Twilight heard his sister calling after him but didn’t stop; he was in too much of a mood to listen to the voice that usually soothed and calmed him from his rages. First a homophobe female than five drunk men, he had enough for one night. Heard his sister calling after him and looked down at his side to see her there holding on to his arm.
“I am fine sister dearest,” he said softly his usually deep soft voice hard as steel.
“You are not the least bit fine,” Dawn said wrapping her arm around his waist and leaning into him so he didn’t run off and leave her.
“Dawn...” he whispered softly his arm snaking around her shoulders as they walked. HE had been thinking about just leaving her where she was and wandering off on his own but he knew the small female had a bad sense of direction at night.
“I'm not hearing it Twi,” he heard her huff into his arm as they walked.
“I'm not going to go running off leaving you alone I promise,” he said fingers crossed behind his back where his much shorter sibling couldn't see.
“You better not,” Dawn said puffing up her cheeks causing her nose to flare and making him laugh despite him not wanting to. “HA! I knew you weren’t that mad!” She cried out into the night.
“Alright Alright you win,” he grumbled as they neared the woods where they were camping out.
To be back in the darkness, to be surrounded by trees once more was bliss to the demigod but it took a toll on his sister. Neither one knew why but it was the way it was Twilight thrived in the night while his sister thrived in the day.
They walked for what seemed like days or it seemed that way because Dawn kept tripping over tree roots to his amusement.
“Gods dammit all!” Dawn yelled at the top of her lungs as she tripped yet again over a large tree root. Twilight laughed in a loud burst which just pissed her off even more so he just raised his hands in surrender. “Hey it was funny you can’t blame me.” He said still laughing as he helped her up glad she didn’t try to pull him down with her.
Pulling her up he then turned her into a hug and carried her to the campsite. He said nothing about her being all covered in dirt because at that point with her being mad at him he feared for his life with was smart in and of itself.
He laid her on her cot and moved to his after they reached the tent, lowering himself down he sighed softly.
“So what now? After all I did stab five men,” he said softly noticing the stoic look on his sister’s face as she looked at him.
“We move on to the next town but I doubt those men will say anything to the police and no one saw so we could just stay here and look for jobs so we could get an apartment or something,” she said her biting her lip her face changing from a stoic make to one of slight worry.
Twilight nodded thoughtfully before opening his mouth. “No one saw and they won’t say anything but why do we need to stay here in Dublin? It’s dangerous for us to stay in one place Dawn and you know it.”
“I know it’s dangerous Twi but I feel lek we will find our answers here in Ireland not in Greece,” she said looking at him with beseeching eyes until he gave in.
He sighed . “Alright if you feel this strongly about it we find work and and look for our answers,” he said with another sigh hating when she used her eyes on him. His sister was straight trouble in a day dreams body.
Still lost in his thoughts he didn’t notice his sister yawn and turn off the gas lantern and curl up on her cot and fall asleep but as soon as he did the thought of leaving and going on a walk crossed his mind but he could never leave his sister unprotected, sure she had a gun under her cot in easy reach but she had a sweet nature about her. She could never pull the trigger. He sighed and kissed her forehead before going to sleep himself to the hoots of owls all around.