Well, this story is still in writing stage, but after the story considered finish, i'll need the editor (for Indonesian version) and Translator (for English), with this following requirements:
*25 years or older since the story considered finish
*(For translator) fluent in speaking Indonesian language, include vulgars, slangs, and local/ethnic languages (to prevent wrong translations)
*Ready to work as volunteer (work with no payment at all)
*Ready to obey Non-Disclosure agreement, and any Terms-and-Condition
*Already follow Author's Wattpad on @BZNTM18 & Penana account, and stay tuned on Author's Socmed [fanpage: bzntm18 (Like the fanpage), Instagram: muitnaziB and BZNTM_WP (FOLLOW BOTH), Twitter: BZNTM & BZNTM_WP (FOLLOW BOTH), and Youtube: Mr. Bizantium (Subscribe)]
*Have Microsoft Office, and both 7ZIP and WinRAR installed
If you are fulfilled this requirements, PM me on Wattpad or sent a e-mail on bertitmati@hotmail.com