Back at the Wolf Palace, Akira was in some distress over the fact that the vampire queen was getting involved with what was happening in wolf territory, but then there was a possible reason as well. The killer could be a vampire and that was the only reason the queen had sent her own subjects into his land. But what he did not understand is why she sent her only two children to solve this. Was the queen playing a game or using them to hide the killer? He needed to know what the queen's plan was because the last time he checked vampires and werewolves hated each other and were at war on just about a daily basis so what in hell was going on. Akira sighed and just shook his head no longer wanting to think about what could possibly be going on in the queen's mind. Some things you just didn't want to know so instead he decided to wait and sent his two best wolf hunters to bring back the two vampires so he could see what the vampires wanted from him. The wolves left at once.
When morning finally came Alina rolled over, her back to her twin as she sought for a piece of shade but only found herself being forced awake by Drewan's rough hands. Slapping him she rolled over and glared at him while he laughed. "Think that's funny now do you?" She growled as she threw an apple from her pack at him. She hated it when her twin laughed at her.
Done with teasing his sister, Drewan stood and started rolling up the mat in which he slept on in the night and motioned for his sister to do the same. It was high time they left before some less than friendly wolves showed up and questioned them; they would get enough of that from King Akira and that was trouble in and of itself. He stood aside as he watched his twin eat an apple and roll up her mat and tie it to her horse once more and climb on the large brown stallion.
"Let's go slowpoke," Alina said looking back at her twin in a small glint in her eye everyone knew for a sign that trouble was just around the corner and only something like a fight that was coming would put this kind of sparkle in her eye. Drewan sighed and followed his sister his horse's pace the same as hers so that they were side by side.
They had only ridden for about an hour before Alina got a chill down her spine but at the same time it was the same thing she had sensed in the first place... a fight was coming and she knew it was going to be a very good one, but before she could stop her horse and climb down her brother stopped her with a hand on her small slender shoulder. She turned to look at him then and noticed him shaking his head. "We let them take us where they take us," he said softly.
Sighing softly she nodded her head and noticed that during their small little exchange two wolves had stepped out of the tree line both in human form. So they trust us. Alina thought to herself as she looked at the two males. One was broad shouldered and bald with piercing blue-green eyes and the other was black haired, lanky yet lean, with striking gray eyes. "We're here to lead you to the Wolf Palace," the two of them said in a unison that Alina thought they did not intend on happening.
Alina nodded her head slightly. "Lead on," she replied softly her voice not raising all that much for she knew that they could hear her from where they stood. The wolves inclined their heads and shifted forms and moved off leading the way to the palace the twins following closely after.