Hunter was panting hard with his feet thudding against the dirt floor. Soon his speed quickened and Mimi heard from miles ahead that Hunter’s feet running flawlessly through the green, grass. His large pants interrupted Mimi’s thoughts. Sniffing around hard, she searched and wondered out loud, “Where is he?” Mimi paused and looked around for Hunter.
She turned around. “Hunter are you even listening?” Asked Mimi still searching. “Hunter!” She paused again and looked around, “Where did the goofball go now?” She went around the trees looking for Hunter. All she saw was rocks, dirt, trees, and rose bushes. Classic image for outdoors. Mimi thought to herself. Growing impatient, she called out again, “Hunt-”
“Boo!” Cried Hunter, jumping in front of her. Mimi screamed and as she jumped back she tripped over a rock and fell down.
“What are you trying to do asshole?” Yelled Mimi as she got up wiping the dirt off her checkered blue and green skirt. “I’m so telling Matt when we find him!” Mimi threatened Hunter.
His pupils dilated as his blue eyes seemed to grow even darker, “No! Don’t tell Matt! He’s going to flip-”
“Tell me what?” A deep voice interrupted.
“Nothing!” Hunter spoke quickly, looking at Mimi expecting her to say the same thing, “Right Mimi?” Hunter was looking at Mimi then back at owner of the deep voice.
“Wrong!” Mimi yelled, “He popped out and scared the crap out of me! Now Matt, where have you been?”
“Yeah right! Where the hell have you been! You scared me and Hunter to death! We thought you were-”
“Dead?” Mimi sighed and looked somewhere else avoiding eye contact with Matt, "That one time you went off and got hurt you scared us real bad Matt!"
“You honestly think I would’ve died without you guys? Well you’re wrong.”
“Where were you?” Mimi asked again.
“I said I went out.”
“No!” Mimi replied sarcastically. “I thought you were inside a mortal’s home!”
“Fine." He shuffled his feet as he faced Mimi, "I smelled blood!”
Mimi froze like a possum that got frightened. "Who's claw marks?" She asked actually concerned.
He lifted his head up, as he answered, "You know who." She nodded her head as she understood who he was talking about.
“You smelled him nearby didn't you?” Asked Mimi, "You just have to be the super hero."
“But even worse there’s another coming that same alleyway. We-”
“Have to save the mortal. Yeah I know. Come on Hunter, it’s another ‘Save The Mortal’ game.” Mimi started rolling her eyes.
“Drama Queen.” Matthew mumbled under his breath. He began to lead as he went in the direction where he smelled blood.
“So,” Hunter asked popping by Matthew's side, “Which alleyway?”
“Rose Street Alleyway.” Hunter stood still.
“Isn’t that where-”
“Yes.” Matthew answered, “Yes it is.”
“But what happens if Mimi chickens out?”
“She won’t.”
“But just think what if she does?”
“She won’t.”
“But she got bit there!”
Matthew turned around and faced Hunter, “She won’t just go away out of a stupid memory like that!” He turned around and kept on walking. Hunter followed giving a confused yet settle look.
“Look Matt,” Hunter started to say. Matt turned around and glared at Hunter. “She may act as if she’s tough, but she’s not that tough. For crying out loud, I still have nightmares when I was scratched in the middle of the forest! Turning into a monster who slaughtered people!” Hunter finished. Matt turned and replied to him giving a light touch to his shoulder.
“She’s tough enough to forget the bad memory she had there and remember the good memory. Like when you and I were there to keep her from drinking peoples' blood. Okay?” Matt said.
Hunter took a look at Mimi as she watched them, “Okay.”
“Good. Now shut up she’s coming, and don’t mention the street name.”
Hunter nodded and thought to himself, Mimi is a vampire and I’m a werewolf. It’s been that way for a long time. Matt’s my best friend and Mimi is- well a acquaintance. Mimi’s been a vampire for 1 and a half years. I’ve been a werewolf for almost 2 years. And nothing will change that not even Dillon. Hunter shook the thoughts away from his head as he fiddled with his fingers.
Mimi had her mind wandering with things thinking to herself, Dillon’s there. What if he gets Matt? Oh Matt why do you have to be this way? Why couldn't you leave me for dead when you found me? Why do you make me suffer with this curse? Why do you want me to suffer losing you? Why? Mimi just looked ahead and went forward.
