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in which... victoria13Please respect copyright.PENANAfmj0C9tXNW
and bella arrive ೫˚∗
A LARGE YAWN FLIES from her glossy lips as she gently pulls her luggage along following Isabella to the entrance. Victoria and Bella have finally arrived in Washington, awaiting their chariot from Charlie Swan to save them from the swarming airport.
Following the complicated signs of the airport, they arrive near the front, scanning the crowd for the older man. Bella tugs at Victoria's tracksuit, alerting her that she has spotted her father. Charlie awkwardly waves the two teenagers over, "There you are, have a good flight?"
"If you like whining toddlers and disgusting airplane snacks, then sure," Victoria sarcastically responds, rolling her aching shoulders.
"Sounds about right," Charlie gives a light chuckle.
"You look good though Uncle Charlie," she switches the conversation offering him a light compliment.
"Why thank you, you don't look too bad yourself. You look so grown up."
Victoria widely grins taking the chance to say something outlandish, "An alcoholic mother and not seeing me for 15 years will do that to somebody."
Charlie awkwardly hacks into his fist at the surprising sentence. "Well then, it's a good thing you're here, you both are going to love Forks."
Victoria tosses a narrow stare at Bella before deadpanning at Charlie, "I doubt that."
Bella laughs at her cousin's retort, "That's the spirit."
"Well then, let's get you girls to the house." Charlie takes their larger baggage and leads them to the police cruiser. They all briskly walk through the heavy, crisp air to the parked car. They quickly hustle, longing to reach their new residence.
The police cruiser rumbles down the damp road, cutting through the thick Washington mist.
"How quaint," Victoria whispers as she frowns in disgust surveying the wet town. Charlie inwardly sighs as he keeps his eyes on the road. Bella stares forward, settling in the silence.
That is until Charlie's tires slowly screech as the large truck crosses the road. The sheriff slowly glances at his daughter searching for a conversation starter. "Your hair's longer," Charlie throws the line out before gulping down his nerves.
Bella's eyes shoot toward her father, surprised at the sudden topic, "I cut it since the last time I saw you."
"Oh... guess it grew out again."
Forced to watch from the back seat of her uncle's cruiser, Victoria silently judges the piteous interaction. The countless days she grew up apart from him, and that's what he chooses to say? However, the raven-haired teenager knows she can't really have an opinion because at least Charlie's trying. He's here attempting to rekindle the father-daughter bond with his teenage daughter. Victoria doesn't have that. Just a faceless man, her mother conquered and never bothered to ask his name.
"This is pitiful," Victoria remarks to herself, silently shaking her head.
As they pass through town, Victoria spots a sign for Forks High School and grimaces. "So, how's school life?"
Charlie hums to himself, "Not too bad. You get small classes, and good teachers."
"Okay, so what you mean is I'm going to be bored out of my mind?"
"You're so dramatic," Bella laughs off her rebuttal.
"You can push that to the back of your mind, 'cause we just arrived girls," Charlie announces as he drives his car through his front lawn.
Victoria slowly exits the vehicle, staring at the modest ivory wood holding all Charlie's precious memories. The earthy scent weighs heavily on her senses as she assists her uncle in gathering the luggage. Victoria probably won't admit it aloud but finds the land's aesthetic quite calming. She could find herself getting lost in the soundless serenity of the woods.
Charlie leads them up the staircase leading to the rooms, "Victoria, I've cleaned the guest bedroom up for you. Oh, and I've cleared some shelves off in the bathroom."
"Oh right, one bathroom," Bella nods, stepping into her childhood bedroom.
Victoria knows it must be weird to see your old life plastered on the walls as if time stood still in the house. "Well, this is... something," Victoria muses, tilting her head at the odd decor and outdated furniture.
Bella shoots her a look. "What?"
"Nothing," Victoria smirks before stepping back into the hallway. As the two awkwardly converse, Victoria grimaces from the hallway at the stale conversation before deciding to peel herself from the two and head to her new room. The teen doesn't have to walk far as her room is on the left side of Bella's. She gently kicks the door open and an odd feeling settles within her.
