page 207 (a teaser chapter from published novel)718Please respect copyright.PENANAjssrKEeuGa
"Now don't you just be a pretty one, sailor man!" A wispy young girl of indiscernible age swiveled seductively about Rhynn as he stood in a swab's costume Nicoli managed to rummage together off a closet's shelf pressed among masquerade masks and harlequin jackets, glittery fairy wings and furry-trimmed tulle gowns. Rhynn stared at the girl.718Please respect copyright.PENANA5UbZzST5UT the disguise works718Please respect copyright.PENANALykwgqAPa0
"But you don't smell of salty air or boiler room sweat." The girl's nose brushed across Rhynn's back and her breath tickled his ear. He shuddered. His scalp sweated icy chills beneath tattered gingham kerchief tied in knots at his temples. "Maybe you swab topside the king's pretty yacht, is why you smell so...different."718Please respect copyright.PENANA12G0oP8TWp
How can you tell what I smell like, girl for this hovel smells of soapy ammonia and stale potpourri in a poor attempt at disguising the base scent of grime and man!718Please respect copyright.PENANAmyVPgAmTrp
Cigarette smoke wafts in the air creating ghostly apparitions in candles' dim glow. Voices spoken softly and low as muffled grumbles rise and fall farom long chaises scattered about the room's partitions. Laughter evaporates as cheap champagnes' bubbles in thick air as response to a comment just as quickly forgotten. Maroon damask tapestries shut out day's light keeping the mood of nighttime in and absorbing all secrets to woven silence.718Please respect copyright.PENANAwJSmE9XAYT
Time is money to you, after all. But my time is wasting!718Please respect copyright.PENANAdqb43rLs0N
Rhynn grasped the girl's fluttering wrist as her hand rose to tease at the kerchief's knot. The thinness of her bones shocked him and her skin looks sheer as vellum and feels fragile as rice paper. He fears her brittle fingers might shatter in his grasp as balsawood sticks splinter.718Please respect copyright.PENANAZCxS9oKcyY
The girl gasped feebly and stiffened.718Please respect copyright.PENANA3rP8OYVVh5
"Stop dancing!"718Please respect copyright.PENANA0nkOtOh17n
Rhynn gentled his command to a whispering plea, "Take me to a room."718Please respect copyright.PENANATyls8oycOq
"Ah, sailor-man gets right to the point, I see." Rhynn did not let got the girls' wrist for he intended to examine the dermis binding muscle and tendon or if any tissue at all should lie along such a porous shaft. But he needs light.718Please respect copyright.PENANAL8uWRHMp0k
Daylight718Please respect copyright.PENANApvgHszLxkM
It took some moments for Rhynn's eyes to adjust to the darkness as he followed the cat-eyed girl haltingly at first letting his free hand sweep the wall as their feet swept carpeted hallway past doors shut tight against sport misconstrued as romance-in-dance.718Please respect copyright.PENANAbuXntFGD2p
The door closed. And latched shut with a snick as bolt fell into bracket. Rhynn blinked, searching the darkness for furnishing, candlelight, or window where curtains might hang waiting to be swished aside letting sun in exposing all.718Please respect copyright.PENANA71jkdJIEcs
"It's dark in here!" hissed Rhynn. Then remembering the root of his task spoke more gently to working-girl. "Take me to the window, Miss...what is your name pray tell, so I may treat you properly as a well-named beauty should be treated just as beautifully?" Rhynn's lips brushed her temple feeling a fine pin-feathery tendril tickle his nose.718Please respect copyright.PENANAVKE9SEdtk8
Ah, sailor-man speaks flattery but his hand hurts my bone...why is he clasping as one hungry?718Please respect copyright.PENANAWL14TQoI2K
"Tell you mine if you tell me yours!" teased wispy breath against stubbly cheek.718Please respect copyright.PENANADUHH25a9li
"Jaguar"718Please respect copyright.PENANAvSLuRf2AYc
"I am Lilli."718Please respect copyright.PENANArJD5CQHsIR
