(The following is more than a rough draft, its a "RAW" draft, so there are serveral grammar and punctuation mistake, do judge)
Tyler and his cousin sat around the Fire for what seemed like hours. The setting sun casted the world in a orange pink hue, One Tyler's childhood friend would call Coral dusk, or something along those lines.29Please respect copyright.PENANAhS5HLuJHLA
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"So, what's your plans for the last year of high school?" Noah asked, sending the bottle caps flying with a casual flick of his thumbs, the motion quick and effortless.29Please respect copyright.PENANAtLJwPgXB2u
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"I don't know" Tyler mumbled stretching my legs out on the grass. Staring up at the growing night sky. "Things have been alot lately, mums taking up extra shifts at her jobs, I'm looking to apply at lumber yard"29Please respect copyright.PENANAbSNRfHGIQr
29Please respect copyright.PENANAyH14rDE3hK
29Please respect copyright.PENANAnPMDTRPyNB
"Oh yeah" Noah said staring into the fire. His eyes seemed almost luminescent in the flickering light. "What about collage?"29Please respect copyright.PENANAu4szxEA6cs
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Tyler laughed dowing the bottle of beer. Of course Tyler has thought about going to collage. But how could he? "Even if it could what about mum?"29Please respect copyright.PENANAVYkdGpfVGy
29Please respect copyright.PENANAdfVdNlKnMw
29Please respect copyright.PENANAhXnNMGf9rz
"Aunt Emily, will be fine" Noah smiled softly nudging his cousin. "I can call in some favours and help you guys out"29Please respect copyright.PENANAzuwuzmgjsY
29Please respect copyright.PENANAb5UcGOfvvm
29Please respect copyright.PENANABdhrioR7x4
"You know mum wouldn't let you" Tyler smirked. Of course Noah would go out of his way to help others out. That's what Tyler like of him. A decent male figure in his family. Unlike his father.29Please respect copyright.PENANAI5XpoXZpXW
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29Please respect copyright.PENANA3DDIyPJS5Q
"Too bad, your mother doesn't have a say" Noah stood up stretching his limbs. "I'll be back, gotta grab something"29Please respect copyright.PENANALSApa2xGdy
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29Please respect copyright.PENANACZGlfioAIF
Noah sauntered off to his tent. Leaving Tyler alone. After a few minutes. The calming cracking of the fire and chatter of crickets was over shadowed but Noah's cries of frustration.29Please respect copyright.PENANATMLkJ1uSQs
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29Please respect copyright.PENANADQNhGPXR7P
"WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY?!" 29Please respect copyright.PENANAIgkW8MdZBh
29Please respect copyright.PENANAyMRZkcxMHN
29Please respect copyright.PENANAqOpSYp1qeQ
Tyler shot up and jogged to Noah's tent. Shattered around the entrance, were clothes snacks and assortment of other things.29Please respect copyright.PENANA3M148EO779
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"What are you looking for?" Tyler said confused at the sight.29Please respect copyright.PENANAfUNX3hkmMJ
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29Please respect copyright.PENANAQRV2K06hRG
"My pills" Noah Groaned. "There little blue pills in a yellow container"29Please respect copyright.PENANA1xoB6zTogw
29Please respect copyright.PENANA0A9WJ7kiAv
29Please respect copyright.PENANAKKjFCl4HmD
"Viagra?" Tyler snickered29Please respect copyright.PENANA6kxtTLz2iv
29Please respect copyright.PENANAxFE8RD6ciJ
29Please respect copyright.PENANAJn3khufORb
"IM IN NO MOOD FOR YOUR FUCKING JOKES" Noah snapped. Noah was always the chill one. About to approach any situation with patience and a sense of calm. Maybe Noah was on some medications that he didn't tell Tyler about?29Please respect copyright.PENANACNbHFPbXUk
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29Please respect copyright.PENANAuFQTPY44hZ
"Okay sorry, where did you see them last?" Tyler asked as he bent down to pick up some of Noah's scattered things.29Please respect copyright.PENANAcx8C6KoJXf
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29Please respect copyright.PENANAdIbBBblsmO
"I don't remember bringing them" Noah fell to his knees in defeat. "How could I have been so stupid"29Please respect copyright.PENANAA3C1PSk974
29Please respect copyright.PENANA7xOBPVsVNs
29Please respect copyright.PENANAA2JFmZ6Guf
"Noah, it's okay, even if you are little irritable at the moment" Tyler said stepping closer.29Please respect copyright.PENANATH1j4tsjg3
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29Please respect copyright.PENANAFVkKZOVllp
"DONT! It's much worse that" Noah said turning to his cousin. His eyes now a monstrous glowing yellow. His canines and inch longer althan anything human. 29Please respect copyright.PENANA7Xx7VaYgnn
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Tyler stumbled backward. Instinctively looking at the sky. A pale white light now casted over the forest canopy and onto the camp-site. A full moon.29Please respect copyright.PENANAZUYVVVSi4Q
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29Please respect copyright.PENANAB9MCdUGfgw
