"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry." The boy dropped to his knees as I stood frozen, looking down at my school books strewn on the pavement. He stood back up his arms full of my chemistry notes.
"Thanks," I mumbled taking my books out of his outstretched arms.
"It's no problem," he hesitated his brown eyes searching my face.
"Clementine." I spoke brushing my blond hair out of my eyes.
"It's no problem Clementine. Sorry again for running into you."
"No no, it's okay." I replied, "I would have dropped them anyway."
"So do you walk to school?" He asked as I started walking down the street.
"Yup." I kept my clear blue eyes on the horizon.
"My name's Mason by the way." The boy blurted, sticking out his hand." I shifted my books in my arms, eyes darting to the pavement littered with golden leaves. "Sorry," Mason stuffed his hands in his pockets, "I'm new here and just wanted to make some friends." My eyes flicked up from the sidewalk to land on his hand-me-down sweater, patched jeans, and scuffed shoes. His cheeks and hands were red and raw from the cold. My hard exterior melted and I pulled off my grey knit gloves I got last winter.
"Here," I handed him the gloves. He smiled bashfuley and took the gloves sliding them into his hands. The gloves were a bit small but they did their job.
"Thanks." He rubbed his hands together.
"No problem," I responded, "I'm Clementine by the way." I stuck out my hand which he took with a smile.
That was it that was how we met, a nerd and a shy jock. Our love wasn't written it the stars but that small spark that was ingnited when we met grew into a huge flame over time. We became great friends that soon blossomed into a beautiful love story. Our story may not be written in the stars but it's written somewhere.