Being hired once again for this captivating and mesmerizing woman was not on my to-do list. I was never supposed to see her again, yet here we are. Her beautiful long black locks of hair fall around her face, framing it so perfectly. Her blue eyes hide a secret she intends to always keep to herself. From a strangers point of view, she seems outspoken and up for a challenge. She wants to appear unaffected by anything and everything. She must always have her walls kept up.
Everything that I know about her, I wouldn't blame her for keeping them up and standing guard. She's been through hell. I never thought seeing her in person would give me chills, but it does. Only ever seeing a picture of her, I knew she was gorgeous. But in person - my god she's beautiful.
And she's fucking with me. The way she slowly drags her hand across my leg and shoots daggers at me, it makes me shudder. Her nails are medium length and black as night with a slight hint of a sparkle. She wants to come off as a queen. She wants to rule everything. She wants to rule me. I have to admit, the toying and attempting to get under my skin is cute, but she's never played her own game I assume. She wants to toy me around like one of her old flings. She wants to have me attached, throw me around, and then drop me cold on the ground and walk on me like a doormat. That won't ever happen though. I won't let it.
"Do you always play this hard to get, or am I just special?" She locks her eyes into mine and I hold the gaze. I know she wants an answer, but I'm not going to give her what she so desperately wants. At least not immediately.
"You don't strike me as the type to chase," I continue staring into those big blue eyes, "So what do you want?" She holds still for a minute, taken aback by what I just said to her. I suppose nobody has ever spoken back to her, or at least never folded under her pressure. She isn't going to have me in a chokehold, I know that for sure. The tension grows between us as she takes a minute to figure out what to say to me.
She smirks, finally figuring out what she would say. And what she says, shook me to my core.
"If I wanted you, Lucien, you'd already know it."
The freeze response kicks in full force. How does she know me? How does she know my name? She was never supposed to know anything about me. Besides, I'm a stranger in this rich-ass area. Nobody knows me. She was never wrong when she told me I didn't belong. I never wanted to come back in the first place, but the moment I saw her picture on the mantle, I was hooked on her. I must've let the silence linger a bit between us too long, as I think she noticed me freeze up. I immediately push all the feelings away and refocus back in on her.
"But maybe... I'm curious." She drags her words out, her eyes looking me up and down like she wants a taste. That sentence puts a feeling somewhere where it shouldn't. I know I need to put away the feeling, but this feels impossible. She's succeeding at her goal - wrapping me around her finger.
I take my eyes away from her for a moment and focus on the half-empty glass in front of me. I know I need to drown it out. I know I need to act like she isn't working her magic on me. I put my eyes back on her and I look her up and down just as she did me. I stay silent, but locked in. She's beautiful. The way her short, black dress hugs to her breasts and her hips gets me going. She's sexy. I lock my eyes onto hers. Her septum ring fits perfectly on her small framed face. Her eyeliner brings out how big her eyes truly are. I can picture the mascara and eyeliner running down her face now. I take a big swig out of my drink, and slam it down - all while maintaining our eye contact.
"Then find out." I break the silence between us, her face instantly flushing and her cheeks turning to a light rosy pink. I've got her now. I switched the tone and put her own game against her. Maybe I'll flirt a little bit too, try to get under her skin. I lean in towards her, my lips damn near touching hers. I can barely smell the liquor on her breath. "Be curious, angel." I whisper. Her cheeks that were once a light blush are now full on red. She's under my control now.
All the vivid imagery runs wild in my head. Fucking her senseless unless she can't say anything back to me, holding her down against the bed and... I have to stop.
She was never supposed to know about me. I was supposed to just be the guy protecting her for the night, but now I'm afraid it's going to be something more and I'm going to be more involved then just as somebody who was hired.
I turn my attention back to her, where she's smirking and grinning at me. She's planning something and I don't like it.
I love it. I want more of this woman. I want this woman for her, and her body. That god damn masterpiece of a body.