CHAPTER TWO ﹐12Please respect copyright.PENANAT5u4yxjy4s
bloody confusion...
"WHAT THE HELL?" Rickey breathlessly mutters to himself as he stands shaking off the leaves that stuck to his clothes. He quickly glances down at his nostalgic wristwatch to see that his curfew had passed thirty minutes ago. He isn't that far from his new abode, so how could he have spent so much time in this dense forest? Regardless of the unknown reason, Rickey knows he must hurry home to evade another punishment from his father.
His energy decreases as he nears his home. In order to steady his breathing, Rickey braces himself against the brick on the outside for a moment. His heartbeat lowers as he breathes deeply, praying his father is sound asleep.
He gulps down his thoughts before slowly opening the maroon door. He quietly steps into the still house, Rickey's eyes squint as he tries to make out any figures that may be in the darkness. Rickey sighs as his anxiety dissolves, relishing that he is able to avoid a confrontation with Nathaniel. He begins to make a beeline for his new bedroom until he hears the lamp jingle.
It seems he isn't as lucky as he previously thought.
Rickey's shaky palms grip his skateboard for support as he faces the menacing figure lounging in the living room. The tangerine glow of the lamp illuminates Nathaniel's screwed face and glaring eyes.
"Hold it right there, boy," his father's voice grumbles from the corner of the living room. "Do you know what time it is?" Nathaniel's eyes narrow as his anger seeps through the room.
"I apologize, sir. I lost track of time. It was an accident." Rickey tries to de-escalate the situation with a quick apology. However, Nathaniel didn't want to hear Rickey's excuse.
"Lost track of time?" The elder repeats his son's excuse as he sets the empty beer glass on the coffee table. Nathaniel's fingers dig into the leather chair as he hoists himself to stand on his bulky shoes. His feet thump heavily against the floorboards as he saunters to loom over the boy.
"And to think I thought you were more responsible than Billy," his elder scoffs as he flings his hand across his cheek. "Get cleaned up. You better be up on time in the morning. Now, get out of my sight."
"Good night sir," Rickey rushes to the bathroom, locking the door quickly. Hot tears spring from his eyes as he touches his bruised cheek.
Rickey stares at his worthless reflection, only to cock his head in confusion. His nose and lips are covered in dry crimson liquid. Nathaniel hadn't hit him that hard, so when could he have bled?
In the forest?
How is that possible? The girl never hit him and he can't recall suffering any injuries, so why is he bleeding? Rickey sighs as his hands pool with water before he drenches his face, cleansing himself and his mind.
However, his mind is stained with the memory of the strange girl. The way she disappeared like mist between the trees. Maybe she ended up there because of a crazy accident and ended up at home.
All those possibilities, yet none of the conclusions sit right with him.
Whether it's his lack of common sense or not, he decides to visit the forest once again.
And that's exactly what he's going to do after his first day of his senior year.
Rickey splashes another handful of water onto his face, watching the last traces of crimson swirl down the drain. He exhales sharply, gripping the edge of the sink. His reflection stares back at him before he exits the bathroom to enter the dark hallway only to see his brother's tired eyes.
"Billy? What are you doing up?" Rickey questions Billy as he shuts the bathroom door close behind him.
"I heard everything," Billy answers shortly as his eyes lock on to the red patch Nathaniel left on Rickey's cheek. He clenches his jaw, infuriated that he wasn't able to shield him. "You good?"
Rickey sighs in exasperation as his head lowers to the wood floors, "Yeah. I'll be good."
"Dad's an ass, nothing new," Billy mumbles as he crosses his bare arms. "Well, you gonna ride your board or ride with me in the morning?"
"I'll come with you, I know you don't want to be alone with her," Rickey slightly lifts his head, serving Billy a light, toothy grin.
"Damn right, I hate that fucking brat," Billy huffs.
Rickey breathlessly laughs at Billy's unwavering attitude against the younger girl.
"Go to sleep, tomorrow's a new day or whatever you like to say," Billy bids him goodbye with a light pat on the shoulder before disappearing into his bedroom.
Rickey nods, but his mind is elsewhere.
Tomorrow he's going back.
Back to the forest.12Please respect copyright.PENANAfMqUz24thg