A couple more weeks go by and we actually begin talking off and on. We do a bit of playful flirting back and forth but that's all it really is. I can pretty much feel myself sinking into the friendzone with her. I actually never expected more than that with her anyways. I actually don't mind being just her friend, she is fun to talk too. Unlike me who is scared of getting into a relationship she just doesn't want to be in one. She thinks they are too much trouble and she likes her freedom to do whatever she wants. She is just too focused on school and having fun to complicate it with a relationship.
I've kind of learned a bit about her and what days she usually talks to her "Phone Friend with Benefits". She would try and explain to me the stuff they talk about. Sometimes she tries to have a normal conversation with this guy like she does with me. He just doesn't seem too interested in normal talk and quickly changes the subject to something more sexual. One of those nights I figure she is busy with him but to my surprise ends up texting me.
[Sierra Acosta] Alex I need your help!
[Me] Sierra the type of help you need only those friendly men in white coats can give you.
[Sierra Acosta] What?
I chuckle realizing she didn't get what I was talking about. It just flew right over her head. As I begin to explain she texts again.
[Sierra Acosta] Oh shut up lol
[Me] lol
[Me] What's wrong now?
[Sierra Acosta] Paul wants us to meet. He wants to have a real relationship with me.
I hesitate unsure who this Paul is. Is it her phone sex friend? In all the times she talked about him I don't remember her ever saying his name.
[Me] Who's Paul?
[Sierra Acosta] The phone sex guy
Well, I guess I was right.
[Me] He wants to meet you?
[Sierra Acosta] Yeah and he wants to actually start dating.
[Sierra Acosta] Ugh I can't believe this is happening
I've kind of figured something like this would eventually happen. Who can keep doing stuff like that and not eventually want the real thing?
[Me] lol You can't believe that some guy wants to actually have a real relationship with you?
[Me] I mean you two talk pretty much every night. I can't blame him for wanting more.
[Sierra Acosta] I talk to you every day and you don't want more.
I hesitate reading that. I have actually thought about wanting more with her but I know how she feels about relationships. Also, I know she doesn't see me more than just a friend so I just pushed all those thoughts out of my head. I start to respond then her next text comes in.
[Sierra Acosta] Fuck why did he have to mess things up. I don't want more with him.
Again I start to respond with a long text on why she should just be honest with him and tell him how she feels. If he can't handle it then maybe they should stop talking. But again she interrupts my typing with another one of her texts,
[Sierra Acosta] Noooo he just told me he thinks he is in love with me!
I laugh thinking this is getting crazy. How can he love someone he has never seen or even met in real life. I figure this isn't a good time for one of my jokes to lighten the mood and just go with what I was going to say earlier.
[Me] Wow um I don't know. I guess you just need to be honest with him telling him how you really feel.
[Me] I've never been in a situation like that so I don't know what to really say.
She doesn't respond to me after a few minutes and I figure she went back to talking to him so I say,
[Me] I guess you are talking to him now.
[Me] Well good luck with that
[Sierra Acosta] Wait
[Sierra Acosta] I'm telling him we should stop talking for a while.
I smirk thinking she must have been reading my mind.
[Me] That's just what I was thinking. Good luck lol
[Sierra Acosta] Give me a bit. I will message you when we are done.
[Me] Okay
Over an hour goes by after she left to go talk to him. I figure they must have worked something out and jumped back into their normal routine. I guess a bit of jealousy hits me as I start to hope that she doesn't work things out with him. That would give her more time to talk to me. Also, I guess if she ever got in the mood maybe she could look to me to help her out. But like this guy, I don't know if I could keep myself from wanting more. I already know deep down I have some type of feelings for her.
As I wait for her message I end up dozing off on my couch with my cell lying on my chest. Just as I start to fall into a deep sleep my phone buzzes startling me back awake. I jump causing my phone to slide off my and hit the floor. I reach over grabbing the phone seeing she has messaged me a few times,
[Sierra Acosta] Ugh I'm such an idiot.