It's so clean, so plain. Yet, pleasant.
She shuts the door before dropping her belongings on the wood below her. Victoria plops down on the bed, before closing her eyes, taking everything in. No empty bottles, no cigarette stench, no slurred screaming. Just quiet. It feels... unsettling.
The ambiance perplexes her, Victoria knows that this will take some time getting used to. She will no longer have the inching fear of that drunken woman bothering her. A peaceful sigh escapes her before a knock makes her swarming thoughts disperse.
"Victoria?" Bella's voice filters through the door.
"Come in." Victoria invites her in as she sits up, "What's up?"
"Jacob's here."
Victoria blinks as her eyebrows furrow, "Who's that?"
"Oh, right," Bella inwardly laughs. "I'll introduce you."
Victoria deadpans before nicely reminding her cousin how she despises new people. "You know I don't like meeting new people."
Bella sighs. "Don't worry, I'll be right by you. It's been a while since I've seen him anyways."
Victoria loudly cackles, "Hah! "You're more awkward than me. How's that going to help?"
Bella crosses her arms with a quiet sigh as she waits for Victoria to cave in. Like always, it isn't long before her cousin gives in. "Fine I'll greet them, why the hell not," Victoria dramatically complies before following her meek cousin down the flight of stairs.
The two step into the damp air, approaching the three in the driveway. Jacob stands there, taller than Victoria expected, with a boyish smile and lengthy, black strands. Billy sits in his wheelchair beside him, greeting the two with a warm smile. "Bella, you remember Billy Black and this is my niece Victoria," Charlie introduces the two.
"Yeah, wow, you're looking good," Bella reaches forwards to politely shake the man's hand. Victoria stares from afar, not knowing how to incorporate herself in the little reunion.
"Well, I'm still dancing," Billy's eyes crinkle as he serves her a toothy grin and gently waves in Victoria's direction. "I'm glad the two of you are finally here, Charlie here hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming."
Charlie shuffles around in embarrassment, "All right, keep exaggerating. I'll roll you into the mud."
"After I ram you in the ankles," Billy retorts, rolling himself towards the grown man.
Jacob steps up as his father plays around with his friend, "Hey, I'm Jacob."
"Hey," Bella awkwardly greets the boy back.
"We used to make mud pies when we were little," Jacob randomly inserts the tidbit in the conversation.
"Right. No, I remember. Oh, this is my cousin, Victoria," Bells ushers Victoria to introduce herself better.
"Hi," Victoria bluntly responds with a curt wave toward Jacob. She has no energy to fake interest in the conversation as it has been quite a long day.
"Are they always like this?" Bella attempts to revive the conversation after her cousin's dry introduction.
"It's getting worse with old age," Jacob quips.
The two men gravitate back toward the teens, as Charlie brings up the rusty truck, "So what do you think?"
"Of what?" Bella answers confusedly.
"Your homecoming present," Charlie nods at the truck.
"This?" Bella's eyebrows rise in surprise as Victoria's hand slowly travels to cover her disgusted expression.
"Just bought it off Billy here."
"I totally rebuilt the engine for you," Jacob speaks up, proud of his work.
"Come on, oh, my gosh!" Bella exclaims gratefully. "This is perfect, are you joking me?"
Victoria's eyes instantly narrow at the excited girl, but she decides to keep her mouth shut, not wanting to be seen as rude. Victoria also spots the pleased expression on Charlie's face, which makes her extra determined to keep her thoughts to herself.
As the conversation continues, Victoria finds herself feeling out of place. The easy way Bella and Jacob talk, the familiarity, the history—it's not something she's used to.
Bella continues to make an effort to pull her into the conversation. Victoria tries, but it's hard to ignore the feeling of being an outsider.
Victoria sighs to herself. This will take some getting used to, like a lot.