Fireheart watched in horror as his friend crouched over the limp body of his mate. The beautiful grey RiverClan queen, Silverstream, had died giving birth to a pair of forbidden kits. Now her body lay on the border between ThunderClan and RiverClan. Her silver tabby fur shone in the sunlight, the Sunningrocks sparkling below her.
He hung his head, grief overwhelming him. StarClan, why? The kits may have been half Clan, but they were innocent! How could you take their mother away from them?
Fireheart heard pawsteps behind him, followed quickly by a low growl. He turned his head to see his former apprentice, Cinderpaw, limping towards them. Behind her, the ThunderClan deputy Tigerclaw stood, amber eyes narrowed.
Fireheart felt a jolt of anger cut through his grief as he remembered the accident that had injured his former apprentice. It was Tigerclaw’s fault that Cinderpaw had been crippled and forced to give up her warrior training. She had found purpose in her work as a medicine cat, but it still angered the ginger tom.
Cinderpaw ignored Tigerclaw’s warning gaze, however, focusing entirely on the she-cat in front of her. She gave the still queen’s body a few sniffs, and suddenly her blue eyes widened.
“Fireheart!” She hissed. “She’s still alive!”
Shock rippled through the warrior’s pelt. We weren’t too late after all! He shot a glance at his grieving friend, Graystripe, who had leapt to his paws. StarClan, thank you! He rushed to Cinderpaw’s side.
“Can you help her, Cinderpaw?” Graystripe asked urgently, his tail lashing anxiously.
Fireheart’s paws worked at the ground as Cinderpaw gently checked over the she-cat’s body. After a heart wrenching pause, she gave a hesitant nod. Fireheart felt hope flare within him, and he glanced at Graystripe. The gray warrior’s amber eyes were filled with emotion.
“She’s in bad shape, though.” Cinderpaw warned, not taking her eyes off the queen. “Fireheart. Can you go and find Yellowfang? You as well, Tigerclaw.” She added, glancing at the large tabby standing just off to the side.
Fireheart gulped, turning back to look at the older warrior, but Tigerclaw only nodded. His amber eyes burned with satisfaction, and Fireheart felt a pang of anxiety. What will he tell Bluestar? What will happen to Graystripe? He shook the thought out of his mind. He had to focus on helping Silverstream. Consequences could come later.
Tigerclaw gave Fireheart a snort as he slipped into the trees, scenting the air. The ginger tom scrambled after him, casting a backward glance at Silverstream.
As he caught up with the tabby warrior, he quickly meowed, “Cinderpaw says Yellowfang was out collecting herbs at Snakerocks. We should head there first.”
Tigerclaw glanced down at him. “One of us should head back to camp in case she’s returned. You head for Snakerocks.” Without another word, he turned and bounded into the trees, heading for the ThunderClan camp.
Fireheart wavered, anxiety prickling at his pelt. Tigerclaw’s suggestion made sense, but he knew the tabby warrior wanted to tell the Clan of Graystripe’s treachery. The Clan will find out sooner or later, Fireheart told himself. I just wish I could have told Bluestar first. She could have broken it to them gently. He shook his pelt, pushing the thoughts out of his mind. He had to focus on finding Yellowfang.
Jaws parted, Fireheart trotted through the trees. He ignored the scents of prey drifting across his path, senses alert for any sign of the ThunderClan medicine cat.
Graystripe sat beside Silverstream, gently stroking her flank with his tail. Next to him, Cinderpaw worked, quietly applying cobwebs and various herbs. She moved quickly but carefully, and Graystripe knew his mate was in good paws.
He carefully leaned over to rasp his tongue over one of the tiny kits - one of his tiny kits. The she-cat looked just like her mother, and she paddled against Silverstream’s belly, searching for milk. Graystripe gently nudged her away. “I’m sorry, little one.” He murmured to her. “She needs her strength.” Fear rippled through him. What if she needs milk now? Will they starve before Silverstream is strong enough? What will the Clan say? Images of the ThunderClan nursery flashed through his mind. Brindleface and Goldenflower have kits. And Brindleface even agreed to suckle Cloudkit, and he’s not full wild cat like these kits. He glanced down at the two. “Don’t worry,” he meowed softly. “You’ll be alright. I’m sure one of the queens will take care of you until Silverstream is well again.”