[Sierra Acosta] Alex are you there?
[Sierra Acosta] Did you fall asleep?
I finally text her back saying,
[Me] Sorry I'm here. What happened?
[Sierra Acosta] Well where to begin.
My brief sleep made me quite thirsty. So as I wait for her response I head to the kitchen and pour me a glass of iced tea. As I am pouring it I hear my phone buzz on the counter with her message
[Sierra Acosta] Well I ended up calling him. While we were talking we kind of got into a heated argument. He even started crying on the phone.
I don't know why I find it funny but I laugh when I read he started to cry. He must like her a lot more than I expected. Or she really ripped into him during their little "lover's spat".
[Me] lol He started to cry?
[Me] Damn girl what did you say to him?
I walk back over and sit on the couch with my legs stretched out across it as I wait for her next message.
[Sierra Acosta] I just told him the truth. I didn't want to meet him or be with him. I don't want a relationship with him or anyone else. Then I told him we should stop talking for a while.
[Me] Oh and he took it that bad and started crying?
She takes her time texting this one. It's almost like she is hesitant to say anything.
[Sierra Acosta] Well there is something else
[Me] What?
Again she seems too nervous to say anything. Normally she can text so fast I can barely keep up. But this small sentence seems to take forever for her to write.
[Sierra Acosta] He is only 15. I was having phone sex with a 15 year old.
Again I don't know why but that makes me bust out laughing. I guess its just something I never expected. Even though I know this is probably bothering her a lot and it's wrong. But its also funny to me at the same time.
[Me] lol
[Sierra Acosta] It's not funny
[Sierra Acosta] I could get in trouble if his parents find out and....
[Sierra Acosta] It's disgusting
Still chuckling on my side finding this situation humorous. I know if I was in her shoes I wouldn't find it funny. I try to be serious now
[Me] Sorry didn't mean to laugh
[Me] What are you going to do?
[Sierra Acosta] I don't know I feel sick to my stomach. I am going to have to get a new phone number.
[Me] Well at least you never showed him what you look like. Did you give him your real name?
[Sierra Acosta] No I said my name was Amber. Alex I feel like I want to cry. 15 WHAT THE FUCK!
Now hearing her say that she wants to cry I know this is really serious. If anything I don't want her to cry.
[Me] It will be okay just calm down.
I hesitate thinking maybe if I say something funny it will make her feel better. I write something then erase it unsure if it will make things worse. Then go ahead and type it again
[Me] Just think of it as you starting your cougar career early lol.
[Sierra Acosta] OMG shut up! I hate you.
I chuckle knowing she didn't mean it. I know I had to at least get a grin out of her and want to keep it there so I say.
[Me] lol No you don't
[Me] Sierra he doesn't know what you look like or even your real name. It's going to be okay.
[Sierra Acosta] I think I need a drink or 7 of them. I am never having phone sex or sending naked pictures to anyone ever again.
The last part of her sentence caused me to hesitate.
[Me] Wait you sent him naked pictures?
[Sierra Acosta] Yeah I am an idiot. He sounded so much older.
Wow, this boy is lucky. He got to see naked pictures of her. Well her face was probably cropped out or covered up but still. Maybe she didn't and used someone else's body.
[Me] Were they actually pictures of you?
[Sierra Acosta] Yeah...
[Me] Wow now I am actually jealous of a 15 year old.
[Sierra Acosta] lol Shut up
Yes, I actually got a laugh out of her. It means what I am saying is working. Let's keep this going.
[Me] What do I have to do to get some naked pictures. Or am I too old?
[Sierra Acosta] Alex if you don't stop I will find out where you live and kick your ass.938Please respect copyright.PENANAjcmmi0hOJr
After that, her mood really changed and she didn't worry as much. We continued talking for almost 2 more hours before we decided to go to sleep.