Most people would kick into fight of flight in this moment. Seeing your very own family member transform before your eyes into a monster. Even given Tyler's athleticism, he froze. Staring at his cousin. Who's body now contorted in ways and forms unnatural. His limbs stretching his skin until it tore. Rusty brown fur erupted beneath the skin like grass on concrete. It's muscles now twice or even tree times the size of Noah's. His face warp in a sickening way as a long wolf like snout pushed through his face. 29Please respect copyright.PENANANRX5fl6Qh6
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29Please respect copyright.PENANAG6aDnW3gpL
The Sour taste of stomach bile filled Tyler's mouth as he watch the saggy face of his cousin flop to the dirt like a saggy piece of Processed ham. 29Please respect copyright.PENANAnmes89NKM0
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29Please respect copyright.PENANAIbuxCjx54r
The dam cold ground now soaked into Tyler's jeans and legs. The grass pressed against his hand reminding him that this is infact real. 29Please respect copyright.PENANA96qt3NCmOi
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29Please respect copyright.PENANAxoWHftdnlz
The blood covered beast now stood in Noah's place. Whimpering and moaning soft. Until Tyler shifted his weight. The ear of the monster perked up and its whimpering halted as it turned towards Tyler's Direction.29Please respect copyright.PENANAN4vsuttAcS
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29Please respect copyright.PENANA15iryFEY62
Teeth bearing and eyes set on Tyler like the predator it is. Slowly stalked towards him. Tyler hastily stuffed back gripping a loose beer bottle and smashing it across the beasts face. Leaving shard in its face. 29Please respect copyright.PENANAaEsgpXfiJy
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29Please respect copyright.PENANAahrjOSBbhP
Tyler final broke from the frozen trance he was trapped in. Scrambling up he shot off into the woods. A stupid choice but there was no way he could find get to Noah's truck in time. 29Please respect copyright.PENANAwMxlz7wSYI
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29Please respect copyright.PENANA6FQDJoxY5h
Other then the sound of tyler spinning through the underbrush of the woods. And the huff breathing for his own breath the wodds were silent. Till the howl of Noah's monster form ripped through the silence like a siren.29Please respect copyright.PENANAKLIzRJkixU
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29Please respect copyright.PENANAAvJ2kHn1l8
Tyler continued to run as fast as he ever did. On or off the field. Where to he never he just knew he had to get away. His instincts were telling him that the monster Noah was now. Had zero control and killed anything indiscriminately.29Please respect copyright.PENANAp8lAGb4zg8
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29Please respect copyright.PENANA1ghK1TfXdA
In a flash Tyler was palms first into the dirt. A seering pain up his leg. Twisted on an exposed branch. He picked himself up and hobbled over to a near by set of trees that formed decent cover. 29Please respect copyright.PENANAWzXBCT7Pec
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29Please respect copyright.PENANAWftPh1f5jj
It didn't matter, Tyler knew that thing could smell him. Regardless of his hiding place. He gritted his teeth through the pain.of his twisted ankle. Sure he has felt that pain before but it never get easier.29Please respect copyright.PENANAouWNs14z0w
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29Please respect copyright.PENANAHzi281USIf
The seconds stretched into minutes. Before the silence was snuffed out by the sound of something large pounding its mass into the dirt. Through the split of the tree Tyler saw it. The large fur cover monster. In the darkness speckled with the light of the moon. It's eyes held a reflective shine. It shifted the air and the ground kick up dirt with its breath. it sprinted on into the distance seemingly locked onto something else.29Please respect copyright.PENANAraAB4YC4dV
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29Please respect copyright.PENANAPbXy5yaVmS
Tyler let out a relieved sigh. Hoisting himself up he was ready to make it back to camp to make another plan. Till every turned hazy as Tyler was pulled back and tossed onto the ground. The beast was on top of tyler. It's mass touching his around along the dirt. Tyler instinctively blocked his face from his slashes and dodge its attempts at his throat till. He couldn't. It's teeth plunged into Tyler's shoulder. The pain was unbearable. Tyler screamed with a louder than he ever has.
Tears streaming down his face. His mind was flooded with flashes of moments. Like a reel. A deer, wolf, it's teeth, it's snarling face, rot from on a wound, a decaying corpse Turing to bone and finally the full moon. But it wasn't a vision.29Please respect copyright.PENANAMiGB8xSdkU
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29Please respect copyright.PENANA8eG9saA0tz
Tyler layed in a pool of his own blood. Staring up towards the sky. The moon. Full and so large. A new sense of rage filled him. His voice harsh he muttered. "Fuck you"