In that moment shady frames of a shabby iron-frame bed feebly supporting sagging springs standing next a small vanity came into dim view. A simple childlike drawing depicting sheep grazing in pasture hangs by a wide ribbon from a hook in the wall. No chairs occupy either side of the bed but a little tufted stool sits apologetically before a mirror seeping its silver. Rhynn counted to five the number of vessels containing turpentine-based chemicals camouflaged as Cologne Splash lined up in gouche glass bottles topped with pewter screw-off caps.718Please respect copyright.PENANAaFhxEZ3Lvb not Mother's gem-encrusted-sphere-topped-bevel-chiseled crystal decanters holding Stephan's oils so purely ethereal718Please respect copyright.PENANAXvzvN0LzLt
Rhynn smells musty cloth. 718Please respect copyright.PENANA2EfjAseCAy
In one swift step he pushed Lille against the windowsill holding her there with his thigh firmly pressing into her back so as to ensure no escape. Lilli's eyes grew startled and searched Rhynn's face for a leading expression as to where this encounter might go...and end.718Please respect copyright.PENANAkH7bFni2zC
Rhynn reached for the swag and in one swift grip of his hand yanked at the babric dangling from tin rod resting in tin brackets ripping the entire ensemble from the wall. Bits of plaster and dust flew to the floor following the clatter and clang of cheap hollow hardware bouncing upon old burnished plank.718Please respect copyright.PENANA8u3j1WBuDT
Lilli gasped.718Please respect copyright.PENANAEajfznPKNM
Rhynn stares.718Please respect copyright.PENANARmvziPTKRo
The room remained in darkness for a sheet of black tar paper nailed to the wall shuttered out sun's brilliance trapping darkness inside.718Please respect copyright.PENANAihMyGAkIo6
"Do you know what day looks like, Lilli?"718Please respect copyright.PENANAwLLPmty4hL
"I don't know what time it is...what you"718Please respect copyright.PENANA5kXbbToQCC
"Look closely because you are about to find out!" Faster than light travels Rhynn freed the pane of its tar paper captor exposing a blast of dazzling sunlight, sheer high-noon-blue skies, wispy angel-hair clouds and green trees hosting songbirds trilling unabashed and free on branches.718Please respect copyright.PENANAKDwIbhOwqj
Lilli blinked. Then she gazed out at a whole new world with eyes wide in utter wonderment.718Please respect copyright.PENANA3nowjlvDY8
Rhynn studied Lille.718Please respect copyright.PENANAWSDVdmUGpy
You are young, girl, and your skin is transparent, nearly clear showing veins barely trickling heme-leached plasma seeking oxygen in pure-air-starved lungs. Your eyes show as boiled yolks floating in pale albumin. Your bones are fragile as thin glass for no sunlight is allowed on your skin. I will rescue from deathly deficiencies but I need something from you in trade.718Please respect copyright.PENANAAreDGi9TXC
Rhynn looked out the window and saw far off to yard's distant side three fat women in brown aprons with their heads bound in scarves fastening laundered sheets on lines with stout wooden pegs. Nothing but sheets hung from wire lines facing sun's warmth. Lines yanked along squealing pulleys roll out bleached sheets hanging to flap in day's floating breezes.718Please respect copyright.PENANAfmsPf1lA18
And hundreds of sundried sheets washed-clean of secrets exhaled in passions' selfish feast stuff rattan baskets hauled inside to unload...and load718Please respect copyright.PENANAhDsFlZv6KR
"Lilli? I need something."718Please respect copyright.PENANA3xNN8hwDhH
The girl stilled her breath as if standing on the brink of a spell about to be broken.718Please respect copyright.PENANARTsVkIZNpP
"Would you happen to know of a man named Ravenz?"718Please respect copyright.PENANAufkZgGPXpQ
"What?" Lilli's face registered disbelief and surprise at Rhynn's obtuse question. "What should this Ravenz man look like, if perhaps he wasn't as generous as you in telling me his name?"718Please respect copyright.PENANA1D8Dk9nvPb
"He would look exactly as me, if one of us were to look in the mirror seeing his duplicate reflection looking back."718Please respect copyright.PENANArKO7HZbyLm
Lillie simply looked at Rhiynn's face with a passive expression of her own not giving away any hint at all of having engaged any such person.718Please respect copyright.PENANAcTmxa5cWd2
The girl is good, mused Rhynn, and she plays her role well keeping the characters as just mannequins bouncing through their pitifully-sad dramas upon her narrow stinking stage keeping time to the squeals of tired springs' protest...unceasing...718Please respect copyright.PENANAtuQq75Zctq
