantly. They were taking about a murder and not just any murder but the murder if the werewolf royal family. Werewolves?! Why kill the royal family? Was our family next on this madman's list?! She thought with no break in between. She was truly frightened now.
The girl backed up to the point her back hit the wall and she knocked over a vase as the conversation continued on to the gruesome state that the bodies were in. Her mother, Nyna, looked at her sharply her eyes gazing into Alina's own and holding them. Alina made a small sound as her mother's telepathic voice entered her mind. You will be calm and stop breaking things Alina. I am sending you and your brother to the werewolf palace to help the new king find his family's murderer. Do you understand? Alina cringed at the intrusion but bowed her head yet again in submission to her mother's whim.
With that done Alina and Drewan walked to her bedchamber do that she could pack and get ready for their long journey.
Drewan stood watching his sister pack. She wasn't like normal princesses she didn't flounce around and she certainly wasn't an airhead. She was smart and quick for her size and height. She was beautiful that much was obvious, floor-length black hair with blood red eyes in a soft heart-shaped face. His sister could make a man's heart stop in his chest with one look.
As he studied his sisters face he knew mother and said something to her telepathically that had her down. She was usually quick and sure about herself. Now she was afraid and unsure. It was out of character and that frightened him more than what they had to do.
Is our mother out of her mind vampires and werewolves teaming up to bring down a slayer? Since when did mother care about what happens to the vermin called werewolves? We were at war for god's sake! He sighed softly but not loud enough for Alina to hear. "Are you ready sister mine," he asked in the rich baritone voice he had.