Along, Angah, and Atih were exceptionally excited to meet their brother Alang for the first time. They decided to meet at Texas Chicken M3 Mall, as Alang rented a room nearby.
As they waited, Angah, the second eldest, asked "Along, are you excited to see Alang?"
"Of course, Angah," Along replied. "He's our brother. Why wouldn't I be?"
Along added, "We're all excited, Angah."
"I can't wait to see my big brother," the youngest, Atih, said enthusiastically.
Just then, a deep voice interrupted them with "Assalamualaikum." The sisters replied "Waalaikumsalam" and turned to see a strapping young man standing before them. He wore a Kedah FC jersey that clung to his chest and biceps, and a pair of well-fitting jeans. The man introduced himself as Daus, but said they could call him Alang.
The sisters were stunned into silence. Alang looked almost identical to the Kedah FC footballer Syihan Hazmi. It seemed to make their hearts race. Along, Angah, and Atih's eyes traveled over Alang's physique, pausing simultaneously at his crotch. From what they could see, there was a sizable protrusion from Alang's package, his jeans clearly outlining the plump tubular shape. This made the sisters dry-mouthed, especially Atih, who sat at eye level with it. However, Alang, thinking he was with siblings, remained oblivious to their reactions.
As the four siblings settled into a chat, Alang offered to buy them something to eat. His sisters gladly accepted, and mentioned that anything was fine. But Atih chimed in, "Fried chicken, please, Alang!" Alang chuckled at his youngest sister's enthusiasm and said, "Then you'll have to come with me to order." Atih readily agreed.
While Atih waited in line with Alang at the counter, she took the opportunity to scrutinize Alang's generous bulging package. Her eyes lingered on every inch of it, her mind wandering. "Oh my goodness, my brother has a big one," she mused to herself, thinking how she'd love to get that instead of the fried chicken. Her gaze lingered on the zipper that seemed to struggle to contain its contents, the outline clearly visible.
Alang's voice broke her reverie. "What?" she asked.
Alang chuckled. "Which fried chicken set do you want?"
Atih simply pointed to Set A.
Alang asked, "Do you think Along and Angah would want the same?"
"They're okay with anything," Atih replied.
"Alright," Alang said. "You go back to the table, and I'll bring the food in a moment."
As Atih returned, Angah exclaimed, "Oh my god, our brother is hot!"
Atih chimed in, "Along, Angah, did you see his jeans? They were so...tight! It looked...full."
Along and Angah exchanged glances and nodded. "Like a mouthful," Angah whispered. The three sisters briefly imagined Alang standing before them, his tight jeans discarded, slowly pulling down his underwear.
Just then, Alang arrived with the food. Over their meal, the siblings chatted about their lives. Alang mentioned that he had an Instagram account where he posted content. Along asked what kind of content, and Alang revealed that it was mostly his workout sessions at the gym. This piqued the sisters' interest.
A few days later, the sisters were relaxing at home, scrolling through Instagram, when they received a notification about new content from Alang's account. They opened the feed to find a video of Alang lifting weights, shirtless, in thin grey athletic shorts. As he squatted with the weights, the camera angle, seemingly by accident, perfectly showcased his generous package. When zoomed in, the outline of his shaft and mushroom glans was clearly visible. The three sisters stared at the video, repeatedly zooming in on their brother's bulging anatomy. Each of them silently wondered what it would taste like.
One day, Along had an idea. She suggested to Angah and Atih that they should have some sibling bonding time with Alang to get to know him better.
"Oh, I'd love that," Atih said.
"So would we," Angah and Along agreed, a longing look on their faces. In reality, the sisters wanted a chance to taste Alang's impressive package.
Along envisioned a movie night at her place. However, the movies she had in mind, which she shared with Angah and Atih, were a series of hardcore incest-themed films, specifically those involving brothers and sisters. Alang, of course, remained completely unaware of their intentions.
The movie night was a success, in a way. On the living room floor of Along's apartment, a pile of clothes lay in a heap, next to which were the girls' panties and bras, and Alang's Renoma briefs. Alang's cries of passionate ecstasy filled the air, together with glucking gurgling sounds. Alang could be heard crying out loud, "Oh god! Fuck! I'm cumming!" as his three beautiful sisters, took turns nursing on the mushroom head of his plump cock, gently swallowing his thick, clumpy and creamy offering,