"Jaguar?"718Please respect copyright.PENANAyryLbC6NOE
Rhynn bent his head closer to her face in a pretend-effort meant to encourage forthcoming admission.718Please respect copyright.PENANAk0zTzVy6rV
Who are you, Jaguar man, with your sailor eyes of such hue as I have never seen in any face in all my living hours? It will be this memory of your face looking at me as I behold it now that I will transpose over all others coning after.718Please respect copyright.PENANABBHTnssBTl
Lilli laughed. Out loud, loudly laughing as a baby giggles just discover its toes. As clear as glass bells tinkling does honest pure laughter ring in the room rounding all walls filling ceiling's every crack.718Please respect copyright.PENANAacnOgzejT4
Rhynn did not blink waiting where he stands before window holdg his pose pinning Lilli where she laughs.718Please respect copyright.PENANA5rJplpxLWB
Sobriety follows hilarity eventually.718Please respect copyright.PENANAsQGzgdANIT
"No, Jaguar, sir, I have not seen this man, Ravenz whom you seek. A man reflecting identical beauty as you display in your singular self has no need hiring my services for he is far blessed in the way of getting all this for free."718Please respect copyright.PENANALTSGCQH0Wo
Of course, she must be right in this thinking. If Ravenz is in me as my father believes then why in Heaven's name would I seek anwers in a place such as this...unless...there are two of us...but then, as she rightfully states, "why?"718Please respect copyright.PENANAgMu8efgrUl
Time has come, Lille." Rhynn softened his grip on the girl's wrist but not his capturing stance. Instead, he tenderly massaged the red marks his fingers imprinted on her frail wrist and thin palm holding her hand in his as if precious rare bisque rests there.718Please respect copyright.PENANArn6uxi9ST6
Lilli's eyelids softened their wide-open tight muscular hold to that of dreamily-gazing one might interpret in any other as longing.718Please respect copyright.PENANAyQNc19QqgF
A silver coin glinted before Lilli's eyes briefly shattering the edges of a dream forming.718Please respect copyright.PENANAZctE8FSMRk
"What's that?'718Please respect copyright.PENANABEZ4DazS68
"It is fair payment for truth, is all."718Please respect copyright.PENANAau5gNwpGfW
Lilli reached for the coin proffered by Rhynn's hand. Her eyes studied each side front and back and all around the engraved circular edge as if never seeing such an object ever before.718Please respect copyright.PENANAJDVHNhFiLR
"This is my first time seeing this thing you name payment-coin." Her entranced voice trailed away to a feathery whisper barely audible.718Please respect copyright.PENANA57bkO7VAfU
"How so, Lilli? You work here, right?"718Please respect copyright.PENANAJSnh14D6AX
"Clients always pay the man sitting in the closet at the entranceway, from sidewalk steps coming up from outside."718Please respect copyright.PENANApzFAbl30My
Rhynn pressed the coin into Lilli's palm enclosing her bony fingers about it one by one. Clasping this balled-up sickly fist in his, Rhynn steered the meek girl free of his capturing pose to cross filthy bedchamber floor through doorway down hallway past others locked, through front doorway into brilliant sunlight so blinding to Lilli's weak eyes that her body slumps the length of his sliding straight to stone portico threatening a tumbling and clattering of all her bones to heap at steps end.718Please respect copyright.PENANA6JuTrMZxy3
Rhynn swept down catching Lilli up in his arms. Her head dangled backward and bobs lifeless showing knotty bones in her white skinny neck. Slender pale arms hang like chicken bones at her sides. Nubby knobbed knees point skyward. Her feet turn in not particular direction at all but flop to the rhythm of Rhynn's steps as leaves flutter down a street in afternoon breeze.718Please respect copyright.PENANAuKtxb4vEPt
Dubai sits waiting patiently in Kings Carriage strumming an old mandolin he spotted hanging on a merchant's wall. It had taken some doing to finely tune its tatty strings but soon enough the instrument's voice rang clear and true. The king's driver is lost to a state of poetic music-making when a door burst open and calamity happening on the stoop splinters his trance.718Please respect copyright.PENANAzo9SU7OdpX
