Hello readers and happy new year! I am back from my week-long vacation and ready to write. Got a whole buttload of story for you guys, so... please enjoy!
(I hope you do...)
2050 - Zinnia Chrome
"It was a car accident," Mom tries to explain, her brown eyes watering with tears. "I'm sorry, girls... I...I..."
I cannot believe what I am hearing on video call. I leave for college in the UK for one year, and then he just has to go and die like this? What about Aura? What about mom? What about me?
Aura's resting face is usually dull and lifeless. A reason she is not particularly known for beauty - she always seems a bit empty inside. Today, her glassy blue eyes looked like deep lakes brimming with unshed tears, with waterfalls running down her golden tanned cheeks.
After all, who wouldn't be sad when their father dies in a freak accident? Not even my deadpan kid sister.
To the world, he was a renowned scientist, tirelessly working with his team to cure the effects of radioactivity.
To my best friend, he was a comforting presence, a shoulder to cry on when her own father succumbed to the very radioactivity my father dedicated his life to combating.
Mom’s voice trembles as she continues, “He was on his way to the lab when… when it happened. The police said it was a freak incident, something about a malfunction in the car’s system.”
I can see Aura’s hands clenching into fists, her knuckles turning white. She doesn’t say anything, but the pain in her eyes speaks volumes.
Mom takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself. “I know this is hard to understand, and it’s even harder to accept. Your father was a brilliant man, and he loved you both more than anything in this world. He was always so proud of you.”
I feel a lump forming in my throat. “But why now? Why did this have to happen now?” My voice cracks, and I can barely hold back my tears.
Mom reaches out towards the screen, as if trying to comfort us through the distance. “I don’t have all the answers, Zinnia. Sometimes, life is just… unfair. But we have to stay strong, for each other. Your father wouldn’t want us to fall apart.”
Aura finally speaks, her voice barely above a whisper. “What about his work? What happens to everything he was working on?”
Mom wipes her tears and tries to smile, though it doesn’t reach her eyes. “His team will continue his research. They promised to carry on his legacy and finish what he started. Your father’s work will live on, even if he’s not here to see it.”
"I guess..." I say, flicking a stray tear off my face. "I'm coming home for a while then. You can't expect me to be attending boring-ass college lectures right now."
My joke does not particularly work to make me feel any better, but it's a bit distracting. Mom just nods in acknowledgement. "That would be great, dear. I'll start booking the plane ticket right now."
"Thanks mom, text me about the details," I say, then my glance shifts to Aura. "Bye, kid... stay out of trouble. See you guys tomorrow."
"Bye, Zin..." she says back, then hangs up.
I wish I could have gotten tickets for today, but tomorrow is the next best thing, I suppose. Lucky for me, this afternoon's schedule was not too hectic - just a mandatory radioactivity lecture they give for the freshmen every year. This is my second one.
Some great scientist does the lecture every year. I wonder, what if my dad gives the lecture? It's one of his top skills back home. He would stay in the college's guest house, then after his speech we would go on a daddy-daughter day out.
Shut up, Zin... it's a pipe dream.
But guess what—this year’s scientist was none other than the great Dr. Aurelia Oxide, my dad’s boss. I’d never met her before, until she comes up to me after the lecture. She kinda looks like Aura, only… older and less dead inside.
“Zinnia Chrome, right?” she says, her voice as sharp as her perfectly tailored suit. “I recognized you from the photos your father used to show us.”
I nod, feeling a mix of curiosity and irritation. “Yes, that’s me.”
Dr. Oxide’s blue eyes soften slightly. “I’m truly sorry for your loss. Your father was an extraordinary man and a brilliant scientist. His work has inspired many of us.”
“Thanks,” I mumble, not really sure how to respond. “It’s been… tough.”
She nods, understanding. “I can imagine. If there’s anything you need, anything at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Your father was not just a colleague but a friend.”
I force a smile. “I appreciate that, Dr. Oxide.”
She hesitates for a moment, then adds, “Actually, there’s something I wanted to discuss with you. Your father left behind some unfinished work, and we believe you might be able to help us complete it.”
I blink in surprise. “Me? But I’m just a student.”
"I observed you from that stage. You remind me so much of him..." she answers. I can almost see a tear trying to sneak out of her cold gaze. "He wouldn't shut up about you and your sister back at the lab."
"I see... but as intriguing as it all is, I have to head home tomorrow. I'm taking time off... you know how it is."
She nods in understanding. "Very well, then. But know this - there is a journey ahead that only the daughter of Lead Carbon can undertake. It’s not a path in the literal sense, but a series of choices and challenges that only you can navigate.”
I furrow my brow, trying to decipher her cryptic words. “What do you mean?”
"You'll see. I have another lecture today. Biochemistry, one of my favorites. I'll see you around, Zinnia Chrome."
With that, she turns around and walks away, as if nothing ever happened.