Matthew had his mind wrapped around Dillon silently thinking to himself, What does Dillon want? Does he want Mimi or Hunter or does he want me? Why would he kill innocent people? Does he want an army? Why does he enjoy killing people? Why is he against me? Is it because I took Mimi away from him? Or is it because I made Hunter calm down when the full moon came out? What a Maniac he is. Whatever the answer was it looks like he won't rest until he finds out. The smell of blood triggered him to stop thinking, as he saw a young girl with red hair in trouble.
“Dad!” yelled sixteen year old Rosabelle, “Dad!”
“I’m in here sweetheart!” Yelled Rosabelle's dad, John.
“Hey dad, I know this is last minute and all, but can I go over Victoria’s house? Like sleepover kind of thing.” He turned and looked up from underneath the car. “Can you?”
She rolled her eyes and corrected herself, “May I?”
“May you what?”
“Dad!” She laughed and giving him the I’m-getting-annoyed look.
“Okay, ask your brother to drive you.” He said.
“Can’t. He went on a date with his girlfriend, Becky.”
“Well you certainly can’t walk there.”
“Dad, I’ll be careful I promise!”
“I don’t know...”
“Fine, why don’t you drive me?”
“Sorry kiddo. Old Francine-”
“You named the pick up truck Francine?”
“Hey, she deserves a name. And she’s sick.”
“Dad! No one can’t take me! I’ll just walk!”
“Well then maybe you can’t go.”
“Dad! That is so unfair!”
“Well sorry Rose. I wish I can drive you but-”
“Old Francine is sick right?” She gave him a stare.
He sighed, “Be careful.”
“Thank you daddy! I love you! I promise I’ll be safe, okay?”
“Hurry up and go before I change my mind.” She ran off and yelled on the way out the door, “Thank you dad!” She shut the door closed and walked off with her bag with all her items inside it.
She walked straight toward Carnival Cove street, took a right on Sharpen Hall, and took a left on Rose Street Alleyway. That’s weird. No one is here. Not even a hooker. I thought at least a person smoking would be here. Not like I’m looking for trouble, but really, no one? She walked on as she took in positive thoughts instead of negative thoughts.
Wow, Victoria’s house. Most popular girl in school. Not like I’m concerned of being a wallflower, because my daddy is mayor of this town. Not hers, but mine.
She walked on until she was interrupted with a shriek and a thud sound on the grey, cold cement floor. She stopped and looked around, “Hello? Is anyone there?” The hairs on her arms and legs spiked up in fear. She kept on walking, but a bit faster. Then she completely froze as she saw a body covered in blood and saliva. For a few moments, Rose just stood there. Watching the body, slowly realizing that this soul is dead, all that is left is a body. A lifeless body, like an orphan, but this time you’re sure that no one will take it in. She bent down slowly and recognized the person she found. It was her brother’s girlfriend, Becky.
She shrieked and jumped back. She looked at the body she found and it looked as if she was crying. She looked even more closely and saw that her purse was open. Was she robbed? Rose thought to herself, Was she refusing him? Then she had a sudden thought, Where’s my brother? She looked around.
She couldn’t see anything, but darkness, and the girl lying right next to her. She heard footsteps coming her way. She thought to herself, I told my dad I would be careful. If I die right now he won’t find out until tomorrow. Oh my gosh, this is the end for me. Then she saw a boy. A seventeen year old boy. Who looked at her and kept doing so. She glared right back at him trying to find his identity. I know everyone in this town, it’s not very big, so yeah. However I don’t recognize him.
“Why’d you kill her?” She asked all of a sudden like it came naturally.
“What makes you think I killed her?” The boy responded. By the sound of this Rose was relieved.
“I upgraded her.” He finished.
Rose fell into fear again as she asked, “What do you mean?”
“I turned her into a vampire.”
“Do you think I was born yesterday?” Rose asked, “Things like that don’t exist.”
He chuckled, “Oh you’re just so innocent. You're so innocent I think you became blind of what’s real and what’s fake!” Rose did not answer this. “You think the world moves around you and your daddy don’t you?” He was walking around her and Becky now and was keeping his distance. “Well surprise surprise,” He stopped and moved forward into her face, “you're wrong.” Rose felt tears rising, but she held them in because she knew if she showed them she’d get hurt.
