Enthralled, I lay across my bed and began turning pages. Suddenly, the similarities between the unearthly story and our existence in von Helfin castle fell into place. I compared the Baron's midnight activities against the fictional vampire 'Dracula.' Then, I associated the red pinpricks on Mama's neck with those of Lucy Westenra.
Slamming the book closed, I buried my face in the pillow and sobbed. The danger of our current predicament alarmed me. When Mama gave her life in marriage to Baron von Helfin, she did much more than wed him. She sacrificed her entire existence for his preservation.
Blood! Nicolai von Helfin thrived upon it. Like Dracula, it sustained him. His progeny, Vlad, Luiza, and Vanda, shared his need. And Ranulf…
Abruptly, I sat up. Ranulf! I had to admit I had grown fond of the Baron's nephew. He seemed genuinely concerned about my welfare. I could not bear to think of him as the same ilk as the rest of the dreadful family.
Emotionally exhausted, I sank into sleep. The day passed into night, and I continued in my slumbers. When I finally awoke, I discovered Ranulf hovering beside the bedpost. The soft moonglow lit his dark hair and brightened his crimson lips. He became alert to my awakening and dragged a chair toward my bedside. Perching at its edge, he leaned forward to brush my hair away from my face lightly.
Finally, Ranulf noticed the Stoker novel and lifted it. He flipped through the pages casually, then began to study it intently. Frowning, he finally closed it but continued to hold it on his lap.
"I have heard rumors such a book existed," he eventually stated. "Until this moment, I doubted the truth of the reports. I had not seen it myself."
"It belonged to my Papa," I answered, gently removing it from his grasp. "It was the last thing he bought. He left the booksellers and encountered a man raping a woman. He did not recognize her as a prostitute. Papa fought the man and killed him."
The words tumbled from my lips quickly. I had not intended to speak on personal matters.
"You cherished your Papa," Ranulf remarked soothingly. "You brought his books with you, I see." He rose and stood above my open trunk.
I hastily wrapped my dressing gown over my flannelette nightie and knelt beside the traveling crate. Picking up a book randomly, I lovingly ran my hand over the smooth cover. Ranulf peered over my shoulder and read the title.
"Ah, The PRISONER of ZENDA," he stated, his smile widening. "It's rather newly published, is it not? I have not seen this one either."
"You enjoy reading?" I eagerly asked.
"I enjoy storytelling," the Baron's ward responded, kneeling before my trunk again. "I haven't read a novel in quite some time. I cannot find the time any longer."
"Oh, well, I…" I hesitated momentarily before plunging onward. "I intend to ask Mama if I can read to the children. Perhaps you will join us?"
"Perhaps." Ranulf's voice seemed to drift away. "Tell me more about your Papa."
"Papa loved his position as parish vicar. He loved the church and devoted his life to his parishioners." I rushed my words, eager to talk about my deceased father.
Ranulf backed away as Papa's story tumbled across my lips. His face paled, and a sharp snort issued from his nostrils. I stopped speaking abruptly and stepped toward him, reaching out my hands.
"Tell me about your father and mother instead, Ranulf," I encouraged, pulling him back to his chair. "Luiza began to tell me. I would like to know." I perched on the bed and leaned forward keenly.
"My mother loved my father dearly," my companion wistfully stated. "She married far beneath her station in life, and he could not keep up with her standard of living. Papa fell into debt and gambled heavily. He lost, and we became penniless."
"I am sorry, Ranulf." My fingers reached toward his hand, and I grasped it. Tenderly, I brought it against my cheek.
"Papa became involved with a nefarious creature," Ranulf sighed, his face contorting with distress. "I recall seeing a horrid form lingering in the forest surrounding our home. After midnight, Papa used to sneak out to meet him. That loathsome beast offered my father everlasting life in exchange for repayment of our debts. Papa—always gullible—accepted.
The Baron's ward covered his face with his hands. His shoulders heaved. Inching closer, I flung my arm around his shoulder. Ranulf returned my embrace, burying his face in my bosom.
"My life changed so drastically," he finally continued. Sorrow filled his voice. "Papa disappeared. Finally, when he returned, he came back a different man. He drained Mama's life before we understood what had happened. Then, he turned to me. I fought back and, freeing myself, ran to Uncle Nicolai.
"The Baron returned with me, but we arrived too late to save my mother. Some days, I can still hear Uncle's unearthly howls when he discovers Mama's inert body. They ring in my ears and echo around my head."
Pain etched itself across Ranulf's pallid face. The room grew eerily silent as we sat upon the canopied bed. His arms tightened around my body, pulling me closer.
"Papa appeared, a shadow of himself,” my companion finally continued. “The Baron attacked him and forced him back. While they grappled, Uncle picked up a jagged stave from the wood box. He plunged it into my father's heart, destroying him instantly."
Thunder cracked outside; a jagged streak of lightning brightened the night sky. I leaped in my skin at the fierceness of the sudden storm. Terrorized, I forced my way out of Ranulf's grasp. I stood before the fire, and my head hung downward.
"It was too late for Uncle Nicolai, Norah." Ranulf stood behind me, his hands on my shoulders. "In the struggle, Papa infected him. Uncle, in turn, infected the rest of us."
I trembled. Fear gripped my heart as I turned to face my companion. VAMPIRES! Helga's wild exclamations proved true. Wildly, I cast my eyes toward Bram Stoker's yellow-covered novel. Fact and fiction suddenly intertwined.
"Norah," Ranulf pleaded, his hands outstretching toward mine. "I…I love you, Norah. Never have I known love as I do now. Please, Norah…"
"I…" I stammered, backing away.
Rapidly, my mind flew in every direction. For a moment, I hovered over my acceptance. My fondness for Ranulf grew. I thought of him idyllically as I once thought of Prentiss Wills. However, my thoughts ran toward a normal relationship—love, marriage, and eventually, children. Under the circumstances, my most basic longing could not come to fruition with the Baron's ward.
Then, I considered Mama. Was this how the Baron approached her? Was this how he convinced her to become his ungodly pawn? Did he promise her love in exchange for her ability to give him life? I could not follow in her footsteps.
"Save me, Norah, save me," Ranulf begged, falling to his knees.
The Baron’s nephew grasped my dressing gown's skirt and buried his head in the soft folds. I entwined my hands in his rich black hair and held him lovingly.