Thanks to True Talker for reading the first two chapters of this story.
Thanks to God and his angels for all their help with this.
A psychopath is known for being secretive. If they are found out and you are not another psychopath, then the psychopath will most likely leave you and you will never hear from them again. If you were one of their victims, then they'd leave because they couldn't hurt you, anymore. Same thing if you were one of their friends. They simply do not want their cover blown because that would leave them blamed as jerks by everyone and they will have no friends. Well, maybe you would be their friend, but their ONLY friend.
"Do you think I could be an actress, Mom? Dad?"
"I would tell you to be whatever you want to be. We're rich, after all." said Victoria.
"I'm fine with it because you're good at it. Only, DON'T drag our family threw the mud with you if you decide to become a slut."
"I wouldn't call ANY woman a slut, Dear. But you're right."
"Why can't I be a sexpot? 'Slut' just means 'a woman that likes sex.' And I DO like sex."
"Act normal or I'll disown you." said her father.
"You always say that!"
There was a phone call from the other room.
"I'll get it!"
"When will she learn not to answer MY phone?!"
"Tracey," said her mother. "Get-!"
"Shush!" he interrupted, wanting to listen in.
"Really? Really?! Oh my God! I mean-Thank you very much for your call. I'll be there tomorrow morning."
"Who was it?" her father asked.
"A talent scout. They want ME to be in their next music video!"
"Oh, Honey, that's wonderful!" said Victoria, overjoyed.
"And you used MY cell phone." Richard said, still a little grumpy.
She knew the next part was coming. She didn't want to get disowned so she had to tell them.
"There's just one thing."
"It's a topless role."
"Oh, no! Not while I'm alive! Maybe even AFTER I die! No way!"
"Mom? Please. It's my first role."
"I'm sorry, Honeybunch, but I agree with your father."
"Oooooh! I hate you both!"
She ran upstairs and screamed into her pillow.
Richard saw his wife's worried face and comforted her.
"She'll be fine. Next year she'll probably be into lacrosse or something."
Richy had just gotten home and snuck Splotch into his room. Then he heard his sister scream.
He busted down the locked door. "Are you okay?!"
"Great. I have no acting career AND no privacy!"
"What are you talking about?"
Tracey told him the whole story. Then Richy told his.
"If I help you get your acting role, will you help me keep Splotch?"
"Deal! But how will you do it?"
"Dad. Mom. I think I have a solution to the 'Naked Tracey' problem."
"Please don't call it that." said Victoria.
"Let's hear it."
"Photoshop. Have them put Tracey's head over someone else's body!"
"WHAT?! yelled Tracey.
"Hey, at least I got you HALFWAY into a music video."
"How about I get your dog halfway into the house?!"
"Pfft." he laughed. Then he took a better look at the half of a dog in his imagination and was saddened by this image.
"It's your turn, now."
"Remember how Mom won't let you keep a gun in the house, Dad?"
"Yeah. So? Have you thought of a way that she'll let me?"
"Nope! I've thought of something better than a gun!"
"I can't believe he didn't ask you to go to military school or ask you to follow in his footsteps and become a politician. He won't stop asking ME!"
"You were saying?
"Uh... Thanks?"
"You're welcome. Now, what's this about becoming a politican?"
"What is it, now? I know the meaning behind that word."
"How come you've never asked ME to follow in your footsteps?"
"Why? I'll tell you why!
1. You're a DIAGNOSED psychopath. If you ran for an election, that'll come up once they dig your dirt up.
2. You're a girl. I'd rather a man walk my path.
Now do you get it?"
"Yes. Look's like I have to prove myself. I'm gonna win the school election!"
"That's not the same! And what about the dirt?"
"The school counselor won't tell. And if she wants to, because of a bribe, I'll bribe harder."
"Hmm... Alright. You have my permission. Let's see what you can do."
"...AND I support The Gay/Transgender Club. We'll cut back on The Chess Club. We'll fund more in Basketball and fund less The Hockey Team."
She actually preferred The Hockey Team, but she wanted to win, so she picked popular choices.
More than half the audience clapped as she made her speech. Up next was a girl that Tracey had picked on all through elementary school to now. Her name was Candace Martins, but most people called her "Candy" because of her near-pink red hair and the fact that she was always eating candy. Right now she had a lollypop. She was overweight. That had given Tracey enough bullets.
"If I am elected, I promise to stop bullying in this school. We will have anti-bullying rallies and an Anti-bullying Club! No matter how bad things have gotten, we can make this school a better place! Do not vote my opponent just because she's pretty! She's not what you think! She's barely human! She's a PSYCHOPATH!"
The audience was silent.
"That means she's a bully! An ABUSER! She's abused people and probably animals! Who knows what other crimes she'll commit in the future? Corporate takeovers? Prostitution? Killings?!"
Tracey yanked the microphone. "She's lying! I've never abused ANYONE! Just bullied!"
"What's the difference?!" called out an audience member.
"Yeah!" others joined in.
"I dare all of you to go do a little homework assignment tonight," spoke Candy. "Go home and look up the words 'psychopath', 'sociopath', and 'Anti-Social Personality Disorder' or 'ASPD', on the web. Educate yourselves, unlike how this flawed school system has failed to do."
The crowd cheered. Two teachers came and escorted Candy off the stage.
"You paid her in cash!" she yelled back at Tracey. "I paid her in a Lexus."
So, even though Candy hadn't been a friend, she had succeeded in making Tracey seem like a jerk. Which was true. And now, Tracey and her family were out to get revenge and to pick up the pieces. She started right away.
"Make no mistake," she said into the microphone. "I AM indeed a psychopath. I HAVE bullied others. I have NEVER beaten an animal. My brother would kill me if I did. Now, I won this election by default. I'm going to make this school mine. Starting with hockey. So, look up what I am on the internet tonight. You're going to need it."