“Sup Dillon.” Matt smiled, “Long time no see. What have you been up to these days?”
Dillon looked even angrier, “Nothing really just the usual; killing people unexpectedly, sometimes chatting with them oh and not to forget turning them like Becky over there.” He looked over to Becky and ignored Rose, then looked back to Matt. Matt paid his attention to Rose and looked at the body.
He looked at Dillon, “Why don’t you be nice and let the girl go? I’m pretty sure she has somewhere to be.”
Dillon looked at Rose, “How about no. She’s pretty hot to be honest with you.” He turned over to her to see her reaction. There was none. The same reaction stayed on her face; scared.
“Dillon,” Hunter asked, “don’t you want to be a gentleman and let the lady go?” This she nodded her head at. She looked around to find a weapon to protect herself with. She looked at Becky who moved quickly, like a twitch. Rose looked at her and then the purse near her strawberry blond hair. Then Rose kept her distance scooting away second by second.
“Okay Dillon let’s see who’s stronger here. I have Hunter and you have-”
“It doesn’t look like it.” Matt looked over to Becky who kept twitching and bleeding more and more blood which was slowly coming it's way to sit next to Rose. Dillon turned to see that Becky was dead. Her eyes bloodshot red, her gaze fixed straight ahead.
“Looks like her body didn’t fight it.” Called Mimi who came out behind Hunter.
“Yes, however it still keeps me wondering how your body did manage to fight it.”
“That doesn’t matter. Even if she did turn into a vampire Matt would’ve taken her like he took me.” Dillon looked uncomfortable now. The blood was reached Rose now. She lifted up her had and saw dark blood. She stared at it while Matt and Dillon was arguing. She fell down to her side and saw darkness. Actual darkness and she felt a thud by her right side.
Matt looked at Rose and asked, “What did you do?”
“You did something and we both know it.”
“I’m telling you, I didn’t do anything! I think she fainted by the sight of blood and soon she’ll love the sight of blood if you just move out of the way.”
“Never!” Hunter leaped on to Dillon and bit the left side of his head off as his werewolf fangs kicked in. Dillon automatically fell on the ground hard. Dillon's blood overflooded Hunter’s mouth. Mimi looked at the body as she pushed Hunter’s body off and lit it on fire. Matt just stood there and watched it all happen so quickly. The smell of ashes piling up in his nose. He walked up to Rose.
He lifted her away from the blood and sat her against the stern wall and whispered, "You'll be okay. Stay here, as if you have a choice."
Mimi looked at Matt shaking her head, "You're not going to say it, are you?"
He sighed, "We have too. She's important. We can't just leave her!"
She nodded her head, "Oh yes we can!"
“We have no choice Mimi! We have to take her!” Matt yelled.
“She’s not our responsibility! We saved her life! If you ask me, that’s more than enough!” Mimi yelled right back at Matt.
“Hunter what do you think? Should we take her in as if she’s a child or leave her like an adult?” Mimi asked Hunter.
He looked nervously at Mimi and Matt, “Um, I think we should take her.”
“What? What are you stupid? She’s old enough to defend herself!”
“Hey!” Matt barked to Mimi, “ We could have left you there to fend for yourself! But no we took you in. I did it to Hunter and you so why should this one be different?”
Mimi looked at her on the ground, “Because she’s mortal!”
Matt’s eyes flickered to an unnatural red color and yelled, “You're racist! And she’s not mortal!” Hunter looked at Matt and then back at Mimi. Matt looked at her and asked, “Don’t you smell her scent?”
“What’s wrong with it?”
“Didn’t I teach you?”
“Teach me what?”
“What the scent is?”
“What’s her scent?”
“Her scent! Smell it and see for yourself!” Mimi looked at her body and took a sniff then she looked at Matt, “All I smell is blood.”
Matt looked frustrated now. “Her scent is a Pre-Demon!” Hunter finally announced. Mimi looked at Matt who had his backed turn to her.
“What’s a Pre-Demon?” Mimi asked like a child asking where babies came from.
Hunter looked at her, “It’s like a Vampire-Kit or like a Werewolf-Mutt. It’s a scent mixed up with mortal and vampire and werewolf. Do you know what werewolf and vampire makes up?”
