Before I start the first chapter, I will tell you about the world and Isabell.
Isabell is a beautiful girl with rich red hair that looks almost pink and pale skin so fine you think direct sunlight will burn it for life. Her beauty does have a downside. All of the boys in her school swoon like little girls around her, and they chase her and never let her stop. Isabella is brilliant and knows how to get them away and give her some space. She has three trustworthy friends who can tell them pretty much everything. Jenny, her sister, was a famous singer but always made time for her little sister whenever she needed support and advice. Lara, her manager and great friend, will always cover up for her if she has made a big mistake and always keeps Isabella on time with all her photo shoots. Rosie is her best friend. She is very shy, and they can only meet after school in their secret hideout that Jenny and Lara helped make for them under a beautiful lake with an automatic voice controller that would open up the trapped door under a boat that never leaves the lake. Isabell is the youngest fashion model in the world and has to wear disguises when she is not at school. She has to be herself for photo shoots or anything that is for work. Her fake name is Anibel, and she has dark brown air and brown eyes. During school, she hangs out with the popular girls, and whenever Isabella has a sleepover with them, she has to notify the paparazzi. It was creepy for a while, but she got used to it. She sometimes thinks the chase is fun and occasionally annoying.
If you have any questions about this theme, please don't hesitate to contact me or comment. The people who want to do the first chapter with me, please say so in the chat.