"Good gracious, Rhynn! What is the meaning of this? You insisted I bring you to this place in disguise and now you run out the front door with...with..."718Please respect copyright.PENANAqQR4rjFu3i
"Lilli just fainted in the sunlight, is all. Her eyes are weak from lack of seeing it! Make way for her in my father's coach, good driver! Don't argue!"718Please respect copyright.PENANAtfCULLARLg
Dubai race to the king's side even before the pretend-swab's sandals reached the bottom step. Quickly gathering the girl's arms to cross her chest he reached to steady her bobbing head in his hands.718Please respect copyright.PENANAN7zcb0tm1V
Dubai's heart lurched at the sight of Lilli's wan face.718Please respect copyright.PENANATJlUIc1ENM
"What goes on here , Fhynn I mean..."718Please respect copyright.PENANAtacWMc6j2R
"All the wrong things go on here that will come to a halt by hour's end! It is the meaning of my first order of business in the office I've inherited as is my intent of carrying forth Father's...King Breretyn's great reconstruction plans. Now, open the carriage door and listen carefully to my words! Follow my instructions exactly as I give them! Understand me so far, Dubai?"718Please respect copyright.PENANA2tUqYpMDCg
"Of course! I hear well! Now tell me, what am I to do with ...with this girl?"718Please respect copyright.PENANAS18PVVOcSh
"Take Lilli to Mountainwing's west side and carry her from carriage to the chamber of Lady Constance. Lady Constance is to draw Lilli a bath foaming with oils poured from vials only she knows where to find. Then seek Lady Penelope, a seamstress needling in tailors' north quarter as she has dresses hanging-in-wait. Request two or three! With lace! Stop by the kitchen on your way back fetching broth from middle steaming cauldron. And take a spoon!" With a final fling of the old gingham kerchief onto the carriage floor Rhynn ran his fingers over his scalp tousling scrunched wavy curls to life.718Please respect copyright.PENANA4sP1EuXA47
"Now, go!"718Please respect copyright.PENANAk9yrIHPMW5
"But what about you, Rhynn, Your Maj..."718Please respect copyright.PENANAvVCSmXDQHl
"I've got something to find yet for it wasn't in this place . But Lilli's life could end here if you don't hasten! Rhynn slapped at the team's hinds causing a whinnying response in horses' turn-away to the highway leading to ultimate farytale castle on magnificent green hilltop.718Please respect copyright.PENANAN80K5fG0Ov
Lilli slowly came unto wakefulness in cooling shade of the carriage's canopy feeling the gentle jostling of wheels turning on gravely roadway wondering at the meaning of this dream she floats in.718Please respect copyright.PENANAAcvKudyMYZ
What of this scent...these smells...something like flowers in air so light and void of cigarettes' stale smoke and candlewax melting? And what is that sound like music's notes but not quite? It's like a song warbled but not by one's voice...I must see the cause of such sweet noise.718Please respect copyright.PENANA3LSckl9Bua
Lilli opened her eyes to see birds in joyful flight high above a stranger's head; driver Dubai sitting tall in the driver's seat holding reins so elegantly guiding horses.718Please respect copyright.PENANAcZCbFP7pYX
Guiding horses!718Please respect copyright.PENANAUjoF6Q6jEU
"Who are you and why am I here...lying in this thing? Where are you taking me and what happened to the sailor man, Jaguar I was with just then?" Lilli felt muscles' cramp paining her balled-up fingers so released their hold to reveal Rhynn's gleaming silver coin.718Please respect copyright.PENANA46F7I6Cq8p
"I would be one going by the name of Dubai, Miss! I have been instructed to take you to Mountainwing's west suites where Lady Constance will tend to your immediate needs. You will be bathed and clothed in a new dress with lace, and nourished with a nice rich broth extracted from kitchen's steaming middle cauldron. Tiz duck today, I believe, Miss Lilli. Quite satisfying!" Dubai turned about on his seat to look back at the girl.718Please respect copyright.PENANAs9VOWeoAur