“Yeah a demon.”
“So the scent is like Matt’s but different. Do you know why?”
“Because it’s,” Mimi looked at Hunter then finished, “Suppose to be a demon.”
“So, is she going to be like Matt?”
Hunter was going to speak but interrupted by the demon itself, “If I teach her maybe.”
Mimi looked at Matt, “But what if we can’t? What if she turns evil?”
Matt looked at Mimi, “Do you know my history? The Demon History?”
“Well then, I guess I have no choice, but to tell you. A werewolf and a vampire have to make a demon. The first ones to make the demon was stupid teenage lovers! The girl was the werewolf and the boy was a vampire. They decided to be dumb so they had a child but they didn’t want to tell their parents but they had no choice.” Hunter studied Matt’s expression.
“So,” Matt continued, “the mother of the daughter told her, ‘You are going to make a dangerous child. The child is going to be strong. Stronger than us werewolf and those blood sucking mosquitoes! It’s going to be stronger because the two DNA’s are crossed now. And you know for a fact I’m not taking care of tha-that devil child!’” Mimi gasped.
Matt nodded his head and said, “The daughter argued that her child wasn’t a devil. Her mother soon said, ‘You’re right! It’s going to be an evil spirit! A demon!’ And that’s where they got the name demon. Because the mother was right the child was dangerous. But I am proud to say that I may be dangerous, but I’m not evil.”
“Wow.” Mimi said, actually surprised.
“Yep. I know. Now that the history lesson is over...” Matt stated now smiling and Mimi smiling back.
“Uh, guys I think she’s waking up.” Hunter said pointing over to Rose. She looked up and saw they were still there. She turned to see Matt and Mimi looking right back at her.
“What are you looking at?” Mimi questioned Rose.
Rose looked at Matt terrified. “Don’t hurt me! My dad’s the mayor and he can send you all to-”
“Shut up! It’s the least you can do. Or maybe a ‘Thank you for saving my life’?” Mimi commanded.
“Watch it! I may be a girly girl, but that doesn’t mean I still don’t know how to fight.”
Hunter automatically looked interested, “Don’t mind her. She’s a stupid no-it-all.”
Rose looked at him strangely “And you are?” Asked Rose.
“Oh yes, I’m yours.” Hunter replied.
Rose looked at him scooting away as he came closer, “I mean your name.”
“You may call me- wait let me check in with my best friend first.”
Hunter turned and mouthed to Matt, “Can I tell her my name? She’s cute.”
Mimi rolled her eyes and walked over to Rose, “So you think with a flutter of your eyelashes and a wink here and there and you can make boys do anything you want?”
Rose looked at Mimi and stood up, “Well if I was, I’m doing it way better than you are and by the way, I’m not even trying.” Mimi started turning red while the veins in her forehead started to show.
“Oh really? Well if you're all that, then just go away!” Mimi yelled.
“I will!” Rose stood up, her feet still wobbling accepting the terrifying moments that just happened before she took a rest. She turned around and started walking away.
Matt ran in front of her and asked, “Did you hear anything we were talking about?” Rose looked at him, “You mean about werewolves, vampires, and doohickies?”
Matt looked offended and corrected her “Demons.”
Rose nodded her head, “Yeah."
“You can’t tell anybody!”
Mimi laughed at Matt, “She’s a mortal you can’t take her word for it.”
Matt stared at Mimi, “She's not a mortal! But you are right about one thing. Hunter bring the car around.”
Mimi scoffed, “What? She’s coming with us? Matt you're crazy!”
Matt smiled as he lead Rose to the blue Chevy truck by dragging her arm, “That’s what I’m all about.” And threw Hunter the keys.
“We're obviously not getting along. So don’t think that just because my future boyfriend is in that car I won’t flip out.” Mimi told Rose with a scowl.
Rose looked at her, “Sir yes sir.”
Mimi looked at her, “I’m a girl.”
Rose walked toward the car, “Doesn’t look like it.” She took a deep breath, It's okay Rose. I'll be okay.
In the car, the air conditioning was on and blowing on Rose and Hunter stared at her,
“So,” Rose Asked Hunter, “Are you a vampire?”