Cinderpaw glanced up as Graystripe spoke. “I’m sure Goldenflower will take them for a while.” She meowed, her blue eyes confident. “In fact, all of the ThunderClan queens will take care of them. Save Speckletail, most likely, but I’m sure she won’t take her temper out on two tiny kits.”
Graystripe blinked. Cinderpaw knew the Clan well, sometimes better than Graystripe himself, even though he’d lived with them longer. He took a shuddering breath. Her reassurances had calmed his racing thoughts, but they didn’t make him any less afraid. He gently pulled the little kits towards him, wrapping his tail around them. He glanced at Cinderpaw as she anxiously sniffed at Silverstream’s flank. He let out a long, shaking sigh, gently lapping at the she-cat’s pelt.
“I’m doing everything I can, Graystripe,” Cinderpaw meowed without looking up. “Yellowfang will be here soon. If you want to, you can search for as well” She suggested.
Graystripe shook his head instantly. “No. She needs me.” He glanced down at his mate, watching the shallow rise and fall of her chest. “I don’t want her to be alone if...” his voice trailed off, and he lowered himself to the ground, tucking his paws under his chest. The two kits snuggled closer to him, and he let out a comforting purr despite the situation.
Cinderpaw nodded, turning back to the RiverClan queen.
Cinderpaw felt her panic grow as the she-cat next to her weakened. She had nothing - no herbs, no Yellowfang. No skill. She felt a pang of despair as she glanced at the anxious tom. Graystripe was curled around his kits, eyes fixed on his mate. He seemed to have complete confidence in her, and that only increased her anxiety. She turned to the forest, her eyes raking the trees. Where is Yellowfang? I need her. Her mentor would surely know how to help the queen. She worked at the ground with her paws, digging her claws into the earth.
The cry was Fireheart’s. Both Cinderpaw and Graystripe turned towards the sound, ears pricked as the warrior raced towards them.
“Fireheart?” Hope soared within her. She scanned the trees, searching for the familiar black pelt of Yellowfang. As the ginger tom slowed to a stop, however, she felt a growing anxiety. “Fireheart, where’s Yellowfang?”
The tom shook his head, trying to catch his breath. “Tigerclaw found her back at camp. They’re on their way now. I figured I’d run ahead to see if I could help back here.”
Cinderpaw swallowed, shooting a glance at the weakening queen.
“Tigerclaw?” Both cats turned at Graystripe’s anxious meow. The tom had sat up, his amber eyes filled with fear. “If he went back to camp, he must have told everyone. He wouldn’t miss an opportunity like that.”
Fireheart padded forward a few paces. “They would have found out anyways, Graystripe.”
The tom’s amber eyes suddenly blazed with anger. “Why couldn’t you have gone back to camp, Fireheart?” He spat. Cinderpaw blinked in surprise, but Graystripe wasn’t done. “Why did you send Tigerclaw? You must have known what would happen.” The gray tom’s pelt was bushed, his teeth bared.
Fireheart stuttered. “Graystripe, I’m sorry, I was only trying to help, I - ”
Cinderpaw cut him off. “Graystripe, sit down. We know you’re worried about Silverstream, but you can’t take it out on Fireheart. Just rest for now. Focus on taking care of those kits. Keep them warm.” She padded closer as the gray warrior’s fur flattened. She felt a rush of pity. She knew the gray tom was scared. The future must be terrifying for him.
As the anger faded from his friend’s gaze, Fireheart stepped forward to brush his tail over his flank. Graystripe glanced at him, his eyes filled with concern.
“Do what Cinderpaw says,” Fireheart meowed gently. The gray she-cat nodded. He’ll feel better once he’s helping. His kits need him. She turned back to her patient, sniffing her flank.
“Fireheart?” Her voice made the ginger tom turn. He blinked at her. “Do you know what raspberry leaves look like?” He nodded. “Good. And marigold?” The tom nodded again. “I need to you bring back as many as you can carry.”
Without another word, Fireheart turned and raced into the trees.
Fireheart pelted through the trees, a bundle of leaves clutched tightly in his jaws.
Faster, faster, you have to run faster. The ginger tom’s lungs burned as he tore through the forest.
The scents of raspberry and marigold mingled in his nose, and he could only pray to StarClan that he’d been fast enough. Oh, StarClan, if I’m too late… he pushed the thought from his mind. Right now, he had to get back to Silverstream.