Dubai stares.718Please respect copyright.PENANAJEOvSxMgr9
The girl on the seat is a waif to be sure, starved to extreme thinness and milky beyond all shades of white at the lack of direct sunlight allowed most other damsels' peachy-pink cheeks. Yet her face shows true beauty hiding beneath skin so finely-smooth as does any maiden's fair beauty show in the gentle-way of growing up freely.718Please respect copyright.PENANAAygNL7SB5e
But her eyes! What amazing eyes I have not seen in the face of any maiden...golden, they are...and shimmering just as the element, gold gleams!718Please respect copyright.PENANAceUyH6fgMN
"What is this mountain place and who is Madam Constance?" demanded Lilli, sitting more forward on the royal carriage's deeply tufted velvet seat.718Please respect copyright.PENANAapHDFIjsvN
"Why, it is to His Majesty's castle I am taking you, Miss Lilli! And it is one Lady Constance who will minister unto you according to King Rhynn's command."718Please respect copyright.PENANALfgRP4XD3D
Lilli's yellow eyes rolled away in their whites and her head slumped to the side as her hands went nearly limp except for the sake of the coin did she keep fingers' grip.718Please respect copyright.PENANA5KAM0Czab4
"I have been teased by a...king? In a brothel a you say, 'king'...visited me...but not quite visiting me...asking me things...and then...this! How am I to get home? I don't know where any of this is!"718Please respect copyright.PENANAUzNgsc3mwR
"Oh, you are definitely heading home, if King Rhynn has his way! And he does, I might add, come from a long line of strong kings used to getting their way! The place you have been freed from will cease to exist after today. You are now in the king's care and it is to be in Mountianwing's suite your head shall dream tonight."718Please respect copyright.PENANARDz584E6Al
Lilli gazed up into the kindest face ever to hover so closely to hers, except the sailor-man's, of course, and she feared to blink for fear Dubai might evaporate away as all others gone before.718Please respect copyright.PENANA433bBjBlNK
"Well, are you coming into my arms, or not? The king has ordered me to carry your loveliness from coach to suite by way of my arms as not one of your feet, or for that matter, must touch the ground till you have been bathed in royal fragranced oil and gowned in a dress of pure fine lace.718Please respect copyright.PENANAEGEhs3POyH
We've stopped?718Please respect copyright.PENANAyYvmFpxmwQ
Lilli peeked out from beneath the canopy shelter and beheld Kings Castle in magnificent splendor. Grand turrets pierce the sky. Twittering birds flock in flight from branches above fruiting trees to alight in limbs bearing blossoms so huge as to be one giant bouquet.718Please respect copyright.PENANAr7w96JPXHo
"Such grandeur I did not know exists, nor air so sweet or time this pretty. All I leaned of was the way of ugly black night. Tell me, kind sir, does day end in the house of kings?"718Please respect copyright.PENANAo0EFDP5rDR
Dubai flew up stone steps under porch awning over threshold down granite hallway up stairwell across landing through sunlight beaming as Heaven's ribbons streaming through high arch window falling softly on white glassy marble echoing his swift footfall, gracefully stepping as a dancer's soft-soled shoes glide the whole while of the way calling,718Please respect copyright.PENANAboI5JMKkW0
"Lady Constance! Lady Constance! Miss Lilli needs urgent care, Lady Constance, my Lilli needs Lilli Lilli" in rhythmic cadence quite as a lullaby's words falling like feathers in Lilli's ears.718Please respect copyright.PENANAQwuYNprovx
A candle...a bottle...oleoresin spilling...a flame igniting...torching tapestry and sheet, mattress and rug718Please respect copyright.PENANAXSxQCMamPh
Rhynn emerged onto the road looking up the deserted gravel way seeing nothing but earth meeting sky at horizon's enigmatic horizontal line.718Please respect copyright.PENANAbg8KC7lQCQ
718Please respect copyright.PENANA4X9ocvBqcl
718Please respect copyright.PENANAdsOUJVOM5m
718Please respect copyright.PENANAYCUjd4YFgi
718Please respect copyright.PENANAebSYFAGNLF
718Please respect copyright.PENANAIO4zBOoof8
718Please respect copyright.PENANA0zG14PqGFC