Hunter laughed brushing back his dark blonde hair, “No. I’m a werewolf, and plus I wouldn’t want to be like Mimi.” Rose looked at Mimi who was sitting on the other side of the back seat leaving the middle seat empty.
Rose looked out the window and saw the sign, Now Entering Waterfall Hill. “Hey we’re leaving Lucky Hale!” Rose yelled, turning her head to see the sign again as if it might've been her imagination, “I know.” Matt announced with his hands on the wheel and his eyes on the road.
“I thought you guys were dropping me off!” Rose yelled again.
Hunter looked at her, “I’m sorry but that’s not how it works.”
I knew I shouldn't have gotten in the car! How stupid am I? Get in a car with a bunch of maniacs? What was I thinking? Rose looked terrified again. “Then where on earth are you taking me?”
Mimi looked at her, “Our place.” Rose looked at her and Mimi turned and faced the window.
She looked at Matt who’s eyes were still on the road. He’s cute. Rose thought, What is he? A demon? That's what he said right? I don't know I was too busy studying his face. She looked away and saw Hunter still watching her.
“So it’s late. Almost time for bed for me. Do werewolves sleep?” Rose asked.
Hunter looked at her strangely, “Yeah werewolves sleep. So do vampires and demons.”
She looked away embarrassed, “Oh.” Matt realized what she was trying to ask.
“Yes you are sleeping at our place.” Matt said suddenly.
Rose looked at him, “Wait, so you're like kidnapping me!”
Hunter answered for Matt, “No, because you came willingly and we’re bringing you back home. Don’t worry.” Rose calmed down and looked at Hunter she trusted him. Just for some reason she just did.
She looked outside to see a house. Not a dungeon like house, but a pretty house. A normal family-like house, but here’s the twist; they weren't normal. Probably not even related. A white fence surrounded a blue two story house. They had a ugly garden though; nothing was growing.The flower pots in the front were beautiful, and had bright red tulips growing in them. The windows were clean as whistle. They were so clean, that it reflected her. They looked like pigs, but they were clean. Well, at least on the outside.
Matt turned off the engine and got out the car. Mimi looked at Rose for a split second then got out the car to join Matt. Hunter rushed to Rose’s car door and opened it and held out his hand for assistance. She put her hand on top of his, leaped off and Hunter closed the door.
He went behind her and asked, “So were you planning to get what you call ‘kidnapped’?” Rose looked confused and looked at her bag with her makeup and hair brush.
“Actually I was on my way over to my friend, Victoria’s, house.” She replied.
Mimi and Hunter froze and Matt turned to face her, “What did you say?”
Rose looked at him, “Victoria.”
Matt went closer, “Victoria Monduce?” Rose looked at him giving him a strange look. How does he know who Victoria is? Did he used to date her or something? It would make sence. Victoria gets a lot of cute boy’s attention.
“Yeah.” I replied. Matt looked away and continued walking toward the house.
“What happened?” Rose asked Hunter.
Hunter turned to her, “You're going to be a big help to us.” Rose walked into the house and it was even more beautiful than the outside. It had white wallpaper and a huge kitchen. The dining room was just as pretty too. It had wooden floors and a large table with a kiddy seat. She looked confused again then she heard a voice she hadn’t recognized before.
“Matt your home!” Said a high-pitched voice. She walked out of the dining room and saw a child. A little girl. A five or six year old at least. Is he a dad? Now that would explain why Victoria would dump him. Or vise versa. Victoria hates little kids.
He knelt down so he was face to face with her, “Yeah I am.” Matt nodded to the little girl.
“Matt?” She asked, “When is the babysitter leaving?”
Matt looked at her then smiled, “As soon as I pay her.” He replied. A lady with dark brown, curly, bouncy hair came down.
“That will be twenty dollars.” She chirped. Matt got out his wallet and counted the money out and handed it to her.
“Thanks again Wendy for doing this last minute." He thanked her.
She looked at the little girl, “Well, anything for Abby.” She turned to the little girl, “Bye Abby good night.” Before she left, she gave Rose a bitter look. She finally walked out the door.
Abby looked at Rose, “Who is she?” Matt looked at her, “Don’t worry about that. It’s almost time for you to go to sleep. Go get ready for bed Mimi will be-”
“No! Not Mimi she’s mean!”