Relief filled him as he broke through the familiar trees that surrounded Sunningrocks, where the RiverClan queen lay. He skidded to a halt next to Cinderpaw, dropping the leaves next to the medicine cat apprentice.
“Are these the right ones?” He sputtered, trying to catch his breath. Cinderpaw pawed them into neat piles, quickly giving each a sniff. She nodded, not lifting her eyes as she began to chew them into a pulp.
Fireheart sat back, satisfied that he’d been able to help. He glanced over at Graystripe. The gray tom was looking worse. His tail was still wrapped protectively around his kits, but his head was low and his eyes were dull. He gently lapped at Silverstream’s pelt.
“Come on, Silverstream.” He murmured. “You can make it. You have to stay. For our kits.” He glanced at the tiny creatures.
Fireheart slowly got to his paws and padded over. He flicked his tail over his friend’s shoulder. Graystripe glanced up at him, his amber eyes filled with concern. Fireheart felt his heart breaking for his friend.
“How are the kits?” Fireheart finally asked, barely trusting his voice.
Graystripe’s eyes lit up a little. “They’re beautiful.”
Fireheart felt a playful spark. “They must take after their mother, then.” He was happy to hear Graystripe let out a low purr. Good. He glanced at Cinderpaw, hard at work. She’s learned so much from Yellowfang. She can do this.
Suddenly, Fireheart heard a rasping voice next to him. Graystripe’s fur fluffed out, and he crouched suddenly.
“G-graystripe?” The weak voice came from the RiverClan queen. Fireheart felt hope fill him.
“Silverstream!” Graystripe’s mew was filled with relief. “Silverstream, I was so scared, I thought - ”
The silver tabby suddenly winced, her eyes squeezing shut in pain. Fear shot through Fireheart. He couldn’t imagine what Graystripe was feeling. He shot a glance at his friend, but the gray warrior’s eyes were fixed on his mate.
“Silverstream, don’t try to talk.” The gray tom meowed as she opened her eyes again. “Just stay still for now. You’ll be fine. Cinderpaw is here, you remember her, right? She was Fireheart’s apprentice, and then she became one of the best medicine cats ever.” Fireheart glanced at the gray she-cat as his friend talked. The look of surprise in her blue eyes made Fireheart nod.
“You really are an amazing medicine cat.” He told her. “You saved Silverstream.”
Cinderpaw dipped her head. “She’s still weak, Fireheart. We still need to get her to Yellowfang.”
“But she wouldn’t be here without you.” He meowed solemnly. “You saved her life, Cinderpaw.”
“Cinderpaw?” Fireheart whirled at the familiar voice. A few moments later, the familiar black pelt of Yellowfang emerged from the trees. Behind her she had the white warrior Whitestorm and the leader of ThunderClan, Bluestar. Scenting the air, Fireheat caught Tigerclaw’s scent. A moment later the dark tabby stalked out of the trees, amber eyes glowing.
Yellowfang was at the she-cat’s side in a heartbeat. She sniffed at Silverstream’s pelt, carefully checking the she-cat over. After a moment, she sat back and nodded in satisfaction.
“You’ve done a good enough job. We can bring her back to camp - carefully.” Fireheart snuck a glance at Cinderpaw. The grey cat’s eyes shone.The words were high praise from the grumpy old she-cat, and Fireheart felt a surge of pride for his former apprentice.
At a nod from Bluestar, Whitestorm stepped forward, crouching so the medicine cats could push Silverstream onto his back. The silver tabby let out a pained grunt, but her eyes remained closed. As Graystripe murmured reassurances, the she-cat’s eyes blinked open.
Bluestar stood beside Fireheart. “Tigerclaw has told the whole camp what’s happened, but I’d still like to hear Graystripe’s side of the story. And yours.” Her eyes narrowed slightly. “But not now,” she meowed as Fireheart opened his jaws. “First we’ll get everyone back to camp.” She motioned to the kits. Graystripe still had them wrapped under his tail, and he was glancing between them and his mate, trying desperately to comfort both.
Fireheart nodded. He got to his paws, padding over the tiny bundles of fur. He flicked his tail over Graystripe’s shoulder.
“Let us carry them, Graystripe.” He meowed. “You take care of Silverstream.”
Graystripe’s amber eyes filled with gratitude. “Thank you, Fireheart.”
Fireheart only nodded as he lifted the silver she-kit. She was silent, and he felt a jolt of fear, but a moment later she struggled in his grip. It’s alright, little one. He thought as he turned towards the forest. We’ll bring you to a safe place.
