It was just a regular day at school, Ainsley was working on math, Rowan was working on his project, and Lydia was writing. Ainsley walked over to her. “Oh Lydia Decklan is here today.” Lydia froze. “HE IS WHAT?” Lydia covered her mouth, knowing everyone was looking at her. Ainsley nodded, and went back to work. “Girly you totally like him, just tell Ainsley! She’s your best friend!” Charlie said. Lydia hesitated then said, “But Decklan is Ainsley’s little brother. What will she think if I tell her “hey I like your brother” what if she isn’t okay with it?” Lydia said, turning to Charlie. “Fine I’ll tell her myself.” She said Lydia grabbed Charlie by the arm and pushed her back in her seat. That’s when, Decklan walked in. Charlie smirked, Ainsley waved, and Lydia couldn’t breathe. Decklan sat near Lydia, which made her panic even more. Lydia could feel her heart pounding, what was going to happen!? The bell then saved her life. Lydia went down to the cafeteria with Ainsley and Charlie. “Tel him, tell him, tell him!” Charlie said, nudging Lydia. Ainsley looked at them. “Tell who what?” She said. Lydia likes your- HAIR! YOU HAVE REALLY NICE HAIR TODAY AINSLEY!!!” Lydia interrupted. But she couldn’t hold Charlie for any longer. “Lydia likes your brother!” She said, Lydia fell. “What?” Charlie said. Ainsley just stood there, silent. “I knew something was off!” She said. “TELL HIM!!!” She said. “Not you too!” Lydia said. “I’ll get the popcorn!” Charlie said, running down to the cafeteria. “Well let’s go!” Ainsley said, dragging Lydia down the stairs. “DECKLAN!!!!” Charlie ran over to him, the bag of popcorn in her hands. “LYDIA LIKES- YOUR DRAWINGS! THERE REALLY COOL!” Lydia interrupted. Charlie looked at her and whispered: “ask him to the dance!” Oh no! Lydia had forgotten the Valentine’s Day dance was tomorrow! “Ask him!” Ainsley whispered. Decklan looked at Charlie, then Ainsley, then Lydia. “Soooooo, what are you guys doing?” Decklan asked. Lydia couldn’t stop Charlie. “Lydia wanted to ask you to the dance.” She said. Lydia had officially ran out of breath. Lydia looked at Lydia. “Sure.” He said. “Wait that’s it?” Ainsley asked. “Sure I’ll go to the dance with you.” He said. “Awwwww I wanted more drama! I might as well go give this popcorn back to Patrick.” Charlie said. And with that, Lydia has a date to the dance. 30Please respect copyright.PENANA8yZyI9a2ow
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The end