“Fine. Then Hunter.”
“Yay!” Matt smiled at her and she ran upstairs.
Hunter looked at Rose again, “The little girl’s name is Abby. And yours is?”
She turned to him, "Rosabelle. But you can call me Rose.”
Matt looked at Mimi, “Show Rose to her room." Mimi groaned, "Great! I still get brat duty!" She walked upstairs depending on Rose to follow her naturally. They approached a room with purple wallpaper.
"This is where you'll sleep for the night.” Mimi told her pointing her finger at the bed, she walked over to the door and shut it. Then she turned to Rose.
“Look,” Mimi started saying to Rose, “you can mess around with Hunter all you want, but Matt is mine.”
Rose looked at her and asked, “Are you guys dating?”
“No. But-”
“Is there a ring on your left hand and on your fourth finger?”
“No but he-”
“Then he's not yours. He’s not an item. If anything you're calling dibs on him. Boys don’t like to be called you know- property. And for the record to me he’s just a friend. In fact, maybe not even that!”
Mimi stared at her, “Fine,” Mimi stalked off opening the door entering the hallway, "but if I see you flirting with him, then your dead.” With that at note, she shut the door behind her.
Geez, Rose thought, she obviously can’t take the hint that he’s not interested.
Just then Matt came through the door with his equipment and Abby behind him.
“But Matt!” Abby begged.
“No buts. Now go to sleep I’m trying to do work.”Matt replied harshly. Abby looked at him with her huge blue eyes with specks of green.
“But I love you...” She said emphasizing the ‘love’.
Matt turned to her and sighed, “Come on Abby.” Matt stood up and left the room with Abby following behind him.
Rose went out to the hallway and peaked in to room next door.
“Sorry Matt. I tried to tell her a story but I’m terrible doing this solo.”
Matt carried Abby into her bed, “Okay. Once upon a time there was a princess that was very sleepy and went to bed. The end.” Matt stood up and almost turned around until Abby started looking at him with those eyes of hers again and of course Matt fell for it again.
He sat back down and started off again, “Once upon a time there was a beautiful Princess named Princess Abby.” At the sight of Matt telling Abby a story, Rose got it. She got why Mimi liked Matt. He was harsh when he needed to be, he’s a born leader, cute, and clearly had a friendship with a five or six year old.
“She had a palace all for herself and,”
Matt looked at Hunter and Hunter continued, “she had a unicorn. His name was Bob, but the princess liked to call him ‘Bobby Jr.’. Bobby Jr. was sad though and the Princess didn’t know why so,”
Hunter pointed back at Matt, “So the Princess went to find magical gummy bears to make Bobby Jr. feel better. Abby went on the journey for a long time and she finally got the gummy bears and gave them to Bobby.”
Matt looked at Hunter, “And they both live happily ever after. The end.”
Abby was asleep by then. Matt tucked her in whispered lightly, “Good night kido.” Rose ran to her room next door and went on top of the bed.
Matt came in, “Hello there fellow camper.” Rose looked at him, “Why are you in here?”
Matt turned his spinning chair around, “Oh I don’t know maybe for the fact this is my house.” Rose turned red remembering she isn’t at her house.
“Sorry I forgot.” She replied. He turned back to his laptop and made a new document. And turned to Rose.
“Okay, so what do you know about Victoria Monduce?” Matt asked. Rose looked at him wondering what he wanted to know about Victoria.
“She’s my best friend.” Rose replied.
Matt started to type, “Go on I type fast.” Matt commanded.
Rose asked him, "My turn, why do you want to know about her?"
He sighed, "It's the least you can do for me. You're lucky I gave you a bed to sleep in instead of giving you a couch."
She sighed as she answered his question, “Her and I were popular in eighth grade. She’s a vegetarian. She has a boyfriend named Ryan Hemperton. She like the winter because she said it’s fashion season. She has a award for mostly everything. She’s captain of the cheerleading team. She’s not a ‘nice’ person and she doesn’t like the sun that much.” Matt finished typing a second later.
“Thanks.” He took his equipment and walked out into the hallway. Rose wanted to know. She wanted to know why he wanted to know these things about Victoria. She laid down on the bed and she covered herself up with the warm fluffy blankets. She laid her head down on the soft foam pillow and fell asleep.
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