Bluestar fell into step beside him, the grey tom cat swinging from her jaws. Fireheart could see concern filling her blue gaze, despite her calm facade. Doubt filled him. What if Silverstream doesn’t make it? Yellowfang said we had to be careful bringing her back. He felt his thoughts spiraling into a panic, but suddenly he was jolted back to reality by a tail brushing his flank.
He glanced over the see Bluestar’s calming gaze. The ThunderClan leader’s eyes no longer held any trace of worry. She blinked at him, unable to speak around the kit she was holding, but her gaze spoke volumes. He breathed a sigh of relief, trusting his former mentor’s judgement.
The group of cats reached the ThunderClan camp without any incident, only pausing to carefully lower the she-cat down the ravine. Yellowfang directed Fireheart and Bluestar to the nursery while the rest of the cats, save Tigerclaw, slipped into the medicine den.
Fireheart paused a moment to watch Graystripe’s tail disappear behind the ferns covering the medicine den. Silverstream can get proper care now. Yellowfang and Cinderpaw are an unstoppable team now. He let the thought reassure him, starting to pad towards the nursery again.
Bluestar was already inside, crouching next to Goldenflower. Anxiety prickled at the ginger tom’s pelt. Brindleface, the only other nursing queen, had already taken in Fireheart’s nephew, Cloudkit, and had her own litter to care for. If Goldenflower refused to take in the half-Clan kits, they wouldn’t have a mother to suckle them.
Goldenflower’s quiet meow was instant, however. “Of course I’ll take them. And your mother will be here to take you soon.” She meowed to them as Bluestar laid the first kit in her nest. The golden queen lifted her head, meeting Fireheart’s gaze. She flicked her tail, motioning for Fireheart to come closer. “It’s alright, come lay his sister here. They’ll be hungry.”
Fireheart slowly stepped forward, lowering the she-cat into the nest. She squirmed towards the golden queen’s belly, knowing instinctively what to do. Fireheart felt a rush of warmth as he watched the two kits, and he met Goldenflower’s gaze. Her amber eyes were gentle, and he blinked gratefully at her.
“Go and see your friend, Fireheart.” She meowed. She hesitated. “I may not agree with the choices he made, but he needs you right now.”
Fireheart glanced at Bluestar. She nodded. “I’ll want to speak with the both of you later. Once Silverstream is stronger.”
The ginger warrior dipped his head to the ThunderClan leader before ducking out of the nursery. He trotted across camp, pausing by the fresh-kill pile to grab a plump looking rabbit. As he pushed through the ferns outside the medicine den, he could hear Yellowfang’s voice.
“You’ll be alright,” the black she-cat was meowing. “You had two healthy kits, and they’re being suckled in the nursery as we speak.” She glanced up as Fireheart padded in. “Right, Fireheart?”
Fireheart nodded, unable to speak around the prey he was holding. He dropped the rabbit next to the queen, flicking his tail over Graystripe’s shoulder. “This is for the two of you. I’m sure you’re hungry after today.”
Graystripe shook his head. “I couldn’t even think of eating.” He murmured. “Not until I know for certain she’ll be okay.”
Fireheart blinked in understanding, but Yellowfang only snorted. “Don’t be so dramatic. Cinderpaw did a fine job, and this queen will be as right as rain in a few sunrises. You’ll be more use to her if you keep your strength up. Someone has to hunt for her.” Fireheart narrowed his eyes at the last part. How would the Clan react to hunting for a RiverClan queen, especially one that had broken the warrior code? Goldenflower was already taking care of two new kits.
Glancing at his friend, Fireheart could see the anxiety in the young warrior’s eyes. He lashed his tail. “I’ll hunt for her, Yellowfang, and I’m sure there are other warriors who will as well.” His mind drifted to Sandstorm. Surely she would help her old friends?
Graystripe took a deep breath. He gave Silverstream’s head a gentle lick, and the she-cat gazed up at him lovingly. “I’ll eat some if you eat.” She murmured.
Fireheart thought he’d never seen his friend look happier. “Of course.” Graystripe meowed, nudging the rabbit closer. As the two cats shared the prey, Fireheart lifted his head to catch Cinderpaw’s gaze. Her blue eyes gleamed with happiness, and the ThunderClan warrior let out a purr.
I never should have doubted her in the first place.